MTL - If You Don’t Farm, You’ll Die-Chapter 36 (one)

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It has to be said that Ye Kangsheng's son went home for dinner at noon yesterday. Xu Xinmei and his wife bought the food again after eating and left it for the son to eat. Take it to the unit and distribute it to others.

It was widely spread, but Taoyuan's apples and oranges became popular in a small area, not to mention there were other people who tasted it and thought it was good, voted and bought it. The subsequent behavior was similar to that of Ye Kangsheng. The scope becomes wider.

On the first day, because of the location, Taoyuan’s booth was at the back, so the difference in votes was not much different from others, and it even lagged behind the previous ones. Among them, Li Guoguo knew that one belonged to Bao Anping’s family. The top is covered with crystal clear agate grapes and crystal pomegranates, which are particularly attractive.

In fact, Bao Anping's booths were among the first ones, so they were the ones who got the most votes yesterday. The number of votes will be cleared every day, so Lu Yangze wants to do publicity first.

Who knew that the surprise would come so quickly, so many people came over today, filling up the small exhibition stand.

They muttered and corrected the number, oops, that's right, it's number 56! Can't go wrong, just these two fruits.

Some people even tried to get close to the staff, wanting to know in advance who it is, and they want to buy it!

"You really don't know whose house this is? We promise not to talk nonsense, just want to buy it, do you know about online shopping, we can buy it."

Today’s system of nameless names makes them both painful and happy. There is less noise and advertising, and less time to go directly to other people’s official websites to buy. They have to wait until the last day to announce the names of all booths, which is really annoying. Scratching my heart and lungs, I am very anxious!

Of course, after seven days, they knew that the name was useless, because the items were already sold out, and even the pre-orders for next year were full.

Let’s just say that the number of people exploded suddenly today, and other people who arrived early and were drinking tea on the second floor stretched their heads and looked down, hey, whose booth is that, why are there so many people?

Because of Lu Yangze's relationship, Bao Cheng knew about their booth, and now seeing these people running directly towards Taoyuan's booth, he frowned, his heart arose, and he said directly to his father:

"I think they are relying on the fact that they are Internet celebrities, so they started to promote it? Otherwise, there were not many people yesterday, why there are so many people suddenly today, and there is a problem at first glance. No, I have to talk to the supervisor. Take care of these crooked tendencies."

Bao Anping didn't say anything, but he was a little suspicious. Did they secretly invite someone to canvass? It might be difficult for others to canvass, but for Li Guoguo, it was just a one-sentence relationship. A little bit, avoiding the competition party can also achieve the purpose of canvassing votes.

Don't look at the various secrets of the competition party, but there is still room for manipulation if they want to fake votes, but this actually doesn't mean much to them. If people buy your fruits and vegetables, is it meaningful to be the first one?

Therefore, there is also a tacit unwritten agreement among the players, that is, fairness. This year, there are more stunned young people like Li Guoguo, so it's no wonder that other people immediately suspected that they were fraudulent.

Baocheng went directly to the tournament party and explained the current situation, hoping that they would check the votes carefully. Although it was not a report, it was almost the same.

It was the first time for the race team to encounter this kind of thing. In fact, there were several waves of people who came just now, and they had the same meaning. They suspected that people from Taoyuan bought fake tickets. They were too arrogant and angered the public.

The director of the competition is also in a dilemma. After all, someone voted. If you say it is fake, who will admit it when you come to the door? At that time, people will never come again in a fit of anger, and it will not be good to spread the word.

The supervisor decided to check with the staff first to see what was going on with these people, so he took off the work card and mixed with the staff and walked to the Taoyuan display stand not far from the Taoyuan display stand, specifically to guard those who bought Taoyuan fruits. people asked.

After all, these people are really easy to recognize. There are only two fruits in Taoyuan, and they are packaged and presented in small bamboo baskets. One of the reasons why everyone stays.

The supervisor saw a young man approaching happily with a small basket in front of him, and stopped him with a smile on his face. "Sir, I'm sorry to bother you."

The man stopped suspiciously, looked up at him and asked, "Why, I'm busy delivering fruit to my partner."

"It's like this. I think you all go to that booth to buy things, why don't you go to other stalls, do you know the person at the display booth, or why do you all go there to buy?" the supervisor asked with a smile.

