MTL - I’m a Director, I’m Not Bad-Chapter 466 464. Daqiang's Joke

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  Chapter 466 464. Daqiang’s Joke

  Actually, Li Hao is really feeling sorry for Uncle Xu now.

   But he didn't think so when he was young.

   Just like everyone has a period of time in the past, he also has his own story.

  Li Hao followed Xu Daqiang very early on.

  His calling "Uncle Xu" is not just empty words, but that he has some relatives on both sides.

   But this relative is really far away.

  His mother is the granddaughter of an aunt who married from Xujiawan.

  Although the people in Xujiawan are not in frequent contact, this kind of kinship relationship is recognized by everyone in a small place.

   What's more, Li Hao's family conditions are also average.

  If one is expensive and the other is cheap, it may really be a response to the saying that if you are poor, no one asks you on the street, and if you are rich, you have distant relatives in the mountains. But the people on both sides are not very good, they are all bitter people with their faces facing the loess and their backs facing the sky. We rely on the kinship relationship, and we are not stingy with giving out some food in the hands of the poor to help those relatives who share the same illness as us.

  The relationship between Li Hao and Xu Jiawan belongs to this kind.

  Don't look at him now that he is wearing a pair of gold-rimmed glasses every day, and he speaks decently and handles affairs neatly wherever he goes.

   Let people know that they are successful people at a glance.

   Once upon a time, he was also young and frivolous, aggressively formed a "gang" with a few hair groups, and wandered on the street every day like a child playing house.

  No way, it was like this in that year and month.

  The poorer the place, the easier it is to breed these.

   Fortunately, Li Hao is obedient and filial. After wandering the streets for a few years, my mother also asked someone to find him a job as a driver for the transport team.

  The transportation team at that time was fat.

  At that time, the river ditches in Shenmu had not been controlled, and the water and sand dug out of the river every day were good materials for construction.

  He drives a car to pull the sand, not only has a high salary, but also a lot of extra money. If you are short of catty or two casually, you can gather a few bags of sand, and that will be an income of dozens of yuan.

   But it's a pity, after all, young people's blood is hot, and they don't know how to drink some wine. After telling these friends at the wine table, I don't know which **** is jealous and reported him to the brigade.

   According to reason, this matter is an unspoken rule, and the team has acquiesced.

  Anyway, there is a lot of sand in the river. Apart from not letting ordinary people dig it, who doesn’t have nothing to do with the drivers of their own convoy?

  Public things, what?

   It is one thing to have unspoken rules, but another to be reported.

   As a result, Li Hao lost his job.

  He especially remembered how sad his mother cried when she found out that he was expelled from the brigade.

  Since then, Li Hao finally learned one thing.

   That's what it's called: shut up.

   But no matter what, the job was gone, and he saw his mother's white hair, which had been getting more and more gray every day since he was fired, and the blood of that rebellious young man suddenly cooled down.

find a job.

  Anything will do.

   I can't let my old lady continue to worry about it.

   Can't go too far either.

   I am afraid that no one will be filial to my mother if I go far away.

   Coincidentally, coal was discovered in several places around Xujiawan and Shenmu at that time.

  In Shenmu County, where there are basically no large vehicles entering the city except for the small trucks of the brigade, suddenly there are many large vehicles pulling equipment.

   Every once in a while, you can hear news that XX village has become rich overnight, and the villagers can share millions.

  Unfortunately, Li Hao's family has moved to the city and has nothing to do with the countryside.

   But with the mentality of giving it a try, he followed his mother's relationship and returned to Xujiawan to see if there was any work for the driver.

   Then I got to know Xu Daqiang who had started to build a mixing station at that time.

  Xu Daqiang asked him to call him uncle.

   Said that even if a girl from Xujiawan gets married, she is still from Xujiawan.

  After learning that his father also died of illness when he was in school, he directly asked Li Hao to drive to the mixing station to pull goods.

