MTL - I’m a Director, I’m Not Bad-Chapter 509 507. Drinking ice for ten years

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   Chapter 509 507. Drinking ice for ten years

  As a public figure, Xu Xin himself has always lacked the minimum vigilance of a public figure.

  Different from Yang Mi's appearance of covering herself like a Middle Eastern bandit when she goes out, he basically only wears a mask when going out.

  It's hot and I don't even bother to wear a baseball cap, because I heard people say that if you wear too many hats, your scalp can't breathe, and your hair will fall out.

  He still likes his stubble on the head.

   But after coming to Wuxi, he became more careful in everything.

  Wuxi’s airport is relatively small, so when he comes out, he can only wait for the commuter bus to pick him up, and go to the big terminal with others.

  When I got off the bus, a group of passengers happened to arrive.

  He was like a thief, letting Su Meng go ahead, and he followed behind.

   Waited until Su Meng communicated with Chen Ting about where Chen Ting's car was parked, and took him to the agreed exit direction.

  Unfortunately, his wife has controlled all his clothing these years, so even if it is something casually worn, it is easy to be locked in the crowd.

  After all, no matter the shape or style of these clothes, they are very eye-catching with the embellishments on his body, such as watches, that even he has ignored.

   From time to time, it will attract the attention of some young ladies.

  I want to see the real face of this handsome guy with a mask.

   Fortunately, this is not a metropolis like Yanjing or Shanghai.

   Not so many paparazzi.

  But Xu Xin walked with trepidation in the eyes of the road.

  Even if he knew that the old man had hidden Aunt Ting very well for so many years.

  However, the better it is hidden, the more he has a doubt that he has been afraid to ask.

  That is...does Aunt Ting really have no resentment in her heart after all these years?

   No marriage certificate, no title, 3 children...

  Maybe in order to hide the news, some relatives and friends at home...should also be kept in the dark.

   Then she will always be criticized by many people behind her back.

  This taste...

  The name is not correct...

  After so many years, how does she feel in her heart?

  His thinking began to diverge continuously, and then he heard Su Meng's words:

   "Brother Xu, I saw the car."

  Xu Xin took a look and saw a white Audi A4.

   "Well, let's go."

  Su Meng actually didn't know what was going on with Chen Ting.

   Although logically speaking, assistants and artists are very close, but there are some things... Before the public knows, the less people know, the better.

  So the explanation for Su Meng in this itinerary is just to "see a friend".

  Su Meng usually looks a little silly.

   But in some respects it is indeed ambiguous.

  Brother Xu said he was visiting a friend, so she didn't even ask, and followed behind to the A4 car, and opened the trunk.

  After installing it, Xu Xin directly opened the co-pilot's door.

  Su Meng sat in the back row, which was not relatively spacious.

   "Xiao Xu."

   "Hey, Aunt Ting...My assistant, Su Meng, is the one who called you just now. Mengmeng, you have to call Aunt Ting, my friend."

   "Hello, Aunt Ting."

   "Hey, Mengmeng, hello."

  As soon as Xu Xin was called, both Chen Ting and Su Meng knew what was going on.

  So, even though Xu Xin could clearly see Chen Ting's eager excitement through Chen Ting's side face behind the sunglasses, but the conversations along the way were all about other topics.

   Chen Ting kept complaining that Xu Xin called too late.

  When the second elder heard the news that he was coming, he hurried to buy vegetables and cook, for fear that the family dinner would be too sloppy to entertain Xu Xin well.

   What did you say to ask him to call early next time... Anyway, say it a day in advance, so you have to prepare a lot.

  The gratitude and intimacy in the words are beyond words.

   Then we talked about other topics, about all aspects of life.

  For example, the three children occasionally ask Xu Xin when his brother will come to play at home...

   While walking along the airport all the way to the villa by the Taihu Lake, Xu Xin paid special attention to the city.

  It’s really not comparable to Beijing, Shanghai and Guangzhou, but to be doesn’t feel bad.

   I don’t know where the old man’s so-called “economy hit the brakes”, and the growth rate was at the bottom of the province.

   But he didn't ask either.

