MTL - If You Don’t Go To Hell, Who Will?-Chapter 42 How is JQ produced?

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Because Zhong Yuan became my boyfriend, according to the usual practice, he would like to invite the three wolves in our dormitory to eat. I asked where Zhong Yuan went. He thought about it and replied: "How about Linjiang Pavilion?"

I sweat, "A little expensive?"

Zhong Yuan looked at me meaningfully and laughed with a bad smile. "Wood, are you so anxious to help me save money?"

I... cough, I am ashamed again...


I only had one lesson in the morning. After class, I ran back to the dormitory to sleep. I slept until the evening. After I got up, I joined the 1-2 and Zhongyuan, and they gathered together. Eight people rushed to the Linjiang Pavilion.

We sat in the private room, the boss turned the menu, they were too embarrassed to be too expensive, although these guys had said that they wanted to let Zhong Yuan bleed.

So at this time passers-by gave them a boost of morale. "Beauty are not polite, this guy of Zhongyuan, as a capitalist who has been lurking in our proletarian ranks for a long time, should be repaired."

Passerby B also followed, "that is, this guy is not a day or two for the sake of tyranny. I am a member of the enslaved forever. Let us have a bad breath today."

I silently watched passerby B, brother, you are not alone...

At this time, Zhong Yuan took my hand and looked very good. He smiled and said to everyone: "It is polite to me with me."

One sentence succeeded in causing everyone's spurs. The passerby said with a strong heart, "You can't be polite, you can't be polite... waiter, let us cook this recipe first!"

Then the atmosphere in the room was so lively. Everyone was familiar with it. It was a bit polite at this time, so I rushed to order my favorite dish. The two passers-by, passers-by, were also heated because of the squid to be grilled or steamed. Finally, Zhong Yuan Knocked on the table, "Come two, one steamed and one grilled."

I stared at the price of the squid on the menu, silently sighing, Zhong Yuan, you are a ruin...

The wine soon came up, the first round of wine had to be killed together, and Zhong Yuan gave a pour to the people on the table. When it was my turn, he only poured a little into my cup, meaning it would be good.

So the people present were not doing it, clamoring for him to fill me up. As a result, he raised his eyebrows and calmly said, "I drink two."

In one sentence, it is also the beginning.

I am a little embarrassed. I pulled his sleeve. "In fact, I can..."

Zhong Yuan looked at me with a smile and smiled. He whispered, "On your drink and wine? Undressing, just in front of me."

I wiped my sweat, I can't look back, I look back...

So I started to eat. It’s a bargain-burning restaurant. It’s really good. I’m eating and eating, and playing games with Zhongyuan, and watching the crowds, it’s a stomachache and reminds us of their existence. However, as soon as I looked up, I saw Lu Zijian put a fish that had picked a fishbone into the plate of the four girls, and everyone turned a blind eye and continued to face me and Zhongyuan.

Feed and feed, without such selectivity. >_<

At the beginning, everyone said that they were eating and laughing, and then they completely evolved into drinking. This guy of Zhongyuan is particularly unconstrained today. He is simply not coming back. As long as it is wine, he will do it on his neck. At the same time, he also monitored me and refused to allow me to drink. As soon as I touched the glass, he took out the "undressing" incident, which made me blush when I saw the glass... I really didn't do anything.

So in addition to me, the remaining six people were mad at the wheel array to give Zhongyuan a drink. At the beginning it was beer. Later, they felt that they were not addicted. They simply changed the white wine... it was too horrible!

I really can't stand it. I stopped Zhongyuan's hand holding the glass. "Don't drink..."

Zhong Yuan licked my head and smiled with a squint. "Is it hurt?"

In a word, the following reaction is:

Xiao 2: "I feel so sad..."

Boss: "I feel bad..."

Passerby A: "My stomach hurts."

Passerby B: "I have a toothache."

Four girls: "Ha ha."

Lu Zijian: "Oh."


Zhong Yuan killed the wine in his hand and sat down with a smile. "Don't drink, eat. The waiter comes, let's order the food again."

In a word, a group of wolverines.

I looked at the unfinished dishes at the table, silently reading, shameful shame, shame, shame...

So everyone temporarily stopped besieging Zhongyuan and began to chat while eating and drinking. Some of us have already been familiar with it in the summer vacation, and there is nothing to talk about.

Speaking and talking, I don’t know what to say about the game.

Xiao Eryi said the game, and suddenly there was a fierce light in his eyes. "Don't mention the game. When I mention the game, I think of my heartbreaking sword legend."

The Legend of Sword is the online game that Xiao Er has been playing recently, and it is also the one she was deeply abused.

Upon listening to this, the passers-by, the passer-by, and the two people also came to the interest. Passerby B: "You are also playing the legend of the sword? In which district?"

