MTL - I’m a Director, I’m Not Bad-Chapter 515 513. You can reach thousands of miles without accumulating steps

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  Alright, no alcohol.

  Easily impulsive after drinking.

   And impulsiveness often brings some unpredictable consequences.

  Xu Xin went to the bathroom to take a shower after finishing the phone call.

  The rushing hot water flowed over his body, and the comfort of opening capillaries made his brain seem... more lively.

  The brain is the engine, and the mind is like the accelerator maintained at 120 miles.

  Alcohol is like a "no speed limit on the road" lifting card.

  When I saw this sign, my sanity gradually began to disintegrate.

   And the hot water that speeds up the blood circulation in the body and makes him more intoxicated is the turbo boost that builds the last piece of the puzzle.

  Obviously, he just washed his body, but he felt that many thoughts in his head had a kind of... not clear, but definitely not vague line under this crazy operation.

  So, in the sound of splashing water, there was an inaudible murmur.

   "It's difficult..."

   Nothing to say all night.


  The next day, he dialed a number.

  After connecting, the other party claimed to be surnamed Zhou, and his tone was very polite, not friendly, but not alienated.

  Xu Xin called "Brother Zhou", and originally wanted to invite him to drink tea.

  But this brother Zhou said directly:

"No, Director Xu, I'm actually working here too. Maybe I'll have a job before noon. If it's convenient, let's find a place to meet and you can just give me the things, so I can give them to the leader." Send it over."

  Xu Xin had no way of knowing whether the other party was avoiding suspicion or something else.

   But since people said so, he is not forcing.

  Because Xu Xin was not very familiar with Nanjing, the two finally made an appointment to meet at an elevated bridge not far from his hotel.

  According to this brother Zhou, after taking the formalities, he can return to the unit by turning around and crossing the bridge without delaying work.

  Thus, Xu Xin personally drove the business car arranged by Su Meng, and followed the navigation guidance to the agreed place.

   After seeing the exit of the bridge, he parked the car on the side of the road and flashed double flashes.

   After waiting for about 20 minutes, a white Volkswagen Bora stopped in front of his car.

  Xu Xin got out of the car wearing a mask, and saw a man in a white shirt, about 30 years old and wearing glasses, coming down.

   "Brother Zhou?"

   "Hey, Director Xu, hello, hello, Zhou Xiao."

  The two shook hands.

   "Xu Xin."

   After exchanging pleasantries, Zhou Xiao went to the trunk of Bora and opened it:

   "It's the first time I met Director Xu, and I was in such a hurry. I was quite embarrassed. Director Xu, if you don't dislike it...this is our Nanjing specialty..."

  To be honest, Xu Xin was a little confused at first.

  No, bro.

   Are our positions reversed?

  Shouldn't I be the one to take the gift?

  Su Meng prepared four bottles of Moutai and Si Tiao Zhonghua, which were on the back seat of the car.

   Guarantee that Xu Xin can get it after the driver gets off the car and greets people, and opens the door on the same side.

  The bag is not Moutai's own bag, but a very ordinary gift bag prepared by Tobacco Hotel.

  The old man ran away, so he didn't need to worry about gifts.

  But you can't let your subordinates run errands for nothing.

  Besides, it is definitely inappropriate to meet empty-handed for the first time.

   These are the rules that have flowed on this land for thousands of years. Some... can be regarded as customary rules.

   This is what he prepared.

  Not expensive. A bottle of Moutai is more than 800 yuan, and smoke is 600 yuan.

   Didn't expect Zhou Xiao to be more polite than him...

   Looking at the two boxes handed over, Xu Xin knew what the other party gave him.

  Nanjing Yunjin.

   and Nanjing Yuhua tea.

   are indeed Nanjing specialties. And if you want to come to Yunjin, you won't be able to stuff a few gold bars...

  In that case, Xu Xin felt that his three views would definitely collapse.

  However, seeing that Zhou Xiao had brought it out, he was not pretentious, and after accepting it politely, he said:

   "It's costing Brother Zhou."

   Zhou Xiao smiled and shook his head:

   "Just a little thought, as long as Director Xu likes it."