   And Li Hao, who finally grew up, also gained the acceptance of his "family" little by little by virtue of his reliable work and strict tone. In the end, Xu Daqiang became the driver of the first Santana he bought.

   Once you do it, it means many years.

As for the harvest of these years, don't care if it's the glamorous funeral of the mother, or the three-story mansion built in Xujiawan when she married her daughter-in-law, or the annual fixed dividends from the mine and ordinary business. I won't mention it.

  Uncle Xu never treats those around him badly.

  As the person who has been with him for the longest time, he has almost witnessed how Uncle Xu grew from a small mixing station to his current scale. In Li Hao's heart, Uncle Xu has long replaced his father.

   Even his own matchmaker was told by Uncle Xu.

   Otherwise... I was born to a woman with a different surname, why did I take a woman from Xujiawan?

  The child born can still receive money according to the head of the mine?

  This is not the treatment that a married woman can enjoy.

  In Li Hao's heart, Uncle Xu is the first-class existence in the world no matter in terms of brain, vision, or keen business sense.

  Obviously the same lack of culture, even reading a book is like taking sleeping pills.

   But... no matter what Uncle Xu does, he can succeed.

   And things always go his way.

   Moreover, when he was young, he actually envied these things the most. Instead, as a secretary, she followed Uncle Xu and saw what kind of life he was leading.

  Brief summary, four words:


  Whether it is work or private, this word can be used to sum it up.

  Then the things at work are all done under these extravagance, and it will definitely succeed.

  Privately, no matter how beautiful and reserved the little girls can always see them lying on Uncle Xu's bed when you wake up in the morning.

   As a man, Li Hao was really envious when he was young.

  Even he got a lot of credit.

  But which good man has never had the dream of "a man was born between heaven and earth" in his heart?

  However, the dream was just a dream. Before they knew it, the relationship between the two changed from a simple employment relationship to a family relationship.

  Especially when Li Hao got married and gave birth to his first child, the child yelled "Grandpa" in front of Xu Daqiang.

  Li Hao follows Uncle Xu down-to-earth in his daily life, taking care of his life, and at the same time, occasionally amazed by the beauty of the people next to Uncle Xu...even some absurd things.

  In the first twenty-seven or eight years of his life, he felt that Uncle Xu must be some kind of Peach Blossom Fairy reincarnated.

  That luck is outrageous.

  However, in the past few years of his life, his mentality has become more and more mature as he turned 30. One morning when he was brushing his teeth, he suddenly understood a lot of things.

Facing all kinds of beautiful girls around Uncle Xu who are still looking at flowers on a horse...I met at the dinner party, in the bar, all kinds of beautiful girls...Looking at them holding what Uncle Xu bought for thousands of dollars Perfume, tens of thousands of clothes and bags, and the appearance of leaving happily...

   and Uncle Xu sent the woman away with a smile, and turned his face into an ordinary face that he was used to, he seemed to understand.

  Uncle Xu, this is not luck.

  He's just... lonely.

   Isn't it the same with those buzzwords on the Internet now.

  Something like "how lonely it is to be invincible".

Sometimes even after returning home from a business trip, with his wife and sleeping child in his arms, and the couple muttering nightly conversations in low voices, they would talk about Uncle Xu. topic.

  It sounds absurd at first glance, as if I want to follow the warm quilt.

But in fact, what the two of them were talking about was...Uncle Xu had been working for a day, and after a tiring day, he faced a beautiful girl who he might not remember where he met, and had no familiarity and tacit understanding, except to vent or vent. What kind of taste is the emptiness and loneliness after the end of the matter.

  To put it absurdly, even kissing so many little girls, you have to get used to the different tastes in everyone's mouth...

  Especially in old age...

   Just like Li Hao now.

  In his thirties, although he is not old, but compared to the stunned youth in his twenties, he now prefers the tenderness of being with his wife.

  Everyone knows each other well, knows the root and the bottom, and tacitly guards the sweetness and warmth of the child.

