MTL - I Woke the Sick and Disabled Prince on Our Wedding Night-Chapter 483 ask for help

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"If I continue to stay in the palace to have a baby, I'm afraid that my wife will encounter big trouble." Princess Ningfu raised her eyes slightly, looked at Lin Suisui and smiled unkindly: "The fourth prince is going back to Beijing , Madam, do you know?"

"I heard my general mention it before, but it's just that it's not up to us housewives to worry about this kind of thing, right?" Lin Suisui spoke softly, and didn't really want to answer the words thrown by Princess Ningfu .

"Madam, isn't she worried at all?" Princess Ningfu wanted to cooperate with Lin Suisui when she came here, but every time she saw Lin Suisui's calm and carefree appearance, she couldn't bear it. I can't help but want to go crazy.

  She admitted that she was jealous of Lin Suisui.

Whether it's her appearance, or ability, or the husband beside her who will never leave her, and even, the disgusting love shown by the fourth prince for her, she can't restrain herself every time she thinks about it. The unwillingness and resentment surging in her heart.

  Why? !

  Just such a humble village girl...

   "What should I worry about?" Lin Suisui was not in a hurry, but continued to look at Princess Ningfu with a smile and asked back.

The Lord of Ningfu County was choked by Lin Suisui's question, and it took a long time for him to recover. He snorted with some dissatisfaction, and then continued to speak: "The fourth prince wants to do something to you, and wants to take you secretly. Back to the capital!"

Speaking of this, Princess Ningfu unconsciously glanced at Lin Suisui again, seeing that she didn't intend to interrupt her speech, so she continued to mutter unwillingly: "He came to look for me last night, Let me follow his orders and help him bring you back to the capital, and he promises to make me his side concubine after returning to the capital!"

"Then you..." Lin Suisui was a little surprised by the facts in Princess Ningfu's words. She looked at Princess Ningfu with some doubts. The promise made to her by the fourth prince was not something she had been thinking about all the time. Want the result?

  Why would she come here today to tell her the news?

"I don't believe him." Having said that, Princess Ningfu didn't intend to hide any more, and directly stated the reason why she would choose the way she did today: "It's not just that I don't believe the promises he made to me, What's more, I don't believe he can successfully abduct you.

  Besides, what good would it do for me to help him lure you into Beijing?

  Just give me the position of side concubine, without favor or respect, so what is the difference between me and being in the cold palace? "

   Princess Ningfu would actually make such a decision, and it was naturally after careful consideration.

   She can indeed choose to stand on the side of the fourth prince, as before, please him, obey him, and then, like a piece of rag, be thrown away by him at will!

  But this time the choice is not the same as before. If she did the things she did before, there might be room for her to regret, but this time...

  Intuition told her that if she really helped the Fourth Prince abduct Lin Suisui, no matter if she succeeded or not, she would be completely finished.

   Not only her, but if things go wrong, the entire Huaiyang Palace will have to be uprooted!

  She dare not!

   So she chose another path.

   To be honest, she has also thought about it carefully these days. It is really like what Lin Suisui persuaded her, what is the use of relying on the fourth prince?

   That man doesn't have her in his heart at all!

   On the contrary, the child in her womb is everything she can have in the future!

  So in this way, instead of cooperating with Lin Suisui and the others, the guarantee for her future is higher.

   "I just want me and my children to have a good future. Instead of pinning this hope on the fourth prince, I might as well choose to come and cooperate with you, madam."

   While Ningfu County Master said, he awkwardly took out a squarely folded letter from his sleeve, raised his hand and pushed it in front of Lin Suisui across the table.

   "Grandmother said, it is definitely not enough for you to believe me to come to you so rashly, so I wrote out my plan and used the seal of my Huaiyang Palace.

  If I repent at that time, you can take this letter and announce it to the world! "

  Lin Suisui glanced at the letter on the table, but didn't reach out to open it. She looked at Princess Ningfu and smiled: "Princess Xie is willing to trust us.

  But the princess also knows that this matter is not simple, and it is not something that can be clearly stated in a few sentences to make a decision.

   But princess, don’t worry, I will definitely tell my general about this right away, and I will ask him to make a charter as soon as possible, so that you can rest assured, princess. "

   "Then, I'll go back and wait for your good news, madam." Hearing what Lin Suisui said, Princess Ningfu also heaved a sigh of relief, and a rare smile appeared on her face.

She stood up, took two steps but suddenly stopped as if thinking of something, turned her head to look at Lin Suisui hesitated, and then asked: "Ma'am, do you think I should accompany the fourth prince this time?" Are you going back to Beijing?"

   "Princess, you should have made your own decision, haven't you?" Lin Suisui didn't answer her directly, but asked her back in a gentle tone.

   "My grandmother thinks that I should go back to the capital with the fourth prince, so that the title can be settled earlier. Otherwise, if I stay in the north for a long time, maybe the fourth prince will forget about me.

  But I feel that I should stay.

Firstly, I can be said to be unaccompanied when I go to the capital now, and it is impossible to protect the child in my womb by myself; secondly, the fourth prince has no intentions of me, even if he reluctantly gives me a title, he actually does not. What a meaning, maybe, I became a side concubine in front of me, and I will die twice in less than two days!

  So I might as well stay in the north with peace of mind, it's good for me and my children. "

Probably because of Lin Suisui's faint support for her thoughts, Princess Ningfu seemed a lot more comfortable and calm when talking about her thoughts now. She lowered her eyes slightly and reached out to touch her slightly raised belly. He murmured with some complaints: "And I thought about it, even if I don't get the title promised by the fourth prince, so what, I will stay in the north and rely on the Huaiyang Palace. Raise the kids?

  Why do you have to sharpen your head and go to the capital? "

"I think your idea is correct, princess, at least it is much safer than the decision of the old princess." Lin Suisui looked at Princess Ningfu and smiled at her in full agreement: "You can tell the old princess after you go back. , there is no need to worry about the status.

   After all, you are pregnant with royal blood, and your identity is also here!

  As long as the child is safe and sound, even if the fourth prince can't remember, someone will help him remember!

  So right now, the safety of this child is much more important than your rushing to Beijing to seek a status! "

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