  He doesn't understand such things as urban planning.

   Then Chen Ting asked:

   "Xiao Xu, are you staying here tonight?"

   "I can't stay. After lunch, I will go to Nanjing."

   "See you... Oh, I see."

  Chen Ting didn't even brake the car.

   But luckily nothing was said.

  After arriving at the door of the house all the way, Xu Xin just got out of the car and said to Chen Ting:

   "Auntie, Mengmeng is coming to Wuxi for the first time, please give her the car keys and let her go around Taihu Lake."


  Chen Ting froze for a moment, as if feeling a little uncomfortable.

   After all, people came all the way, and they are not even allowed to enter the house...

   Then I saw Xu Xin take out a wad of banknotes from his wallet, and handed it to Su Meng:

   "Take a good look around, Jiangnan is not only attractive to women, but also has a lot of handsome men. I will call you in the afternoon."

   "Okay, Brother Xu."

  Su Meng responded. Although she was curious about what Brother Xu was hiding...but she didn't ask too much. After taking Xu Xin's money, she said with a smile:

   "Thank you Brother Xu."


  Xu Xin chuckled, and Chen Ting handed over the Audi's car keys to Su Meng.

   Waiting for Su Meng to get in the car, Xu Xin asked curiously:

   "Where was the Lexus from last time?"

   "My parents drove to buy groceries..."

   While talking, Yi Nan, Yi Ding and Yi Jiao who heard the movement appeared at the door. After seeing Xu Xin, they trotted all the way around.

   "Brother Xu Xin!"

   "Haha, how are you all?"

  Xu Xin greeted them with a smile.

   "Let's go, let's go into the house and talk."

   And as soon as he entered the room, he saw a man holding a photo album at the entrance and handing it over:

   "Brother, look! Look!"

  After the last photo of Xu Xin holding a piece of red wine and a cat doll showing "lonely", the child is obviously holding back his energy.

   "Good good good."

  Xu Xin took the album with a smile and walked into the living room.

  Chen Ting hurried up to the second floor.

  Children's photography skills are not really good.

  But Xu Xin keenly discovered that in his photo album this time, most of them are about natural landscapes.

   I no longer stick to the previous poses.

   "Dad told me that the beauty in nature is actually the most real beauty. So I took a lot of landscape photos this time..."


  Xu Xin nodded while watching.

  Although technological progress is limited, children's hobbies during this period are more about imagination.

   and freshness.

   If you really want to say that you will win a prize for a photo, it is purely delusional.

   What is truly valuable is their dreams.

   After chatting with the three children for a while, following a burst of footsteps, Chen Ting appeared at the stairs again.

   Still holding a folded portfolio in his hand.

  Don't ask, it must contain the "procedures" of the two of them.

   "Xiao Xu..."

  Seeing Chen Ting's suddenly timid expression, Xu Xin smiled and stretched out his hand:

   "Aunt Ting, just give it to me."


   Chen Ting handed over the portfolio.

  Xu Xin opened it and took a look. Account book, ID card, and…

   A photo with a red background.

  In the photo, the old man in a white shirt is facing Aunt Ting, smiling happily at the camera.

  Through the director's perspective, he could see that the old man's smile was really happy, while Aunt Ting's smile was a bit complicated.

   Emotions are not pure.

  Understandable, after all, the two have never received a marriage certificate, and this photo should be the first time Aunt Ting took it.

  Normally speaking, taking a photo, going to get a certificate, and coming out with a red book... This is a complete process.

  Maybe this photo…

  Although it can be seen that it is a new photo, but thinking that this photo was finally "washed" after so many years, Xu Xin felt that even if Aunt Ting couldn't smile, it was normal.

   After all, the implication of this photo is much more complicated than that of others.

   "Okay, that's enough. Don't worry, Aunt Ting, just leave this matter to me."


   Chen Ting nodded, his face was full of forced calm.

  She is an elder, and she can't reveal her feelings in front of "children".

  At this time, as her mother's most caring little padded jacket, Yijiao sensed something was wrong with her mother.

   "Mom...what's the matter with you?"

   "Mom is fine."

