MTL - I Woke the Sick and Disabled Prince on Our Wedding Night-Chapter 494 Hesitation and make up

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  Chapter 494 Hesitation and Make-up

  The matter of the Song family finally ended in such a farce where the Song family made a fool of themselves.

  The Song clan was naturally unwilling, but under the high pressure of the Tang county guard, they could only choose to compromise in the end, acquiescing that the mother and daughter of the Song and Zhou clan escaped from the control of the Song clan.

  But this also created a new problem. The four mothers and daughters of Song Zhou and Da Ya now have no male in their family, which means that they have no head of household!

   "Aniang, I want to go to the government to set up a female household." After Mrs. Guo was buried and buried in the ground, she told the Song Zhou family who had returned home, the decision she had been thinking about for a long time.

  She is the eldest sister, for the sake of the two younger sisters, she has to stand up!

  Their family finally got rid of the entanglement of the Song family because of the secret help of their wife, but this also made them become duckweeds without roots and owners.

  Madam is a good person, and also the nobleman of their mother and daughter.

  However, Madam has helped them too many times. They can't just go to her for help and trouble her to come forward because of the kindness of the wife, right?

  So, for some things, the mother and daughter still have to figure out their own solutions.

"Yes, but can this be done?" Hearing Da Ya's proposal, Song Zhou was stunned for a while, and then said worriedly: "I heard that the conditions for going to the government to establish a female household are extremely harsh. .

  If you become the head of the household, then you will have to stay at home and hire a relative.

  You are still young, why don't we think about this matter when you grow up. "

  Song Zhou subconsciously wanted to escape again.

  In her opinion, the most difficult time in front of her has actually passed.

   After all, compared to the Zhou family, the Song family is more difficult to deal with. What's more, in the past few days, the Zhou family has also shown concern for them. The sister-in-law and sister-in-law not only came to help them in person, but also brought them food several times.

  The four of them, mother and daughter, have now separated from the Song clan. If they are separated from their natal family again, won't they really have nowhere to rely on in the future?

   "Aniang, are you still thinking that you can still be close to your uncle and them as a family? Are you still thinking that they can lend a helping hand to our future life?"

  Song and Zhou's hesitation, Da Ya heard the reason for her decision.

  The root cause is nothing more than the kindness expressed by the Zhou family to their family in the past few days, which softened the determination that the Song Zhou family had secretly made before.

   "How do you talk about this child? Then you are also your uncle and aunt. How can you comment on the elders like this? Do you want to spread your reputation?"

  Song Zhou looked at the aunt with some reproach, and said with a bit of helplessness: "It's okay, it's okay, these things are fussy.

  Big Ya, you are still young, so don't worry too much about these things. Take the younger sisters to rest, and A Niang will cook dinner for you. "

"Aniang, have you forgotten all the grievances you suffered in the Zhou family before? Don't you remember how the Zhou family treated you?" Da Ya stretched out her hand and grabbed Song Zhou's sleeve, thinking unwillingly. Continue to persuade her: "Could it be that just because I gave you a little porridge these two days, can you pretend that all the things they did before don't exist?"

   "Da Ya, you are still young, so you don't understand. We, the mother and daughter, no longer have the protection of the clan. If your uncle and the others are pushed away, even if we can establish a female household in the future, it will be a widowed family.

  In case something happens in the future, what can we do?

  Aniang can’t help it, she’s just taller than a dwarf! "

  When Song Zhou said this, he habitually took out his handkerchief and wiped away his tears.

  Of course she knew that the Zhou family had selfish motives in coming here this time. But in comparison, she also said that she was more worried about how she would live in the future as a woman with three girls.

  She turned around, subconsciously wanting to avoid Da Ya and the others and walk into the kitchen.

"Aniang, you can't do this!" Big Ya saw that Song Zhou was going to leave, and she was so anxious that she couldn't care about anything else. She took two steps quickly and opened her arms to stop Song Zhou again, and said eagerly: "Yes, these few days Uncle Tian and Auntie come here every day, but you should understand that all this is just because they think it is profitable!

  If we have nothing now, and our family property has been robbed by the Song family, and we are left alone, mother and daughter, to go to the Zhou family with no one to rely on, do you really think that uncles, aunts and others will let us in? "

   "Yes!" Before Song Zhou could speak, Erya, who was following her sister, sniffed, and said softly, "I'll raise it, sell it!"

   "Erya, what are you talking about?" Erya's precise make-up knife, not to mention Song Zhou's, even Daya was shocked on the spot.

  Of course, it was Song Zhou who was most shocked by this. Of course, she didn't believe that Erya would say these words for no reason, she must have heard it somewhere!

   And where to hear...

   This fact, Song Zhou is a little too afraid to think about it now.

"Girl Duanzi, the older one can marry again, and the three younger ones will stay at home and work. When they grow up, sell it, sell it for money, and marry a wife!" Erya blinked, with one hand on her hip, one He tapped his hands one by one, and then looked at the pale-faced Song Zhou: "Grandma is in the room, and I told my aunt."

"Aniang, you heard that Erya won't lie! You should believe what grandma and the others are up to now, right?" Da Ya helped her to the side because she was too shocked by this fact, and The Song and Zhou clan, who was on the verge of falling, took the opportunity to follow Erya's words and added another fire.

   "How could it be, she, she is your grandma!" Song Zhou was helped by the aunt to sit on the seat beside her, and she held her chest in silence for a long time before she let out a bitter cry.

  Of course she wouldn't doubt what Erya said at this time, Erya was still a child, so naturally she wouldn't lie to her!

   That was her mother, she trusted her so much, relied on her, but in the end, what did she get in return?

   It was she who was going to sell her three daughters to exchange dowry gifts for her nephews to beg for wives!

  The last pillar of Song Zhou's heart that supported her trust in the Zhou family finally collapsed.

   It's just this pain, but it still takes a certain amount of time to digest. Seeing that Mrs. Song Zhou was crying uncontrollably, Da Ya and the others didn't care to talk to her about setting up a female household at this moment. The little girls tried their best to send Mrs. Song Zhou back to the bed in the room to lie down and rest, and waited until She was no longer in pain, and her breathing was stable, and the three little girls carefully retreated from Mrs. Song Zhou's room.

   On the way to the kitchen, Daya couldn't hold back and gently reached out to give Erya a hand, and asked in a low voice, "Did grandma really say those words just now?"

  (end of this chapter)