The man frowned impatiently and waved his hands: "Are you sick? Who knows who opened that booth, you know? Why did you buy it? My girlfriend asked me to buy it. She came over from get off work yesterday and bought one, saying it was delicious. I have to buy one for her today, so I’ll come over and buy it.”

The supervisor was taken aback, he really didn't expect such a straightforward answer, the man rolled his eyes seeing that he was fine and left.

The supervisor saw a pair of young women in front of them took their daughter to buy it and came out. He learned his lesson and politely stopped them and asked, "Are the fruits from this store so delicious? I think everyone buys from them. I thought it was Tony."

The staff next to him just wanted to cover his face, thinking to himself that the boss's art of speaking is really touching, so he suspected that he was trusting him or something?

It is obvious that the woman is not stupid. After hearing this, she rolled her eyes at him. Since her daughter was here, she smiled and said, "Will you buy it yourself if it's delicious? If you can't afford it, you won't." Do you want to try it? It's ridiculous. Who wants to be a trustee, do you think I am you?"

After the woman finished speaking, she took her daughter and left, leaving behind the executive who was sprayed with suspicion, so these two are real passers-by?

The staff members were afraid that the supervisor would offend the person again, so they asked him to wait aside and stopped the person for questioning, so the subsequent conversation would be much more harmonious.

"What are you talking about? I don't know them. It was my parents who bought them yesterday and thought they were delicious, so I must buy one today. It tastes pretty good."

"There are few things, but the taste is good. People here say they don't know which brand of fruit it is, so they can only come back in a few days."

"Trust? No, we don't know each other. I heard what my aunt said in the group. I came over to have a look today when I have free time. It's delicious. You should hurry up and buy it. I won't lose money. I'll watch it for a while." It's going to sell out."

These words became a prophecy (chen). By the time the supervisor and the staff finished asking questions, it had already slipped to noon. After that, they themselves doubted life.

Is this fruit really so delicious? Eight out of ten people bought it for reasons such as listening to people's rumors and repeat customers, and only a few bought it to watch everyone buy it for fun, so as not to lose money.

At noon, these fruits were really sold out, and the replenishment also said that they were not available for the time being, and had to wait until tomorrow.

The supervisor thought to himself, isn't this considered a ticket? Every excuse is different, and what you say is so sincere, how much money will it cost to do it? Anyway, he thinks the possibility is too small, especially in all age groups, men, women, old and young.

The boss of Taoyuan is an Internet celebrity, and everyone knows that the fans are from the younger generation, but can the fans be so good that they can persuade the family to lie and buy a piece of fruit together? Who spoils the child so much when he is full?

So Baocheng thought that after reporting the situation truthfully, those tickets in Taoyuan would be at least half less than that! But unexpectedly, not even one of these tickets was cleared, and even more and more, until the items were sold out, the number of tickets stopped growing.

Bao Cheng asked his father with a puzzled face: "What's the matter with this supervisor, has he collected money? Look at the other stalls, there are not many people in front of it. Half of the people here have left, and they all went to their place. This fake It’s almost unbearable.”

The excitement in the morning was all about Taoyuan. Others had no choice but to eat lemons. They held their breath and waited for Taoyuan to die. They got slapped in the face when they swiped tickets. It turned out that at noon, everything was sold out, and the tickets were all good. !

Bao Anping glanced at Taoyuan's booth and asked, "I remember they still have some fruits in their warehouse. Go and buy two."

Bao Cheng looked at his father in disbelief, and shouted in a low voice: "Dad, why are you still buying their fruits? These people are riding on your neck, and you still don't care?"

Bao Anping glanced at Bao Cheng, "You need to use your brain to think about it, don't think about it all day long, buy the things first and then talk about it."

Bao Cheng reluctantly went to the staff to explain the matter. For ordinary spectators, purchases must be restricted. However, in order to taste each other's agricultural products, the contestants buy a small amount. I don't know how to control it, but it also promotes communication among everyone.

Bao Cheng was quite reconciled, with a stinking face against the staff's expression that I understand, he went back to the room with two apples in his mouth. His father was turning on the computer and looking at the page. When he walked over, he saw that there were Taoyuan fruits on it. Great news.