   "I like it, of course I like it. Brother Zhou, wait a moment, I'll give you something."


  Xu Xin quickly walked to the rear door. After opening the door, two very ordinary gift bags leaned quietly on the car seat. On one of the gift bags, the folded file bag that Chen Ting took was placed on it.

   Very abrupt.

   But it is good to distinguish what is a gift from what is a "thing".

  Put the brocade and tea leaves on the trunk, and come down with two gift boxes, he said with a smile:

"Brother Zhou took a hard trip this time. It's really not the time for me to come today, but Director Zhang's "Jinling" is about to start, so I have to come here for a walk. I owe Brother Zhou this meal, Be sure to appreciate it next time."

   While talking, he sent the gift box over.

   Zhou Xiao didn't refuse either. After seeing the portfolio, she took it out with a smile.

   But the gift was confiscated, but he said to Xu Xin:

"The driver of this car will be driving in a while. I will accept it. Director Xu is too polite... If I don't have a business trip, I must invite Director Xu to have a light meal at noon... Next time, next time Director Xu comes to Nanjing, let's make another appointment Not too late."

   "Well, good. Brother Zhou's work is important."

   Seeing that he didn't accept him, Xu Xin didn't force it either.

  This is actually not the same as asking for help, and the specific scale has to be grasped by yourself.

   Watching people talk, watching the dishes under the pot.

  So, upon hearing Xu Xin's words, Zhou Xiao stretched out her hand again:

   "It's not too late, I'll take care of Director Xu's affairs first."

   "Well! Next time, brother Zhou, let's make another date!"


   Less than three minutes in total.

   After Xu Xin watched Zhou Xiao leave, he got back into the car with two boxes of undelivered gifts.

  The other party goes first, turn left and turn around. And Xu Xin turned right and went straight to Yinhai Art School.

  When I arrived at the art school, I happened to see the scene where the crew was packing up and getting on the car.

  Seeing this, he walked up to Zhao Xiaoding who was on the side, and handed him a cigarette:

   "Director Zhao, is this...?"

   "You came back just in time, Xiao Xu. Come with me in a while."

  As Zhao Xiaoding said, he lowered his head and waited for Xu Xin to light the cigarette for himself, then continued:

   "I will not let you call and say that you are busy with something. He has already gone to Shiqiu's side and asked you to go and have a look."

   "Well, okay."

  Xu Xin responded.

   "Let's go together?"

   "Yes, let's go straight after they finish installing the newly arrived equipment. Follow the crew's car all the way there."


  Xu Xin responded.

  The two of them waited in place for a while, and after all the equipment was almost installed, they got into the car directly.

   Soon, several JAC commercial vehicles with huge space left the school and headed for Shiqiu.

  On the way, Xu Xin was chatting with Zhao Xiaoding:

   "Director Zhao, how much is the current investment for this play?"

   "I don't know about it. But it shouldn't cost much, and the equipment is ready-made."

   While driving, he pointed to the back:

   "It's all taken from the new picture. Originally, Yimou said that he wanted to try 3D production this time, but Weiping didn't agree. I don't think this is a sci-fi movie like "Avatar", and it doesn't need 3D... Tsk."

   Speaking of this, Zhao Xiaoding pursed his lips in displeasure.


   "It's fine if you don't worry about technology, I really don't want to go there now, you know, Xiao Xu. It's a mess..."

  As Zhang Yimou's royal photographer, he is also a member of the visual team for the opening ceremony of the Olympic Games. Although the relationship between the two is not particularly close, it is not bad.

  And he is one of the core members of Zhang Yimou's team who is very determined, and he also knows Yimou's preference for Xu Xin.

  So I didn't treat Xu Xin as an outsider.

   And Xu Xin understood the meaning of these words.

  If others say it, he will definitely play stupid, and pretending to be stupid like "sure, the construction site is a mess" will come out of his mouth.

   But when Zhao Xiaoding said this, he didn't pretend to be stupid, he just asked:

"What's wrong?"

"What else can we do? Several of our directors, including Yimou, are serving in shifts. A group of advertisers who don't know where they come from come here every day. This person today, that person tomorrow... all want to be here Advertisements are placed here. Yimou doesn’t want to be disturbed in his creative thinking, but some people still insist on having someone from the crew accompany the explanation, who do you think this matter fell to?”


