MTL - If You Can’t Be a Son-in-law, You Have To Be Sanctified-Chapter 279 To attract wind and rain, and to summon Lutan with sword light?

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  Chapter 279 To attract wind and rain, and summon Lutan with sword light?

  With Lu Jing as the center, it was raining heavily for tens of miles around!

  The dry river needed rain, as did the cracked earth. The victims who had just bowed to the altar and then embarked on the road to escape heard a burst of thunder.

  So someone stopped and looked up at the sky.

  They saw blood-colored mist billowing in the sky, followed by a strong wind.

  The howling wind blew away the blood-colored mist that had already entered the nightmare of the victims, and brought in waves of thick black clouds.

"It is going to rain?"

  Some of the victims murmured to themselves, some licked their chapped lips like the earth, and some remained motionless, looking up at the sky.

   Immediately after…

  They saw that the thick dark clouds completely covered the scorching sun in the sky, and the sun that brought disaster was covered at this moment, and the blazing sun's rays finally disappeared from the day in the middle of the river.

  The sun is no longer scorching the earth, and some people feel the coolness coming...

   That is the breeze that walks on the ground.


  The people whose eyes had already been numb began to cry, and their cries frightened the children who were still in their infancy, so the children began to cry loudly.

  These children did not know that the adults who fled famine were weeping with joy.


   Another thunder came.

  It was like a stinging sting and thunder. There was a sound of thunder, and the turmoil was everywhere. Many young people suddenly raised their heads...

   "Look, who's that?"

   "Heaven... someone!"

   "Is it a **** who descended into the world, or a fairy in the sky?"

   Many victims shouted.

"It's raining!"

   Countless noisy voices were stopped by this shout, and thousands of people fleeing famine suddenly fell silent.

  Needle drop could be heard around the victims, but only the sound of the wind and waves roared continuously. Then, more people saw a figure walking from the sky.

  Following the black-clothed figure slowly approaching, it unexpectedly brought clouds and mist with it, and it began to rain cats and dogs.

   I don’t know how many disaster victims stared blankly at the sky, looked at the figures walking through this world from the sky, felt the rare coolness, and felt the rain falling from the thick dark clouds...

   "Yeah, it's raining..."

  Some people laughed, but there was a cry in their laughter.

  No one is willing to travel long distances to leave their hometown. If they can't survive, who would want to leave their hometown?

  They have lived in the middle of the river for generations. If there hadn’t been a catastrophe in the middle of the river for six years, and if the fertile land in the past had not been turned into barrenness, why would they falter and trek thousands of miles just to find some hope of survival?

  And today...hezhong road was blowing strong winds and raining heavily.

  As long as there is wind and rain, there will be hope for the land where they have lived for generations.

   "Who is the person in the sky that day?"

   "He must be a fairy **** in the sky!"

   Someone answered in a low voice, and then knelt down towards the dark clouds floating in the sky, kowtowed and saluted.

  Whoever can keep them alive must be the **** in their hearts!

   The one walking in the sky is naturally Lu Jing.

  The purple-robed Taoist followed Lu Jing not far away, feeling a little worried.

  Zhou Lingjun stood where he was, and he really couldn't figure out why Lu Jing was able to penetrate the authority of calling wind and rain.

  There are countless powerful people in the world, and countless arrogance, but among mortals, those who can hold the authority of heaven and earth can be counted with two hands throughout the ages.

   Lu Jing's reflection of the two original stars did not bring much shock to Zhou Lingjun, but when there was wind and rain that day, but there was no thunder disaster, Zhou Lingjun's body was really trembling.

   "The power to call wind and rain is actually held by mortals!"

   "Since then, Lu Jing has called for the wind and rain, changing the nature of wind and rain between heaven and earth. Under the true rules of heaven and earth, he will not be liquidated by thunder."

   "From now on, the authority of the West Tower in the sky can no longer deter this world."

