MTL - I Wasn’t Born Lucky-Chapter 185

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The owner of this blood-red eye hesitated for a moment, took a half step back, and changed one eye very carefully, from the left eye to the right eye, and then looked inside again.

Tan Li still did not turn her head back. At this time, the front of her head was spliced ​​on the back of her body. She looked at the eyes in the crack of the door motionlessly, and the hair gradually extended from the back, growing wildly all the way until she was covered. Sprinkle on the ground.

Zhou Ying is still observing the MV.

He was walking a few steps in front of the display screen, and the whole person stood on tiptoe and lay in front of the display screen, reaching out his little hand to press the **** fingerprint on it.

But when Tan Li's hair spread, Zhou Ying immediately turned his head, and also looked at the crack of the box door.

Xiu Ji was listening to the song earnestly with the little stickman. Although she only wanted to listen to opera at first, after listening to a few pop songs patiently, it seemed to open the door to a new world. Xiuji began to think that pop songs are also very good.

At this moment, she saw that Tan Li and Zhou Ying both reacted, reacting to something slowly, and finally turned her head likewise, and followed their gaze slowly to stare there.

The blood-red right eye was stared at by the three ghosts at the same time, and the next second, with a "click", the door was closed from the outside.

The door of the box fits closely with the wall, and the sound of footsteps is coming from outside the door.

Pan Jiming:? ? ?

What's happening here?

He stood on the spot for a while, prostratively putting down his legs curled up on the sofa because he wanted to stay away from the door of the box.

During the movement, his leather shoes accidentally hit the table and fell to the ground after making a loud noise.

Xijing's Xiuji glanced at him dissatisfiedly. Although she didn't say anything else, Pan Jiming was scared enough.

He stood up tremblingly, quickly trot two steps, picked up the leather shoes and put them on again.

For most of his life, even if he was a little kid, he was still in the wind and rain, and the scenes of experience have gone more. Just by knowing the Ye family, he could see Pan Jiming’s understanding of ghosts, but he has lived for so many years and he has seen pictures of exorcising evil spirits many times, and he has heard countless businessmen talk about this matter. I have never seen or even heard of such an exorcism.

What is this called? !

...No, the soldiers who defeat the ghost without fighting?

Pan Jiming circled around, secretly matching a common saying to the scene he had just seen. Immediately he looked at the ghosts and creatures in the room, and hurriedly leaned against Xiao Li, the only one to rely on.

This middle-aged boss, who is not a reincarnation, swallowed nervously. He looked at Xiao Li, lowered his voice and cautiously asked: "Master Moriarty, since that thing has run away, then we are not counted as such. ...Successful?"

When he asked this, he paused slightly, and suppressed the half-sentence that was circling behind him. He did not ask: Will the owner of the eyes at the door come back?

"Don't we need to catch or disperse that ghost?" Pan Jiming cleared his throat and asked tentatively.

Xiao Li didn't reply immediately.

He lowered his head and was looking at WeChat. The top line of the screen was a call with Shen Mirage. For a while, he spit out a short reply without looking up: "No, wait, it may use a different method. come back."

The way this ghost appeared was strange. Normally, it is impossible for it to affect the display screen as before, and at the same time have an entity outside the door.

Xiao Li guessed that it has more functions waiting to be developed.

It's just that his brief words made Pan Jiming's head hurt. Seeing that Xiao Li obviously didn't intend to talk to him anymore, he sighed, he also grabbed the phone and started to report to Ye Zeqing what had just happened.

For the ghosts such as Tan Li, the eyes in the crack of the door disappeared, and the MV returned to normal. The lamp ghost flashed three times with excitement, creating the whole box more in line with the atmosphere.

That soothing love song ends, and the next one is a fast-paced dance song by a famous rap singer. The MV will suddenly be pulled in in the distant view to achieve the purpose of shaking. The whole stage is full of movement.

Hit every move, hit every move.

Everything is fine, just too noisy.

Xiuji covered her face unbearably, and also covered the stickman by the way.

But the Lantern Ghost was playing very hilariously by the side, it flickered crazily from time to time, and sometimes fit the rhythm quietly, it seemed to be intoxicated.

Tan Li was sitting in front of the jukebox, staring at the buttons on it without focus, suddenly his hair flickered, and a hair tail was clicked on the button to switch the "original song".

The rap singer’s "Hey yo yo" was added to the accompaniment with a rough voice, making the audience enthusiastic.

When Zhou Ying's two arms were separated, closed, separated, and closed again and again while beating like this, Xiao Li suddenly put down the mobile phone he had been holding in his hand, and quietly paused somewhere for three seconds. Afterwards, leaned forward decisively to the speaker.

