MTL - If You Don’t Farm, You’ll Die-Chapter 40

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When Li Guoguo got on the plane, he was accompanied by two secretary assistants recommended by Lu Yangze. They usually manage Taoyuan's sowing and harvesting and external sales business, so if the exchange meeting goes well and needs to be negotiated, there will be manpower.

At the same time, Lu Yangze also updated the news on the official website that Taoyuan rice is sold in limited quantities. Netizens are envious of the flour, rice and fruits that are in short supply.

Everyone is gearing up on the official website. Although the sale has not yet started, everyone has already discussed tens of thousands of messages.

— “I just want to know, how much is the limit this time? Is it 100,000 bags?”

"Is the upstairs stupid? How could there be 100,000 bags? I looked at it and estimated that this time it only contracted three to four hundred acres. One thousand catties per mu of land, ten catties per bag of rice is only thirty to forty thousand bags. Not to mention giving priority to the side of the farmhouse.”

"What's the matter with those people who go to Taoyuan all of a sudden? I hate them. They eat fruits, vegetables and rice noodles from Taoyuan. Hey, look at the chicken legs in my hand, and suddenly lose their appetite."

"To be honest, once again I strongly urge the big bosses of the Ministry of Agriculture to invite Miss Taoyuan to talk about my experience and so on, so that people all over the country can eat Taoyuan dishes. Don't say anything else, if my table There are Taoyuan vegetables and Taoyuan rice on the table, and the chicken, duck and pig from Taoyuan livestock, I will give you two big bowls of rice, and you won’t even eat takeaway!"

"Hahaha, I'm laughing to death. If I'm in the food delivery industry, I think they will boycott Taoyuan. If one comes out, they will steal their business. Everyone is eating at home. What's the matter with them? But if everyone can buy it, takeaway They also fried Taoyuan vegetables, so should I order or not? Lost in thought."

"Children make choices, adults want everything! I want to be able to eat these dishes every day, at home, takeaway, and the fruits in the supermarket are all from Taoyuan, I can do it!"

"Taoyuan's reputation is still a bit small. The Ministry of Agriculture probably doesn't like her, right? Taoyuan fans are really embarrassing. The brand Taoyuan has only been around for a year. Why should people from the Ministry of Agriculture of Huaguo invite her? This face It's pretty big."

"Then you can't deny that Taoyuan's food is very nutritious and delicious, right? The price is not particularly expensive. I want to fill up my refrigerator."

"In the final analysis, it is actually a question of qualifications. Last time Taoyuan participated in the domestic agricultural product exhibition and won the first place, but the qualifications are still a little younger than other bigwigs. If you want to impress the people in the Ministry of Agriculture, you only have to Participate in the competition, and it will be a matter of course for another two years."

"Even if people from the Ministry of Agriculture look down on Taoyuan Fruits and Vegetables, it's fine if people in the whole of China like it. What qualifications, who hasn't come from a newcomer? Does lack of qualifications mean lack of strength?"

"That's right, what does seniority mean? The last time the online overturned was the old senior, what else did he do all day besides running on newcomers?"

When everyone was discussing, the official blog of the Ministry of Agriculture released a domestic exchange team to Australia to participate in the competition. The list of members is as follows, photo 123.

Not many people noticed this at the beginning. After all, this kind of competition sounds very rustic, and not many people went to watch it. However, there is a fan of the official blog who owns an orchard. From time to time, he will check the official blog for any new news , See if there are any changes in policies, whether there are fluctuations in prices, or the impact of climate conditions.

At the same time, he is also a fan of Taoyuan, and he can be regarded as a junior fan of Taoyuan. When he knew that there was a person who was rooted in the countryside like himself, he seemed to have met a fellow fan, so he kept following him.

It wasn't his turn at the last exhibition, but he paid attention to the whole process, and he also admired Taoyuan's positive confrontation, especially the boss of Taoyuan, so this time he saw someone suspected of Li Guoguo on Weibo At that time, I especially clicked on the picture and checked it, and then looked at the list released by the Ministry of Agriculture, and suddenly couldn't help thinking——

Or why everyone said that the boss of Taoyuan is the winner in life, all the way up, with the script of Shuangwen. Although it is unavoidable that some people are jealous of talents, they still turn bad luck into a higher level, and now they are all going abroad to participate in competitions!