  Xu Xin smiled and nodded:

   "It was quite tiring. But... Director Zhang gave orders to refuse the placement of advertisements."

"is that useful?"

  Zhao Xiaoding said quite sarcastically:

"Some people desperately want to make money...Hey, let me tell you this. About the day before yesterday, I was with a table of advertisers. Good guy, I was stunned by that. I don't know where it came from The local rich man, it is said that they run some kind of **** shop. I want to implant a shop sign of their **** shop in this movie. The mouth is three million...Think about it, this is just one. If you really let go of the mouth, Let me tell you, this drama has already returned to its original value, you know?"

  The kind of oral habit that belongs exclusively to Yanjing people, paired with that kind of... No matter how it sounds, it sounds like a YYGQ accent, which fully shows Zhao Xiaoding's impatience.

  Actually, it is normal for a director or crew to accompany investors and advertisers to dinner.

   Between the crew and the two, there is a relationship between the big shop bullying the customers and the big customers bullying the shop.

  You are a great director, so others have to beg you to nod. You nodded, we will send you money.

   But if you're an unknown director, it's the other way around.

  Although Xu Xin has never asked anyone...but he is aware of this ecological environment.

   Zhao Xiaoding is very powerful.

   But he's just a big shot in the industry.

  In terms of the entire ecosystem, he is the king of heaven in the small director's crew, and most people can't invite him. But for the old man, he is just the director of photography. As for some of the old man's business activities, he had to participate even if he was not happy.

   This is the friendship between the two parties, and the tacit understanding of being friends for many years.

   And his displeasure was not aimed at the old man.

  Xu Xin understood, but his attention was elsewhere.

   "Pawn shop? ...pawn shop?"



  After thinking about it, Xu Xin asked tentatively:

   "Is it a company called... "Jinding Pawnshop"?"

   "Eh? That's right, that's the one, how do you know?"

   "I chatted with Director Zhang yesterday and talked about these placement ads. They are more suitable for appearing in movie shots, after all, pawnshops existed at that time."

  Xu Xin gave an explanation and said:

   "But the price... is so high? Are you fooling people? One lens costs three million? I thought hundreds of thousands would be enough."


  Zhao Xiaoding was a little confused.

   While driving, he turned his head and glanced at him:

   "Xiao Xu...why do you sound so amateurish? You can't. If you say this, if other people know it, they can't laugh at you?"

   "Why are you kidding me?"

  Xu Xin looked innocent:

   "I haven't done any placement of advertisements. I didn't have any placements in my two movies. I really don't understand this thing."

   "Uh... that's right... No, you didn't attract investment in "The Wind"?"

   "No, the factory and I paid the money. There was no need to attract investment at all... Besides, I probably didn't deserve an advertiser to send it to my door. Think about it, before "The Wind", I was nothing."


  Although I always feel that Xu Xin's words are not right.

   But Zhao Xiaoding didn't think too much about it, and continued to explain:

"The hundreds of thousands you mentioned are small directors and small crews. The minimum starting price of our crew is two million... I didn't say that, it was Zhang Weiping. The starting price is two million, around two million Give it a name. If you want to have a picture, at least four million or more. So when the **** shop asked for three million, he didn't even answer... Hahahaha... let alone, it's really funny."

  Xu Xin continued to ask:

   "Did the negotiation finally come to an end?"

"Yimou didn't nod, so we couldn't negotiate. But the price was fixed at the dinner table. Even the construction and two sets of lenses cost 4.5 million...Actually, to be honest, Zhang Weiping doesn't even know how to do business. Do you know why he said that? "


"There is a war scene in the script, and there is a scene where our army is trapped on a small building, and finally the Japanese attack, we pull the grenade and die with the group of people. This scene does not need knowledgeable people, but anyone With a bit of brains, I changed this shot from that unnamed building to what happened upstairs in the **** shop. Just this one change, at least five million? If there are more close-ups, I will add one million It's not a difficult task. It turned out that he was fine...just toss around!"