   Chen Ting smiled very reluctantly.

  But there are more complicated emotions in the reluctant.

  But thousands of words, only turned into this one, it's okay.

   Xu Xin sighed as he watched.



  For the family dinner at noon, it can be said that Aunt Ting's family has already done everything they can.

   It's not that they can't invite Xu Xin to eat outside, but no matter how expensive the restaurant is, they can't express the gratitude in their hearts.

   And it’s not easy to say too much in front of the children.

  After all, Yinan and Yiding have grown up and can understand words.

  So, thousands of words are actually turned into these two ounces of liquor.

  Don’t drink too much, because I have to go to Nanjing in the afternoon.

  Afraid of making mistakes.

   What's more, it was Chen Ting's father who drank with him, and it was not easy to drink too much.

   After two or two drinks, Xu Xin waved his hands and refused to start eating.

   Soon, after a meal, the time came to early 2 o'clock.

  The scheduled route with the plane was 3:30, and when it was almost time, Xu Xin asked Su Meng to come back.

   It can be seen that Chen Ting is also quite guilty of Su Meng, after all, because of his own family affairs, this child can't even eat at home at noon.

  I can only leave a verbal agreement of "come to my house often in the future, and I will take you to eat fish in Taihu Lake next time".

   Before getting into the car, Chen Ting's father grabbed Xu Xin's hand:

   "Xiao Xu."

  The complex emotions in the old man's eyes turned into the most sincere words in his mouth:

   "Our family's affairs... I'm sorry for your trouble!"

   "Should be."

  Xu Xin quickly shook his head, trying to withdraw his hand but did not.

   Instead, the old man grabbed it in his hand and shook it twice vigorously.


  He froze for a moment, then suddenly smiled and nodded:

   "You two elders can rest assured."


  Personally opened the door for Xu Xin, and Dad Chen said:

   "Let's go, Xiao Xu... have a good trip!"

   "Eh, good."

   Soon, the Lexus with more rear space left.

   After watching the vehicle disappear from sight, the old couple let out a sigh of relief.

  Although this worst heart disease is not over yet, at least...

   Not far away.


  Because Su Meng was there, Xu Xin closed his eyes and fell asleep in the quiet atmosphere when he got into the car.

  The wine I drank today is a bottle of 99-year-old Jiannanchun.

   The feeling of drinking is quite mellow, just a little bit drunk at the juncture of adding Erliang, the light-colored privacy film of Lexus allows the sunlight to flow in the car, accompanied by his full of comfort.

  The whole world is bright.

   After all, he was happy too.

  Seeing that the matter has a clue, when I see the old man in a while, I may not know what expression he has on his face.

  He was curious.

  Even something as big as the Olympics, apart from frowning on the old man's face, he was calm.

   Even, he remembered very clearly that after the opening of the Olympic Games, when everyone left, the old man walked out of the broadcast room alone.

  The back view doesn't seem to be lonely or anything like that, but it's a mixture of loneliness and relief.

  At that time, he felt... the old man's mentality was too good.

   Such a big matter can go so calmly.

   This Qi-nourishing skill can be regarded as home.

   But now he really wants to see... see for himself if he will show some emotion on his face.

  Although he occasionally heard Zhang Mo or Pang Liwei talk about the old man arguing with someone, or being angry...but he had never seen it.

  Because the old man always looks like a calm international director in front of him.

  This time, old man, let me take a look.

   Even if you shed tears...

   After pondering all the way, we arrived at the airport.

  After the car parked in the parking lot, Xu Xin opened the door and got out of the car.

  Chen Ting also got out of the car. Although it was not a farewell, the courtesy and courteous manners are indispensable.

  Putting out the box, Xu Xin turned to look at Chen Ting beside him:

   "Aunt Ting, then we are leaving... Don't worry, I will contact you as soon as I have news."


   After Chen Ting responded, there was something wrong with the expression on his face.

  I can't tell what it feels like.

   She seemed to be keeping a straight face on purpose, as if she was suppressing something, but her eyes flickered more and more.

  Su Meng, who looked at her appearance, was a little confused...what's the matter.