Thinking of the words those people scolded on Taoyuan official blog, he forwarded this Weibo directly and posted it on Taoyuan official blog. When he came back after having lunch, he found that his repost had been reposted tens of thousands Once again, the comments below are almost all exclamation marks.

"I deeply regret my blindness. I once had an opportunity in front of me, but I didn't cherish it. In the end, the big boss is still the big boss, and he has become a big boss that I dare not climb up to."

"Taoyuan is so awesome, **** it, I've read this Weibo many times, and I have to say, the boss of Taoyuan is still beautiful."

"Is it only my concern that this competition is an invitation from the Ministry of Agriculture? Two days ago, there were people who were not qualified to spray Taoyuan. Now look at the Ministry of Agriculture, and they have completely placed Taoyuan in a very high place."

"Yes, I have watched all the delegations this time, and I have selected five in total? This is really, amazing!"

"Five is not a lot. There are many countries participating this time. If you think about it, it will take a few days for dozens of people to try the same thing, let alone other things. Let alone, I will You have to stay on the official website to see if there is a live broadcast channel."

Not to mention, the people from the Ministry of Agriculture invited Li Guoguo not only because she was recommended by Deng Weimin, she was strong enough, but also because she was in the limelight now, and she was very popular among the younger generation.

The Ministry of Agriculture also considered asking celebrities to endorse it when it was not popular before, but in the end it was too self-deprecating and didn’t invite it. Now, which one of them is not a half-century old man who is engaged in planting and animal husbandry, it’s rare that there is such a pleasing girl. Don't take it out as a facade.

The purpose of this time was to promote China's agriculture, so they had already considered the matter of live broadcasting. Now that it is the Internet age, live broadcasting is not difficult. It is rare to make a boring communication meeting interesting and lively.

The people in the Ministry of Agriculture were worried, they didn't think about tea or food, but in the end, the subordinates came up with an idea, and followed Li Guoguo to shoot straight behind him!

One is that Li Guoguo has good looks. When the camera is facing her, the surrounding things almost have a beauty effect. Secondly, compared with those uncles introducing agricultural products, it is obvious that everyone introduced by Li Guoguo has no language problems and is more People who trust their own country.

In this way, when Li Guoguo went there with others, apart from the assistants everyone brought, there were also officials from the Ministry of Agriculture and their own filming team.

When everyone got off the plane, they felt the warm air sweeping in, and they immediately broke out in a thin layer of sweat. Naturally, the people from the Ministry of Agriculture had already contacted the people from Australia, and the location of the exchange meeting had also been booked. The fruits and vegetables to be brought have been transported by vehicles from the Ministry of Agriculture to a special fresh-keeping place to ensure that they will not spoil.

There was once a contestant from a certain country who participated in the exchange with his own fruit, but something broke for some reason, and he couldn’t participate in the competition. The country couldn’t hold his head up during the entire exchange, and he didn’t know whether it was man-made or an accident.

Anyway, Huaguo has known for a long time, let’s not talk about whether there are internal conflicts in the family, and the external must be consistent, so all these things are managed in a unified way, everyone manages themselves well, food and housing are more important than anything else.

Seeing that the officials from the Ministry of Agriculture were about to leave in a bus with a large army, Li Guoguo scanned the surroundings and did not find the car Nie Yunqing mentioned. He was puzzled for a few seconds.

"Li Guoguo, this way, let's get in the car together." Seeing that Li Guoguo was still lagging behind, the exchange team waved and shouted.

Not to mention that Li Guoguo's age is the same as that of her juniors, other people look at her with kind eyes, not to mention that this child is promising. The annual results are so outstanding.

Although the people from the Ministry of Agriculture didn't say much, but everyone has always been aware of the official attitude. This is to cultivate Li Guoguo vigorously, otherwise they will rush to send people here if they don't get an award.

