MTL - I’m a Director, I’m Not Bad-Chapter 508 506. Riding the Wind

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   Chapter 508 506. Riding the Wind


  In Qujiang Garden, Xu Xin was chatting with a few people while smoking a cigarette with a laptop in front of him.

  The content of the chat is all about the film festival, or how the film festival cultivates new directors.

"What I mean is very simple. When you apply for a project from a young director, I will provide a support plan. As long as there is no problem with the director and the script, you can just vote. Every year at the film festival, what you bring to the audience is the movie, what you bring to the director It’s an opportunity to lobby investors.”

   " mean to build a platform for investors too?"

"That's right, it's just like the Big Three. When you see a good film, whether it's an agency distribution, or you can provide the script for investors to choose...or just set up a business promotion meeting...a centralized platform like this , in this way, the director, audience, and investors can all be integrated..."

"There is nothing wrong with supporting the plan to build a platform, but you have overlooked one point, Mr. Wang, that is... Xiying Studio has to be profitable. Compared with private enterprises, their money is much more difficult to come by. Build your own Platform, cultivate competitors by yourself?"

   "It's not worth it, unless you can say... let Xiying Film Studio invest, and the chances of winning the award will be higher... But that would be the opposite of the original intention of the film festival."

"You guys are vulgar and dirty. Haven't you noticed? Although the factory needs to absorb new blood, you must also understand that the film festival is a brand-new carrier of word-of-mouth. It is also a circle of conscience. The film itself is a commercial thing. You can't refuse commercialization. The most fundamental purpose of Lao Xu's film festival is not to expand the West Film Studio. He wants to leave a conscience for this circle..."

   "Farting, maybe the original intention is this, but the first reaction of Lao Xu in the afternoon is to absorb fresh blood into the factory!"

   "You know Lao Xu and I know Lao Xu?"

   "Are you Lao Xu or am I Lao Xu?...You ask Lao Xu, Lao Xu, what do you mean?"

   "Uh... what do I mean? I don't mean anything."

  Xu Xin couldn't laugh or cry.

  Xin said what is there to argue about?

  The global film market is commercialized.

  This is something no one can refuse.

  So regarding this kind of support plan, it is a set of plans to be able to join the factory. There is no need to care too much about the support that does not join.

   Naturally, other investors will bear the burden.

   Or in other words, as long as you have the ability, you can shine whether you come to the factory or in the circle.

   Besides, the factory does not say that it only casts art films.

  As long as it is a movie, whether it is a good movie, a commercial movie or an art movie, it is an investment object.

   Nothing to argue about.

  However, Xu Xin memorized what these people talked about, and would record it on the computer from time to time, trying to improve the various mechanisms of the film festival.

  Although the whole is imitating the Big Three, some things still need to be localized.

  Otherwise it will be unacceptable.

   While several people were chatting, his cell phone rang.

   Subconsciously looking at the time, he thought it was because he missed a good night call with his sister today, and the other party called and threatened to kill him.

  It turned out that when I saw the caller, I found out...

   Not this aunt.

   is father.

   "Hello, Dad."



   " there someone around?"

  Hearing this, Xu Xin stood up instinctively:

   "Well, how many of us are chatting..."

   Said and walked out of the house.

   Randomly found a room to enter, and closed the door:


"Well, in the past two days, go to Director Zhang and take away both their ID cards and household registration books. After taking them, go to Nanjing, and then someone will pick you up. You give these procedures to me. People are doing well."

  Hearing Xu Daqiang's words, Xu Xin's eyes lit up:

   "Are you sure?"

"I'm not sure I'll ask you to deliver it in person? But the person who picks you up doesn't know you, and doesn't know what it is. You can deliver the things yourself. If they know you've been here, you can deliver them." "

   "Hmm, okay. So how long will this take...about?"