Passerby A: "Name? Occupation?"

Xiao Er replied: "I am like a painting in Jiangshan. I have a metamorphosis in our district. I am chasing me all day. I bite a steel tooth, but there is no way to take him."

Passerby gently tapped the table and smiled arrogantly. "Who is this, dare to bully our two sisters? The sisters don't be afraid, I will avenge you for your brother, thinking that the operation of the brothers is still rare in Jiangshan. At that time, let's take his first level equipment for him. If you really don't know what to do, you can also rob the account and black computer tampering information and other services. Free trial, Bao Jun is satisfied."

Xiao Er’s eyes are bright, “Really?”

The passer-by had a nod to the chest and nodded. "Do not worry, give it to me. The teacher and sister will quickly report the name of the dog thief. Tonight, he will let him die without a burial place."

Xiao Er gratefully looked at the passerby. "Too good, that is called Shen Xingshi. It is a perverted mage. I don't know if you have heard of it."

Passerby A's confident smile suddenly stiffened on his face, and he squinted his eyes and looked at the second, his eyes could not tell the strange.

Xiao Er also felt that something was wrong. He looked at him with a sigh of relief. "What happened to you?"


Xiao Er smiled and said with a pleasant smile: "It doesn't matter if you can beat it. Anyway, the dog thief is walking horizontally in Jiangshan's paintings. It is normal to beat him. Don't be embarrassed."


Xiao Er strangely reached out and shook in front of passerby. "Hey, what happened to you?"

At this time, the voice of passerby B suddenly floated. "He is the dog thief."



Still silent.

At this point, the situation on the scene was gorgeously reversed.

The first thing that awakened from silence was Xiao Er. She looked at the passerby with a squint in her eyes and gritted her teeth. "Is it you?"

Passerby moved his lips and wanted to explain what was interrupted by Xiao Er: "You are Shen Xingshi?"

Passerby's momentum suddenly dwarfed, hesitating and asked: "You... you won't be the shemale?"

Xiao Er’s face is three times lower, “Man, demon?”

"Cough, I don't mean this," passerby A's eyes flashed a trace of doubt, and the brows were locked, and said to himself, "But I have checked your registration information, and your identity is clearly stated. It’s a man..."

"I can't register with my brother's ID card, no, you..." Xiao Er's face turned into a thick cumulonimbus cloud. "You peek at my information?"

"That, I... Oh, hehehehe..." Passerby smiled and looked at Xiaoji, not knowing what to say.

Xiao Er slammed the table and squeezed two words out of his teeth: "Change, state!"

"Sister, in fact, this is a misunderstanding, I..."

Xiao Er suddenly turned his body, his hands clasped the collar of his chest, facing him with a very fierce expression. Her expression shows that she has gone...

I can't help but sweat. The second child is wretched, but his temper is very good. It is not easy to let her run away. So I am very unwilling to admire passers-by.

Of course, the second is a very dangerous thing, passers-by brother, ah, let's take a look at the door...

At this point, passers-by looked at Xiao Er in horror. "Women are forgiving!"

Xiao Er stared at the face of passerby A, laughing violently, as if a thousand-year-old female ghost who sucked blood. I listened to the back and I was cold.

Zhong Yuan pinched my hand and whispered in my ear and asked, "Is the people in your dormitory so fierce?"

-_-||||| Zhongyuan, shut up!

At this time, Xiao Er’s face was close to the passerby’s face. She stared at him with a deadly look. The expression was very miserable and complaining: “Misunderstanding? A big misunderstanding can overcome the pain of killing me at least once a day? A whole month. Ah, do you know what day I lived?"

The passerby screamed and said: "Sister..."

Xiao Er roared: "Do not ask my sister!"

Passerby A: "Female, female, female... I am wrong..."

Xiao Er growls: "His mother's, killing once and twice is no problem. If there is any deep hatred, can you hunt me for a month? And you can find it for me?"

At the crucial moment, the voice of passerby B floated again: "He has compiled a tracker himself, tracking it thousands of miles, pinpointing it, free trial, and satisfying."

Passerby B’s words are no different from the fire, and the second is close to the edge of the collapse. “Why, why bother to fight against me?”

Passerby A has no choice but to smile. "It’s just a matter of killing..."

Onlookers: "..."

"You! Bastard! Pervert! Accept!" Xiao Er sighed and sighed, "Hey, what have I made? Oh, ah..."

Passerby A: "It’s me..."

"Shut up!" Xiao Er suddenly got close to the point. The two of them almost touched each other, and the passerby was scared.

Xiao 2: "Accept! Go back this evening and don't move, let me slap a hundred times!"


Passerby B smirked at the side of his chin, his expression called a treacherous and devastating sorrow, "One hundred times, one hundred times, this sentence is too connotative."

Onlookers: -_-||||||