MTL - If You Don’t Farm, You’ll Die-Chapter 4

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Although the plan has been made, Mo Laosan still needs to find someone to release the news, and Li Guoguo still needs time to look after the fruit saplings, and first plan to see what to plant on such a large land.

If it is wheat, it can be sown in early October, and Li Guoguo also needs to buy wheat seeds. For 100 mu of land, 10 catties of wheat seeds per mu, and 1000 catties, even if Mo Laosan and the others wanted to sell it to Li Guoguo, they didn't have so much in stock, so they had to buy it.

Speaking of this, Li Guoguo has some other ideas. The origin is her own farming system. Now there are machines for farming and so on, and people can be hired, but with the development and use of the land, the money is more and more expensive. few.

After years of frugality and work-study programs, I saved 10,000 yuan. After arriving in Taoyuan Village, I have already gone to Xiaoyuan. The rest of the money will be spent on wheat seeds, mountain cleaning, and fruit tree seedlings. .

I have no money and can’t leave here, what should I do?

Li Guoguo directly thought of live broadcasting. Modern people live in a rapidly developing society. They go home and rest every day except for work. Almost all their spare time is spent watching Douyin, Weibo, and live broadcasts to relax.

Although no one seems to watch pure farming, there are always some people who like to watch it. Thinking about the millions of fans required by the system, Li Guoguo feels that live broadcasting farming every day is a good choice. Reach a million, and then she can uninstall this broken system!

As if to retaliate against Li Guoguo's slander, there were many accidents on the way to the town. First, the car was suspected to be old and broke down and couldn't start, or the tire was blown halfway through, so I had to get out of the car and walk.

When Li Guoguo walked to the town under the sun, his face was ashen and sweaty, and no matter how exquisite his appearance was, he became like a village girl.

It was under such circumstances that Li Guoguo saw Nie Yunqing again. Compared with the last time when he was dressed in a suit with a golden proportion figure, now he is in good shape, and his slightly bulging chest muscles make casual shirts look like haute couture. Then when you stand, you can find the movements of people passing by who keep turning their heads.

Nie Yunqing helped his grandfather get out of the car and went to a nearby store for a rest. Nie Shide was still talking about the past to his grandson.

"This place has changed too much. I haven't been back for so many years. I almost lost my way and got old." Nie Shide said with emotion.

Nie Yunqing smiled slightly and said, "Then do you think this place is getting better and better?"

Nie Shide nodded, sat on the stool, and looked at the shops and pedestrians outside the door from time to time. He happened to meet the dark and bright eyes of a young girl, and couldn't help but wink at her. Unexpectedly, the little girl scratched her face and ran away with her braids twitching.

Nie Shide couldn't help but said, "Yunqing, the people here are still so simple."

Nie Yunqing:? ? ?

Nie Yunqing followed his grandfather's gaze and looked forward. Except for the crowded and messy crowd, there was nothing special. Then he ordered some special snacks with the store. After all, the main purpose of coming back this time is to take his grandfather to recuperate. To take the old man where he wanted to go, so Nie Yunqing took his grandfather back to the village to live for a while, and the company's affairs were all handled by the vice president.

After Li Guoguo ran away, she seemed to be able to recall the moment of nervousness when she saw Nie Yunqing about to look up, and ran away without any hope. I want to beat my chest and stamp my feet.

However, how did Nie Yunqing come here?

Li Guoguo ran too fast just now, didn't know where he was going, just followed the crowd, unexpectedly found the right way by mistake, and arrived at the gate of the farmer's market.

Different from the farmers' markets in the city, the farmers' markets in the town are full of stalls selling home-grown products, including vegetables, pigeons, chickens and ducks, snacks, and some Chinese herbal medicines. She even I also saw people selling rat poison.

Li Guoguo: ...

After looking around, I couldn’t find anyone selling fruit saplings. After Li Guoguo asked someone, I realized that although this is a farmer’s market, they don’t sell saplings. I have to go to a place that specializes in wholesale fruit saplings. It’s not far from the farmer’s market. It's far, about ten minutes' walk.