   But Xu Xin seemed to see something, and nodded directly:

   "Okay, let's go then, don't send it off, there will be more people in the future."

   After speaking, he waved his hand, and the box made a "clacking" sound, and left as if fleeing the scene.

   "Then I won't see you off ~ two~"

  Chen Ting's voice rang out.

   "Yeah, no need to deliver, we're leaving."

  Xu Xin turned around again, waved his hands, and subconsciously quickened his pace while carrying the box.

   And Su Meng quickly followed.

  After walking about four or five steps, she realized that the voice of this aunt Ting was strange, and she turned her head.

   I saw that Chen Ting, who was in the trunk of the car just now, was ready to get in the car.

  Su Meng walked forward for less than ten steps, and there happened to be a car passing by the road they were walking on.

  Xu Xin stopped in her tracks, and so did she.

   Wait for the car to pass and the two continue to walk forward.

   And just such a pause, Su Meng subconsciously turned her head and glanced at the Lexus.

   "...Brother Xu!"



  Following Su Meng's words, Xu Xin turned his head.

  The good light transmittance of the light-colored privacy film allowed him to see the shadow of his head on the steering wheel at a glance...

   That movement is quite awkward.

  Most people can drive normally after holding the steering wheel with both hands.

   But the car didn't move yet, but Chen Ting's head was lying on the steering wheel, buried in the crook of his arms.

  She is...




   "Uh... good."

  Su Meng quickly responded, followed Xu Xin's footsteps, and the sound of the rolling wheels of the suitcase sounded again.


  After the training session in the morning, Zhang Weiping didn't eat with everyone when he had lunch.

  He has an appointment at noon.

  According to his statement, the total investment of "Jinling" is 600 million including publicity and distribution. Why don't we find more advertisers?

  As far as these girls are concerned, when they heard about the "600 million" investment, some people looked at Zhang Weiping in a wrong way. rich is this?

  A film is an investment of 600 million yuan...

  And we can actually act in this kind of...the movie with the largest investment in China so far...

  The effort of each one is almost beyond the limit.

  From this point of view, the number of "600 million" has actually played a catalytic role, which is a good thing.

  But in fact, except for these inexperienced actors, the inner circle of the entire crew is very clear in their hearts.

  Not counting Bell's $9 million salary, the maximum investment in this movie is around 100 million.

   After all, apart from Bell, most of the actors' pay is not particularly high.

  The invited good actors don’t have many roles.

   And those who have roles are all newcomers.

  So looking at this drama so far, the salary is not the most expensive.

   As for the live-action shooting, two locations were initially determined, one is the Shiqiu Film and Television Base in Shiqiu Town, Lishui County, and the other is Wuxi Film and Television City.

  However, there are not many scenes in Wuxi Film and Television City, very few.

  Shiqiu film and television base showed considerable sincerity. The cost of the filming venue, including decoration and layout, was almost the cost price, and there was no need at all.

  However, if this is the case, insist on shooting scenes on location, and the crew will also build a half-ruined city of Nanjing.

   So it's expensive, that's where it's at.

  For the cost of more than 100 million yuan, Zhang Weiping has been following Zhang Yimou in Nanjing recently, supervising film projects, and pulling investors to the film and television city every day.

  The rhetoric of "We Yimou used real-location shooting this time, but it is a real big production" made the ears of several assistant directors who took turns accompanying investors to explain it almost grow calluses.

No, after having a meal with some investors and advertisers at noon, it was almost 3 o'clock in the afternoon, when Pang Liwei, Li Shuang, and Zhao Xiaoding were still studying these girls with the fitting video from the morning , Zhang Weiping pushed open the door of the office drunkenly.

  Perhaps because of drinking too much, he couldn't control his strength.


  The movement startled Pang Liwei.

  Who do you think, don’t know how to open the door lightly?

  But when she looked up and saw Zhang Weiping, whose face was flushed and drunk, she put back her anger and dissatisfaction.

   Zhang Weiping completely ignored these people and looked around the office...

   "Hi... Where's Yimou?"


  Pang Liwei said:

   "Should be still on lunch break."