To describe it in one sentence, it's just rainbow farts throughout the article, and Baocheng is terribly shocked. This person doesn't sell fruit in a down-to-earth manner, and imitates those entertainment circles to make news all day long. Is it interesting?

The real can not be fake, the fake can not be real.

When Bao Anping saw Bao Cheng came back, he asked his son to wash it and brought it over. Bao Cheng went to wash it with his mouth curled up, and handed the apple directly to his father with water droplets on it.

He has been growing his own fruit since he was a snack, and now he is researching new varieties every day, and he almost vomited after eating. He really doesn't care about eating their apples.

Bao Anping looked a bit more serious, first observed the outside of the apple, and felt that there was nothing unusual, put it to his mouth and took a tentative bite, the more he ate, the deeper his frown became.

Seeing his father's reaction, Bao Cheng raised his eyebrows and asked, "Dad, is it too unpalatable and sour? Tsk, I'll just say..."

Bao Anping stood up directly, frowning deeply, and glanced at him with complicated eyes, as if he was looking at why his stupid son always had such a low IQ.

"You finish eating first." Bao Anping dropped this sentence firmly, and looked at Bao Cheng without saying a word.

Bao Cheng listens to his father the most. The family’s business can expand so quickly because of Bao Anping’s decision-making. Bao Cheng himself has no great wisdom, but he will not casually veto what his father says. He will first listen and think. .

He subconsciously picked up the apple and took a bite. He and Bao Anping almost had the same reaction, his brows were deeply frowned, and he even looked suspicious—is this an apple? Apple tastes like this? This... this is too delicious, right?

"Dad...that's what they sell? Is there something added?"

Before Bao Cheng finished speaking, Bao Anping raised his palm and stopped him from continuing, "You still don't understand, the one who can be recommended here is definitely not a fruit with cyclamate added, the judges here There are so many experts, do you think everyone is blind? Stop saying that.”

Baocheng said unwillingly: "I've never heard of this peach garden before, it's like it popped out of nowhere, it's just like this fruit, we've studied it for so many years, and we've only won a few awards in total."

Baocheng was really disdainful of Taoyuan before, but when he heard his father say it after eating, his heart skipped a beat. They won the last session, and this session also brought out good things that were under pressure. They sold them on the first day. is also really good.

Even the competition side gave them a high position. Who knew that in just one night, things would take a turn for the worse and become what they are now. He began to worry that this small orchard horse, which hadn't had any storms before, might really win the championship.

Bao Anping glanced at him and said: "Although the things are genuine, it doesn't mean they can easily take away the champion."

Bao Cheng raised his eyebrows, his good mood was self-evident, "Dad, what are you going to do?"

Bao Anping rubbed the apple in his hand, the aroma of the apple seemed to remain between his lips and teeth, he squeezed the palm of his hand hard, gritted his teeth and said: "We have accumulated many years of accumulation, and there are many regular customers, I don't believe it, these few days will not If someone votes for us, they all stare at those few things of hers!"

As soon as Bao Cheng heard it, he knew in his heart that he planned to find the network of old customers to solicit votes. He was filled with righteous indignation when he suspected Li Guoguo and the others to swipe the votes, but now it is very natural for him to do it himself.

If they lose this time and are taken over by a new dark horse, they will know how other colleagues will laugh at them, so they can only win this battle, not lose!

By the time Li Guoguo and the others returned to the hotel room, Baocheng had already contacted several reliable customer groups, and everyone tacitly agreed, without saying much, only that they would definitely support them.

Bao's orchard is in the south, with plenty of rain and warm weather. After winning the first place a few times, the sales network has also opened up, and the fruit is no longer worrying about selling. The orchard has been expanding again and again. No comparison. Their next step is to sell the fruit directly abroad and go abroad, so they will not let go of every opportunity to become famous.

Since Taoyuan has real materials, they will definitely not lack opportunities. Next time, let them be the first one next time.

When Li Guoguo and Lu Yangze arrived at the exhibition on the third morning, they found that the flow of people was a little bit more than the day before. I don’t think there’s any need to go in and irritate our colleagues, let’s go back and see what forced them yesterday, they all suspect us of swiping tickets.”

