MTL - I’m a Director, I’m Not Bad-Chapter 541 539. August Xiangsheng

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   "Phew. Good morning, gentlemen and ladies."

  Famous Hollywood director, Quentin Tarantino walked into the small screening hall with a bird's nest hairstyle.

  Looking at the 5 men and 1 woman inside, he greeted them briskly.

   At the same time, he raised the champagne glass in his hand.

   You know, it's 10 am in Venice.

  Although the pace of life in Italy is notoriously loose...

  But... you don't care if you hold a glass of espresso, isn't it a bit too much to open champagne in the first half of the day...

   Putting it in the heavens will not give you the nickname Jiumengzi.

   But it is normal to see these five men and one woman.

   They greeted Quentin one after another.

   "Morning, Mr. Quentin."

  Gullama Arriga. Mexican screenwriter, producer, director, actor.

   Representative works include "The Tower of Babel", which was shortlisted for both the Oscar and the Golden Globe Award for best screenplay, and "Three Funerals at Astada", which won the Best Screenplay Award at Cannes.

  At the same time, he is also the leader of Mexican films after their rise in the international film art market.

   Invited to Venice to serve as one of the judges for this main unit film competition.

   "Tarantino, is today a day worth celebrating? You didn't even drink red wine."

  Like Quentin, with the same disheveled hair and a wrinkled suit, Arnold Debressing laughed.

  Arnaud de Blessing, French director, screenwriter, photographer, producer.

   If Quentin, who had just debuted that year, stunned the film world with "Reservoir Dogs", then Arnold Debrecien set off a storm in Cannes with "The Sentinel".

  The two are directors of the same era, and they are also directors with very strong personal styles.

   and Quentin are also old acquaintances, so he is more playful than Gu Limo's rigid and restrained speech.

  If you can ignore his French-sounding English.

   After hearing his words, Quentin smiled happily:

   "Of course, man. It's a sunny day! Isn't it worth celebrating?"

   As he spoke, he sat down on his own seat, picked up the film sheet and glanced at it, his eyes were full of excitement:

   “Inspector Dee and the Mysterious Phantom of Fire! Wow, it looks like my Chinese friends have brought us a fantasy that is no less than Harry Potter.”

Although everyone here knows that he is obsessed with Chinese culture, but when he heard that a movie was being compared with "Harry Potter", sitting in his seat, Jasmine Trika was swaying iced coffee Speechless:

   "Dear BOSS, I don't think it can compare to my daughter's favorite fairy tale."

   "Hahaha, then apologize for me and little Ellie."

   Quentin was not angry either, and said with a smile:

   "But its name is mysterious enough, isn't it? At least it's more interesting than this...uh... RA Bian GO."

   "It's DEADSOULS."

   After Trika corrected him, Quentin waved his hand:

   "NONONO, beautiful Trika. Please don't doubt my love for that country. Although the English translation is this. But I know this movie, and its Chinese pronunciation is called "RA Bian GO"."

  Although he didn't say the correct pronunciation of "Jiabiangou".

  But Trika didn't argue with him, she shrugged and said:

   "You are Tianchaotong, you are right. Then, you can also pronounce the correct Chinese in the other three movies?"

   "Of course, my Chinese..."

   Quentin proudly raised the champagne, and with the other hand made a "finger bag" movement that Italians like to do when they speak:





The remaining three judges on the side, the famous Hollywood Oscar-level composer Danny Elfman, the Italian director Luca Guadagnino, and the famous Italian academic director Gabriel Savateres revealed at the same time Speechless expression.

  Because they have heard this word too many times these days.

  At first I thought it meant New Bee, but after Quentin finished watching a certain movie, he would say: "Wow, the shooting is very NEWBEE", and several people finally understood the meaning of this word.

  What does it mean in English...

   "SUPERCOOL", means very cool.

  But the literal translation is the... special organs of the cow, of the cow.

  A few people couldn’t accept it at first, and felt that the description of “NEWBEE” was really too NEWBEE.

   Asked why, Quentin’s explanation was:

   "Because it looks big."

   This explanation really made these judges quite funny.

   Then I gradually understood the colloquial words of this director who is obsessed with Chinese culture.

   Of would be better if it didn't ask for its "literal translation".

   As for Quentin, after speaking, he picked up the playlist again:

   "Hmm... "Legend of the Fist: The Return of Chen Zhen", this Chen seems to be Bruce Lee's mentor."