"It takes a lot of time to get a certificate. In two days, people from Wuxi will go to Nanjing for a meeting, and we will take it back to do it together. Then the census will start this year. There is a provision in this census. The population development under the Population and Family Planning Commission The research center will submit a report in August this year, and it may be open to the second child."


  Hearing the news from the old man, Xu Xin was full of surprise:

   "Is it really going to open up the second child? No more family planning?"


  Xu Daqiang couldn't laugh or cry:

"How can it be so fast? First, some provinces will open up pilot projects. It may take several years to fully open up. What I heard is that these few censuses even... have the meaning of entering an aging population. So next year's The census happens to be a big wind shift.

  The spirit conveyed is that as long as both parents have a marriage certificate and provide a household registration book, they can apply for a new household registration for their children. You tell Director Zhang not to rush, the certificate has been obtained, and the rest will start directly when the census starts on November 1st. "

   "Okay, okay... How about calling Director Zhang now?"

"It's very late at night. Don't let people sleep? It's fine to play before leaving for Wuxi in these two days. Another advantage is that this census data will only be used for population statistics, not for other purposes. Purpose, this is stated in the workbook. So..."

  Hearing this, Xu Xin understood what his father meant.

  A look of joy rose to the brows.

   "Okay, then I got it..."

   Then subconsciously asked:

   "Dad, where are you?"

   "What? It's in Shanghai, what?"

   "Uh, what's the matter."

   "Okay, hang up."


  The phone hangs up.

  Xu Xin didn't think too much about it. After walking back to the room, the three of them didn't ask him why he called.

And Xu Xin sat back in front of the computer, directly opened Baidu and began to check the news of the sixth census, and found that in addition to a news about the "standardized census mark--2010" that was put forward in 2009, there are still No specific and detailed information about the census was disclosed.

  He thought about it, and then searched for "open second child"...

   As a result, I was dazzled by the content of "my country's law implements strict family planning" on the entry.


  I don't know what to say for a while.

  Xu Xin stared at the news on the screen in a daze.

  The three cobblers saw that he was not in the right state, so Wang Sicong asked:

   "What's wrong?"

   "I'm wondering if the two little guys in my family count as second children."


  Hearing this, the three of them were a little confused:

   "What do you mean?...You and Da Mi want to have a second child?"

   "No, I'm just thinking about it. I haven't studied this aspect yet. You said that if the country opens up the second child, can I qualify?"

   "…mean regeneration?"


  After receiving Xu Xin's confirmation, Wang Sicong was even more speechless, and asked a question worthy of deep thought and study:

   "Then what if your second child is twins...?"

  Xu Xin was taken aback.

   And Lang Lang's brain circuit is obviously very active at the moment, and he rolled his eyes immediately after hearing this:

   "What do you mean? You have four in another life? What about Doudizhu? Doubling it?"


   I don’t know why these words, it seems to have hit Jay Chou’s joke.

  He couldn't hold back all of a sudden, burst out laughing.

  Wang Sicong looked innocent:

"Am I wrong? I'm not wrong. Twins are also the first child, right? If it's open, it can't be counted as the second child? The second child's belly is full of strength, and I have another twin. The baby I gave birth to, Why is it not a second child? How the **** did I backhand a super double!"




  Let’s not talk about the virtues that people in this room don’t seem to know much about family planning.

  Just say his idea...

  True and only two words can describe it:



   "Hey, there is no ghost, you can trade."

   "The plan has changed. Your husband will not be able to arrive in Chikan on time tomorrow, so he will divert to Wuxi and cancel the transaction."

   "Is the message accurate?"

   "The informant's internal report is very accurate!"

   "Okay, then I will arrange for your wife to steal someone."


   Xu Xin lying on the bed was speechless:


   "What the hell, you're going to die in Xi'an!"

  The hypocritical mask of role-playing was torn off on the spot, and Yang Mi started cursing:

   "Xu, count how many times I have slept with you this month! Ah! How long have you been away this time!? Ah!? Don't come back at all! You go with them!"