  Zhou Lingjun's thoughts were confused. He subconsciously looked up at the sky, but saw that the sun in the sky was completely covered by clouds and mist all over the sky, and the heavy rain fell on him, soaking his robe.

   But the rain came and went very fast, just like a torrential rain that came and went suddenly.

  After the torrential rain, Zhou Lingjun's eyes suddenly shone with a gleam of immortality, and he looked towards the place where Lu Jing left.

   "Even though Lu Jing is in charge of the power of heaven and earth, his realm is still too weak, and he is only at the second level of shining stars.

  The middle of the river is vast, if Lu Jing walks all over the middle of the river and calls the wind and rain, it will not be easy to let the torrential rain fall all over the middle of the river. "

   "At most, after walking a hundred miles away, the vitality he can control will be exhausted."

  Zhou Lingjun lowered his head: "At least, until Lu Jing fully grows up, the disaster in the middle of the river will remain the same, and will not change because of this extremely fast rain."

  He thought of this, and let out another long breath.

   "Compared to Xuanpu City's authority over Chididiqianli, Lu Jing... is too weak."

  Zhou Lingjun woke up, turned his head again, and looked at Lingao Mountain.

  On the high mountain, a crystal bright waning moon sword aura rose high, hanging in the air.

  The mysterious three stars in the sky illuminate the starlight and fall on the sword energy of the waning moon.

  Zhou Lingjun knew... that Daiyue Immortal was using the Shumu Immortal Sword in his hand to communicate with the Heavenly Monarch and Mansion!

  "After the last spiritual tide battle, half of the world has been destroyed, and I no longer dare to compete with the sky!

  Lu Jing is involved in the power to call the wind and rain, and I and the two immortals Pixing Daiyue are in the middle of the river. If the sky wants, we can kill him in the middle of the river. "

  Zhou Lingjun stood in the howling wind, his clothes billowing out, his eyes full of murderous intent.

  He ascended to the sky and spent a hundred and twenty years to enter the realm of the star palace.

   But Jingnian Lu is only twenty years old, so he reflects the two primordial stars, and even...holds the power of immortals, which makes Zhou Lingjun deeply feel that most of the geniuses in Langfeng City and Crouching Tiger Immortal Tower who have ascended to heaven in different eras are all just jokes.

  He himself is in it.

   "Lu Jing calls the wind and the rain, wants to change the world, save the people from disaster, and become the first type of person in his own mouth?"

  Zhou Lingjun took a step forward, seeing the sword intent of Shumu Wanyue of the fairy Daiyue in the sky become more and more brilliant, and his heart was full of murderous intentions.

   "I am a fairy, so naturally I should seek for heaven!"

  Zhou Lingjun seems to have forgotten that he was once the son of the Great Liang Gongqing in the world, and he seems to only remember that he is an immortal in Langfeng City in the sky.

   In the starlight reflected by the three stars in the sky, there were waves of waves.

The powerhouses on the ground couldn't see that in the starlight, there were many immortals descending to stop Lu Jing, and they couldn't see that the madman Chu was holding a green jade staff, full of vigor and magic, and couldn't see that the waterfall that was originally hanging upside down was finally turning around. usually…

  Flying down three thousand feet, it is suspected that the Milky Way falls nine days!

   With supernatural powers transformed from vitality, every move of Madman Chu is peerless supernatural powers!

  He fought against many heavenly monarchs and mansions alone, and he was extremely heroic, just like his name.

   Madman Chu!

   Lu Jing rode on Zhao Ye.

  Because he clearly noticed that the vitality he had condensed was gradually thinning out, being swallowed up by the faint light beams in the sky and the earth, which in turn triggered the natural timing of the sky, causing strong winds to blow and heavy rain to fall.

   The wind is an ordinary wind.

  Rain is also common rain.

   Compared with the wind and rain brought down by the two supernatural powers of causing wind and summoning rain, it is much weaker.

   But when this kind of wind and rain swept across the world, covering dozens of miles around Lu Jing as the center, Lu Jing clearly felt that the vitality he could mobilize was rapidly disappearing.