Regardless of whether the Ministry of Agriculture has the idea of ​​making Li Guoguo a blockbuster, or it is the practice of brushing her qualifications, everyone thinks that it is basic to release goodwill and make friends.

Li Guoguo smiled apologetically at them, and was about to explain that he was being picked up, when he heard a car horn beeping, Li Guoguo turned his head to look for the source of students, his eyes widened.

Nie Yunqing walked towards her with a smile on her lips. Others didn't know Nie Yunqing, but it was hard to avoid being surprised to see Hua people abroad, especially Li Guoguo.

"Why are you here?" Li Guoguo asked curiously, looking at the car behind him, so why did Nie Yunqing come to pick him up?

Nie Yunqing didn't answer her immediately with a smile, but nodded to the officials of the Ministry of Agriculture. Others just thought that this man was good-looking, but they couldn't recognize him because of the lack of intersection in different fields, but the people from the Ministry of Agriculture knew each other. He nodded with a surprised look and smiled.

He had heard that Nie's and Taoyuan had cooperated for a long time, but he didn't expect the two to be so familiar and intimate in private. He seemed to know the reason why Nie, who had never been involved in agriculture, would suddenly cooperate with Taoyuan.

"Guoguo has a place to stay these few days, so I'll pick her up. Don't worry, she will be delivered to the venue on time tomorrow." Nie Yunqing said with a nod, showing her noble demeanor.

The others glanced at Li Guoguo's blushing face, and then looked at this handsome guy with sword eyebrows and starry eyes. They also got what's going on up to now, and a voice rang out for a while.

"It's okay, it's okay, young people, it's not okay to stay with us all the time, so see you tomorrow."

"You guys have fun, we have to find a place to rest first when we are old, so we won't get involved, haha."

After everyone understood and tolerated, they waved goodbye to Nie Yunqing, and told Li Guoguo not to play too late, and meet at the entrance of the venue at eight o'clock tomorrow.

After everyone had left, Li Guoguo pulled Nie Yunqing's clothes and raised his eyebrows, "Be lenient when you confess, but strict when you resist. What's going on?"

Nie Yunqing smoothed Li Guoguo's somewhat messy hair, opened her lips and said with a smile, "I'm not welcome here? I thought you would give me a warm kiss after not seeing you for a long time, but my girlfriend only cares about why I came back."

Nie Yunqing lowered her eyes pretending to be disappointed and said, "Thanks to me, I've arranged things ahead of time, and I just plan to come over to accompany you."

Where did Li Guoguo suffer from Nie Yunqing's weakness? She felt that she had gone too far. Her boyfriend surprised her. She didn't express her excitement, but she still asked this question?

"I was wrong..." Li Guoguo said pitifully, her pink lips pursed slightly, and the lovely Nie Yunqing moved her fingers lightly, wanting to pinch her to round out your cheeks.

Nie Yunqing shook her head, seeing Li Guoguo's slightly haggard face, she didn't continue joking, and said, "Okay, just to tease you, I'm not angry. Let's go back and take a good rest to clear up the jet lag. You have to go there tomorrow , get up early."

Although Li Guoguo wasn't sleepy at all, he obediently followed Nie Yunqing into the car.

All the way without talking, when Li Guoguo arrived at the residence, he was still shocked by the scenery outside. There is no place to stay. This is clearly a villa. There are large areas of roses and phalaenopsis planted in the front and back of the villa. Some flower farmers are busy.

Nie Yunqing walked behind Li Guoguo and said, "Go eat something before going to sleep. Your room is on the second floor, and mine is next door to yours. If you have any questions, you can come to me directly."

Li Guoguo blinked before turning his attention back from the beautiful scenery. Hearing this, he nodded and followed Nie Yunqing and asked, "Then are you still busy here?"

Nie Yunqing nodded and said: "To accompany you, if you are not free to go to the venue, I will come back and work at home by myself, you don't have to worry that I have nothing to do."

Li Guoguo immediately bent his eyes when he heard the words, and said slightly, "It's good that you don't delay your business. I heard from them that the exchange meeting will last for several days. Only the delegations from various countries will be there. There is a live broadcast, you can watch it when the time comes."