   As he spoke, he nodded confidently:

"Yes, that's right, Bruce Lee's master. Wow! And this "Assassins Reign" its Chinese name is "Sword and Rain". You know, it's the sword, and the rain from the sky. It sounds very we get three Kung Fu movies today from very good directors!? Wow! Dear Trika, isn't this worth another drink?"


   Trika reckoned that the drunkard really planned to vomit into the screening room today.

   But she still said:

   "I'm more interested in the last one than the four you mentioned."

   "The last..."Under the Hawthorn"? Sounds boring."

  Although as the jury boss of this year's main competition unit in Venice, he shouldn't have said such biased words...

   But after so many days, everyone has a little understanding of Quentin's character.

   Open mouth.

  It doesn't matter what he says, as long as it doesn't affect the fairness of the film selection.

  But Jasmine Trika shook her head and corrected him:

   "No, it's not boring at all. On the contrary, I'm full of interest in it. Because the director of this film won the Camera d'Or in Cannes last time. I'm the judge of the Camera d'Or."

   "Wow, it sounds like you like him very much. The name is the director of Goethe Hsu. What kind of person is he?"

  "I haven't seen it. He didn't come to the scene last time. The reason why he didn't come is because he was busy with the opening ceremony of the 2008 Olympic Games."




  As soon as these words came out, several people were taken aback.

   Gulaimo, who seems to be the least talkative, said in surprise:

   "Did you remember wrongly, ma'am, the Olympic Games is Zhang."

   "He was one of them."

   Just after Trika finished speaking, Arnaud Debressing seemed to remember something, and said:

   "Is it that... Cannes award, an actress came on stage to accept the award, and then she quoted a poem by Romain Rolland, which made the French translation of Cannes a laughingstock?"


   Trika shrugged:

   "So, I look forward to this movie even more."

  Arnold Debresin nodded:


   Upon hearing this, Quentin directly put down the playlist:

   "So what are we waiting for? Let's get started."

  He said while raising his glass:

   "Hail to my friends from China."

  Champagne held high, the light dimmed.

  On the screen, a dragon logo slowly appeared.


   Xu Xin doesn't know whether "The Hawthorn" will win the award.

  However, since it is decided to participate in the election, the Venice Film Festival is a very important signal about when the film will be released.

  After the list is announced at the end of August, if "The Hawthorn" can be shortlisted, then it will appear in the main competition screening of the "Venice" Film Festival, with fixed theaters and screenings.

   At that time, the feedback from the audience can be obtained more intuitively.

  At that time, no matter whether it was to build momentum or public relations, no matter how you say it, being shortlisted would have a huge increase in the popularity of the film.

   At that time, it will depend on how high it can go to make a release plan.

   And if you are not shortlisted, then fight for the screening, and then take another way of publicity.

  No matter what, as long as you can get the chance to be screened, it can be regarded as a layer of gold plating.

  So the factory has never made a release plan, just to wait for the feedback from the Venice Film Festival.

   Once the feedback is complete, let’s arrange important festivals.

   Such as Singles' Day.

   Like Christmas.

  If the feedback is mediocre...then find a time when the competition pressure is less.

  So, Xu Xin didn't worry much about the screening.

  He has already shot the movie, and the rest will be handed over to the factory.

  In the blink of an eye, half of August is already over.

  But this August is actually not peaceful for Xu Xin...or it is really not peaceful for the entire entertainment industry.

  The reason is very simple. On August 1st, it was exposed that Li Hezhen, an apprentice of Deyun Club, beat a reporter from Yanjing TV.

  Deyun Society was immediately brought to the forefront.

Although Xu Xin didn't think about the specific reason, and he didn't even know about it until he returned to Yanjing, but Guo Degang's sentence "all reporters in the world are prostitutes" directly put Deyun Club It was brought to a point of no return.

  Yang Mi talked with him before, saying that Guo Degang loves to take advantage of others.

  You can suffer from everything, but you can’t suffer from your mouth.

  Xu Xin still felt indifferent.

  One person, one way of life.

  But this time, when he saw what Guo Degang said to so many audiences in the small theater, he knew...

  Deyun Club played big this time.

   It is tantamount to offending an industry.

  And his first reaction was to run to Yu Yang's house.

   When I went there, it happened to be the morning of the 6th.

   Then I saw Yu Qiang with a sad face...

  When asked why, it turned out that Guo Degang's big apprentice and senior brother suddenly backstabbed and quit the Deyun Club, and the division was clean.

  Xu Xin was actually quite puzzled...

  I don’t understand how the cross talk theater... which was really one of the happiest memories between him and Yang Mi, has been full of nonsense in the past two years.