It was only when Li Guoguo arrived at the wholesale market that he saw the saplings. They were placed on the ground row by row, each with the year and the name of the sapling marked on it.

Li Guoguo just turned around a little, and found that almost all the saplings of apple trees and persimmon trees are here, which are completely different from the orange and peach trees she imagined.

"Little girl, do you want to buy saplings? I have a one-year apple sapling here. It can bear fruit after two years of planting and a bumper harvest in three years. You can buy it!" Old man Zhang enthusiastically introduced the saplings on the tractor next to him. Li Guoguo walked around here, and he could tell that this was a buyer who was going to buy, and it looked different from those wandering around!

"Are you all apple saplings here? How do you sell them?" Li Guoguo asked after looking at the lush saplings behind old man Zhang.

"In addition to apple trees, there are grape trees, lychee trees, orange trees, peach trees, and persimmon trees, but all I brought here are apple trees. The price is 30 yuan per tree. If you have a large quantity, I will pay you back." It can be considered cheaper. You can ask, I guarantee the lowest price here, a fair price." Old man Zhang bid while looking at Li Guoguo's expression.

Li Guoguo thought about her savings of less than 9,000, and when she looked at these fruit tree saplings, she could almost see the price marked on them. She asked in a somewhat difficult voice: "If you want more, like a few hundred, How much cheaper can it be?"

Old man Zhang couldn't see Li Guoguo's pale and heartbroken expression at this time, and said happily: "The minimum is twenty, ours is Red Fuji, this year's new variety, guaranteed to be sweet, I can give you some more if you buy more. You see What else do you want besides apple trees? There are still at home, if you want, I will go back and pull them for you?"

Li Guoguo waved his hands. For the current plan, he still needs to start a business to make money. Farming is the basic task of the system, but even if the products in the field are grown and sold, it will take some time.

Now she doesn't even have to think about where to buy food, because she can't even afford to eat!

I don't know if her resentment is too deep, but the farming system responded in a timely manner and issued the following tasks directly.

"Are you still worried that the vegetables and fruits you grow can't be sold? The farming system will serve you wholeheartedly. The novice gift package seeds allow you to instantly have mature fruit trees that grow overnight. The nutrition meets the needs of the human body, promotes metabolism, and does not hurt your waist The legs don’t hurt! Please follow the instructions and plant the tree in the designated area to increase proficiency by ten and level by one.”

Li Guoguo: ...

Li Guoguo took a deep breath, turned his head ruthlessly, and looked at the old man Zhang with a smile and said, "Master, do you have any peach trees for those fruit tree seedlings you just mentioned? I want to buy... 100 trees, and the price will be discounted." , can you give me some more apple saplings? If I can plant them, I plan to buy some more."

After all, there are two mountains, who knows if the farming system will let her plant all the places that can be planted, just in case, let's talk about it first.

Old man Zhang was a little disappointed, but one hundred plants is not a small business, so he cheered up and said, "Yes, yes, where do you want to send it? I can deliver it to your door today."

Li Guoguo thought for a while, there is a piece of treeless area in the back of the mountain, and it is close to the yard. It can be planted at the foot of the mountain all the way up, and it will be beautiful when the peach blossoms are in full bloom.

Immediately, the place where the old man Zhang Yuehao received the goods was at the entrance of Taoyuan Village. If there was no problem, the bill would be settled on the spot. If there was a problem later, he would be responsible for replacing the saplings for him.

The old man Zhang patted his chest and said directly: "No problem, you can inquire about the ten miles and eight villages. I am not that kind of person. I will definitely pick out the saplings for you and deliver them to you in the afternoon."

Li Guoguo nodded lightly, and after saying goodbye to old man Zhang, she remembered that she hadn't bought the wheat seeds in the field yet!

Li Guoguo thought about getting rid of the two thousand and seven thousand money, and suddenly felt a headache. The process of buying wheat seeds went relatively smoothly. She bought a thousand catties of wheat seeds for three yuan a catty, and then got rid of three yuan at once. Thousands.