"What's the matter?" Pan Jiming was always paying attention to Xiao Li's movements, and when he saw that he moved, he immediately approached nervously and asked.

"There is a sound." Xiao Li said. Seeing that Pan Jiming still didn't hear it, he made a "hush" gesture and explained, "Listen carefully."

Tan Li on the other side paused, Zhou Ying froze in the air, and the lamp ghost dimmed the brightness appropriately.

The surroundings instantly became quiet.

This time Pan Jiming heard it. It was an echo-like effect, very slight, but as if the singer was standing in front of him, there were echoes.

"I want to love you too, but you always love others. Why am I sorry for you, hey..."



Listen carefully, behind the end of the lyrics, there is a hoarse and fine moan.

" want!"

In the interlude of the song, there is an intermittent voice. The voice is not good, it is the kind of strange smokey voice, which is completely different from the male voice of the original singer.

"Hey, do you love me or not, do you love me or not, no, this way, I—"

Pan Jiming felt that his eardrums were twitching, and he wanted to cover his ears immediately: "Master Moriarty, is this curse?"

Xiao Li also frowned slightly, and pondered for a moment: "...I think it's more like mental pollution."

When this faint voice appeared in the lyrics again, Xiao Li decisively pressed the "cut song" button, cut the song directly, and replaced it with the next one.

The next song has arrived at the home of Xiujie. It is "Peach Blossom Fan". The actor with dramatic makeup stood on the stage and started to sing with gestures:

"Floating life is like a picturesque dream without a trace, looking back and meeting again."

The first two sentences were fine and aroused Xiuji's interest, but after the initial prelude, the weird echo appeared again:

"I close my infatuation and grievances, I, I, want, continue, calm down, I, it turns out, blood, is warm, when my eyes are dug out, I can still see things..."

In the beginning, it was just a few intermittent and meaningless words, but later, it has become an ethereal sentence.

This sentence reminded Pan Jiming of the blood-red eyes that were stuck in the crack of the door.

Xiao Li turned his head and asked him: "Have you ever died here?"

Pan Jiming hurriedly defended himself: "No, absolutely not. We should be taboo in doing business. Wherever murders have occurred, I will definitely not invest."

"Have you any employee passed away?" Xiao Li changed direction.

Pan Jiming said in a panic: "That's not the case. The people working here are all young people. The salary I pay is high enough, and there is a commission every night, and a medical examination is provided every year."

Xiao Li looked back at the MV in front of him.

"Who is the peach blossom red, red, red, red eyes, can't be on stage, Xin'er hurts, hurts, hurts for you, my eyes, it hurts..."

The voice in the echo became more stern, as if someone was poking his eyes for a live broadcast.

"Youqing go, you, do you like singing too, north and south, then, let's sing together, OK, continue, sing, listen..."

Hearing this, Xiao Li fumbled around on the sofa and pulled out an extra microphone along the microphone line.

He turned on the microphone: "Okay."

The sound of "good" was amplified by the microphone and echoed in the box.

The extra voice in the song stagnated for a while, and then continued to sing: "Tenderness is like water, you like it too, do you have red eyes, there is a clock in your heart——"

Before he finished singing this sentence, Xiao Li suddenly turned the microphone on and tilted downwards. The cable was pulled crooked and twisted, and the microphone made a harsh "Zzizizi" sound.

Suddenly, Pan Jiming's eardrum was almost punctured by the noise.

Not only the sound is loud, it is also a mental attack that makes people get goosebumps. It is comparable to the sound of scratching a blackboard with a fingernail, which makes people feel uncomfortable.


Xiao Li shook the microphone in his hand and continued to make it make such a noise.

After a period of time, he put the microphone on again, turned off the microphone, and paused the noise.

The ghosts in the KTV continue to persist for some reason, and the karaoke machine automatically switches a song: "What's wrong, you are tired, say good happiness, I, okay, want, I want a pair of new eyes, you give--"

"--Ziss ZZZ."

Although the noise is late, it perfectly covers the sound in the speaker, and it is mentally polluted regardless of the enemy and the enemy.

KTV ghost: "I understand, let's not say, love is weak..."

When Xiao Li turned the microphone upside down for the third time, not only that, but also when he tried to tap the edge of the jukebox with the microphone mouth, the echo in the singing voice became louder and louder: "It's terrible!"

"Listen to death!"


Pan Jiming: ".................."

Xiao Li was quite calm. He straightened the microphone in his hand and said to the microphone: "You know that too?"

KTV ghost:? ? ?

Are you going to beat me up?


KTV ghost: Who is mentally polluting whom?

Like I am not born with Ou Huang, please collect it: ( I am not born with Ou Huang's literary update the fastest.