MTL - If You Can’t Be a Son-in-law, You Have To Be Sanctified-Chapter 264 Wipe your waist, blowing the hair sword is here, if you don't cut the dragon palace, you won't

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  Chapter 264 Wiping the waist, blowing the hair sword, and not beating the Dragon Palace

  The branches and leaves Fusu, leaking the moonlight, shattered like residual snow.

  Mr. Guanqi is standing in front of Mr. Qi's bed, looking at Mr. Qi who is getting older and has fallen asleep at this time.

  Mr. Qi seems to be approaching the end of his life, and he is getting weaker.

   Mr. Jiu had tears in his eyes, but he didn't say a word.

  Mr. Guanqi turned his head, looking at the moonlight and looking at the library that is like spring all the year round.

  Dafu Shulou is still as pleasant as before, but the courtyard is inexplicably more bleak.

  Three gentlemen from the library entered Beiqin, Mr. Seven was old, and the youngest Mr. Guanqi was kind-hearted, but he had a lot of nostalgia for the library in his eyes.

   “Wildfires have raised seeds, only to burn fiercely one day.”

  Mr. Guanqi stared at Mr. Qi, and said softly: "There are people in Jokhang Temple, Zhenwu Mountain, Pingping Township, and even the thirty-six countries in the Western Regions who are waiting for the wildfire to burn, so as to burn up this vast world, and then burn to the sky.

You do not have to worry about. "

  Mr. Qi had already fallen asleep, but he sighed as if he heard Mr. Guanqi’s words in his dream.

   Mr. Jiu, who had been silent for a long time, wanted to speak, and at this moment, Mr. Guanqi seemed to have noticed something, and suddenly raised his head, looking at the surging clouds outside Taixuanjing.

  The clouds and mist seem to reflect the whole world, reflecting countless rivers and seas.

  In the river and the sea, a heavenly dragon is exhaling with its mouth open, and the torrent flows into the sea from the Taichong Sea into the West Cloud Sea.

   There is another island suspended in mid-air together with the sea water.

  In addition to offering sacrifices to heaven and earth on the island, the old dragon, who has been sleeping all year round, opened his dragon eyes and landed directly on the West Cloud Sea.

   There was silence in the Taixuan Palace, but Mr. Guanqi knew... the sage who was sitting on the throne was just like him at this time. I don't know when Lu Jingyuanshen went to the West Cloud Sea.

  Mr. Jiu noticed Mr. Guanqi's expression, he thought for a while, turned and walked out of Mr. Qi's courtyard, and walked towards Hanmo Academy.

Just like that day when Lu Jingjian beheaded Xu Baiyan, he held the green mountain in his hand to stop Chu Shenchou, who could move the mountain. Every time Mr. Jiu took a step, his body grew a bit taller, until he entered the Hanmo library and pulled out again. A first-grade long sword was produced to cut the green hills.

  Cut the green hills and take them out of their sheaths, bringing up a blade of light, frightening the gulls and weeping herons.

  It was late at night, and the scholars in Hanmo Academy had already fallen asleep.

  The light of the saber was fleeting and did not cause any trouble, but it still awakened one person.

  Guan Changsheng stood at the door of his teaching building, frowning at Mr. Jiu.

  Mr. Jiu originally wanted to drag the knife, but probably because he was afraid of the sound of chopping the green mountain, he carried the wide long knife on his shoulder.

   "Lu Jing has a promising future. He dares to enter the Dragon Palace alone with his sword. We can't let him be bullied by others."

  He seemed to be talking to himself, or he seemed to be explaining to Guan Changsheng.

   "Mr. Lu Jing went to Hezhong Road, is something not going well?" Guan Changsheng couldn't help asking.

  Mr. Jiu seriously explained: "Lu Jingyuan went to West Cloud Sea, I don't want to care about how he is with those dragons in the Dragon Palace.

  But I can’t tolerate those old people taking advantage of this, so I plan to go to the gate of Taixuan Capital and take a closer look. "

  Guan Changsheng subconsciously glanced at Taixuan Palace.

  Mr. Changsheng didn't ask Lu Jing what his intentions were in going to Xiyun Dragon Palace, nor did he ask whether Lu Jing was right or wrong. He didn't even think about it, and turned back to his teaching pavilion.

  Mr. Jiu was a little surprised.

