MTL - If You Can’t Be a Son-in-law, You Have To Be Sanctified-Chapter 276 A sage, seeing the changes in the world, stood up angrily,

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  Chapter 276 The saint, seeing the changes in the world, got up angrily and changed the world

  The purple-robed Taoist put down the mahogany sword in his hand, and still held a pot of Tusu wine in his hand.

  The aroma of the wine was tangy, but the old Taoist had a wry smile on his face, he just held the jug in his hand, and didn't even take a sip.

In Lu Jing's mind, the purple-robed Taoist used the fairy charm to see the two immortals Pixing Daiyue just now, thinking of Daiyue's expression of indifference, and thinking of the star-piercing immortal's eyes as if looking at ordinary grass, he felt a little uncomfortable .

  These immortals entered the mortal world, just like farmers went to their own fields to harvest rice to survive.

   But even those farmers know that rice is precious, and they take good care of it, fertilize and water it on weekdays.

  But in the eyes of these immortals, these mortal creatures in the world are not rice, but worthless weeds.

  They gathered the **** mist from the souls of the dead to feed Tianque, but they felt that the worship of these mortals praying for hope could be ignored and disgusted.

   "Several gentlemen in the study building mentioned before that the immortal overlooks the world and controls the changes of the world... It turns out that it is for the souls of these victims."

   Lu Jing thought about this, his eyes narrowed.

"Continuous disasters, unprovoked floods, and the blazing sun that shines all day long... It is not allowed for mortals with supernatural powers to change the sky with supernatural powers, nor is it allowed for mortal monks to use supernatural powers to save savable people. These so-called truths of heaven and earth have existed since ancient times There are so many rules, why are all of them useless to the mortal world, as if they are meant to restrain the mortal world?"

  He was thinking.

The Taoist in Zipao finally picked up the Tusu wine and drank a few gulps, then casually wiped off the wine stained on his messy beard, took a closer look at Lu Jing, and asked, "My lord, there are a few strands of immortality lingering on your body. Qi, have you ever met a fairy?

  The so-called fairy fate is different, the fairy energy in the sky is very different from the vitality in the world, and ordinary monks in the world cannot easily be contaminated.

  Young master can be infected with immortal energy, could it be..."

  The purple-robed Taoist spoke in surprise, and immediately his eyes fell on the Wind Exhaling Knife and Rain Calling Sword on Lu Jing's waist.


   "This knife and sword..."

  The doubt in the eyes of the purple-robed Taoist became more and more intense Lu Jing.

  Looking at the Taoist who met for the first time in front of him, Lu Jing thought for a while, and didn't mention anything else, but said, "Master Daoist, I came up from Lingao Mountain, and I met those two immortals in Lingao Mountain before."

   Zipao Taoist seemed to think of something when he heard Lu Jing's words.

   "It looks like you are so young, but you can wear immortal soldiers on your waist, and you have a sword spirit lingering wantonly on your body... Lu Jing, Lu Jing..."

   At this point in his words, a light suddenly flashed in his eyes.

   "You are Mr. Lu Jing of the library, the leader of Dafu's law enforcement, the leader in white?"

   Lu Jing never planned to hide anything.

   Zipao Taoist saw him nodding his head slowly, the light in his eyes became brighter, and he kept looking up and down at Lu Jing.

   After several breaths of time, the Taoist clapped his hands as if he had suddenly realized.

   "Mr.'s talent has attracted the attention of those two immortals. If I guessed correctly, do the two immortals want to take Mr. to the sky and enter the fairy tower?"

   "Sir... the world is your homeland, even if the sky is the best, don't go to the sky."

When the purple-robed Taoist spoke, he couldn't help getting up slightly. With serious eyes, he told Lu Jing: "I have also been to the Twelve Immortal Towers. The mortal arrogance monks climbed to the sky. Except for those who opened the sky with their own strength, most other Most mortal practitioners either enter the [Crouching Tiger Qionglou], or enter the [Langfeng City]!"

   "The Ming Yujing in the sky, the twelfth floor and the five cities, the fairy towers are different from the fairy towers, and so are the cities.

   But whether it is Crouching Tiger Qiong Tower or Langfeng City, they are far inferior to the other eleven fairy towers and four heavenly cities.

  In it, the truth of heaven and earth cannot be seen, the immortal energy cannot be called rich, and the scenery cannot be called prosperous, and it is still not as good as Taixuanjing, the world's great Fu Taixuanjing. "

  When the purple-robed Taoist said this, he probably thought of those disaster victims who worshiped the immortals and then continued on with staggering steps to find life.

  He sneered, and said: "There are billions of creatures in the world, and there are three, six, and nine classes.

  There are no more than twelve floors and five cities in the sky, but there are also three, six, and nine levels.

  In Langfeng City and Crouching Tiger Qiong Tower in the sky, those arrogances who ascended to heaven from the mortal world, abandoned their homeland, and separated from the human world to ascend to Tianguan, but they also have to be looked down upon by other immortals. "

"Mr. Lu Jing, the world is vast and full of scars, but if you think about it carefully, in this world, you and I are entrusted with countless entanglements. If you just leave, you will even become the enemy of the world. What is the worth of a lowly immortal?"