Although the supervisor didn't tell Li Guoguo and the others about the farce yesterday, Lu Yangze still heard some rumors, and when he came back, he complained to Li Guoguo that these people had persecution paranoia.

It's ridiculous, if they really want to swipe tickets, what's the matter with these people? As long as Li Guoguo ascended to the top, the fans in Kyoto could fill in here, but because they also abide by the competition system, they were still misunderstood.

Li Guoguo gave Lu Yangze a sideways look: "Sooner or later, you will be covered with a sack, and then I won't care about you."

Saying this at the entrance of the exhibition, I'm afraid it's not a call? Lu Yangze has the ability to handle affairs, but he can't be more modest with his mouth.

Although I felt that Lu Yangze's words were a bit exaggerated, but judging from the situation of the next day, today should be better. The two went in to the second floor talking and laughing, and were stunned when they looked down.

Although there are still many people outside their booth, if you use circles to describe it, the other booths outside their booth are all small circles, their booth is a middle circle, and Bao Anping's booth near the door is a big circle. If they didn't reach the side, they all squeezed outside the gate, Lu Yangze stared at it in a daze.

"These people are too exaggerated. I just received the news today? Otherwise, how come there weren't so many people in the past two days?" Lu Yangze intuitively guessed that there must be something wrong here, but he crossed it out as soon as he thought of swiping the ticket.

After all, with Baocheng's previous attitude, superior arrogance, and the ability to win the first place so many times, there is no need for them to take the risk of swiping tickets, right?

Li Guoguo also frowned, and pursed his lips in thought, but just like Lu Yangze, both of them felt that if the leading leader was caught swiping tickets in a competition, would he be humiliated?

So the brainwaves of the two are connected together strangely, and it feels dark under the lights, it should not be a brush ticket, but a quantitative change causing a qualitative change. Aren't they just mediocre on the first day, and exploded on the second day, can they not allow it? Are other people selling well?

The owners of the other display booths looked at each other. They knew how well Bao Anping and the others were selling these years. Although they did get the first place, it didn’t mean they had such a large amount of traffic. After all, they relied on word of mouth to counterattack .

And this year, why did they feel like they were swiping their tickets when they saw Taoyuan? Because the flow of people in previous years was not so scary at all. When this incident happened today, everyone kept their mouths shut, pretending that they hadn’t seen it. Is there a big difference between the first place and the second place?

Everyone pretended to be confused and didn't find any clues, but they didn't think about it. If it weren't for Li Guoguo and the others who brought their own system and nutrient solution, their own fruits would be very good. Give up this line.

The competition party does not have this consideration. What they need is to be as fair as possible, to ensure that the first place in each session is genuine. If they release water at will and let everyone turn their minds to opportunism, then who will seriously study and improve? Fruits and vegetables?

So the organizer still hired someone to investigate this situation, but... there are policies and countermeasures, and the staff are not without weaknesses.

In other words, on the one hand, Baocheng asked the people he recruited to put on a disguise, and on the other hand, he also gave the staff some red envelopes to take care of them.

There is no such thing as canvassing, but this is the first time for the staff to meet such a hot two big contests this year. Think about the money, and look at the trophy holders of the previous year. Put a little water in, but it's okay, right? …

So when the feedback was given to the organizer, there was no abnormality this time, and those people were introduced by acquaintances or had been here last time, so they still had images of these familiar fruits, that's all.

Although the organizer thought it was a bit tricky, but thinking about Bao Anping, the character of Bao Anping after so many years of cooperation is also roughly clear. Although he is a bit arrogant, he is indeed talented. The above also specially reminded the number of places to go abroad to participate in the exchange meeting this year , I plan to give him one.

Due to various reasons, Bao Cheng's unsophisticated canvassing really came true. Seeing the votes increasing bit by bit, he heaved a sigh of relief and frowned fiercely.

Taoyuan’s votes are also skyrocketing. Although they don’t have as many as Baocheng’s, they are still shocking to watch. This is really talking about the fruit in their hands. There is no advertising, no canvassing and voting, and it’s all about the spontaneous spread of the people. Age groups are not fixed.