   These...does Uncle Xu have them?

   Li Hao, who has never seen Uncle Xu and anyone for a period of time, can only shake... oh yes, there is a woman.

  In my impression, he is a few years younger than Uncle Xu, but...he is the only person he has ever seen who can say that Uncle Xu can take the initiative to care for him, and that the two of them are "talking about feelings".


  That woman met Sanjin who was the least sensible during the rebellious period.

  Every time he thought of this, he felt very sorry.

  If Sanjin divided the current sensible people into some of them back then, maybe Uncle Xu would not be alone now.

  And today I heard what Uncle Xu had to say about the meal with Sanjin at noon...

   Apart from sighing, he had no other thoughts.

  The older a man is, the harder it is to find a love he wants.

  Now Sanjin is sensible... and filial, and married a daughter-in-law that everyone in the village praises.

  But now I think about caring about Uncle Xu’s relationship...


  Keep silent, driving the car, muttering about the past in my heart.

  Land Rover finally reached the navigation position.

   And the weather at this moment is already the beginning of the lights.

  No way, there is a traffic jam, and there are too many cars in Shanghai.

   After arriving at the place, Xu Daqiang looked at the old house in the suburbs, and was about to go inside.

  Li Hao hurriedly asked:

   "Uncle, are you drinking?"

   "Don't drink."

  Xu Daqiang said without looking back.

  Hearing this, Li Hao nodded and understood the composition of tonight's game.

  A clean round... Tsk.

  He quietly sighed with emotion.

  Others don't can he not know some things?

  Since I don't drink alcohol, it seems that I don't have to find a separate table for dinner tonight.


   "President Xu."

  In the box, when Liang Bingning saw Xu Daqiang walking in, she smiled and stood up to greet her.


  Xu Daqiang said hello and responded with a smile:

   "It's late, there's a traffic jam."

   "It's okay, I've only arrived soon."

   Liang Bingning said, then nodded with Li Hao:

   "Brother Hao."

   "Hey, hello Bingbing."

  Although he was older than Liang Bingning, his title also carried a layer of respect.

   Both sides have their own opinions.

   Then, according to the custom, he lifted the teapot to pour tea for Xu Daqiang.

  The private kitchen here does not seem to be low-grade, and the utensils are quite particular. But when he picked up the teapot, he found that there was not much water in it. He took a look at the size of the teapot, and he knew how long Liang Bingning had been waiting.

   Then he didn’t pour the tea root for Xu Daqiang, but took the kettle next to him and put it on the induction cooker to add tea.

  Xu Daqiang saw Li Hao's actions, and he knew what he was doing, he said with a smile:

   "It's not good to keep you waiting for so long. The main reason is that Xiaohaolu is not familiar with it. Next time you are familiar with it, you can drive faster. I kept you two waiting for a long time. Isn't it right?"

  As soon as these words came out, let alone Liang Bingning, Wang Dongying, who was replacing Yang Tianzhen as an assistant next to her, felt very comfortable because of these words.

  She heard Sister Bingbing tell her about the energy of Mr. Xu.

   Unexpectedly so approachable.

   Still very frank... Apologize for being late.

  It's really different from those upstarts.

   Is he really a coal boss?

  Can't looks strong, dark and energetic.

  From speech to appearance, they are very different from those other rich people that Sister Bingbing met.

   It feels very real... It's just that the words are a bit rusty...

   After hearing this, Liang Bingning smiled and said:

   "At that moment, Mr. Xu will have to punish himself with a drink."


  Xu Daqiang waved his hand:

   "Tea, drink it all afternoon."

  Liang Bingning tilted her head:

   "President Xu, I'm talking about wine."

"Ah, don't drink, don't drink. I have dinner with you, and it's not socializing. Why do you drink all the time? Didn't you follow Weibo? Look at the doctor who forwarded it. Drinking often, women tend to age quickly .Drink some tea, drink some scented tea, beautify your skin~"

   "That can't be done, how can you be thankful if you don't have wine."

