MTL - If You Can’t Be a Son-in-law, You Have To Be Sanctified-Chapter 280 Yu Yuanshen planted Jidu Rahu

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  Chapter 280 Yu Yuanshen Planted Jidu Luohu

  The clear pool water on the second floor of the book building reflects the evening sky. Taixuan Jingzhong has a lot of wind and rain today, but the book building alone seems to be unaffected by the wind and rain.

  The water in the pool reflects the sky, and then emits a faint light, which illuminates the tone of the self-cultivation tower like the backlit side of a pearl.

   Mr. Guanqi rarely got off the Slim Tower, and stood in front of the Slim Tower, looking up at the sky.

  Even though the sky is covered by dark clouds, his eyes seem to be able to penetrate the thick clouds and fall to the sky, to the three stars that are second only to Tianque.

  The three stars in the sky have a long history.

  The starlight of three stars shrouds the world, which means that for thousands of years, the fairyland in the sky is always brighter than the world.

   Since Lu Jing left Taixuanjing, more than half a year has passed quietly.

  Half a year seems extremely long to the current chess watcher.

  He seems to have aged a lot in the past half a year, even his body is no longer so tall and straight, and there are more scattered white hairs on his head.

  The only thing that remains the same is probably the warm smile on Mr. Guanqi's face.

  In today's twilight, Mr. Guanqi still has a gentle smile on his face. His eyes reflect the stars of the three stars in the sky, as if he saw that the leader of the supernatural powers in the world, the madman of Chu, looked down upon those kings and mansions in the sky!

   It also reflected the scene of Lu Jing standing on the deer pond. The middle of the river was full of wind and rain, just like Taixuanjing at the moment.

  The Wind Exhaling Knife and the Rain Calling Sword exude a bright light, even in a violent storm, they are like two bright lights.

  "Since you can't escape the chessboard, it's better to call the wind and rain with your heart than to be reduced to a thoughtless sword that kills immortals."

  When Mr. Guanqi saw Lu Jing, the relief in his eyes became more and more apparent.

  He never imagined that he could meet such a young man who was sincere and talented when he went to visit the old family of Jiuhu Lu family first.

   "And the most important thing is that Lu Jing is not the ruthless Lu Shenyuan, nor is it Yuxuanlou who can sacrifice everything for hegemony, and it is not me."

  Mr. Guanqi thought of this, and his eyes became more tired.

   "That's okay... the burden of this world is too heavy, let me share some, and the rest will be shouldered by capable people from all over the world.

  Lu Jing, you just need to move forward with your heart, and the road ahead will have its own results. Even if you fall in the middle, you are as respectable as Mr. Shen An. "

  Mr. Guanqi said to himself in his heart, he seemed to see the ups and downs of Lu Jing's road ahead, but he also thought of Lu Jing's resolute eyes and the pen and ink he wrote to Zhong Yubai.

   "Sui Han, then you can tune in after you know the pines and cypresses!"

  Mr. Guanqi read that sentence in a low voice, and suddenly felt nostalgic for this world.

   "If I can live a few more years, maybe I can see a different world."

  Mr. Guanqi's tired eyes contained hope, and the light reflected by the pool water cast on his face, making him appear a bit hazy.


  Mr. Guanqi lowered his head and looked at his own shadow in the pool.

  Vaintly, he noticed that his own shadow in the pool seemed to change, as if there was another shadow on top of the shadow, which overlapped and looked a little weird.

   Just as Mr. Qiguan was staring at the water in the pool, the water in the pool suddenly rippled.

   Immediately afterwards, a starlight fell from the sky and shone on the pond behind the Slim Tower.

  The starlight turned into mist, and the mist condensed on the water again, turning into a figure.

  The figure has loose clothes and big sleeves, and the moonlight robe is embroidered with seemingly invisible mountains and rivers. Above the beautiful scenery of the mountains and rivers, there are clouds and mists, and the fairy air is floating.


  Following a call, the figure originally reflected on the pool slowly stood up from the water and looked at Mr. Qi Guan.


  Mr. Guanqi shook his head: "I only have one teacher in this life, but I am his closed disciple. He has played around the world and hasn't returned yet, so there won't be an extra immortal disciple for nothing."

  The figure was silent for a while, and said: "Senior brother, you are the Qingdu Lord in the sky, once in charge of the Yuxian Tower, and also the Ming Yujing Shanshui Lang hand-picked by heaven and earth."