After all, the nature of this exchange meeting is not to attract attention or to attract people's likes. It is considered semi-closed. After entering, no one else will be admitted. Everyone will only exchange comments with each other in it, and then the top three crops will be selected by secret ballot. , is not limited to the type.

Everyone carefully selected the agricultural products that have been cultivated for a year and brought them here with confidence. They just hope that their ability will overwhelm other people. Even if this ranking is concerned, people in their circle care about it. However, compared with other countries, no one wants to lose. Lose.

After eating, Li Guoguo said good night to Nie Yunqing. After returning to the room to wash, she fell asleep on the bed and fell asleep. I don’t know if it was the fragrance of flowers in the air or the smell of sunlight on the quilt, which caused Li Guoguo Had a good night's sleep.

After she got up, what greeted her was the hazy sunlight through the curtains. Li Guoguo stepped on the blanket with bare feet and walked to the balcony, feeling the heat of the sun shining on her body, and the deep or shallow flowers in front of her eyes. Hai, let her almost forget that there are still things to be busy today.

Just as she was thinking why no one came to wake her up, out of the corner of her eye, she saw a figure appearing on the adjacent balcony next door. Nie Yunqing in casual clothes put his left arm on the fence, and smiled lightly at her: "I I was thinking why no one answered when I knocked on the door, but you are hiding here to enjoy the scenery."

Li Guoguo looked at Nie Yunqing and looked at himself in pajamas and pajamas with disheveled hair. He felt a little embarrassed, coughed lightly, and said, "I just got up to take a look, and I'm ready to get up."

Nie Yunqing raised his hand to look at the time, and said: "There is still half an hour, get ready to eat, the chef doesn't know what you like, Chinese and Western breakfasts are all prepared."

When Li Guoguo heard that there would be a waste of time, she hurriedly turned around and went in to wash and change clothes, leaving only Nie Yunqing to look at her back and shake her head.

Contrary to what Li Guoguo thought, he felt that Li Guoguo's posture of slightly closing his eyes and facing the sun just now was amazingly beautiful, especially the smile that bloomed on his lips when he was looking at the sea of ​​flowers, which was even more amazing.

When Li Guoguo washed up and went downstairs, Nie Yunqing was already sitting at the head of the table waiting for her to take her seat. There were various breakfasts on the table, and soy milk, milk and juice were all on hand for her to choose.

Nie Yunqing opened the chair for her and said: "I'm afraid you won't be used to it, these are all shipped from Taoyuan and ready-made, and I will follow you to eat some fresh ones."

Li Guoguo said while sitting: "Is it Lu Yangze's help? I was thinking about where I put the food in just two suitcases. It turned out that I asked you to bring it here. Actually, it doesn't need to be like this. In a few days, I can eat food." I can still eat snacks from other countries.”

Nie Yunqing nodded and said: "That's what I want to try. You know, grandpa likes to eat Taoyuan's dishes very much. I can't even eat a few bites. My parents want to thank you in person. Grandpa has never had any appetite since he recuperated. Only Taoyuan’s food will allow him to eat a few more mouthfuls.”

Li Guoguo thought that although Grandpa Nie was physically weak, he was in good spirits. Every time he sent photos or videos, he ate normally. Who knew it was like this?

Li Guoguo thought about it, and it seems that he still has to go to the system mall to find out if there are any prescriptions or medicinal baths for recuperating the body. If the food and drink are not delicious, the fun of life will be halved.

"Don't worry, I will find a way, Grandpa Nie will definitely get better." Li Guoguo raised his face and said seriously.

Nie Yunqing didn't remind Li Guoguo that the subject had changed again, she just told her to eat enough and asked her if she would come back for lunch.

Li Guoguo quickly shook his head and said, "No need, they will provide a buffet at noon, I'd better come back to eat at night."

Li Guoguo didn't live with the delegation any more, and it was not good for him to have special treatment for lunch alone.

Nie Yunqing came here to accompany Li Guoguo. Since she had other things to do during the day, she didn't force her to accompany her. She sent her to the exhibition center and saw that she went in with the troops before letting the driver turn around.

Li Guoguo bowed and apologized as soon as he arrived: "Sorry, I'm late!"

