MTL - I Woke the Sick and Disabled Prince on Our Wedding Night-Chapter 486 secret

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  Chapter 486 Secret

"Our palace has a few shops not far from your dry goods store. I will tell the shopkeeper when I go back. If you encounter any trouble in the future, you can go to the shopkeeper of my warehouse for help." Ningfu County The main sized up the big girls who came over to salute, and then turned around and said to Song Zhou with a bit of disgust: "I also think it is not easy for you three daughters. If you can't stand up, the princess I don’t mind helping them out!”

   Princess Ningfu didn't stay long after saying this, she just got up and said goodbye to Lin Suisui, and then left without looking back.

After sending off Princess Ningfu, Lin Suisui turned her head and motioned for Yuanniang to help Song Zhou to sit on the seat, and then continued to ask her: "Listen to Yuanniang, you are in a hurry to find someone. I have something to say?"

   Facing Lin Suisui's question, Song Zhou nodded very simply. She thought about it for a while, and then said: "I heard Da Ya mention that you are asking about the Snake Temple.

  My mother-in-law and I were the first to come into contact with this snake temple.

   I told you that you might not believe it, but the holy master in this temple was just a sorceress walking around our neighborhood in the earliest days.

   And just a few months ago, this temple, which is full of incense, has not yet been built! "

"You mean, the saint master in this Snake God Temple has always been an old acquaintance living in your neighborhood?" Lin Suisui immediately understood the main point of Song Zhou's words, and she couldn't help chasing after him out of curiosity. I asked one more question.

  If what Song Zhou said is true, then all this is worth pondering.

  Among the three children of Da Ya, the head-bending master planted on them by the head-bending master in Siam. Moreover, nine out of ten of this is related to that princess!

  But on the surface, the person who presided over the sacrifice of the Snake Temple was a local who had been living in Yunshan City.

   So, how did these two groups get together?

   Is it a temporary idea, or...

   "Yes, I'm absolutely sure." Song Zhou nodded to Lin Suisui with certainty: "This holy master lived in Luoping Lane not far from us since he was a child.

  Her aunt was originally a witch, and she later took over her aunt's class, and has been making a living by telling people's fortunes and exorcising evil spirits in our neighborhood.

  Originally, her life was very tight, and sometimes she couldn’t even get enough money to buy rice every month, so she had to go to the rice bank to pay on credit.

That is to say, from a few months ago, for some reason, she suddenly became like a different person, saying that she was chosen by the true **** and possessed the supreme spell, which can save people's lives, give people wealth, etc. Anyway, listen to her It is simply omnipotent and responsive to requests.

  At the beginning, everyone must not believe it.

   After all, she is considered an old man in our area, and everyone knows how much she is capable of. But after she really helped people a few times, everyone changed their views.

  Later, as she helped more and more people after practicing deeds, her reputation spread more and more, and she became a well-known saint teacher.

  My mother-in-law has always wanted me to give birth to a son for the Song family. She had met and made friends with the holy master before, so she took the initiative to ask the holy master this time.

  Actually, I was not taken by my mother-in-law to worship various gods and Buddhas, and drank talisman water, so I have long been used to her asking me to worship the true god.


  When Song Zhou said this, she paused slightly, as if remembering something terrible, her whole face turned pale. And Lin Suisui didn't urge her, but just patiently sat aside and waited for her to recover from this restless emotion.

   "It's just that I didn't expect that my mother-in-law later involved Da Ya and the others. At first, she only said that she wanted Da Ya and the others to kowtow to the true god.

  It is said that the true God likes innocent and innocent children the most. If children pray to the true God, it will be more effective than us adults.

  I was unwilling at first, but my mother-in-law kept asking, and I also thought that it would be fine if I kowtowed in the past, so I finally agreed.

  It was alright the first time at first, Da Ya and the others just went to offer incense to the true god, but something was wrong the second time.

When Da Ya came back, she said that the holy master gave them a terrible 'holy water'. I drank those talisman waters before, so I asked my mother-in-law to find out what the holy master gave them. what.

   But my mother-in-law didn't think there was anything wrong with it, and instead scolded me that I had too many things to do!

   Then again, my mother-in-law won’t let me go with her!

But I was worried, so I quietly followed my mother-in-law and rushed over. I didn't dare to enter through the front door. I was afraid that my mother-in-law would see me, so I went to the backyard and sneaked away while the gatekeeper was away. go in.

  In the end, I saw, in a house, several chicken coops were placed, and what was locked inside were not chickens and ducks, but living people! The whole body, the whole body is festering to the point of disgrace, a living person!

  I was terrified at the time, and I didn't dare to stay too long, so I hurried out of the dog hole in the backyard wall and ran home. "

   "Then why don't you think about going to the police?" Yuanniang listened to Song Zhou's words, and was also terrified by her actions.

   If this is a little careless, it will be over if it is discovered!

"I dare not." Mrs. Song Zhou shook her head, shrank timidly towards the back of the chair, and then continued: "I'm afraid, my mother-in-law will find out if something goes wrong when I go out, then, then I…"

   What Song Zhou said is also true.

Her life in the Song family was basically under the eyes of Mrs. Guo, not to mention going out, even if she stayed in the room at home for a long time, Mrs. Guo would drag her to ask questions !

  If it is really known that she has gone to the Yamen, it will really turn the world upside down!

"I will tell you this today, and there is no other meaning. I heard from my mother-in-law before that she mentioned this temple in front of you. I am afraid that you are really interested in this temple. In the past, worship or something."

   Song Zhou bit her lower lip, and before Lin Suisui could speak, she continued to stammer and explain.

"So, the reason why Aunt Luo next door to your house has never listened to your mother-in-law's instigation to go to the Snake Temple, you have also reminded her in it?" Lin Suisui looked at Song Zhou, thinking about her cautious behavior. How to do this, I unconsciously thought of a possibility, so I looked directly at Song Zhou and asked: "I thought it was strange before, according to Aunt Luo's temper of not being an enemy with red faces, it's just that in the Snake Temple in the past She probably wouldn't refuse to burn the incense sticks, why would she refuse so simply, now it seems that you should have quietly reminded her of something?"

  (end of this chapter)