  Liang Bingning was still persuading, but Xu Daqiang took Li Hao's water bottle on his own, sat on the chair and waved his hands:

   "Thank you very much. Today is just for us to have a meal, so what a big deal. Have a good meal, drink some tea, and chat?"


  Looking at the two cakes and red wine that she specially prepared on the table, Liang Bingning felt a little helpless:

   "I have prepared two bottles of good wine..."

   "I don't drink that either. You listen to it, just drink some tea... What, you have a lot of drinking parties recently? Is this wine brought with you in the car?"

   "It must be prepared regularly. Otherwise, if you go to eat with others, there will be no atmosphere without wine..."

   "Don't take it with you in the car next time."

  Hearing this, Xu Daqiang continued to shake his head:

   "Well, do you often check Weibo, and those reposts. The doctor made it clear, this..."

  He showed a look of reminiscence, thought for a while, and summed up some words:

"Ah, this... dripping high temperature in the car, for this... it needs a constant temperature storage environment to drop red wine, and the damage is too great. On the one hand, it will damage the taste, and on the other hand, this... this, this... is easy to breed carcinogens. Hey, don't dare to mess around. ..."

   As he spoke, Xu Daqiang suddenly took out his mobile phone and began to fiddle with it. While fiddling, he said:

   "Your home is in Yanjing, so I won't mention it. If you come here, if you have a dinner or have a drink with someone, I will give you a call..."


  Liang Bingning's cell phone rang:

   "You keep this phone number. If you need alcohol, you just call this number. Just say yes and let him deliver it to you. Don't put it in the car. Drinking is not good for your health."


  This Mr. Xu is too warm.

  Wang Dongying was a little dazed.

  She stepped down from Mr. Yang as Sister Bingbing's assistant and began to work as the director of publicity, and she followed Sister Bingbing's side.

  What kinds of people around you have you never seen?

   Regardless of whether the various bosses are gentle or some so-called nouveau riche, everyone always sees Sister Bingbing's attitude very strangely.

  There is desire, there is also coveting...

   If you can drink, try to let Sister Bingbing drink as much as possible, push the cup and change the cup to play on the spot...

   In the past few months, she has followed Sister Bingbing around.

  The father of Director Xu, who is said to be super rich, is the first person who really cares about Sister Bingbing...


   Director Xu's gentlemanly demeanor is inherited from Mr. Xu, right?

   It’s no wonder that Sister Mi has taken a fancy to it…

  Although Mr. Xu sounds stupid, he doesn't have so many rhetoric. But the kind of care and concern that is close to that of the it too warm?

   Rich and gentlemanly...

  Wow, this guy is awesome!

   Didn't know that with just a few words, Xu Daqiang, who had gained a "little girl" for himself, put down his phone.

   And Liang Bingning saw that he was so serious, so he didn't force it.

  Turning his head to Wang Dongying, he said:

   "Yingying, take this wine away. Let them serve hot and cold dishes together... Then ask if there is any scented tea, and have a pot."


  When Wang Dongying got up, Xu Daqiang said with a smile:

   "Drink a lot of wine, one is not social, and the other is not talking about things. Eat, drink, and chat will be fine."


  Liang Bingning responded, holding his own cup:

   "Then replace the wine with tea, and Mr. Xu is welcome to appreciate it."


  Xu Daqiang smiled and clinked a glass with her, then asked:

   "How many awards did San Jin win this time?"

   "Mr. Xu doesn't know?... Oh yes, Mr. Xu seemed to be watching "Yongzheng Dynasty" at that time. One didn't... The Golden Image Awards are all for Xiangjiang's movies this time, and people from mainland China went to serve as a foil."

   "Then I won't go there from now on. Make it clear that you can play by yourself behind closed doors. If you're petty, it's good to stay away from it... What about you? Didn't you also act in Xiangjiang movies?"