  Zhao Xiaoding's face was full of contempt.

  But Xu Xin's eyes began to flash a meaningful light.

  It seems that...

  Find the place to bait.


  Shiqiu film and television base.

  A ruin.

   are ruins in the true sense.

  Not to mention the ruins everywhere, when Xu Xin arrived, he also saw workers using blowers to throw scoops of black powder on those buildings.

  The environment of the whole scene immediately gave him a sense of déjà vu of returning to the mine at home.

  The wind in northern Shaanxi is particularly strong every spring.

  The coal piled up on the coal yard is blown by the wind, boy...

   That's called a dusty one.

  Don’t talk about white shirts, just wear a gray shirt when you go out, and you will have to turn into black when you come back.

  If you don’t wear goggles, the soot will be blown by the wind and go into your eyeballs.

   That's really uncomfortable.

   And the scene in front of him immediately made Xu Xin feel it.

  When a scoop of black ash is poured down, the concrete building will be splashed with traces of smoke.

  When the time comes, light the fire next to it, and the black smoke will come out slowly.

   A ruined city of Nanjing that has been infected by the flames of war is considered to have been built.

  And this dilapidated building has a very elegant name.

   "Thirteen hairpins built in gold"

  Shiqiu Film and Television Base The shooting site of the war ruins named after "Jinling" is experiencing the baptism of "war flames" at this moment.

   Zhang Yimou was wearing a mask and a baseball cap. When Xu Xin found him, he was arguing with Zhang Weiping.

  Before he came to the front, Xu Xin heard the old man's words:

   "I'm telling you once, I won't advertise! This is history! We must treat it carefully!"

   "It's a movie!"

   Zhang Weiping’s eyes outside the mask are also full of annoyance:

"My dear brother! Did you make a mistake? We are not making a documentary, but a movie! It is a movie with a big investment!...You can't consider my difficulties? Just one Bell is worth tens of millions! The filming has not started yet, and it has cost nearly 100 million yuan. Should we not return the blood first? You are saying, don’t forget, why does Shi Qiu offer you so many discounts, why should we not pay back the favor?”

   "You can return the favor next time. If you add an advertisement to this kind of theme, how can you justify it?"

   "Why can't I add the ones I told you? There was no pawnshop in Jinling in the past? No one selling clothes!? No snake grass water?"

   "Okay, stop talking, I don't agree!"




   "Eh, eh, two, two."

  Xu Xin quickened his pace and walked over diagonally behind the two of them.

  While walking, he had a smile on his face:

   "Keep your voice down, keep your voice down, people who don't know think we're arguing here."

  He came to be the "peacemaker".

  Take out a cigarette, pass a cigarette.

  The quarrel between the two ended abruptly after Xu Xin appeared.

  Zhang Yimou turned his head and glanced at him.

  The so-called different sides of the same person.

  In his opinion, Xu Xin, who is smiling and in a good mood, is the best proof of success.

  So, the frown on his face faded and turned into a smile:


   "Yeah. I got up late in the morning, otherwise I would come here with you. But it's okay, I slept well, and the sleep was a success, haha~"

   At first glance it was a joke, but he believed the old man could understand.

as expected.

  As soon as these words came out, the smile on Zhang Yimou's face became more and more joyful.

  But Zhang Weiping looked a little uncomfortable.

   A little sour.

  Why are you so cold-eyed with me, and you laughed like this when Xiao Xu came?

  But this was Zhang Yimou's attitude, and Xu Xin didn't say anything.

  He couldn't find a place to vent, so he could only light the cigarette and say something sullenly:

   "Let's chat."

   After finishing speaking, he left.

   "Uh... Teacher Zhang..."

  Hearing Xu Xin's voice, he didn't look back, he just waved his hand and left.

   After he left, the smile on Zhang Yimou's face faded slightly, and he asked first:

   "Handed it up?"

   "Well, it's over. Just wait for the good news. Don't worry, there will be no mistakes."


  Zhang Yimou nodded vigorously and let out a long sigh of relief.

   At this moment, Xu Xin asked:

"what happened again?"

   " else."