  Mr. Guanqi opened his mouth, only to feel thoughts surging in his mind.

  He suddenly remembered what he had said to Madman Chu, and remembered his so-called "previous life".

   "Qingdu Shanshuilang..."

  Mr. Guanqi was talking to himself.

  The figure slowly flicked his sleeves, and his wide sleeves brought clouds and mist, and a fairy tower was reflected on the clouds and mist.

  The fairy building stands between the mountains and rivers, the mist rises, and the fairy air is ethereal.

  The moment Mr. Guanqi saw this fairy building, his eyes froze, and then there were many changes in his eyes, becoming a little hesitant and suspicious.

   "Brother, aren't you going to return to Yuxian Tower, and there will be no connection with you in this world since then."

   "As you imagined, you shed your immortal body, descended to the mortal world, and became the most romantic person in your life. Now it is time to return to the sky and Yuxian Tower."

  When the figure spoke.

  Mr. Guanqi's eyes became more chaotic, and there was a lot of pain in his brows.

  So he closed his eyes and recited the scriptures of the saints. After a long time, his eyes finally regained some clarity.

   "You are Bai Weizhi."

  Mr. Guanqi remembered the identity of the visitor.

  The figure nodded slightly: "Brother, long time no see."

  "Yes, decades will fly by like a snap of your fingers, and it will be another life of mine.

  But to Yuxianlou, decades is probably nothing. "

  The figure said: "Brother, you will return to the building. I came here today to pave the way with you earlier."

  "The bridge to the sky has been laid out, don't get lost, I will pick you up when the time comes."

   "We miss you so much when you're not around."

  Mr. Guanqi never answered the figure's words.

But the figure suddenly changed the subject and asked: "Senior brother, that Lu Jing is your disciple, and now he has the authority to call wind and rain, if he is left in the world, the people in the west building will always swallow him and let him die no deposit.

   Instead of this, why not bring him back to the Yuxian Tower when you ascend to the sky, he is your disciple, if he can be a heavenly immortal, maybe one day he can inherit your mantle. "

  Mr. Guanqi lowered his head, looking at his own reflection in the pool.

  The second shadow was much clearer, so Mr. Guanqi couldn't help squatting down, stretched out his hand into the pool water, stirred it a few times, and stirred up his two shadows into ripples.

   "Whether Lu Jing ascends to heaven or not is his own choice, how can I bring him to heaven?"

   "Brother, I know that Lu Jing respects you. If you want to take him to the sky, even if he hesitates in his heart, he will always go to the sky to have a look."

   "I went to the sky, saw the prosperity of Ming Yujing, saw the twelfth floor and five cities, and saw four hundred and eighty fairylands, so I didn't want to return to the world."

  The shadow of the immortal spoke eloquently.

  But in the ears of Mr. Qiguan, he felt that it was getting more and more harsh.

   "The sky is indeed prosperous, but not everyone wants to go to the sky.

   Not long ago, someone also ascended to the sky, went to open the sky gate with a sword, and blazed a way down to the earth.

  Junior brother, how do you know that Lu Jing won't make the same mistakes again? "

   "Or, Ming Yujing just wants to bring Lu Jing into Tianguan and keep him in captivity."

  Mr. Guanqi's tone suddenly became more serious: "He is my disciple."

   "He is your disciple in the human body." The figure said calmly, "You are Lord Qingdu of Yuxianlou, you are Shanshuilang of Ming Yujing, and you were once one of the cornerstones of Tianguan.

  The power to call wind and rain cannot be controlled by mortals...

  Brother, you have never fully woken up, and you have never revived your memory when you were Lord Qingdu. You only remember that you are Mr. Shulou Guanqi, and that you are the most romantic in Dafu.

  So you don't want Lu Jing to ascend to the sky. "

  Mr. Guanqi said this, the figure also bent down, stretched out two flawless arms, and sank into the water.

   "You need to remember about Yuxian Tower."

  The sound came, and the palms of both hands suddenly turned up, throwing up a pool of water.

  The pool water fell on the shoulders of Mr. Qi Guan, and on the face of Mr. Qi Guan.

  Mr. Qiguan who was squatting by the pool froze.