The leaders of the delegation comforted each other: "It's not too late, we just walked over after dinner, and you just came here, much earlier than the time we agreed on."

Zhao Mingzhi, who led the team, also laughed heartily: "Don't worry, Guoguo, it's still early. Foreigners are generally late. Let's go in to see the environment first. Of course, there is nothing to see. Year after year, everyone Ripe."

Zhang Xiahe also followed Yinghe and said: "No, except for Guoguo, you haven't transferred yet. We have been here several times, and the environment has not changed. Everyone gathered in the conference room to compare the data. Take the food and simply cook it, add some simple seasoning and eat it, let alone, I suffocate to death when I eat some dishes, it is too unpalatable."

Zhao Mingzhi immediately whispered: "Old Zhang, be more reserved. If you are heard so loudly, be careful that people will report you, and you will not be allowed to come next time."

"I'm just telling the truth. Speaking of which, this time Guoguo came to show you your new rice and flour. Let them have a look. If there is another trick this time, I will definitely complain about their competition system!"

Zhang Xiahe raised his eyebrows, his all-white hair couldn't stop the old man's domineering arrogance, if he hadn't come together in a group, he wouldn't mind confronting others. That's it.

There are also many agronomists in Huaguo, but most of them are bored in the laboratory and doing research in the field. They don't like to participate in this kind of exchange meeting, so they are sent out every year. These few people, everyone's temper can be touched cooked.

Zhang Xiahe also likes to complain in private. The card is still for the delegation. Last year, the new rice they were very promising to be elected was notoriously blacked out by the cooperation of various countries. He just kept a dark face and did not speak. With a big body, everyone does not represent themselves.

Zhao Mingzhi just reminded me, and didn't worry about what would happen if people heard this. After all, this is a foreign country, and the Chinese language is notoriously difficult to learn. Overheard.

Everyone shifted their positions and walked to the exhibition center. When their backs disappeared behind the door, two handsome black-haired men appeared on the steps.

"Did you hear what they said just now?" the man in black asked.

The man in white bowed and said, "I heard that, they say that the rice they grow is better than other countries, and they even think that the crops of other delegations are poor."

The man in black's face was gloomy, he bowed his head and whispered a few words in the ear of the man in white before walking into the exhibition center alone.

Li Guoguo came to this kind of exchange meeting for the first time. Although the seniors said it was nothing unusual, they could see the sincerity of Australia, the new-concept buildings, the sunlight can spread evenly, and various crops can be seen everywhere. With a layer of glass, you can observe the growth of plants at close range.

The conference room can not be said to be a simple conference room. There is a podium in the middle of the circular venue, and four LCD screens above the head. You can see the things displayed on it from every angle.

Huaguo is in the middle, and they will occupy the front and back two rows if they go on together. There is a small tablet in front of each seat on the table. According to Zhao Mingzhi, if they have any questions, they can ask them through this tablet. Anyone can see and reply directly on the spot.

Voting is also conducted through this tablet. There should be no fraud, but it is inevitable that some people will form groups everywhere. The deterrence of a powerful country is not only reflected in the direction of national strength. In some occasions, they can easily get what they want.

According to Zhang Xiahe's intention, this is the shady scene, or Chiguoguo's shady scene, they are not afraid of you turning your face, and they will show off this shameless face everywhere, complacent.

Everyone in Huaguo held his breath, and must come up with something to suppress them from all aspects, so that even if they want to blackmail them, they have nowhere to start. The eyes of the masses are discerning. Even if they vote for these people with no conscience, there will always be some Willing to leave the ticket to them.

Li Guoguo didn't know what the other members of the delegation were thinking. She was still looking around at the surrounding layout, while the others were sitting with serious faces. They all had a work card hanging on them, and Li Guoguo recognized Deng Weimin in it at a glance, his eyes lit up, and he shook his hand when he saw him.

Deng Weimin said a few words to the people around him, then came over to say hello to Zhao Mingzhi, and then said to Li Guoguo, "How is it? Are you nervous about going abroad to compete?"