   "Neither have I... but I have already won the Golden Rooster. It doesn't matter whether I win this award or not."

  Liang Bingning finished speaking with a smile and asked:

   "What did Mr. Xu do when he came to the Devil this time?"

   "Working. But it's not good to tell you..."

   "I understand. I don't understand what Mr. Xu is doing."

   "It's not that... it's Sanjin asking me to help you. It's very important to get things... done. It's important to know that the fewer people there are, the better. So it's not that I won't talk to you, but I can't talk about it for the time being."


  Liang Bingning was stunned, then nodded:


   "What about you? What have you been up to lately?"


  She smiled:

   "What else can I do? Looking for filming, looking for commercials, recently talked about a few endorsements, but they will only be available next year. I have to follow closely... whether I can win or not is not certain."


   "Influence, pure influence is not enough... I follow blue and red blood..."

   "Medical industry?"


  As soon as Xu Daqiang said this, Wang Dongying couldn't hold back, and suddenly burst out laughing.

  Liang Bingning frowned...a little unhappy.

  Wang Dongying suddenly panicked... She suddenly laughed out loud at the most inappropriate moment...


   "Ah, don't stare at him."

   On the contrary, Xu Daqiang looked indifferent, and said to Li Hao with a smile:

   "Xiaohao, how about this joke? It's not out of date yet."

  Li Hao nodded with a smile:

   "Yeah, Bingbing... don't be serious. Once Uncle Xu made this joke, nine out of ten people had to laugh out loud..."


  Xu Daqiang waved his hands again with a smile, and said to Liang Bingning:

   "Okay, little girl, you stare so hard. Is this joke not funny?"

  Liang Bingning turned her head and looked at Xu Daqiang in embarrassment:

   "Yingying has not been long with me..."

   "Ah, what did you say. You know, the blue red blood is talking about those... donkeys..."


  Liang Bingning's mouth twitched...

   And Xu Daqiang looked at her intently, and said speechlessly:

   "Not funny either?"


  It was only then that she realized that Xu was always making her happy.

   Immediately, he showed a look of dumbfounding, and said coquettishly:

   "President Xu~~~~~"

"Ha ha ha ha ha ~ right, smile more. You look good when you smile~ you wear a mask every day... you said it, tonight is not a business bureau, just have a meal with friends. It makes you feel uncomfortable Wow."

  After speaking, the "smiling mask" on Liang Bingning's face finally faded completely like an iceberg meeting a scorching sun.

   There is also a hint of rosiness.

  Wang Dongying silently lowered her head...

  My heart is full of uneasiness.

   Thinking that he would definitely be scolded when he went back.

   But grateful at the same time.

  If it wasn't for... Mr. Xu said it in time, maybe he would be more than just scolded.

   Good... good man.


   Then Xu Daqiang said:

"Those foreigner luxury goods are hypocritical... To choose an advertising spokesperson, you should not only be beautiful, but also have a good temperament. You are not incompatible... How much influence do you need? Why? If you want influence... it simply invites Bill Gai Just go there."


  Liang Bingning shook her head slightly:

"They just want to radiate more fields. What I want is not the endorsement of a certain season or series. This endorsement is also divided into levels. The lowest level is nothing more than a promotional ambassador or a brand endorsement. I have these .Didn’t I appear on the Spring Festival posters in New York Square this year? Now I’m talking about the endorsement in the Asia-Pacific region... This endorsement is one level lower than the global endorsement, which is very high. If it can be negotiated, then I should be...domestic The first person in history. A person from the Celestial Dynasty is the spokesperson for Louis Vuitton in the Asia-Pacific region..."

   "Oh, this is wow..."

  Xu Daqiang nodded half-understood, then asked:

   "Then what's the difference now? Influence... how influential? Are you not famous enough?"

  "Fame is definitely enough. But...Westerners are more hypocritical. They read more. They require spokespersons to have humanistic care and the like... Anyway, there are quite a lot."