   "...Don't talk nonsense, can you? Apart from a Mengmeng who often forgets home, how can there be any girls beside me?"

   "I'm talking about the man! You and those **** go there!"


  The three people who were shot innocently did not hear the loss.

   Otherwise, Xu Xin would be tied to a chair today, and one person would play drums for two.

  Xu Xin couldn't laugh or cry:

   "Don't be angry, I'm going to Wuxi, not to other places."

   "The birds don't **** and the chickens don't lay eggs in that place! Go **** yourself!"

   "Okay, okay, calm down, why I went to Wuxi, you can't guess?"

   "I can't guess! Don't guess! You never come back! You wait... I will take the child abroad tomorrow! You will never find our three mothers!"

This month, because of all kinds of sporadic and different places, plus...Xu Xin counted the days, and guessed that she seemed to be very irritable these few days before the arrival of her aunt, so at this time he could only coax her with a good sister. .

  Like a little licking dog.

   Anyway, just for a while.

   After a while, she is still a cute and coquettish girl with older brothers and younger brothers.

   It's a pity...

  People can make money themselves.

  So Xu Xin can't do the money-worship routine of "I'll buy a big house for you, don't be angry".

  If he dared to mention it, the young woman would definitely sneer and reply:

   "I'll buy you two, and I'll give you a Bugatti. Can you hold me out all night?"



  Everyone says that a rich woman is good, but he really can't stand the demands of a rich woman like a young guy.

  After coaxing for a while, the little sister's little emotions finally disappeared.

   Sniffed and let out a cute humming sound:

   "I'm going to die of pain, my back hurts... I guess I'll have to come in two or three days. When you come back, you won't be able to touch me for a week, so don't regret it!"

   "I'm sure I regret it. But there is nothing I can do. I have to do business quickly."

   "What should I do? Obtain a certificate? Or can the child register directly?"

  She had already guessed why her lover suddenly changed to Wuxi.

  Xu Xin explained the general situation.

  Yang Mi didn't think too much about it. She is actually not very sensitive to such things as being able to know some news in advance.

   I just made sure that there was something really wrong with my husband, instead of letting him go after playing live CS with people in the villa every day.

   After chatting for a while, it was time.

  She was going to hang up the phone and go to sleep.

   But before that, what should be said still needs to be said.

   "If you dare to delay after finishing the work, I will give you a punch! Ha! Hey! Squeeze your roots!"

   "Good guy, Street Fighter is out?"


  Hearing this answer, there was a moment of silence on the phone, and a sentence came:

   "You are hopeless. Goodbye."


  The phone hangs up.

   Only Xu Xin, who was confused, was left thinking about it.

  What he said...was right.


   After a night of nothing to say, the original plan to go back to Chikan was changed to go to Wuxi. When Xu Xin woke up in the morning, he found that it was almost 9 o'clock.

   Su Meng has already packed the suitcase. After washing up, he went directly downstairs to set off.

   In the end, he didn't see his silly little assistant.


  Where did Mengmeng go?

  He was thinking about it, and just about to take out his phone to call her, when he heard the sound of the door.

   Su Meng, who was wheezing and panting, walked in.

   "Ah! Brother Xu, you're up."

   "Well... why did you go?"

   Seeing her sweaty face, he asked in wonder.

   "I went to help Miss MIUMIU get a courier. She didn't hear when the courier called her. They waited for her for more than half an hour, so I hurried to pick it up."


  Xu Xin subconsciously glanced at the time on the watch.

  It's early 9 o'clock.

  He didn't think too much about Su Meng helping her run and lie down.

  Not mentioning the function of the assistant, just say that the old wolf is usually very nice to her.

  Whether it’s buying a milk tea or something, Mengmeng and Dani will have a cup.

  He also likes to tease her when chatting normally.

   Get along and become friends.

   It is also necessary to help each other.