  The great director put his arms around his arms, with a helpless tone:

   "The advertisements of snake grass toilet water in pawnshops, cloth shops, and traditional Chinese medicine shops... have to be added. If I don't add it, he will quarrel with me like a child..."

   Speaking of this, his subconscious tone was a bit heavy:

   "This movie... how can it be like this! How much money does he have to make before he can let it go!"


  Hearing his words, Xu Xin thought for a while, and suddenly said:

   "Why don't you make a compromise."


  As soon as he said this, Zhang Yimou was stunned, and looked straight at Xiao Xu, his face full of disbelief.

  Xu Xin shrugged:

"Don't look at me like that.'s not an option to go on like this, right? You said that you hate being disturbed by trivial matters the most during filming. But if he wants to go on like this, you have another Okay? Besides, you also said that the biggest contradiction lies not in these implants, but in the plot of the **** scene between John Miller and Zhao Yumo...or else, let’s focus on the big and let go of the small. What do you think?"

  If someone else said this, Zhang Yimou must have been very angry.

  But it happens...

  The person who said this was Xu Xin.

   is Xiao Xu.

"are you serious?"

   he asked.

  Is Xu Xin serious?

   Not really.

   But he won't say it.

  The old man is a very pure person.

   Don't understand commercialization, don't understand intrigue.

   Even a little social fear, such a big person, even interpersonal relationships are sometimes difficult to handle by myself.

   But he has one of the biggest advantages.

  That is to be good at patience and acceptance.

Xu Xin came from the Olympic Games, when all the proposals were refuted, and when the meeting room was full of mourning, he was the only one who slapped the table and told everyone, "I just want to dance in shackles, and I want to dance awesomely" found in .

  His compromise has never been an unintentional vacillation.

  He will compromise, just knowing that there is a bigger goal in his heart, waiting for him to achieve.

   Therefore, he needs forbearance and patience.

   Olympic Games so.

  Xu Xin feels the same here.

  He is a very pure person...

  Pure people should have clean hands.

   It cannot be touched, filthy, or polluted.


   There are some things that he can't do, and Xu Xin doesn't want him to do them either.

  If he doesn’t do it, who will?

   Only "he" can do it.

   Maybe a little despicable, but treat despicable people with the same despicable means.

  Should...will get everyone's permission, right?

  He doesn't want to be a hero.

   I don’t think I can be a hero either.

   It's just that the road is uneven...

   Someone always needs to step on that foot.

   Taking a shower is enough time for him to make many decisions.

   And the price paid in the end...

   Just like what he once said to the old man.

   "It's a big deal, I'll just go back and be that rich second generation who just eats and waits to die."

  Others have no retreat.

He has.

  So he is more suitable to stand up.

   It's like those astronauts over fifty... Huh?

   What kind of meme is this?

   The chaotic thoughts in my mind were temporarily relieved by this doubt.

  However, Xu Xin didn't think much about it, and just looked at the old man calmly:

   "Compared with two evils, choose the lesser. Instead of using Cha and Sui provinces, both of which have daily existence, it is better to pay for it with one province. Are you right?"

  Hearing this, Zhang Yimou's first reaction...

  This ignorant child has read "Answer to a Book"?

   I also wrote down the full text of the source of this sentence... It's not that ignorant.

   And the second reaction...

   is silence.

  Silent until Xu Xin finished smoking a cigarette, he said:

   "But I'm afraid that he will push his feet..."

"do not worry."

  Xu Xin was suddenly happy.

   Squeezed out the cigarette **** with his foot, like a person who is about to go out:

   "Why don't you take the blame, I'm good at it."

   After finishing speaking, he walked straight towards Zhang Weiping.

   It was like walking into Gong Li's RV in the crew of "Golden Armor".

  The years are dry and prosperous, and reincarnation flows.

  Back then, he took the blame for Yang Mi who had slipped into his heart without knowing when.

   And now...

  The girls of the past are already married as wives, mothers, old people... cough cough.


  The current him is for something on a larger level.

   And for that drunken rhetoric...

  All he has to do is to take this small step.


   If you don't accumulate a few steps, you can reach a thousand miles.

   Without accumulation of small currents, rivers and oceans cannot be formed!