MTL - If You Can’t Be a Son-in-law, You Have To Be Sanctified-Chapter 263 Longquan seeks the law, the world's first body

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  Chapter 263 Longquan seeks the law, the world's number one physical body

  Hai Bo rose again.

  Xi Yunlian stood on the cloud, looking down at the island in the sea that was about to be submerged.

  She was wearing a light red armor with blossoming red lotuses branded on it.

  Red lotus blooms, as bright as blood.

  And around the island, there are real dragons swimming in the deep sea. Besides the real dragons, there are many dragon palace dragons, or big fish and shrimp monsters, or big monsters in the sea.

  The vitality was stirred up, rose into the clouds, then condensed in the clouds and fell into water drops, falling on this island inhabited by tens of thousands of people.

  The island has been safe for a long time, but today there are raging waves around the island. With the bursts of raging waves coupled with heavy rain, plus the looming trace of a big monster in the clouds and in the sea, the people on this island are also frightened.

  They gathered together and respectfully offered sacrifices to the Dragon King Temple on the island.

  The produce on the island is not rich, but three animals and three animals were sacrificed in the Dragon King Temple. The old patriarch of the island took the lead and knelt down, begging the Dragon King to appease his anger.

  The dragon horns on the top of Xi Yunlian's head are like coral. She stood in the clouds and wind and rain, but she never looked at the many creatures gathered in front of the Dragon King Temple, but looked at the deep sea outside the island.

  In the deep sea, a huge scarlet formation has been formed.

  In the formation, Leilei's bones can be seen faintly, and several old dragons can also be seen occupying the center of the formation.

  The bodies of these old dragons are also red, their scales have fallen off a lot, their eyes are dull, and their fangs are no longer so sharp.

  The dragon will grow old too!

  Perhaps in the past years, these old dragons have also stirred up the wind and rain, and they have also crossed the world, but later they grow old and even die.

  These dying old dragons are entrenched in the formation, occasionally raising their eyes, their eyes go straight through the thick and dark deep sea, and through the wind and waves on the sea, and land on Xi Yunlian in the clouds.

  Xiyunlian is the dragon girl of Xiyunhai, and she is also the hope of Xiyunhai.

"The Dragon King is merciful, and has been entrenched on the coral all day long. He has long since ignored the affairs of the Dragon Palace. If there was no Dalongnu to take over the Dragon Palace, and if there were no these blood sacrifice formations cast by the Dalongnu, how could old dragons like you and me survive? "

  An old dragon opened its mouth to confide in human words, and the air flow rushed out of the huge dragon's mouth, adding a few torrents to the dark deep sea.

  Another old dragon slowly opened her eyes, her voice was old, but she looked at Xi Yunlian with reverence.

"When the big dragon girl was just born on land, you old dragons regarded her as a different species. I still remember that day was as stormy as today. The dragons went to meet the dragon king, but they also saw the big dragon girl. born.

  That night, the dragons only regarded the half-dragon, half-human dragon girl as the Dragon King's entertainment, because one day, their mother and daughter would be exiled by the Dragon King.

  But I never thought that after a hundred years, the Dragon King is getting more and more depressed, but the big dragon girl has shouldered the burden of Xiyun Dragon Palace. Without the big dragon girl, we would have no life at all. "

   "Even when you and I are both blind, what is this?" Another old dragon responded.

  Several old dragons are entrenched in this way, talking with each other.

  Another sleeping real dragon suddenly opened its eyes, and the light in the two eyes fell on the island like a dying demon light.

   "Why... isn't dinner served yet?"

  The islanders on the island are worshiping the Dragon King devoutly, praying for the protection of the real dragon in the sea, so that the frenzy on the sea will stop.

  The dragons in the sea looked at them at the food, and were watching them with their dragon eyes, as if they were watching straws.

  Xiyunlian is more violent than the dragons in the sea.

  There was a red light reflected on her body, and there was another phantom looming beside her.

  The phantom is quite strong, its body may be about eight feet long, and standing in front of Xi Yunlian, it becomes even taller.

  The face of this phantom is blurred, and it can be vaguely seen that there are dragon horns growing on the top of his head. The full light around the dragon horns is more radiant, and the aura flowing out is more vigorous.

   "This island is actually quite interesting. Those islanders actually cultivated paddy fields on the island, and they didn't know where they got the rice.

  If they grow up for another two or three years, the islanders should be richer in addition to fish and shrimp. "

  Xi Yunlian's voice was slender, and she spoke slowly.

The phantom on the side smiled slightly and said: "I heard that the Dragon Girl rarely stays in the Dragon Palace of the West Cloud Sea on weekdays, but instead rides the waves to roam around the large and small islands of the West Cloud Sea, mixing with the islanders on the sea .”

  Xi Yunlian was silent for a while, then turned her head suddenly, looked at the phantom and said, "Messenger, I have human blood flowing through my body, mixing with these islanders will make me much more comfortable."