  He was just's past 9 o'clock...

   "Is MIUMIU still awake?"

   This time, Lao Lang brought his girlfriend with him, so the three brothers are usually on Xu Miao's side, and he sleeps on the other side.

  Su Meng and Dani are also over there.

  Girls are more convenient than men after all.

   After hearing this, Su Meng shook her head:

   "No, Ms. MIUMIU usually doesn't get up until 10:11."


  Xu Xin was a little speechless again.

   It's not that he has too many things to do, it's just that he is used to the self-discipline of his sister, and he really can't accept Gong Xinliang's kind.

  The morning itself is very short, and it is also the time when the mind is clearest.

  You don’t hurry to use the time in the morning to recharge yourself, get up at noon, have a meal, what else can you do in the afternoon and evening...

  He couldn't understand.

   But that is someone else's way of life after all, so Xu Xin can't say anything.

   "Let's go."

   "Would you like breakfast first?"

   "Let's eat on the plane."

  The two of them pushed the suitcase and walked out.

  Originally the old man meant to talk to the old man this morning, but now in front of Su Meng, he has some things that he can't call to talk about, and he is not in a hurry.

   He waited until he had passed the security check and got on the plane before he called the old man.


  Zhang Yimou's voice was a little hoarse.

   "What's wrong with your throat?"

  Xu Xin asked quickly after hearing this.

  Zhang Yimou's voice was calm:

   "Hi, I'm fine. I've been working on scripts for the past few days, I've been in meetings, I've stayed up all night, I'm a little dumb... What's the matter, tell me. Are you finished cutting "The Hawthorn Tree"?"

   "Not yet, it's something else... Is it convenient for you to talk now?"

   " wait for me."

  At Nanjing, Zhang Yimou, who was holding a training session for actors including Ni Ni, stood up abruptly.

  Many people who watched were taken aback.

  He thought to himself what happened to the director.

   When Pang Liwei saw Zhang Yimou walking out of the conference room, she wanted to follow.

   But when he thought... that the call was from Xiao Xu, he sat down.

   Not necessary.

   "Say it, there is no one next to me."

  After hearing this, Xu Xin said:

"I'm going to Wuxi now. You ask Auntie Ting to prepare your ID cards and household registration books. I will take them away and go to will probably take a few days. People from Wuxi are going to Nanjing for a meeting , and then my dad will find someone to take your paperwork back to Wuxi, and you can send someone you trust to get your marriage certificate when the time comes, just don’t show up yourself.”


   After finishing his speech, Zhang Yimou was completely silent.

   After about ten seconds, his voice seemed hoarse than before:

   "So... there is news?"


  Xu Xin didn't hold back his appetite, and directly told about the census.

  The census can make his children more "normal" on the household registration.

  Because this is the spirit of the census, not a privilege.

  The next thing to do is to keep it secret.

   Difficulty, the difficulty lies in this.

   But fortunately, Xu Daqiang has already done it.

  The matter that the leader asked you to keep secret, if you dare to say, there may be problems in this branch.

  No one will gamble their future because of... To put it bluntly, it is celebrity gossip.

  They are not entertainment reporters, so they don't need so much attention and traffic.

not to mention…

"You don't have to worry, my dad has asked clearly. The census data this time will only be used for the census. Any data leaks other than the census will be held accountable in accordance with the law. When the time comes, the census on your side will be listed on the market. Here, when you go down to the police station, you will be greeted can rest assured."


   There was another silence.

  Xu Xin also had no way of guessing what kind of mental state the old man was in now.

   I don't want to guess either.

   And he also felt that he was lucky... No, it should be said that the old man's luck was quite good.

   It just so happens that this wind blows.

  After the wind passes, many traces will disappear completely.

what is this?

  God help me too?

  He was thinking about it, when he suddenly heard someone asking:

   "How long will it take...?"

   "Starting on November 1st. You can rest assured, I will handle things for you before December!"