  He still bowed his head deeply at this moment, but when he raised his head again, his face remained unchanged, but his eyes changed a lot, and the gentle smile that seemed to have disappeared on his face had long since disappeared.

  Mr. Guanqi realized that he was squatting by the pond, frowned slightly, and slowly stood up.

   "Lu Jing... wants to ascend to the sky."

  Mr. Guanqi once again looked at the three stars that day.

  The figure straightened up, looking at the familiar senior brother in front of him, his brows and eyes softened.

   "Brother, I never lied to you just now. When you are not around, everyone in the building misses you very much."

  Mr. Guanqi put his hands behind his back, still referring to Lu Jing in his words: "Lu Jing holds the power to call wind and rain, and it is not a good thing for Ming Yujing to keep him in the world.

  For Lu Jing himself, there will inevitably be many murders.

  He is my disciple...Naturally he cannot die in..."

   Before he finished speaking, he suddenly frowned again, and his words stopped.

  The figure with a smile on his face froze.

  Looking at the figure in front of him, he only felt that something strange came out of the familiarity.


   "Lu Jing, I don't want to go to heaven."

   Just as the person also smelled something unusual, Mr. Guanqi dropped his hands that were originally on his back at will, looking reckless and unrestrained.

   "Lu Jing doesn't want to go to the sky, if I force him into the sky, he will inevitably resent me.

  He doesn't want to go to the sky, if I don't worry about what he thinks, I won't be me anymore. "

  Mr. Guanqi lowered his head, as if thinking about the difference between "I" and "I".

  The immortal who called himself Mr. Guanqi's younger brother stared blankly at Mr. Guanqi in front of him, feeling both familiar and unfamiliar.

   A dozen interest times passed.

  The immortal didn't know what to think, and suddenly became a little flustered.

   "Brother, will you come back?"

   He asked hastily.

  Mr. Guanqi remained silent.

The immortal became more and more panicked: "Brother, if you ignore Lu Jing's safety and do not agree to take Lu Jing up to the Tianguan, the West Tower will not let it go, maybe Ming Yujing will risk the collapse of the Tianguan and send a real strong man to fall into the sky." Fan, take back Lu Jing's authority to call the wind and call the rain!"

   "Even now, on the Hezhong Road where Lu Jing is located, there are three immortals watching, waiting for me to bring you a response.

  Brother, you must go back to the Yuxian Building...Everyone in the building is waiting for you, Lu Jing is your disciple, I can see that you must value him very much..."

  The Immortal has not yet finished speaking.

  The starlight falling from the three stars in the sky became increasingly dim. When the last ray of starlight shone on the fairy figure, it revealed a young and flustered face.

   There was even pleading in the face of this immortal.

   It seems to be begging Mr. return to Yuxian Tower.

  Mr. Guanqi remained silent.

  When the immortal named Bai Weizhi completely disappeared in front of the pond, Mr. Guanqi's eyes became normal again, and the expression on his face returned to gentleness.

   "I and I have dealt with each other for a long time, and I would rather be me."

  Mr. Guanqi muttered to himself.

   Except for Yuxian Tower, there is nothing good in the sky.

  He stood quietly in front of the self-cultivation tower, the cool wind blew, and someone put another layer of robes on Mr. Guanqi.

   "Don't catch a cold."

  Mr. Eleven's alluring complexion is as indifferent as before.

   But deep in her eyes, there was a deep reluctance.

  Mr. Guanqi turned his head to look at Mr. Eleven, and the smile on his face became more gentle.

   "Taoyao, when I die, can I sleep under the peach tree?"

  Taoyao shook her head: "Lu Jing has already entered the Lutan, his sword energy not only attracted the White Deer, but also attracted the Lutan.

  With the opportunity of the sky in this fallen fairyland, you can't die. "

  Mr. Guanqi thought for a while, but nodded with a smile.

   "It's naturally best to be alive. I've been in the library for a long time, and recently I always dream about the peach blossoms on Zhenwu Mountain."

   "When it's over, I'll take you there for a stroll." Mr. Eleven's eyes melted into the sunset.

  She thought: "That's where I saw you for the first time."


  Lu Jing stood on the deer pond, when his sword qi was contending, when his body was thundering, and when the Kunpeng primordial star shone on the starlight, a huge amount of vitality poured into his body from the deer pond.

   "Lutan is also like a white deer, agreeing with me."