   "On the other hand, although this world is dilapidated, there are always countless people who are going forward, sewing and mending, hoping to create a better world.

  Heaven...far less than here. "

  When the Taoist in purple robe spoke, there was still a strong sneer in his eyes, as if he sneered at the choices of those immortals who ascended to heaven.

  Hearing the Zipao Taoist's words, Lu Jing only felt that he knew a lot more about the Ming Yujing in the sky, and about the twelfth floor and five cities in the sky.

But he was also puzzled in his heart, so he couldn't help frowning and asked the Zipao Taoist: "Daoist, if it is true as you said, in the sky Langfeng City and Crouching Tiger Qionglou, there are many arrogances who ascended to the sky from the mortal world, why does the sky still treat human beings?" ...without the slightest bit of compassion?"

  The purple-robed Taoist bowed his head, and there were a few more runes for attracting immortals in his hand.

"I have used the Immortal Charm several times to see the immortals, and I thought this in my heart. I thought that if I was lucky enough to meet the immortals in the world, and let them contribute, even if they couldn't completely solve the disaster in the middle of the river, it should be able to save some people from dying in the middle of the river. .”


   Before the purple-robed Taoist could finish speaking, his voice froze suddenly, and then he turned his head to look into the distance.

  In the distance, in the bursts of blood-colored mist, a ray of light shone, illuminating the blood-colored mist like a sunset.

  There is a figure walking slowly from the "sunset glow".

   Lu Jing squinted his eyes, reflecting the starlight of the Dou Xingguan's fate in his eyes. He saw through the sunset and saw the figure covered by the mist.

  The man was wearing a jade-colored robe, with a three-meter white jade pendant around his waist, a chain of white jade rings, the same color as snow.

   And his eyebrows are even more colorful, with bright eyes and sparse eyebrows, slender and long ears, and a beautiful appearance!

  He seemed to be carrying the wind, but within a few steps, he had already approached the simple altar from a very far away.

  On the altar, the purple-robed Taoist frowned when he saw this person.

  The man just glanced at the purple-robed Taoist, then ignored him, and just looked at Lu Jing.

Standing on the cloud, he said, "Humans and immortals are both in the world and heaven, and they also hold their own positions. Since they have ascended to heaven and become immortals, why should they be merciful to others? Why should they be merciful to others? Thinking about it in heaven, what does the life and death of the people on earth matter?"

   "Among the mortal beings in the world, there are many beggars wagging their tails. Even if they are immortals, how can immortals respond completely?"

  His voice seemed to flow into Lu Jing's ears along with the vitality of heaven and earth. It was as if a fairy whispered in Lu Jing's ears, and there seemed to be a convincing power in it.

  Lu Jing wanted to nod subconsciously, but in the next moment, the Yuanshen in his real hall was accompanied by wind and rain, and behind the Yuanshen was the Great Ming King Yantian and the Great Sage Dharma.

  The golden light bloomed, and then another thunder exploded, bringing Lu Jing back to clarity.

   "Zhou Lingjun..." The purple-robed Taoist sat cross-legged, his long messy white hair fluttering: "It's been so many years, I didn't expect you to come to the world again."

   Zhou Lingjun?

   Lu Jing silently repeated the name in his heart.

   And Zhou Lingjun, who came from the mortal world, was watching Lu Jing closely, as if waiting for Lu Jing's reply.

  The sun was so hot that it cracked the earth. Standing on the altar, Lu Jing could feel the scalding heat from the ground even through his thick boots.

   Logically speaking, this temperature is nothing to Lu Jing.

   It's just that when Lu Jing saw the immortal standing in the sky, he felt more and more depressed for some reason.

   "Humans and immortals have their own standpoints, and it is true that immortals who have nothing to do with the mortal world should pity the mortal beings."

  Lu Jing raised his eyes, saw the thick blood-colored mist, and said: "But the immortals in the sky are not completely irrelevant to the world.

  The blood mist in the human world supports the sky, and there are many immortals in the sky, who climbed to the sky from the world.

  Don't say that you have a kind heart, in fact, all you need is a sympathetic heart, and you won't be able to hold the souls of these ordinary creatures and feed the heavenly treasures. "

   "Moreover... the sky and the sky need to be fed by the soul. This river in the middle of the road suffered a catastrophe for six years, causing hundreds of millions of people to die in the disaster.

   Immortals are in charge of the truth of the world, and ordinary practitioners cannot use supernatural powers to change the sky, but immortals can, and even...bring down disasters and turn the magic of immortals into nature. "

When Lu Jing said this, he said to the purple-robed Taoist beside him with emotion in his tone: "Master Lu Jing, all Master Lu Jing loves Lu Jing, and has never talked to me about the heaven and the world, nor this disaster. source.

   But I always feel that this disaster is too strange. "

  The purple-robed Taoist didn't answer, but kept silent.