  Xu Xin was decisive.


  The silence this time was longer than ever before.


  The director is gone, and everyone can only wait temporarily.

   After not seeing each other for a few months, the remaining 22 girls already have a clear difference in terms of temperament and that kind of charm.

   Speech, behavior, manners...

  Even if the director is not around, they dare not relax.

  Because this assessment is far from over.

  Among these people, there are only 13 left in the end.

   Nobody wants to be one of those 9 knockouts.

   And now the director is gone, but the other directors and the teachers of the review team are still there. Including Pang Liwei, they also have to rate all the students from their daily life, or some instinctive speech and behavior.

  Even Ni Ni, who has already locked the role of "Zhao Yumo", is the same.

  Everyone knew she was going to play the leading role.

  Everyone knows that she is the new girl after Yang Mi.

  However, in the past few months, everyone has noticed her performance.

  How did she fall in love with Director Zhang, not to mention the role of "Zhao Yumo", one thing to say... In terms of hard work, she is also the best among these people.

  It's as big as her gait and demeanor, and as small as her sitting posture and concentration now that the director is away.

  Everything is telling the people around her of her talent and hard work.

  In this quiet conference room, Pang Liwei's eyes would skip over these girls from time to time.

  Every time she sees Ni Ni, there will be a few traces of approval in her eyes.

   Obviously, she is also one of Pang Liwei's favourites.

  However, every time she turned her gaze elsewhere and saw another girl, she felt helpless again.

   This girl is called He Jun.

   Currently the only "relationship household" among the 22 people.

  He Jun's uncle, Wang Xiaohua, is Zhang Weiping's assistant.

  The reason why she can appear here is also sent by Zhang Weiping.

   In Pang Liwei's eyes, her qualifications, talent, and hard work were all extremely ordinary.

  If it wasn't for this relationship, it would be impossible for her to stay here.

  The other girl is called Han Tingxi, who was also brought in by Zhang Weiping.

  Even at the beginning Zhang Weiping wanted Han Tingxi to play Zhao Yumo and push Ni Ni away...

  This is also the reason why the original plan of 20 people has now become 22 people.

   And this Han Tingxi is not young, and was introduced by one of Zhang Weiping's personal investors brought in by "Jinling Thirteen Hairpins".

  Even forcibly fabricated a character named "Yi Chun" in the script for her.

  Thinking of this, Pang Liwei felt a little bad.

   These two have seized two positions among the 13 people.

  The remaining 20 people compete for the places of 11 people.

   Moreover, Director Zhang was still arguing with Zhang Weiping in the middle of the night yesterday.

  Because Zhang Weiping wanted to add a **** scene between Zhao Yumo and Bell who plays John Miller...

  Zhang Weiping thinks this is a selling point.

   But Director Zhang felt that this was flattering "foreigners" and would ruin the artistry of the film.

  The two quarreled for most of the night, and Director Zhang's voice became hoarse when he woke up this morning.

   This good crew, why did it start to get a little dirty again?

   Just thinking about it, the door was pushed open again.

   It can be said that Zhang Yimou walked in with a smile on his face.

  Seeing his expression, everyone was surprised.

  Didn’t the director quarrel with Mr. Zhang last night?

  From the beginning of the meeting to the moment I went out today, anyone can tell that the mood is not right.

  But this... Why did it suddenly change after a phone call?

  Everyone was full of doubts, and Zhang Weiping, who was sitting at the table, frowned slightly after seeing the expression on Zhang Yimou's face, but immediately changed into a smiling tone:

   "Hehe, Xiao Xu, what's wrong with you?"


  Zhang Yimou shook his head directly:

   "Let's continue the meeting... Where did I go?"

   The excitement in his voice was almost uncontrollable.

   And this answer made Zhang Weiping's eyes narrow.

   Sorry, just finished writing, 20 minutes late.



  (end of this chapter)