Li Guoguo and the others are not the kind of characters who jump up and down every day when they are surpassed by others, and they can still stabilize their mentality. At night, Li Guoguo will go out with his new boyfriend, and Lu Yangze will handle the exhibition. Let's see their results on the last day, no matter what the ranking is, it is affirmation for them.

Lu Yangze had great expectations for this competition, but seeing the increasing number of votes, he couldn't help guessing, could it be that Baocheng's fruit is really delicious?

I found the staff in private, did the same thing as Baocheng did, and returned to the room with their new product this year, washed it casually and threw it in my mouth, then frowned, reacting like Baocheng and the others eating plum fruit The reaction of the fruit of Guojia is basically the same, but the words are completely different.


"What the **** is this?" Lu Yangze really didn't understand. He said that seeing is believing, but hearing is deceptive. The sales volume these days is because he is a little jealous, and he also looks at Bao Anping's fruit differently. Their Taoyuan rivals.

After taking a bite and biting down, the sour and slightly sweet grape taste comes out, with the slight sourness of the grape, and the flesh is tender and smooth, but this taste is not as good as their Taoyuan, to put it bluntly, it is more than a bit worse.

Thinking that it was already the fifth day, Lu Yangze couldn't eat, couldn't sit down, but thought that Li Guoguo had already gone on a date with President Nie tonight, so he had to sit back and wait for Li Guoguo to receive his message and come back When he knocked on the door of his room, he saw Lu Yangze wearing a pair of wide-rimmed glasses, and the notebook on the desk behind him was still lit, with a serious expression on his face, which stunned Li Guoguo for a moment.

"What's the matter? Is there something wrong with Taoyuan?" Li Guoguo closed the door and asked with a frown.

Lu Yangze shook his head, pointed to the fruits on the table, sat down on the desk behind him, took off his glasses and threw them aside, rubbed his brows and said, "Taste these fruits first and see if there is any difference The place."

Li Guoguo looked at the several seasonal fruits on the table, and guessed that they must be from a certain family in their meeting place, so he tasted each of them, and his tongue twitched at the slightly sour eyebrows, and in the end it was After swallowing, the expression on his face was not painful, but it was definitely not enjoyable either.

"Did you find a problem?" Lu Yangze said angrily, "Do these people think we are fools? I didn't eat their fruit before and I thought it tasted good. I haven't said anything since I can't compare with them these days. Knowing that I ate a bit today, I found the problem."

"This is not comparable to the fruits produced by our Taoyuan."

"I suspect they're finding people to vote for themselves."

After Lu Yangze finished speaking with a serious face, he saw Li Guoguo say "oh", clapped his hands and said calmly, "Then do you have evidence?"

Lu Yangze was stunned for a moment, and immediately said: "There is no evidence, but can't you tell the difference with eyes and mouth?"

"So there is no evidence." Li Guoguo stood up and looked back with a serious face, "You go to report now, do you think you won't be splashed with dirty water and say that you are jealous of others, so you are talking nonsense?"

Lu Yangze's nose was crooked when he was almost angry, what the hell, who is jealous of whom? Full marks envy students with passing marks? How much leisure he has!

Li Guoguo frowned and said, "This is indeed just our own feeling. Maybe the public's taste is like this? You can't always feel that there is a problem just because someone has a lot of families."

All right, Lu Yangze was almost convinced by Li Guoguo's logic, wondering if he was really narrow-minded and jealous of others, and saw Li Guoguo's lips curled up to reveal the pear dimples on his cheeks, his appearance was warm and sweet, and his eyes were clear and innocent.

"I think we can help them out."

Lu Yangze intuitively felt that there was a hole here, raised his eyebrows and asked, "How can I help?"

Li Guoguo picked up the plan that Lu Yangze had made before, but it was no longer used to attract guests later.

"This. Since everyone is relying on real materials to let the audience vote, then let more people participate. There are 12,000 to 30,000. There are so many people. Don't think about fishing in troubled waters to solicit votes. Look at the public's opinion. Choose."

Lu Yangze yelled directly and happily, "Okay, boss, I found out that you are much worse than me. Now, if there are really secret canvassers, they will be squeezed out by a group of people, and they will bow their heads in front of big data."

