MTL - I Woke the Sick and Disabled Prince on Our Wedding Night-Chapter 488 tear face

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  Chapter 488 Tearing face

  Song and Zhou's attitude was unprecedentedly indifferent, which the old man Zhou did not expect. But after the initial shock, old man Zhou's temper immediately came up.

  He still knows his daughter very well.

   Don't look at the stubbornness at this time and don't let go, then you will be obedient after a lesson.

  He actually didn't want to come here now.

  But when he knew that the Song family members had started to get together to discuss how to dispose of Song Jianxing's property, he finally couldn't sit still!

  Obviously, what the Song family members are aiming at now is the idea of ​​eating out their families.

   What he said about adopting a child to Song Jianxing can be regarded as appeasement to the unjustly dead Mrs. Guo, and can let her rest in peace...

   Actually, this is bullshit!

   What Mrs. Guo was thinking of was Song Jianxing's own son, not just adopting a child from some ulterior motive of the Song clan to make up the number!

   Besides, Song Jianxing still has three daughters!

   At that time, just like what Song Zhou said, leave one at home to recruit a new wife, wouldn't it be the same for Song Jianxing's branch?

  Old man Zhou would have such an idea, of course it doesn't mean that he really thinks about Song Zhou.

   But now that Mrs. Guo and Song Jianxing are gone, all the property of the Song family falls into the hands of his daughter. The money saved by the other Mrs. Guo is not counted, but I only look at the dry goods store...

   Now anyway, those three girls are still young, besides, the girls will be from another family at that time, so it’s fine to accompany them with a little dowry! Who is qualified to ask about the shop?

  His daughter and granddaughter don't know how to run a business. As a grandfather, he helps his daughter and granddaughter to manage and run the shop. Isn't that logical!

  Old man Zhou is ugly, but that doesn't stop him from being beautiful!

   It's just that he never expected that Song Zhou, who has always been obedient to him, would dare to show him face this time!

   It's really turned upside down!

  Seeing that old man Zhou's face changed, Song and Zhou, who had sensed his temper, simply spoke first and warned old man Zhou: "Father, I advise you to put away those thoughts in your heart.

  Whether it’s the house where Da Ya and I live, or the dry goods store on the street, it’s all my father-in-law’s hard-earned family business.

   It is also the capital for me and my three children to settle down in the future!

  Didn’t you always say before, the water poured out by the married daughter, now I am the wife of the Song family, even if these changes have happened in my family, I am still alive, and so are the girls!

  Therefore, I absolutely did not take the property of the Song family, but subsidized the reason for the Zhou family!

It's best to put your temper back at the moment. You know, what happened to our family today, there are so many pairs of eyes staring at us right now, and you don't want to make a fuss and make you cry Make yourself ashamed of your age, right? "

   "Girl, how did you talk to your father?"

   Obviously, Song Zhou's attitude was unexpected by the Zhou family who came to the door at this moment.

   Granny Wan, who had been standing aside wiping her tears and coordinating with the acting, finally couldn't cry anymore. She looked up at her daughter with some dissatisfaction, and the first thing she said was a lesson for being rude.

   "That's it.

  I said little girl, we came here with good intentions, and we also know that such a big event happened in your family, come here to see if there is anything that needs our help!

  Everyone came here out of kindness for the sake of the family.

  Why did you speak so harshly as soon as you opened your mouth? "

   With Mrs. Wan scolding her first, the eldest daughter-in-law Luo Shi, who was supporting her by the side, couldn't help but support her mother-in-law. It was as if the Song and Zhou clan had directly stated the purpose of their trip just now, what a heinous crime it was, and it was unacceptable to heaven.

   "I can arrange our family's affairs right now, so I won't bother my parents, brothers and sisters-in-law."

  Facing the accusations of the Zhou family's attack, the Song Zhou family responded very calmly.

  She has actually faced this attitude many times, and she is already used to it. So if the Zhou family repeats their old tricks now, it will be impossible for her to cause any bad influence.

   "Sister-in-law doesn't have to show me such a wronged look.

  If you really think that I am a family with you and want to care about me, then in the morning, when I was brought to the yamen for interrogation, you should have arrived!

   Now that things are over, what's the use of rushing over? "

  When he said this, Song Zhou couldn't help but a mocking smile appeared on his face.

  At that time, knowing that Song Jianxing might be the culprit, many members of the Song clan went to the scene. But her natal family...

   But from the beginning to the end, not even a shadow was revealed.

   It's a joke to talk to her about caring now!

"Mother Gui, are you complaining about your parents and your brother-in-law?" Mrs. Wan immediately heard the resentment in Song Zhou's words, she immediately changed her attitude, and started to talk about her best "You have to be considerate and considerate of us. When the news about you came back to our house in the morning, our whole family was shocked!

  Don't blame your parents for thinking the worst.

  You and your mother-in-law have always had a bad relationship, and you have been arguing non-stop for the past three days. Isn't it easy to make people think in a wrong way?

  Speaking of which, this has to be your own problem.

  If you had told your family earlier that Song Jianxing, the one who killed a thousand swordsmen, had **** with a widow outside, would your father and the others still be able to watch him bully others with the surname Song?

   I have already called the door to seek justice for you!

  My son, then you will not suffer such a big crime! "

  Wan Pozi was rambling on, although what she said was what she had to say, but both inside and outside the words revealed her dislike and dissatisfaction with the Song and Zhou family.

   Just like the tragedy that happened to the Song family today, the culprit is the Song Zhou family!

"Speaking of it, it's all because you are too useless!" There was Wan Po who sang in front of her face, and at this moment, old man Zhou naturally spoke up and scolded Mrs. Song and Zhou: "If you Earlier, he had the ability to give birth to a son and established a firm foothold in the Song family. How could so many bad things happen now?

  It’s good now, you don’t know that it’s enough to reflect on your own mistakes, and you even blame your parents!

  It's really heart-wrenching!

  If I had known that you would be so disobedient now, when you were born, I should have drowned you! It also saves me from leaving you, an evil animal, to make me angry with your open mouth right now! "

  Old man Zhou was really angry this time.

   A small part of it was indeed because Song Zhou, who had always been well-behaved, disobeyed her, but more, it was because of the embarrassment and embarrassment that his old face couldn't hold back when his own thoughts were directly exposed by Song Zhou.

  (end of this chapter)