MTL - I Woke the Sick and Disabled Prince on Our Wedding Night-Chapter 451 he seems angry

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  Chapter 451 He seems to be angry

  In terms of understanding of Nina's side concubine, no one here can compare to Princess Molewen, who has dealt with her several times. Seeing that Lin Suisui didn't reply right away, she continued to speak, talking in a soft voice about all kinds of things from the meeting with Concubine Nina to the later contact.

   Actually, Princess Nina who just came to Beiman was not as cruel and indifferent as she is now.

  At that time, she looked like an exceptionally well-behaved and soft little girl, with a gentle and charming beauty that was completely different from that of the northern barbarian women. Almost as soon as she showed up, she attracted the attention of King Zade Khan and his brothers.

   "King Guhan is an exception." At this point, Princess Molewen couldn't help laughing: "Actually, according to Father Khan's plan, he wanted to designate Princess Nina to King Guhan as his concubine.

   After all, among his many sons, only King Khan remained unmarried.

   Besides, Nina is also a princess from Siam anyway. With such a noble status, she should be a princess to match her. "

   "King Guhan refused?" Lin Suisui also found it interesting when listening to Princess Molewen talking about the past gossip, so she followed her words and asked a question.

"He didn't directly refuse, but after getting the news, he led people away from the royal court. Khan was very angry, but he couldn't do anything about him." When Mo Lewen talked about these past events, he still would She couldn't help laughing, just smiled, and she seemed to be thinking of something, and there was a sneer on her face that she didn't even realize: "Now that I think about it, there was only King Guhan at that time. The most unexpected.

  The marriage partner he avoids is the sweet pastry that his remaining brothers are fighting for. "

"How did King Gu Khan know about this?" Lin Suisui brought over the soup that was set aside for Princess Molewen, and wanted her to drink it to moisten her throat. At the same time, she did not forget to ask an obvious question. The problem.

   According to the dictation of Princess Molewen, King Guhan is not actually the favorite son of the old Khan. Among the many sons, he does not have a mother concubine to serve Khan to speak for him, nor does he have a powerful mother tribe to rely on to become the capital of his competition among his brothers. Often able to whip the old Khan so angry...

  So this should be regarded as a secret decision. How did King Guhan slip away before it was announced to the public?

"Of course there are people who don't want King Guhan to marry Princess Nina." Princess Molewen was stunned for a moment, then smiled wryly, "I don't know if it's a blessing or a curse. If King Guhan didn't leave, but stayed Come down... No, according to King Guhan's temper, he probably wouldn't marry Nina's side concubine even if he stayed.

   Later, Khan selected King Zade Khan and asked him to marry Princess Nina as his side concubine.

   In this regard, in fact, I have already seen it. After all, I have been married to King Zade Khan for many years, and I know better than anyone else what kind of temperament he is.

  In the beginning, Nina's side concubine was quite gentle and sensible. Even when King Khan's concubines and concubines targeted her together, she just chose to avoid it obediently.

  Even at the beginning, I defended her.

  But later, everything changed slowly. "

  Since when did the change begin? Princess Molewen can’t remember now. It’s just that King Zade Khan’s temper is becoming more and more irritable, and Concubine Nina has also become more and more arrogant...

  She was like a poisonous snake baring its fangs, aggressively attacking everyone around her.

   "In short, Concubine Nina is not an easy opponent to deal with. She can sneak into the royal court and play with everyone in the palm of her hand. It can be seen that all of this is not her own idea.

   Maybe there is an attempt by Siam behind it.

  I don't want to put the entire Erlun tribe in danger because of me. Goddess, I know it's selfish for me to think this way, but if I really have no cure, I'd rather choose to die in a dignified way than succumb to live under conspiracy and calculations. "

  Concubine Molewen looked at Lin Suisui and begged in a low voice: "Please be considerate of me and agree to my request."

   "I'm afraid not." Lin Suisui looked at Princess Molewen, and gave the answer almost without any hesitation: "I can feel and understand the mood of the princess.

  If one day I am in the situation of a big concubine, in order to keep my relatives around me from being threatened by others, I will make the same choices and decisions as you, big concubine.

   But obviously, the current predicament will not change because of your decision, Concubine.

  Although it is said that the Elun tribe is the place where you have lived since childhood, in fact its prosperity is inseparable from the safety of the entire Northern Man.

  Even if you choose to die calmly now, will the Erlun tribe really withdraw from this chaotic vortex?

   Obviously, this is impossible.

Don't forget, the Erlun tribe is one of Khan's most trusted nobles, with wealth and strength unmatched by other tribes. With this, if there is turmoil in the entire North Man in the future, or Nina's side concubine controls After leaving the royal court, do you think they will let the Erlun tribe go? "

"The goddess is right, sister, don't think about it!" As if to confirm what Lin Suisui said, before Princess Molewen could respond to her words, Mo Lewen came from the door. Enze responded eagerly. He raised the curtain, walked in quickly from the door, and looked at his pale sister lying on the bed with worry on his face.

  What Molewen said just now made him feel scared for a while. Fortunately, after hearing these words, there must be a goddess to persuade him, otherwise...

   "Mo Lewen, my brother once told you that if you are unhappy in the royal court, you can go home at any time! Neither father nor brother will ignore you.

  Also, this time, even if you had not encountered this catastrophe, our Erlun tribe would not have been able to stay out of it.

   What you need to do now is to cultivate your body well, other things, and brother! "

"I would like to ask Patriarch Mo Enze to persuade you about the concubine's matter, and we will not stay to disturb the two of you in detail." Lu Ze, who came in with Mo Enze, did not look good. Lin Suisui, who stood up by the side, said something in a very light tone, and stretched out his hand to pull Lin Suisui out of the tent without any politeness.

  Lin Suisui was stunned by Lu Ze. Although she didn't ask, she could feel that Lu Ze's mood was not right.

  He seems to be angry, but why?

  (end of this chapter)