What Li Guoguo and Lu Yangze are most afraid of is to accept more people's tongues to check. They have confidence in their own fruits, and some people who may have faults don't know if they can have a clear conscience.

Li Guoguo, who was ready to start the live broadcast that night, looked at the jumping numbers on the phone screen. He first apologized to the audience, saying that he was busy recently and had no time to live broadcast, and that he would resume in two days. It was only after it was over that I casually mentioned it.

"Recently, it is said that there is an agricultural product exhibition in Kyoto. Every city will present excellent fruits and vegetables to participate in the competition. I hope that those in the urban area of ​​Kyoto can support more and pay attention to our country's agricultural products."

After Li Guoguo finished the live broadcast, Lu Yangze directly gave her a thumbs up. This time, she was stable. Just now Li Guoguo gave the exact address and the name and address of the exhibition. Some also asked what time the door opened, and they also wanted to check it out.

On the morning of the sixth day, when the staff at the venue were yawning and preparing to open the door, they were startled when they saw the black heads outside the door. They thought they had encountered some horror plot about the siege of zombies, and almost everyone’s eyes were shining. Faint light.

"Who are you? What are you going to do?!" The staff looked at the security guard in the security booth tremblingly, thinking whether to call someone over.

The young girl standing at the front smiled and said, "Little brother, is this the xxth Agricultural Products Exhibition? We are here to see what delicious fruits are available, and we want to buy them!"

The staff member opened his eyes wide, looked at her, and then at the dark head behind her, and confirmed, "Are you really going to come from here? This is not a supermarket, it's an agricultural product exhibition, and you can't buy a few fruits. "

The girl nodded directly, and showed him a booklet that she had promised. On it were carefully prepared notes and detailed answers about the voting mechanism, which proved that he was not ignorant of this.

The staff opened the door and let everyone in. I still feel a little confused. I always feel that this year is particularly mysterious. The lukewarm voting session is almost intensified these days. Everyone is more concerned about who will win the first place. Today With so many people coming together, I felt something was wrong.

Even the organizers didn't expect that there would be a wave of enthusiasm on the sixth day, and there were so many people. Every corner of the venue was full of people, and there was no place to stay, but everyone enjoyed it, even Smiling, stop in front of each stall and taste the food carefully.

The organizers also attached great importance to this situation. After searching and questioning, they found out that they were all fans of Taoyuan, or they had heard about Taoyuan and were recommended to participate.

But when asked whether Taoyuan asked them to vote for her, everyone was at a loss, and even asked, did Taoyuan participate this year?

The organizer also asked Li Guoguo what the **** was going on. It is absolutely unfeasible to cast votes in private!

Li Guoguo also said innocently: "I feel that the things in our venue are really good, but there are not many people, so I mentioned it to the audience, how do I know that they are really here? But that's fine, You can see that things don’t have names, only numbers, and it’s a good thing if there are more people, it’s more fair.”

The organizer felt that there was something in Li Guoguo's words, as if they were implying that they had put water on Bao Anping and the others before, so they went back depressed and didn't ask about it again.

Li Guoguo didn't say which display booth he owns. The audience did go around every display booth, and then they took out their own bills to choose and vote in.

Just as Li Guoguo and Lu Yangze guessed, Bao Anping's booth was very popular at first, but as time went by, more and more people flocked to Li Guoguo's booth, in order to grab a share Fruit, everyone is almost fighting.

Some Taoyuan fans have actually bought the fruit produced in Taoyuan, and they were astonished, and they always remember the taste.

I was a little confused when I tasted it here today, and then I bought a copy and voted. After eating, I looked at each other, and I could see the excitement in each other's eyes.

Ms. Taoyuan actually came to Kyoto and participated in the exhibition. No wonder there is no live broadcast these days. Last night, she said that she hoped everyone would support her. Although she didn’t say that they also participated in the competition, they didn’t let it out. They just mobilized relatives and friends to go there eat.

As for who to vote for? It's not that Taoyuan fans blow it up by themselves, as long as they have a mouth, how should they vote?

This group of relatives and friends who were called over were all stunned, and when asked by the staff, they were all dumbfounded, and they said that they were called by their daughters, girlfriends, and friends to vote. Who was it for? Didn't say it!

fall! It doesn't matter if this friend doesn't make friends, what the hell.