   "Humanistic care...?"

   "Yes, the spokesperson is required not only in the field of entertainment, but also in all aspects. For example, you are doing charity, or environmental protection..."


  Xu Daqiang was stunned.

   Then, as if he suddenly remembered something, he turned to look at Li Hao:

   "Xiaohao, the last time I came to Shanghai, I had dinner with the person from the Song... Foundation, remember?"


  Li Hao nodded:

   "President Lu."

   "Yes, that's him..."

  Xu Daqiang turned his head:

   "Are you going for a few days?"


  Liang Bingning was stunned for a moment, and instead of answering directly, she asked subconsciously:

   "Mr. Xu, the foundation you mentioned...could it be..."

  Xu Daqiang nodded:

   "That's right, we had dinner together, and we had a good chat. There is a charity dinner this year, and I originally planned to let Sanjin and Mimi go...will you go?"

   "I won't compete with Mimi..."

  Hearing this, Xu Daqiang laughed aloud:

   "Is there anything to grab or not? It's a matter of having more chairs... If you are free these two days, how about asking him out and bringing you to meet?"


  Liang Bingning was stunned:

   " it okay?"

"What's the matter. It's a matter of a meal... It's better to hit the day than to choose a date. Tomorrow? Let's go the day after tomorrow. Tomorrow night, how about asking someone out, okay? When you want to do charity, go from here. They are famous wow~"


   Liang Bingning was speechless.

   I really don't know what to say.

  A charity dinner of that level... How could the people who go there have any stars?

  That has to be a local in Shanghai... To put it bluntly, a big guy who can shake his feet when he stomps his feet.

   is an existence that is beyond my reach.

   But Mr. Xu... is so flirtatious... invited someone out for dinner?




   Not sure.

  She just...relying on the emotion in her heart, said sincerely:

   "Thank you Mr. Xu..."

   "Haha, what's the matter? It's a small matter~"

   There is no benefit exchange.

   No reciprocity.

   Didn’t you say that people depend on influence, don’t you want to do charity?

  Okay, let’s help you get to the top one step at a time.

  Using your own name to donate money, and attending this kind of charity dinner, being on the news...the concept is completely different.

  Listen to this hearty laughter, and... this kind of help that never asked for anything in return.

  Looking at this man who exudes refreshing and heroic aura...

I'm used to what I want to get, and I have to give something equally. From the beginning to the end, no one is backing me or giving me a piece of protection. , the most sincere smile.

  Like an iceberg melting.


   Sure enough, Mr. Xu is still Mr. Xu.

   Nothing has changed.

  Thinking of this...

  She was very warm in her heart.

  Even if this kind of care is not even a fart to the other party.

  But for himself, he really hit the vital point that he needed most.

   Mr. Xu's "protective umbrella" was only a little bit on himself, and he directly solved his urgent needs.

  If you can get recognition, you will once again help your career rise to a higher level.

  The importance of red and blue blood to the artist's brand value is self-evident.

  But that’s exactly what it is…

  She suddenly felt a little panic again.

   No, it is not appropriate to say panic.



   No, how could it be inferiority complex.

  I have nothing to be ashamed of...I am...the big star Liang Bingning...

  She felt a little funny again.

  But back then...

  The woman who can't figure out the taste can only use the teacup to hide her emotions.

   But fortunately at this time... the door opened.

  The waiter came in with a tray.

  It's time to serve.


   Taking this opportunity, she suppressed the absurd inferiority complex in her heart, and said with a smile:

   "Now I'm more worried about whether tonight's dishes can satisfy Mr. Xu~"

   "Hahahaha~ It's easy to feed, you can live with a bowl of noodles~"

  Xu Daqiang laughed again.

   Rough and heroic.

  That smile was brilliant, but for some reason...Liang Bingning seemed to be a little dazzling, avoiding this smile and looking at the delicacies on the plate.

  (end of this chapter)