   Zhou Lingjun, who was standing in the sky, smiled slightly, and said: "Immortals are different, the truth that immortals rule the world has been the same for thousands of years in the past!

  Ordinary people ascend to the sky and become immortals, and they can look at the world without falling into the quagmire of the world. This is the preciousness of immortals in the sky.

  Lu Jing, we heavenly immortals naturally have compassion and compassion, but we don't have mercy on human beings. "

  Lu Jing nodded when he heard Zhou Lingjun's words, but suddenly a smile appeared on his face.

  The smile was complicated, and he said: "The Taoist priest told me just now that there are five cities in the sky, including Langfeng City and Crouching Tiger Qiong Tower.

  Senior... Now that I think about it, I once saw your name in the Records of the Great Liang Kingdom that perished a hundred and twenty years ago. "

   "Zhou Lingjun, the talent of the Daliang Kingdom, the son of the Duke of Liang, ascended to the sky on the eve of the demise of the Daliang Kingdom, stepped into the sky, and became... an immortal."

   "One hundred and twenty years have passed, but the senior looks like a teenager. Maybe this is the difference between immortals and mortals."

  Zhou Lingjun waved his hand, indifferently dispelling the **** mist in front of his eyes.

   "Climbing to the Tianguan, entering the fairy tower, you will have the immortal energy to transform your body, you will also have the true protection of the heaven and the earth, and you will have the sky hanging in the sky. Even if it is just the primordial star shining on the stars, you can live forever."

  The purple-robed Taoist spoke eloquently.

  The smile on Lu Jing's face became more and more intense. When the Fate of the Dou Xingguan was triggered, he vaguely saw a waterfall hanging upside down in the clouds and mist far away, hanging in mid-air.

   Because of this waterfall, Lu Jing felt much better.

  At least Lu Jing can speak freely.

  So Lu Jing asked: "Senior, in your eyes, this world is far less than the sky?"

  Zhou Lingjun looked around and said: "The world is vast, but there are too many useless creatures. They swallow the energy of the world and plant countless acres of land to live their lives, but they are useless to the world. They have been like this for thousands of years.

  Useless creatures have dragged down the human world, filling this vast world with stench, like carrion.

  There are more souls, but those practitioners who are really useful to the world are useless souls who have been divided into the blessings of the world. "

   "I don't know how many emperors have appeared in the world throughout the ages, each with their own ideas, but all of them are completely useless. This world is becoming more and more like a quagmire.

  Lu Jing, the reason why I came to see you today is because you are a disciple of Lord Qingdu.

  One day you will climb to Tianguan, and one day you will see Ming Yujing in the sky, the twelfth floor and five cities.

  At that time, you will know how ridiculous your thoughts are now. "

  Zhou Lingjun stood on the cloud, looked down at Lu Jing, aloof.

  Lu Jing sat on the earth block altar and looked up at Zhou Lingjun.

   "Senior, have you forgotten your origin?"

  Suddenly, Lu Jing's tone was leisurely, and it turned out to be a questioning sentence.

   Zhou Lingjun's face was light and calm, and his complexion remained unchanged, but a white light flashed in his eyes.

  Suddenly, this void turned into a quagmire, with great forces pressing on Lu Jing from all directions.

   This power is too huge.

  Even with Lu Jing's current cultivation, he couldn't sustain it at all.

  Lu Jing only felt intense pains all over his body, and the light on his soul became much weaker.

   But Lu Jing noticed that the upside-down waterfall in the distance was getting closer, so he became more and more courageous. He forcibly endured the pain and said, "In Lu Jing's eyes, there are four types of people who deal with the changes in the world."

  "The first type of people see the changes in the world, get up in anger, change the world, make up for the world's deficiencies, and cure the world's sores.

   These people are called saints. "

   "The second type of people, when they see the shortcomings of their homeland, they will try their best to mend them.

  This class is for the true Mr. "

  “The third type of people sees the world as a quagmire and feels powerless to save the world, so they simply take care of themselves and seek their own liberation.

   These people have no merit or fault, but ordinary people. "

   "The fourth type of people, seeing the world is decaying, and feel that there is no progress in this world, they abandon their homeland, ignore their relatives, climb to a higher place, and seek their own way.

   Such people cannot be called noble, nor can they be called great faults for doing things for themselves. "

  When Lu Jing said this, his tone suddenly changed, showing a little more disdain.

   "But I don't think there is a fifth type of person in this world.

  This kind of people see their hometown suffering, but they have neither pity nor compassion in their hearts. They raise their chests up and go to those who caused disasters in their hometown, but when they turn their heads, they want to spit on their own origin and their own race.

  Even if he has not been completely accepted by the noble place in his heart, he still has to be pretentious and always separate from his origin! "

   "Senior, you never leave the immortal in every sentence, and you never leave the world like a quagmire... But I don't know what kind of person you are?"

   The author is infected with norovirus. Everyone must wear a mask when going out. Whether it is to prevent new crowns, norovirus, or influenza A, you should be careful this season.



  (end of this chapter)

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