But in the end they changed their faces when they came out, and the reaction was as above, they all looked really sweet, and then they had the same face with their friends, relatives and friends, Amway, I believe everyone will vote for the NO.1 in their minds.

This upsurge continued until the seventh day, the ballot box was sealed and emptied for counting, and the real owners of all the display stands also came there, unlocked their names, and accepted everyone's review.

Li Guoguo and Lu Yangze stood in front of the display stand, and the screams in their ears almost never stopped. Although seven or eight out of ten of the people present were Taoyuan fans, only a very small part of them had actually met them. I met when I went to the farmhouse experience.

Today, when they watched the graceful Taoyuan Dada standing on the stage at close range, they were so excited that they almost fainted. They took their mobile phones and contacted their friends directly, come and see Taoyuan!

The living Taoyuan, the skin is very white, the eyes are very big, and the appearance is really beautiful!

The host on the stage felt that he had been subjected to the biggest test since his career. There were crowds of people below, screaming one after another, and those who didn't know thought they had attended some kind of celebrity meeting.

Obviously they are a very serious and high-end agricultural product exhibition, tsk, look at Li Guoguo who is smiling not far away, the host himself knows the answer.

After the official cliché is finished, it is time to reach the ranking that the masses are most concerned about. This time, all the tickets have a special mark, and all the votes are counted by computer. They have already been recorded in the book a few days ago, and this time it is just the last addition.

From the very beginning, Taoyuan's fruit showed strong strength, and those passer-by fans could tell that although they had been surpassed by Bao Anping and the others in the past few days, the gap was not too big.

But since yesterday, it seems that people from all over Kyoto have flocked to this small exhibition. Almost all the fruits have been wiped out. After emergency replenishment, the supply is still in short supply. The most popular one is Taoyuan. fruit.

In order to avoid an oolong, there are quite a lot of people who have been transferred this time. They know that they all came here to participate in the exhibition because of Taoyuan, but they don’t know that Taoyuan also participated in the competition. Those who cheat may be killed directly, so the remaining Incredible, but most likely—

If Taoyuan wants to get the trophy for the first place, Bao Anping and their throne will also be overthrown.

Not to mention that netizens like to watch the excitement, these people who participate in the competition are not relentless when they eat melons, especially some people may canvass votes and look ugly, and they will lose miserably in the end. With Li Guoguo and the others, can anyone still sit down safely?

The host didn't make too much suspense, and directly announced that the first place was Taoyuan Fruit. The apples and oranges they produced had been labeled as super grades, which meant a certificate higher than similar fruits.

When Li Guoguo came to the stage to accept the award, Lu Yangze directly waved his fist, the aggrievedness of these days dissipated immediately, and he couldn't close his mouth with joy.

Li Guoguo stood on the stage and thought about it, and finally held the trophy, smiled, and said directly to the audience who were taking pictures with their mobile phones with his eyes slightly bent: "I will continue to work hard, please continue to pay attention Taoyuan, more and better fruits are waiting for you to taste."

Although Li Guoguo has stepped down, everyone's chatting is still going on, especially the first place winner of the previous year, who left without any grace, leaving everyone with basket after basket of melons.

In general, except for Bao Anping and others, everyone can be regarded as returning home with a full load. The organizers have received more attention.

Li Guoguo didn't participate in the next exchange meeting, and asked Lu Yangze to go directly. Anyway, he can say best, it's just right to exchange experience with other people.

She was still thinking about whether to go see Nie Yunqing after she was about to leave, after all, she didn't know when the next time we would meet.

But before she could send a message to Nie Yunqing, there was a knock on the door of the room. From the cat's eye, she was still an acquaintance, and she opened the door with a smile on her face and said, "Uncle Bao, it's so late, what can I do for you?"

In fact, Bao Anping and the others had already been ridiculed by their small circle for leaving without grace. Li Guoguo didn't meet them much in order to avoid irritating Bao Anping and the others. , What did you come to her for?

Bao Anping's face was dark, and he felt that his face was too stiff. He really didn't want to talk about the memory of the car overturned in the last two days.

He came here naturally to seek cooperation. If someone took the first place, then he would take it. Anyway, their contract had already been signed