  “…call him…huh…say I’m looking for him…”

  Hearing this, Zhang Weiping staggered into the room, sat on the sofa and began to pant.

   It looks like I really drank a lot.

  Pang Liwei was a little speechless.

  She just emphasized that Yimou was taking a lunch break, just because she didn't want Zhang Weiping to disturb him.

   After all, the two quarreled so fiercely last night that they couldn't stop it.

   Yimou even dropped the thermos.

  At this moment, Zhang Weiping drank, if the two of them quarreled again... It was daytime, and the crew rented it from a local art school in Nanjing.

   There are people in the house during the day.

   Isn't it a joke?

  So she persuaded:

   "Wait until Yimou comes. He went to bed late last night too..."

   "If you can't beat it, it's over!"

  Zhang Weiping is not happy anymore:

   "He sleeps late? Does he sleep as late as me?!"

   Speaking of this, he hiccupped again:


  The strong smell of alcohol began to rise in the room.

   Also mixed with the taste of vegetables.

   It made everyone a little bit impatient.

   And Zhang Weiping said there without knowing anything:

   "You don't know... this movie... costs so much money... I need to contact those advertisers... Is it easy for me..."




  As the director of photography of the crew, Zhao Xiaoding glanced at the time on his watch and said:

   "Xiao Pang, you should go find him."

   "Right! Then hurry up... hiccup... just say I'm waiting for him!"


  Zhao Xiaoding didn't continue talking, but just exchanged glances with Pang Liwei.

  Pang Liwei walked out of the house after receiving it.

   Zhao Xiaoding lit a cigarette to dispel the smell of alcohol in the room, and at the same time ejected the DVD from the DVD and handed it to Li Shuang.

  Although he didn't say much, Li Shuang, one of the assistant directors, got up and left after taking the CD.

   Then, Zhao Xiaoding walked over with the cigarette case, handed Zhang Weiping a cigarette, and asked:

   "How much did you drink?"

   "Less than two catties..."

  Zhang Weiping held a cigarette in his mouth and didn't move his hands.

   Seeing this, Zhao Xiaoding took out the lighter from his pocket again.


  A flame appears.

  Zhang Weiping didn't even cover it, and he didn't even have any intention of leaning forward.

   Just leaning on the sofa.

  Seeing this, Zhao Xiaoding brought the lighter to his mouth.

  He made a movement of stretching his head.

  The cigarette **** reached the flame and lit the cigarette.


  The producer, investor, and producer of the crew of "Jinling Thirteen Hairpins", the boss of New Picture Films, and the famous domestic investor Zhang Weiping took a deep breath and exhaled a wisp of smoke.

   Head does not move.

  Looking at Zhao Xiaoding, he said:

"Old Zhao, is it really impossible to place advertisements in this film? ... It's like that kind of old brand. You know "Pakchoin", right? It's a time-honored brand in Shanghai for more than 100 years. A cosmetics brand that existed during the Republic of China, It is said that this year’s sponsorship of “The Voice” cost a lot of money. Can’t we set up a store for it and hang the words “Pekchoin” on it, so we can live together? Can’t we do it?”

  Hearing this, Zhao Xiaoding smiled and shook his head:

   "In the script, the entire city of Nanjing is in ruins, so it must be impossible..."

   As he spoke, his tone paused, and he added in a slightly euphemistic way:

   "What's more, this is a serious historical film, we... have to treat it with caution."

   "Treat a fart with caution!"

  Zhang Weiping sneered:

   "Why can't you add such a fictitious story? I just don't agree with me! You are so mean!"


  Zhao Xiaoding was speechless.

   Just stood up and got an ashtray.

   just avoided his passage.

  When people reach middle age, their anger is not so great.

   No matter what you say, he has achieved success and fame, and he has learned a lot of kung fu for nourishing Qi from Yimou.

  So, his temper is actually very mild.


   Let's put it... not much to say, ten years ago.

  Ten years ago, how dare you talk to Mr. Bei Xi like that?

   This ashtray is not allowed to fly on a girl!

  Sun thief.

   There are two stinky money, you don't know what your last name is, do you?

  (end of this chapter)