  The envoy called by Xi Yunlian untied the jug at her waist, took a sip, and said casually: "But I never thought that these islands scattered in the sea have become the treasures of several dragon palaces.

The number of islanders on these islands is not large, but there is no one to govern them. A group of waves can kill 70% to 80% of them. Those islanders will only think that this is a natural disaster. I will pay attention to it, but it has given a few dragon palaces a chance of life. "

   "However, what surprised me was that the mother of the dragon girl came from the land and hang out with these islanders on weekdays, but she was able to build a blood sacrifice formation by herself and use these islanders as nourishment."

   This phantom speaks.

Xiyunlian suddenly turned her head, looked directly at the messenger and said, "My father is the Dragon King of the West Cloud Sea, one of the five dragon kings of Dafu. Xinggong is the most powerful hero in the world.

  I have his blood flowing through my body. Since he trusts me and entrusts me with this huge Dragon Palace, I will naturally give him back the prosperous West Cloud Sea. "

  Speaking of this, Xi Yunlian turned her head to look at the small island again: "My mother told me about the hardships of being a human being when I was young.

There are adults exploiting each other layer upon layer, and there are grass-roots people fighting each other. The vast majority of people... are too weak and too much. Their bloodlines are born weak, unable to sense the primordial spirit, unable to cultivate qi and blood, just like the people on me Blood.

  In the past few years, I have been treated with cold eyes by countless dragons, and it is for this reason that I always want to climb to the top and let the real dragons in the sea of ​​five directions take a closer look.

  All the bloodlines in me, Xiyunlian, are of the bloodline, but I... am a real dragon, and the dragon bloodline in me is the dominant one. "

  Xi Yunlian's black hair fluttered, and the red lotuses on the armor were almost blooming, flowing with blood-colored light.

   Her body was full of her own **** smell, and there was a blood bead looming between her eyebrows.

  The blood bead connects with Xiyunlian's primordial spirit, and gathers the vitality like a sea, making this big dragon girl not weaker than Taichonghai Tai Taizi at all.

  The envoy didn't seem to care when he heard Xi Yunlian's words, but just nodded.

  After two or three breaths, the emissary suddenly remembered something and asked Xiyunlian: "It has been more than two months since the Dragon King of Xiyun appeared in the middle of the river.

  In the Dragon Palace, the talisman money left by Legalist Shen Buyi has exhausted its power, but the Dragon King has not returned yet..."

  The envoy mentioned the Dragon King of Xiyun.

  Xi Yunlian couldn't help frowning.

  She knew that her father couldn't let go of the coral tree in the Dragon Palace, just like how he couldn't let go of her mother in this year.

  But...his trip to Hezhong Road this time seems not to be complete. It is said that Lu Jing escaped and ascended to heaven, and even his father himself disappeared without a trace.

  This... is a bit weird.

   "Mr. Shulou Guanqi, Mr. Jiu, and Mr. Eleven are all in Taixuanjing, and have never gone to Hezhong Road."

  The envoy saw Xi Yunlian's frowning eyebrows: "Dragon Girl doesn't have to worry, these people are still in Taixuanjing, and no one has the ability to stand up for Lu Jing in front of the Dragon King."

  Xi Yunlian turned her head and thought for a while, then shook her head again, throwing out the worries in her mind.

  The facts are indeed as the Luolong Island envoy said.

  Her father is the Dragon King of the West Cloud Sea.

  If his primordial spirit wants to return to the Dragon Palace, how many people in this world can stop him.

   Even if he could indeed stop the Dragon King of Xiyunhai, he had to weigh whether he would offend Wufanghai.

  The five seas are connected with each other, and there is still a Taichong Dragon Lord sitting in the Taichong Sea.

   Besides...there is Candle Dragon on Luolong Island.

   "Zhulong sent me here because he wanted to summon you to Luolong Island. I hope that when everything in the West Cloud Sea is settled, Dalongnu will go to Luolong Island in person." The envoy had already explained to Xiyunlian his intention.

Xi Yunlian turned her head, took a serious look at the envoy in front of her, and suddenly said: "But I never thought that Chen Longquan, who was known as the number one person under the extreme state of gods, would go to Luolong Island , became a Candle Dragon disciple."

  Chen Longquan's phantom was full of brilliance, and bursts of dragon energy were exalted in it.

   "Practitioners climb mountains, if they are not talented enough, they will always stop before the mountains.

  I, Chen Longquan, think I have some talent, and I can reach the sixth level of divine appearance. I originally thought that the seventh layer of divine appearance can also reflect the main appearance like the first six heavens, and even... I can talk about the original appearance.

But I never thought that when my qi and blood are filled like a great sun, when my physical body is becoming more and more vigorous, I can be born with amputated limbs, when I am ready for everything, I want to step into the seventh stage of the gods and achieve the ultimate state of the seven realms, but I never thought about it. Thinking... I am full of energy and blood to watch the world struggle, but what I perceive is just a big picture. "

   "At that time, I knew my Chen Longquan's talent, so I stopped at the six main appearances. It was far from enough to step into the realm of the great master of martial arts with the nine main appearances and achieve a perfect body."