  Guan Changsheng walked out of the teaching pavilion holding a green and blue sword upside down.

  The treasured sword has no scabbard, it is long and broad-bladed, held by Guan Changsheng in his hand, with Guan Chang's long beard on it, and seeing it gush out the light of the sword again, for a moment...

  The sword is shining and the autumn training, the long hair, the beard and the green face!

   "When did you cast the hilt for this Yan Qinglong?" Mr. Jiu was a little curious.

Guan Changsheng threw a pot of green plum wine to Mr. Jiu, and said with a smile: "Before, Lu Jing made spring thunder with swords in Taixuan Palace, which made me suddenly feel passionate, so I found a good craftsman and cast it for my old friend. handle.

   It's just that I don't use a knife for nothing on weekdays, so I happened to accompany Mr. Jiu on a walk today. "

  Mr. Jiu took the green plum wine and nodded happily: "Okay!"

  So...the two left Hanmo Academy side by side, out of the library, and out of Taixuanjing.

  The two of them were sitting on the Jiaoshen Mountain. Mr. Jiu couldn't hold enough alcohol, so he drank a few sips of green plum wine, and his face was smoky.

  Guan Changsheng comforted Mr. Jiu for a moment, only looking at Taixuanjing from afar.

  There, streams of qi and blood and rounds of vitality suddenly appeared.

   "Xiyun Dragon Palace was rebuilt under the order of the Holy King, and Xiyun Jing was also the Dragon King conferred by the Holy King himself.

   Lu Jing entered the West Cloud Sea with his sword, what did he want to do? "

   "We can stop in front of Hezhong Road. If his Yuanshen died in Xiyunhai, that's all. If he can return to Hezhong Road, he can use the name of Great Rebellion to question Lu Jing."


  Someone seemed to be muttering in Taixuanjing.

  Guan Changsheng held Yanqinglong in his hands, looked up at the prosperous Taixuanjing in the distance, and the famous sword Zhanqingshan behind Mr. Jiu also gave off bursts of cold light.

  Mr. Guanqi stood in the courtyard with his hands folded in his sleeves.

  Even though the study building is like spring all the year round, he still feels cold, and his eyes moved slightly, as if he caught a glimpse of the Taixuan Palace and collided with the eyes from the Taixian Palace.

   "I never thought that Lu Jing could enter the sea of ​​clouds in the blink of an eye."

"But wouldn't this be better? Shengjun wants to use the two immortals Pi Xing and Dai Yue to sharpen Lu Jing's sword, and wants to forge Lu Jing into a sword that can completely kill the immortals, so he will chop these evil monsters Long, raise his blossoming sword spirit, so that his blade will be sharper, so that he can cut immortals more neatly."

   "With the power of the sage, are you afraid that you won't be able to control Lu Jing?"

  Mr. Guanqi lowered his head and spoke as if he was talking to himself or talking to others.

  After two or three breaths, Mr. Guanqi smiled in the direction of Taixuan Palace.

   "He is the sword you chose. Although it is said that the sharp edge of the sword comes from sharpening, and that the sharp edge of Kunwu has been tempered hundreds of times, if the sword embryo is subjected to fierce fire, I am afraid that this is not tempering, but strangulation.

  As early as when the Zhanlong Terrace was shining, the old Zhulong of Luolong Island had murderous intentions towards Lu Jing, and Chen Ba was his lesson from the past, "" Shengjun... that old Zhulong wants to obliterate your sword embryo! "

  Mr. Guanqi just finished speaking.

   Above Taixuanjing, wind and smoke are exhausted, and the Tianshan Mountains are full of colors.

  The candles in the Taixian Temple were blown out.

  Mr. Guanqi stood where he was, thinking for a long time.

  At this time, there is only Banxi Mingyue and a pillow of breeze to accompany him.

   Lu Jing entered the West Cloud Sea alone, only a very few strong people knew about it.


  On that island, people worship in front of the Dragon King Temple, some old and some young.

  The old man recited loudly, knelt down to beg for peace, and men and women, young and old, kowtowed continuously.

  A large number of sacrificial objects were first placed in front of the Dragon King Temple. After the patriarch prayed and offered sacrifices, a strong man stepped forward to lift up the sacrificial objects and walked towards the sea.

  Some young people see that so much meat and wine are about to be thrown into the sea, they feel pity in their hearts, but they are helpless.