Clutching the bills of less than 4,000, he thought of buying live broadcast equipment... Li Guoguo really needs to buy oxygen tanks for oxygen inhalation.

After Li Guoguo bought a high-resolution mobile phone and a tripod from the city, the camera came back. There was no way, even if she wanted to bring the whole set of equipment back, the money would not allow it. In fact, the mobile phone cost her more than three thousand , others are not expensive.

All in all, after moving things back, there were less than five hundred in my pocket. In case the live broadcast doesn't work this time, Li Guoguo really needs to seriously consider growing vegetables and buying vegetables to make money, otherwise... take orders and deal with them at home to earn some extra money?

Li Guoguo's idea of ​​deviated from farming and making extra money hadn't taken shape, but he tripped over the bag strap hanging from his hand, and almost hit his head on the iron gate.

She is completely awakened, this farming system is intentional! As long as she has the slightest tendency to play sloppy and try to fish in troubled waters, it will strike unceremoniously. And like she took the initiative to plan and design what fruit trees to plant, let them develop, and there is no reward!

She muttered to herself, this system is definitely a failure thrown out by some galaxy, forcing people to farm, the flaw is that it is inhumane, the data requirements are cold, and there is no upgrade.

Li Guoguo is not a character who likes to complain about herself. Since she knew she couldn't do anything else, she planned to study how to fix the live broadcast. If it wasn't for the house to have internet, she would have paid for the internet fee.

Just as she was searching Baidu to find out the process of the live broadcast, the phone rang. Li Guoguo looked down and answered with raised eyebrows.


"Guoguo! You've answered the phone. I've called many times these days, but your place shows that you are not in the signal area. I thought you went to some remote mountain. The Nie family has a job fair this weekend. Are you going? !” Song Lexue said in a high voice.

Li Guoguo rubbed his ears, "Keep your voice down, I'm going to be deafened by your yelling, I remember your little fairy temperament, the human design collapsed."

Although they didn't face each other, Li Guoguo could almost imagine Song Lexue's expression, and she must have rolled her eyes and raised her feet carelessly to refute.

"That's all right, all right, what's the relationship between us, don't tell the truth. It's not because I think you admire the senior, I know that his company has a job fair, and I will contact you as soon as possible."

Song Lexue and Li Guoguo have been in college for four years, and their relationship can be regarded as a pair of bad friends. Study hard together?

That doesn't exist!

Every time before and after the exam, they have to fight each other, and then read the night to read and pass it with all A. Every year, they have a little bit of friendship.

As for Nie Yunqing's matter, not to mention Li Guoguo, almost 80% of the female students at Beijing University are senior brother Nie Yunqing's fans, so Li Guoguo is quite calm and doesn't try to hide it.

Who doesn't like handsome men and beautiful women? As long as they don't fantasize about breaking through the dimensional wall, they are already very satisfied if they can catch a few glances from a distance.

Here I have to say that when Li Guoguo first met Song Lexue, she was astounded. She felt that this girl was not in the entertainment industry but learned French. I am participating in a talent show held by a TV station.

"I don't have time recently, and I don't want to go to work. I think farming is good." Li Guoguo said against his will.

Song Lexue repeated with a question mark on her head: "Farming the land? Guoguo, you don't have a fever, do you? How much money can you earn by doing that? And you don't know how to do it, do you still need to spend money to rent land?"

Li Guoguo explained to her the fantasy experience of the previous two days, after a while Song Lexue chuckled, "Okay, a rich woman who has inherited several mountains and a hundred acres of land, if you really plan to do a live broadcast, it's hard to say I can also help you advertise in the future!"

Li Guoguo chuckled and said, "All right, all right, thanks to Miss Sister's favor, after Miss Sister makes her debut this time, I will definitely find you to advertise for free to gain your popularity."

Who knew that this joke would really tell the truth later, but it's up to whoever catches the heat.

The author has something to say: Good night!