  But in front of Brother Qian'er, he didn't ask, say, or chat.

   just said:

   "If you need help, brother, you can just say a word. I will do as much as I can."

  He was speaking the truth, but not for Guo Degang, but for Yu Qiang.

  He may not be able to keep Deyun Club, but it shouldn’t be a problem to keep Brother Qian’er.

  Yu Chen is actually in a good state of mind.

  For Xu Xin's words, he just used a noon drink to express his heart.

   As for whether to help or not...

  He didn't mention it either.

  According to Xu Xin's point of view, maybe the matter has not reached the point of irreversibility.

  However, there were really a lot of news about Deyun Club in those days.

   And what Yang Mi did was the best.

  In order to prevent the child Xiaobing from going crazy, or being blocked by a reporter and saying something that shouldn't be said, she directly pulled Xiaobing to her side.

   It doesn't mean to take him with you.

   Instead, he directly reported him to a driving school.

  Shaobing lived at home for two days, and Yang Miqiang held his head and gnawed through the booklet of subject one. On the third day, he took the exam and finally got 85 points.

  Yang Mi was found qualified by someone.

   Then let the kid go to practice driving.

  Don’t mention anything else, just rush to practice for a month.

   This month you will live in the city, far away from right and wrong places.

   Even the student level is the highest level of one car, one teaching.

   Protect this child well.

  Then, on August 8, Deyun Club was ordered to suspend business for rectification.

  Xu Xin went to Yu Qiang again.

   In Yu Yu's view, the suspension of business for rectification is really far away. But from Xu Xin's point of view, as long as the business is suspended for rectification, it means that there is still room for relaxation.

   Made a few phone calls in front of Yu Qing, and asked about his tone.

  Although he didn't say anything to death, Yu Qian felt more at ease in his heart.

  Driving with his bag in his car, he went to find Guo Degang.

  I don’t know what to talk about, anyway, Deyun Club admitted all the mistakes and promised to rectify them.

  But at this time, Xu Xin has really seen what it means to be overthrown by everyone.

   Throughout the first half of August, all kinds of news and scandals were flying all over the sky. Yanjing TV can't wait to broadcast the black history of Deyun Club... The two sides are completely torn apart.

  And the popularity of the news buried all other news.

   At this juncture in mid-August, Xu Xin completed all the location scouting, and the sub-camera was almost done.

   And Lu Yang also came back from Xi'an.

   found him.

   "Let me introduce you."

  Pointing at Lu Yang who walked in, Xu Xin said to Guo Fan and the others:

   "Lu Yang, Director Lu... I'm familiar with Sister Mo, so I won't say more. These two are one of the three assistant directors of our "Thirty-Three Days of Broken Relationship"."

   "Hi there."

  Lu Yang nodded politely, and shook hands with eight men and one woman.

  As Xu Xin's "Senior Brother and Senior Sister", they rushed back to Yanjing from vacations or internships in the north and south again under a phone call from the teacher, and came to Shuangwei.

   And today is also the day when Xu Xin held an internal preview of "The Hawthorn Tree" in the company.

   After all, he also promised himself a "gift" to his brothers and sisters.

   and work outside of this gift.

  After school starts on September 1st, they go to the training institute to register, and they will officially join the filming of the movie "33 Days" with Xu Xin.

   Continue to accumulate seniority.

   And Xu Xin will also start his own graduate school.

  But the preparatory work for a film starting from the project approval is a rather cumbersome process.

  Xu Xin will bring these senior brothers and sisters with him this time.

   Help the teacher to provide systematic "guidance".

   So now the preparations have to start.

   "What did the film quality factory say?"

   After Lu Yang finished greeting them, Xu Xin asked.

   "It's not bad. The factory has seen the dates of film festivals in various places, and plans to let me go to Busan after finishing."

   "Busan Film Festival?"


   "Oh, okay, let's go. If you can come back with a good ranking, there should be no problem going to the theater."

   After communicating about "Cinema for the Blind", Xu Xin led them into the company's screening hall.

   Soon, "The Hawthorn Tree" began to be screened in the dark auditorium.

  For Wen Muye and the others, there are too many good memories in this movie that they personally experienced.

   And looking at those clips in the movie at this moment, they actually don't have a strong sense of substitution.

   It’s not that the movie isn’t good, but because when they watched it for the first time, they found…the scene of what they were doing when shooting these scenes in the movie always appeared in their minds.

   will be very dramatic.