  For the islanders, offering sacrifices is a common thing. If they don't perform sacrifices, the wind and rain on this island will never stop.

   And this storm seems to come more quickly and more violently.

  Even those middle-aged men walked on the island facing the moonlight, but there were strong winds and heavy rains blocking the way, making them unable to stabilize their bodies.

   While the rest of the men, women and children climbed to a peak on an island, they watched the men.

   "But the sacrifice must be sent into the sea." The old patriarch lived on crutches and was worried.

  A child with long hair beside him suddenly asked: "Grandpa, after offering sacrifices, will the wind stop blowing? The roof of my child's house has been blown up... I don't know why the Dragon King is angry..."

   "Don't talk nonsense." The old patriarch knocked on his crutches and said, "It must be the monsters in the sea who make the waves. We sacrifice to the Dragon King to invite the Dragon King to come and subdue the monsters..."

  The old patriarch hadn't finished speaking, but found that the grandson next to him suddenly turned around and hugged his leg.

   "Grandpa...Look at Yunli!"

  The old patriarch is getting old, even if he squints his eyes and looks into the distance, even though today's moon is not covered by clouds and mist, and it falls directly on the island, he still can't see clearly what is in the clouds.

   Instead, someone beside him exclaimed.

   "Look... there is a dragon shadow in the cloud!"

  The old team leader was slightly taken aback and raised his head.

  But found that the black clouds in the distance were flowing over the island.

   "The bright moon is still there, but the wind and rain are shrouded outside the island..."

  The old patriarch seemed to have thought of something, recalling some terrible rumors.

   But only a few breaths of time have passed.

  In the thick cloud and mist, there was a dragon chant suddenly!

  The dragon chant shook the world, as if dispelling the clouds in the sky.

   A gust of wind hit, and the middle-aged people who were carrying the sacrificial objects were blown off their feet.

   Cattle, sheep, pigs, chickens, ducks and fish were all blown into the yellow sand.

  The same is true for the youth on the island.

  They struggled hard, but they were still accumulated by the cloud and mist, and they soared up, about to completely merge into the thicker cloud.

   "Grandpa... the dragon king in the sky seems to have opened his mouth..."

  The child was so frightened that he burst into tears.

  He clearly saw that the chickens, ducks and fish entered the mouth of the Dragon King first, and then the cattle and sheep.

  Finally...some of their people who kept shouting and terrified had already drifted into the dragon's mouth.

  Dragon eating people is different from eating cattle and sheep.

  Eating cattle and sheep, the dragon in the sky always swallows them whole.

   But cannibals, they often have to chew lightly with the sharp teeth in the dragon's mouth!

  Suddenly, the blood energy pervading the sky became much thicker, and many silk threads flowing from the deep sea below the island pierced into the blood energy.

  The dim formation seemed to be activated, shining with a frightening light.

   And those young adults were swallowed by the dragon one by one.

   In the blink of an eye, dozens of people have disappeared without a trace.

  The villagers standing on the high ground were crying.

  The hand of the old patriarch holding the cane was shaking.

  The child who was holding his leg tightly stopped shaking suddenly, and even let go of his arms, turned around and walked away.

   "Son, come back quickly!"

  The old patriarch shouted, but his voice was drowned in panic, fear, and cries of reluctance.

  So the old man with yellow hair who was over seventy years old also ran back a few steps, trying to catch the child.

  The child shouted loudly: "Daddy has gone too, I'm going to look for Daddy!"

  The old patriarch watched helplessly as his grandson ran into the wind and rain.

  In addition to this child, there are more women who were also swallowed by the wind and rain, and they also went to find their own men.

  Many villagers were running in the wind and rain, as if the dragon shadow in the sky could not scare them.

  The old patriarch sat on the spot, looking up at the clouds...

  But I don’t know why this island has sacrificed to the Dragon King for generations, why one day...will be swallowed by the Dragon King in the sky?

   "Come back quickly."

  The old patriarch saw the backs of many people again, and suddenly shouted.

   Further forward, there is Longya!

   Run back and maybe survive.

  But his old voice was blown away by the wind and rain after all.

  A burst of thunder suddenly appeared, and the world suddenly lit up.

  The old patriarch raised his head, and under the light of the thunder, he finally saw the huge Dragon King lowering his dragon head and opening his mouth wide to welcome those people in the wind and rain.