  Chen Longquan said with emotion: "The arrogance of the world, the talent will eventually run out...and this is the reason why I went to Luolong Island to seek the opportunity of Zhulong."

  Although it is just a phantom of a treasure.

  When Chen Longquan spoke, he could clearly feel this year... After Chen Longquan set foot on Luolong Island, he had indeed embarked on a new path.

  He not only has soaring energy and blood, but also bursts of dragon power.

   "In today's world, Candle Dragon is the absolute number one in the physical body.

  Except for the heavenly demon suppressed at the foot of Zhenwu Mountain, no one in this world can defeat him physically. "

  Xi Yunlian frowned slightly, and suddenly asked: "Even the king of Chong'an who didn't have a big volt to stand on the throne that day was not enough?"

  Chen Longquan's breath stagnated, and a trace of hesitation suddenly flashed in his eyes.

   "The king of Chong'an in his heyday and the candle dragon who fell from the sky to the mortal world, I don't know who is stronger physically."

   "It's a pity that King Chong'an has already exhausted his energy and blood, and his body has decayed. Up to now, he can only sleep on the couch and cannot get up."

  Xi Yunlian nodded.

   "So in today's world, Zhulong is truly number one in the physical body."

   Chen Longquan felt something at this point in his words, and immediately turned his head to look at the blood sacrifice formation in the deep sea.

  The shimmering light on the array has long since disappeared, only the dark red air flow is slowly flowing.

  The airflow flows slowly until it flows into the white bones and disappears.

   "However, the Dragon King of Xiyun himself did not kill the Dafu young man Zhilu."

  Chen Longquan seemed to be quite interested in Lu Jing, and said: "Dragon Girl, Lu Jing has some youthful blood in him, he doesn't like that this is a blood sacrifice, and it has been widely discussed.

  Are you not afraid that he will succeed in his studies in the future, and come to your Xiyun Dragon Palace with the Rain Calling Sword and Wind Calling Sword? "

  Xi Yunlian turned her head to the side, looking at the deep sea with constant waves.

  In the deep sea, real dragons are playing with dragon balls, and many dragon palace monsters and demons are breathing vitality and blooming blood.

   "It would be best if father killed him."

  Xi Yunlian's eyes were calm: "If he is not dead and can escape from the hands of his father, the other dragon kings and even Taichong Dragon King will naturally pay more attention to him."

   "And... I'm always in this sea of ​​western clouds. If he really wants to follow the three great gods of Zhuxing Mountain and come to kill the Dragon Palace with a sword and a knife, let him come."

  Xi Yunlian said: "I am sitting in the Dragon Palace, commanding the West Cloud Sea, and the Xiyun Dragon has also made some progress. Just... Let's see how much it has grown."

  Chen Longquan laughed: "There is no need to be nervous, the speed of Lu Jingxiu's progress is quite astonishing, but if he wants to enter the Dragon Palace alone, he may need some years.

   Tianjiao arouses the envy of others and the envy of the heavens. It is not known whether he can live to that time. "

   There was a roar of a dragon in the west cloud sea.

  Long Xiao was earth-shattering, Xi Yunlian nodded towards Chen Longquan, and took another step forward.

  Suddenly a line of blood flew out of her body and went straight into the deep sea, landing on the blood sacrifice formation.

  The same is true for the old dragons in the center of the blood sacrifice formation.

Xi Yunlian turned to look at the small island, and seemed to have thought of something, and suddenly asked Chen Longquan: "In the past, I heard that Chen Longquan, the number one person in the extreme world, Chen Longquan, was worried about the common people, how has he changed now? ?”

  Chen Longquan shook his face and said, "People are always going to change."

   "People like me can't worry about this world. Now I just want to go to the sky."

  Xi Yunlian nodded, then turned her head away.

  She didn't move at all. From around the small island, several real dragons broke through the sea and soared out, hovering in the clouds.

  Their shadows seemed to announce the death of those islanders.

   "As you said, this world is too big, and there are countless people who are old, sick and dying in countless corners. Even the immortals who look down on the common people cannot completely look down."

  Xi Yunlian looked at the island that was about to be submerged by the sea, and said softly: "But there are always ridiculous things in the world, for example, Lu Jing issued an edict as a law enforcement officer to ban the world's blood sacrifice formation."

   "The world is vast, he can't even see the blood sacrifice that is happening in the world, how can he stop it?"

   "Longquan Messenger... Do you also think that Lu Jing's young mind is too ridiculous?"

  Xi Yunlian's voice fell, and Chen Longquan was about to speak.

  At this moment, a thunder light suddenly came from a distance, imprinted in the void.

   "The method of the dragon girl's blood sacrifice is ashamed of the blood in the body."

   "Should be beheaded without pardon!"

  (end of this chapter)

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