  Moved by Lu Jing's thoughts, the beam of light between his eyebrows revealed a mysterious power, which was the authority of heaven and earth.

  Mysterious mighty power melted into the void, and the wind and rain in the sky became more rapid.

   Not far away, in the clouds under the wind and rain, the two immortals wearing stars and wearing moons, and Zhou Ling from the city of Langfeng in the sky all looked up at the sky.

  The Shumu Immortal Sword suddenly lit up with a faint light.

  The sword intent of the waning moon hanging in the air suddenly turned into moonlight and fell down, falling on Zhou Lingjun and the two immortals wearing stars and wearing moons.


   Instantaneous time.

  The star-piercing fairy's eyes were full of murderous intent, her white clothes fluttered, and she suddenly drew a long knife from her waist.


  The long knife is like blood, splitting the clouds and mist, and all the vitality around it seems to be chopped to pieces by the terrifying knife of the star-piercing immortal.

   "Lu Jing, there are orders from the three stars in the sky!"

   "Even if you are a disciple of Lord Qingdu, you must never hold the authority of heaven and earth!"

  The star-piercing immortal is like a big sun at this moment, and within a few steps, he slashed down fiercely with the brilliance of a sword.

  The immortals in the sky made a move, and the immortal energy rolled up the turbulent waves.

  The wind was whimpering, and the torrential rain was evaporated by the light of the knife.

   "I've long wanted to kill this ignorant mortal!"

  The moment Immortal Phi Xing made his move, Zhou Lingjun flicked his sleeves, and several stars immediately appeared in the sky.

  It's just that when those stars fell and shone on Zhou Lingjun, there was a more wonderful fairy air flowing.

   Immortal Phi Xing and Zhou Lingjun attacked together, intending to kill Lu Jing here.

   And at this moment...

   On the land of Lutan, there were also strands of blood mist gushing out.

  In Taixuan Palace.

  Emperor Chongtian, dressed in black, had already walked out of the Taixian Hall.

   "Ji Du, Luo Hu!"

   "Lu Jing, I use the bones of the Immortal Lutan to attract these two primordial stars, thinking that Lutan's mighty power will bless you."

   "Today, you tried your hand at the sword and sharpened yourself with the blood of a fairy..."

  Emperor Chongtian thought to himself.

  The Chiyi Diao Temple was silent.

  Emperor Chongtian glanced at him, and asked, "Canglong Nu, how much power do you think Lu Jing can swallow in Lutan? What can be the result?"

   Canglongnu thought for a while, and said: "Mr. Lu Jing is extremely talented and has a rich background.

  Gouchen and Kunpeng primordial stars alone can accommodate a lot of power in the Lutan fairyland. "

   "It's just...these three immortals are all very tyrannical, especially the immortal Dai Yue who holds the Sparse Wood Immortal Sword.

  In addition, the body of the immortal body is washed by the immortal energy all the year round, and the life span is long, and the vitality is also extremely strong..."

   "Why are you talking so much nonsense?

   Do you think Lu Jing can make immortals bleed? "

   Canglongnu said: "Perhaps it can make Zhou Lingjun and Immortal Pixie bleed."

  Emperor Chongtian suddenly became interested: "I'll take a bet with you."

"I bet that Lu Jing, standing on the deer pond, can absorb the divine power of the deer pond on himself, cut down an immortal, and plant the seeds of the two primordial stars, Jidu and Luohu, on the primordial spirit. One day, the two primordial stars will be reflected , completely become an unparalleled sword for slaying immortals!"

   "I'll bet with you."

  A flash of sword light flew over, and the rain that had been scattered in Taixuanjing turned into heavy snow.

   "I bet Lu Jing kills an immortal, but he won't be fooled by Ji Du and Luo Hu!"

  Emperor Chongtian raised his eyes and glanced at the sword light, and said with a smile, "Shang Min, Lu Jing is the sword that kills immortals on the chessboard. The chess is in my hands. Do you see it more clearly than me?"

  Suspended in the sky turned out to be a white long sword.

  The long sword hangs in the air, illuminating the snow-white night sky.

  Shang Min's voice came leisurely: "I can't see the chessboard, but Lu Jing is a swordsman."

   "I can clearly see the courage in his sword light."

  Emperor Chongtian nodded: "It's a bet."

  (end of this chapter)

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