  But this feeling of being out of a play gradually deepened as the plot deepened. When I experienced Xu Xin's peaceful atmosphere built like flowing clouds and flowing water, all my thoughts began to settle, and finally turned into a kind of calm.

   And in this calm, the various versions of "BELLACIAO" that would sound from time to time became the best fuel for combustion.

  The melody lingers in my mind, visually feeling the pale and sometimes colorful shots, as well as the complete details of the story.

   When the more than 100-minute film came to an end, unconsciously, applause rang out.

  Even if there are not many people, the emotion in the applause is the most real.

  The gap is really too big...

   Looking at the dark staff list scrolling, the expressions on the faces of several people are unified.

  At this moment, the memory of them having a play at the beginning of the film has instead become a kind of... similar to "humble" inducement.

  We were also there when these clips were filmed.

   Even watched the shooting screen on the monitor up close.

  But why is the thing presented from Xu Xin's hands in the end so different from the feeling it was photographed...?

   That kind of... serene vibe.

   That faint sadness.

   And the song that lingers on...


Knew it.

   Or the song "Russia" best expresses this atmosphere.

   is also the most suitable for that era.

   Amidst the applause, soon, the cast came to an end.

  Suddenly, Guo Fan noticed a new line of words appearing in the employee list:

   "Executive directors: Guo Fan, Wen Muye..."


  He was taken aback.

  Wen Muye was also taken aback...

  Everyone was taken aback...

  Looking at my own name in the column of executive director...

  Executive...executive director! ? ? ? ?

  In an instant, the applause disappeared.

   A group of people were dumbfounded.

  We, in the film crew list of producer Zhang Yimou and director Xu Xin, appear in the column of executive director?

  8 men and one woman, one is quite a lot! ?

  ? ? ? ?

   At this moment, Xu Xin, who was sitting in the front row, pressed the pause button with a smile, and turned to look at his senior brothers and sisters:

   "How about it, everyone, do you like this gift?"


   Everyone understands the weight of this position.

   Everyone also understands how their names will affect their future career paths when they appear here!

  This... this gift...

  They didn't dare to expect extravagantly before.


  How many people are in the crew?

  As interns, we actually became "executive directors"? ? ?

   Isn’t this noisy...

  He De He Neng?


  Do you want to face?


   But this gift is real... they can't refuse it!

  How to refuse?

   What a glorious achievement!

  That's... Zhang Yimou!

  That's Xu Xin!

If they act as executive directors in this crew, they don’t mention anything else. When they go to other teams to apply for jobs, as long as their professional level passes, an ordinary executive director gets paid 50,000 yuan, and they can get 100,000 or even 150,000 yuan. …

  This... this gift...

   Is this the advantage of the students under Teacher Yu?

  Not to mention anything else, if this news is released...Mr. Yu's postgraduate quota must not be trampled down by students from the Department of Directing?

   You see, sometimes the ecology of this circle is like this.

  As a director, the gust of wind brought up by Xu Xin's casual walk is enough for some fallen leaves to take advantage of the wind and walk many steps faster than others.

   But to Xu Xin, all of this was so simple that it couldn't be easier.

  Up and down.

   It can be seen.

   And seeing the group of people in front of him breathing like a calf, Xu Xin smiled.

   It seems that they like this gift very much.

  Like it.

  At any rate, this cake is given away.

  Although the amount given was less, there were only 9 people.

   But it's just a movie.

  Ten, twenty... Or ten, twenty years later?

   What will become of it?

  With this thought, he stood up:

"Let's go, let's go out for a meeting after watching. Didn't the script of "33 Days" be sent to you? I will pass on the homework she left for Teacher Yu. In the next period of time, we will run between Shanghai and Yanjing .

  The filming location was in Yanjing, and the interior scenes were shot in the studio in Huairou.

  The audition is in Shanghai.

  And what everyone needs to do is to design the design drawings of all the interior scenes in this play by themselves. Note that it is all. And your time...give it to me before September. "

   After finishing speaking, he turned his head to look at Lu Yang and Zhang Mo:

   "The same goes for you two. It's up to you how the interior is arranged."

  Hearing this, these people didn't react that much.

  Everyone has a dream of being a director in their hearts. Designing different scenes according to the script is a compulsory course.

  However, Wen Muye still asked:

   "Director Xu, the producer of this drama is... the factory?"

   "Western Film Studio, Shanghai Film Studio... if there are no accidents, Yindu may also want to send someone. In addition to our own company... the investment amount is not large, it is a matter of several million."




   A group of people twitched their mouths...

   Indeed, not a lot.

  But your old man’s production is really frightening enough.