   "Even if you are in power, I am afraid that you will not be able to walk all over the middle of the river, let alone solve the long-standing disaster on the middle of the river with a single rain."

  Lu Jing's eyes were calm, he saved the vitality needed to walk through the void, and rode on Zhao Ye.

  Black clothes with white horses, the wind blowing knife and the rain calling sword, one black and one white, shining brightly.

  At this moment, he is really like a flawless immortal.

   Even exiled immortals will be tired.

  He walked for a long time, covering hundreds of miles, but only felt that the road in the river was vast.

   "Just now you let me go, but now you just follow behind me, which doesn't help much."

  Lu Jing caressed the white deer leaning over from Zhao Ye, his face was obviously tired.

  White Deer heard the sound of the deer, and her face was a bit tired, and the two antlers on her head were still bursting out with two vaguely mysterious breaths.

  The mysterious breath melted into the void and disappeared.

   "It's difficult to change the world and eliminate disasters."

  Lu Jing thought for a while, and with a flick of his sleeve, he took out a few dragon **** from the Yunkong pattern.

  These dragon **** are mostly affected by the blood sacrifice formation, which is full of the power of blood sacrifice.

  Lu Jing took a dragon ball from the void and held it tightly in his hand.

  Calling the wind and rain, the remaining vitality in his body fell into the dragon ball, and the vitality, qi and blood contained in it were introduced into his body.

  The pure vitality with the power of blood sacrifice fell into Lu Jing's primordial spirit, and then was swayed by Lu Jing, turning it into the rain that filled the sky.

   "Fortunately, you only need to refine your vitality."

   Lu Jing said to himself: "There is no need to ask too much like running a supernatural power."

   At this moment, a voice suddenly came from behind Lu Jing, with a bit of doubt.

   "Since the disaster in the middle of the river cannot be erased, Mr. Lu Jing, what difference does it make if the wind and rain come or not? Why bother?"

  Lu Jing turned his head away, only to see the purple-robed Taoist following behind him.

  He didn't think much about it, and said with a smile: "The princes of the clouds came and descended one after another, so Senior Chu faced those immortals in the sky.

  Before that, Mr. Shuiyun in the West Tower of the Sky looked at me from the air, trying to scare me away.

  Many people living in the middle of the river see hope after seeing the wind and rain. With the vision in their hearts to return to the middle of the river, they will have strength in their bodies, and they may be able to walk out of the middle of the river safely. "

  "Since I have assumed authority, even if I cannot eradicate the disaster in the middle of the river and save all the people, I can do something within my power, such as giving them more hope."

   "Plus... I have to fight for myself."

  When Lu Jing said this, his eyes moved, he looked up at the starlight shining from the three stars in the sky, and said: "These immortals have lived in the sky for a long time, and they feel that they are nobler than the people of the world.

  The true combination of heaven, earth, and the world should belong to the heaven, earth, and the world, but these immortals have monopolized the power in it.

  Just like what Zhou Lingjun said just now, he said... calling the wind and rain is the authority of the west tower in the sky, and mortals are not allowed to touch it! "

  "He wanted to scare me away in the name of the West Tower in the sky, but... since I can wield the power to call wind and rain, then the power between heaven and earth is not unique to immortals.

   Immortals are not more noble than people on the ground. "

  Lu Jing's eyes flickered, and as he talked... his eyes became clearer and clearer.

  He turned his head, looked at the white deer, looked at the two horns of the white deer.

   Zhou Lingjun, who was also following behind Lu Jing, was silent when he heard this, as if he was still immersed in the shock brought by Lu Jing just now.

   It may be at this moment that two auspicious clouds fly in the sky.

  Two immortals wearing stars and wearing moon stood on the auspicious clouds. Mr. Dai Yue held the hilt of the sparse wood fairy sword and said nothing.