Li Guoguo scratched his face, twitched his ponytail behind his head, and said, "A little bit, the main invitation letter was sent out suddenly, without any preparation. Is there any credit for this?"

Li Guoguo said the latter sentence relatively lightly, and only Deng Weimin heard it. He looked at Li Guoguo kindly, as if he was looking at a small sapling growing against the wind. The sapling was delicate and tender, but It can adapt to various climates and grow tenaciously.

"It's me. I thought you might need this opportunity, so I mentioned it to Minister Zhao. He also knows you, so he sent you an invitation letter." Deng Weimin said.

Li Guoguo said embarrassingly: "My qualifications are too low, I have troubled you, I will try my best in this competition."

Doing your best is of course just a slogan. After all, things don’t pop out suddenly in a day or two. They are all things that have been conceived for a year or so. The nutritional content has long been fixed. The taste varies from country to country. proved.

Deng Weimin didn't take Li Guoguo's words as a joke. On the contrary, he said with a serious face: "I hope you will do your best. Every time you come, everyone has the idea of ​​winning. The same is true for other delegations. People want to lag behind others. Huaguo is a big agricultural country, but it has not caught up with other countries in terms of agricultural varieties. We are getting old, and I hope you will always be in your younger generation. It is good to win, but even if I lose this time, I will not I hope you will sum up your experience and make persistent efforts, I believe you will make a breakthrough in this field."

Deng Weimin's voice was not loud, but other members of the delegation who were close to him heard it and nodded secretly. They are indeed not young, so seeing Li Guoguo so young and promising, it is inevitable to expect a little more.

But what Deng Weimin said is also right. I hope that for the younger generation, failure is not terrible. As long as they can get up and sum up their experience, and strive to improve next time, even losing is still a valuable experience.

She is still such a young girl, full of vigor and vigor, is it the same with them before, newborn calves are not afraid of tigers, until they are beaten by reality again and again, tearing up those burdens and starting over again, they have come to where they are today.

Li Guoguo has achieved these achievements at such a young age, they are also very optimistic about her, and they are also looking forward to becoming famous in this exchange meeting today.

Li Guoguo didn't know that Deng Weimin valued him so much until now, so he could only nod to him and promised, "Old Deng, don't worry, even if it doesn't work this time, I will definitely do it next time!"

This is not only a promise, but also Li Guoguo's current thinking.

The farming system forced her to take this path. As time went by, she gradually got used to such a slow-paced life. Every time she saw the beautiful scenery of Taoyuan, she felt that her life was complete.

Taoyuan’s fruits and vegetables are so good, so the whole world should know about it. And, she has not forgotten the mission of the system. Whether it is the planting area or the number of fans, she has already filled it up. Not a problem anymore.

Prestige Points Before Li Guoguo thought about going the way of online shopping, shipping fruits everywhere, gaining popularity in various countries, as Taoyuan fruits become famous, everyone will change their minds about her, and the reputation points are just like this.

But this exchange will let Li Guoguo see another approach, a two-pronged approach, online shopping may allow the public to recognize Taoyuan, but this kind of exchange will allow all countries to recognize Taoyuan and her.

After hearing this, Deng Weimin nodded lightly, nodded to the others, and then returned to his seat in the front row.

Li Guoguo sat back in the original place, Zhao Mingzhi said: "Don't be nervous, just treat it with a normal mind. You have Zhang Xia and them in front of you. Winning or losing is a common thing, and everyone is used to it."

Li Guoguo frowned after hearing this. It seemed that everyone had lost too many times, and they all looked indifferent. They even comforted her a few words, saying that she is still young, and we are here to learn from experience. just fine.

However, Li Guoguo is very confident in her own products. This time the rice was grown with nutrient solution for a full year. Not to mention the tourists who ate it full of flavor, even she was a little surprised when she ate it. Heaven and man.

If the nutrient solution provided by the system is not prepared by herself in reality, the price is too high, she really wants to make the same Taoyuan rice available all over the country.

Li Guoguo didn't know that she was in Australia to participate in the exchange meeting. It was already 11:30 in the middle of the night in Huaguo. Taoyuan's official website had announced the sales channel, but it was still limited. Everyone had already prepared it for a minute. Everything will be lost consciousness.