  Maybe the next moment.

  The dragon head can swallow them all by moving forward tens of feet.

  The old patriarch seemed to have lost all strength in his whole body. He lowered his head and refused to look at the cruel scene.

   "The dragon... eats people!" The old patriarch thought in his heart.

   What greeted the desperate thoughts in his mind was another thunder.

   This thunder light was even brighter, and it shone a ray of light, like the rays of a scorching sun, falling directly on the earth.


  A soft sound pierced through the roar of dragons, the whistling of wind, and the sudden fall of rainstorm, and fell in the ears of the old patriarch.

  The old patriarch seemed to have sensed it, and raised his head.

  But I saw... the Dragon King, who was opening his mouth wide to eat people, was flashed by a bright light.

  The light was fleeting, and then the old patriarch saw that the man-eating dragon king in the sky was split into two.

  Dragon blood sprinkled all over the sky, the dragon head separated from the dragon body, and then fell down.

   Before the old patriarch could react, another burst of strong wind hit the dragon corpse, which was swept by the strong wind and then fell into the sea!

  Among the brilliant white light, a group of black spots kept coming.

   That's... a figure.

  The figure walked over many islanders, holding the hilt of the white long sword at his waist with his right hand. He couldn't see his face clearly, but there was a sense of being out of the dust flowing from that person.

  The figure stood high in the sky, then looked down at the panicked islanders, and said, "Go back quickly."

  It was as if there was thunder in the ears, and the islanders who had been dazzled by grief and reluctance woke up instantly. They picked up the children one after another and ran back.

   In the distance, a burst of cloud dissipated.

  A dragon girl with red lotuses blooming in armor stood on the cloud, looking down at Lu Jing.

  Beside the dragon girl, there is a phantom glowing with golden light, but there is a bit of admiration in the eyes of the phantom, and even more admiration.

   "It seems that I guessed wrong."

  Chen Longquan shook his head: "I thought it would be like Lu Jing who dared to come to Xiyunhai, and I would have to wait another seven or eight years."

   "But I never thought... The Dragon King of Xiyun went to Hezhong Road for more than two months, and he came with the sword of Yuanshen, which really surprised me...unexpectedly."

  Xiyunlian, the great dragon girl of the West Cloud Sea, looked at Lu Jing quietly, and on the outskirts of the island, real dragons burst out of the sea, and another real dragon was entrenched in the sea and watched covetously.

   "Dare to come to Hezhong Dao after reflecting on Dragon Slaying Terrace? Lu Jing, what are you relying on?"

  "When a young man becomes famous, he always has some arrogance, but he doesn't know that it is easy to lose his life if he is too arrogant."

   "It is a great fortune to be able to escape from the hands of the Dragon King, but now you are here to die?"

  Countless dragon eyes landed on Lu Jing.

   Lu Jing still lowered his head, watching the islanders gradually gather in the center of the island.


  Several real dragons seemed to be unable to see Lu Jing's calm posture. With a roar, the sky suddenly burst into flames, and several supernatural powers came one after another, and another real dragon with a strong body rushed towards Lu Jing.

   Lu Jing remained motionless, and drew his knife out of its sheath.

  In an instant, the sword light rose, bringing up the golden thunder, and the thunder with starlight flashed between Lu Jing's eyebrows.

  Lu Jing immediately put his sword back into its sheath.

   But in the distance, another piece of dragon's blood fell, the magical powers dissipated, and several real dragons fell down.

  The big dragon girl Xi Yunlian couldn't help squinting her eyes.

  She suddenly felt that it seemed a little inappropriate to go to Hezhong Dao to kill Lu Jing that day together with Master Shen to persuade the Dragon King of Xiyun.

  But this dragon girl remembered the many powers of the Dragon Palace, and finally said: "Lu Jing, you are from Dafu Taixuanjing, and the West Cloud Sea Dragon Palace was ordered to be rebuilt by the Holy King.

  You came to West Cloud Sea today and killed me, what should you do? "

  Lu Jing didn't say a word.

  Dragon Palace carried out blood sacrifices on a large scale, and there were countless bones in the middle of the river. Many dragons came to besiege and kill him, and even the Dragon King of Xiyun came in person...

  Wipe the waist, blowing the hair sword, if you don't cut the dragon palace, you will feel uneasy.

  (end of this chapter)