  The star-clothed fairy in white said coldly: "The fairy has held the power of heaven and earth since ancient times, this is a theorem.

Lu Jing, you are able to hold the power to call the wind and call the rain because of the two immortal weapons, the Wind Calling Knife and the Rain Calling Sword. How many people can be saved? "

   Zhou Lingjun saw the two immortals wearing stars and wearing moons coming here, and his eyes suddenly changed.

  The star-piercing immortal stood on the cloud and questioned Lu Jing.

   But Lu Jing didn't answer.

  He stared closely at the two horns of the white deer, as if he had noticed something.

  Follow him and raise his hand.

  The Rain Caller Sword that was hovering in the void fell into his hands.

   Lu Jing held the Rain Calling Sword and asked, "Thinking about it carefully, the aura flowing from your pair of antlers is quite familiar to me."

   "Senior Shang Min's White Deer Excalibur is named after the White Deer... Is that sword somehow related to you?"

   "Thinking about it carefully, senior Shang Min ascended to the fairyland in the sky, seized five thousand immortal swords, and then recruited Lutan, melted the five thousand immortal swords in the deer pond, and created the two swords of white deer and divine art..."

   "Called Lutan?"

   "It's like I induced the white deer to appear?"

   Lu Jing's eyes moved, why was senior Shang Min able to summon Lutan?

  Is it because of those five thousand fairy swords?

  Is it because he himself can ascend to the sword energy of the fairyland?


  "Lutan was originally a fairyland in the sky, a pool that provided drinking water for the deer in the sky.

  After Lutan fell into the mortal world, there was no deer in the world, so Lutan repeatedly found opportunities to call the world's young talents into Lutan, but I don't know why. "

  Chu Guogong put his hands behind his back, the scar on his face trembled slightly.

  He raised his head and looked at the cloud-shrouded Lutan Wonderland floating in the air in the distance.

  Yu Xuanlou was sitting beside him, holding a wordless book in his hand, his double pupils were quietly watching the wordless book, not knowing what he was reading.

  "The appearance of Lutan, Lu Jing was able to cause the birth of the white deer, it was really not easy, both because of his extraordinary talent, but also because of his good luck.

   I never thought that the white deer would wander around the Lingao Mountain. "

  Chu Guogong said: "I just don't know who will get this Lutan opportunity."

   "Especially that celestial meridian is too precious. When the deer pond opens and the young Tianjiao enters it, there will be a big fight."

   Chu Guogong spoke.

  Yuxuanlou on the side looked up at the surroundings of Lutan.

  Wherever he looked, he saw many strong men.

   "When Lutan was born, there was no **** storm?" Yuxuanlou saw the prince sitting on a rock at random, practicing cross-legged.

   I also saw a great immortal priest coming from the Hengshan Temple of Qi State, and the person from Jixia Jiange was even the junior of the Sword Saint of Qi State.

   Thirty-six countries in the Western Regions mutinied, Shaozhu Kingdom went to suppress it, and helped the eldest princess, but there was still a two-foot-tall warrior in Loulan City.

  ...The figures of many strong men all emerged.

   "I heard that Mr. Shuloujiu and Guan Changsheng, who have not been born for a long time, also left Taixuanjing and came to Hezhongdao."

   "Just like the vast majority of strong people here, they want to clear a way for their young people to enter Lutan and seek opportunities in Lutan."

   "Before entering Lutan, if these old and strong men can remove one or two young arrogances, it will be easier for young people to enter Lutan to seize opportunities."

  Chu Guogong sighed: "This deer pool obviously appeared in the territory of Dafu, but I don't know why the sage would invite all the heroes from all over the world to seize the opportunity?

  With great power and influence, all you need is a paper order..."

   "No problem!"

  Yu Xuanlou's eyes were burning, and his eyes wandered: "When Lu Jing shows up, before he dies in Lutan, and the cave of Lutan opens, no one can stop me."

   "At the age of the crown prince, I am afraid that he will not be able to enter Lutan."