I mobilized everyone in the family, all squatting on the Internet, even checking the time with my mobile phone, and must click to buy at midnight. In order to eat Taoyuan rice, everyone has used the new network, and the speed is so fast.

Just after twelve o'clock, when the night owl was awake, the purchase page froze for a moment, everyone clicked desperately, some were happy and some were sad, and those who couldn't buy it went online to cry.

— "Help, order five computers and mobile phones together, but still can't buy what should I do? I'm going crazy."

"Upstairs, don't wait any longer, buy a ticket and go to Taoyuan to eat, and there will be a gift from Taoyuan when you come back."

"Yes, I also bought a ticket, but I also grabbed a bag, 20,000 bags of rice, and it was sold out in a minute. God, I despise my own Internet again, it's too bad."

"Hahaha, I grabbed two bags, I must post my invoice here, hehehe."

"The one upstairs is dragged out and it's red!"

"It's different for me. I don't buy it. My family lives in City S. On weekends, I take a car to Taoyuan Village to eat fresh food. However, it's so popular these days that I can't squeeze in."

"I often go there to eat Jiayi in S City, but obviously, since Taoyuan produced flour and rice, all the dishes are from Taoyuan's self-sufficiency, and the taste is more than a street away from other places."

"This is actually nothing. The point is, after Taoyuan mentioned the gift, let me tell you that every time I go, I will definitely buy a ticket to stay for two days. When I come back with a gift, my mother snatches it away." Go cook and eat by yourself, woo woo woo."

"Drag it out upstairs to show off, do you think I don't know that Taoyuan also provides board and lodging? I ate there for two days, and your mother ate you a small bag of rice, and you still deducted it, barbecued pork."

"Hey, I now hope that the Ministry of Agriculture will find out the advantages of others this time, and quickly let the whole country grow rice from Taoyuan. I'm not bragging. Now the bosses of Taoyuan can go abroad to compete. Those who grow rice must hope that they can also grow rice. Is there any rice of the same type?"

"With my brain, Taoyuan sells rice today. I forgot whether the exchange meeting will be broadcast live today. I'll check the live broadcast address of the Ministry of Agriculture. I just go to see it now."

Those who didn’t buy rice directly moved to the official blog of the Ministry of Agriculture. Sure enough, the latest Weibo provided the address of the live broadcast. When everyone clicked in, they saw that the camera was shooting a panoramic view, and there was a piece of golden hair in it. There are only a handful of black hairs, and they are spread widely.

Everyone directly sent bullet screens to ask for the summary of the previous situation, and wanted to know where Li Guoguo and the others were.

The cameraman obviously understood everyone's psychology. After taking pictures of the people around him, he pointed the camera at Li Guoguo. I was confused, and finally I didn't know where to click, and the screen went black.

The barrage burst into laughter.

"I just knew whether this thing is a Huaguo system. I think this tablet must not use Chinese, so it's rare for our young lady."

"I can almost see Miss Sister's biologically pitiful face. The screen is black, and she doesn't know what to do."

"After the appraisal, the most beautiful people here are our delegation from Huaguo, especially Miss Taoyuan. She is so beautiful!"

"Wait, who did I see on the screen just now, is it Mr. Deng?"

"Are you stupid upstairs? Even I know that Mr. Deng will be a judge every year, but you don't even know."

"The point is not that I don't know, it's that the Ministry of Agriculture didn't promote it vigorously. If Miss Taoyuan hadn't participated in the competition this time, who would have noticed?"

"Only I want to know, what did Taoyuan bring to communicate? Is it Taoyuan rice! Do these foreigners understand rice? I heard that they eat meat and vegetables for every meal, not rice."

"There are always countries that eat rice. I don't think you need to worry too much about this.",

"Even if there is no rice, Taoyuan still has fruits and vegetables. I bought a few boxes of Taoyuan apples last time. It's so good. I still miss it."

"Hey, do you see if they have already started, everyone, stop posting barrage, watch carefully, whoever goes up first."

"Wait for the Chinese delegation to slap other countries in the face, hehe."

The author has something to say: Good night!