   Chu Guogong's eyes narrowed slightly.

  He knew that ever since Yuxuanlou went to see Lu Jing with the incarnation of his divine sense, after returning, Yuxuanlou's eyes were full of murderous intent...

  His past advice seemed to be ignored by Yu Xuanlou.

   "It seems that His Highness is going to use his double pupil background to kill Lu Jing, so as to get rid of this disaster, that's good."

   Chu Guogong said to himself.

   A breeze blows.

  Chu Guogong couldn't help being a little surprised, he turned his head and looked at the place where the breeze was blowing.

  That place was just blocked by the towering and continuous Lingao Mountain, so it couldn't be seen clearly, but a group of dark clouds could be vaguely brewing.

   "It's really strange, where did the dark clouds come from in the middle of the river?"

   Chu Guogong muttered to himself.

  Yu Xuanlou's attention fell on the wordless book again.

   Just at this time.

  But I saw three million sword lights flying out of Lin Gaoshan.

  The bright sword light shot straight to the sky, illuminating the void.

  The sword light soaring to the sky cut across and landed on Hongqiao.

  A mysterious aura surged from the sword light, it was the mysterious aura circulating on the white deer's horns!

   "Fu Guang Jian Qi?"

  The sword energy Yu Xuanlou sensed had to raise his head again.

   "What is Lu Jing doing when he cuts the void?" Duke Chu frowned.

   Then, a raging air wave suddenly rolled in the void.

  Yu Xuanlou, Chu Guogong, the prince not far away, and even many strong people around raised their eyes...

   Then it was discovered that the deer pond suspended in mid-air vibrated first, and then it was completely wrapped in the fog around the deer pond and disappeared.

   "Lutan disappeared?" Someone exclaimed.

  Yu Xuanlou took a deep breath.

  The prince in the distance stood up, and behind him was a life-killing Bodhisattva shining brightly.

   Then we saw strong winds and showers!

  The downpour swept across the entire river in an instant!

  The deer pool that disappeared suddenly appeared outside Lingao Mountain.

  On the big deer pond, Lu Jing stood with his sword, and the vitality flowing from the deer pond poured into Lu Jing's body.

   Lu Jing's eyes were burning...

   "Lutan chooses the deer in the world, and the young people in the world are the deer waiting to be selected by Lutan?"

   "Just like the previous senior Shang Min, if my deer is stronger and more magical, I don't need to go to see Lu Tan, Lu Tan will come to see me..."

   Lu Jing muttered to himself, while the two horns of the white deer running beside him still exuded a mysterious aura.

   It was this mysterious aura that injected a steady stream of vitality from Lutan into Lu Jing's body.

  The complexions of many strong men who were guarding around Lutan were different.

  Yu Xuanlou's eyes were murderous.

  Chu Guogong stretched out his hand to catch some rainwater from the sky...

   "Lu Jing attracts wind and rain, and summons Lutan with sword light?"

   "If he doesn't die, after returning to Beijing, I'm afraid he will be a young man again, and he will stand at the pinnacle of this generation of young people in the world."

   "Huh? There seems to be something wrong with Lutan?"

   Duke Chu frowned.

  Li Guanlong from the Shaozhu Kingdom walked in the air and walked towards the deer pool.

   "Your Highness, let's go to Lutan!"

   "I will **** His Highness into Lutan, where His Highness can naturally kill Lu Jing."

   Chu Guogong also reacted.

  And Li Guanlong has a burly figure, walking out of Taixuanjing, he has the potential to look down on him!

  Only Yu Xuanlou frowned tightly. In the deer pond, his mysterious double pupil seemed to see something abnormal.

   "Standing on Lutan, why is Lu Jing so tyrannical?"

   There are only a few chapters left in the plot of He Zhongdao, and we will not start writing for the opportunity.

   Then push the book "My Qualifications Can Be Upgraded". If you are interested, you can read it. It is very relaxing and beautiful.



  (end of this chapter)

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