MTL - I’m a Professional at Seducing Rivals In Love [Quick Travel]-Chapter 60

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The atmosphere this morning was particularly eerie.

Lang followed Tan Jinxue every step of the way, scanning everyone with cold eyes, as if he could force Xiao Xiao who broke into Jinxue's bedroom last night to come out.

Hu Luo and Bai Tu went out one after the other, and happened to meet Tan Jinxue.

"Morning, Master!" Bai Tu still greeted vigorously, and then gave Tan Jinxue a strange look, "Did Master and Zong Zi not rest last night?"

There was a tired look on Tan Jinxue's face, and the white-haired dumpling lying on his shoulder was not as energetic as before, its tail hung listlessly around the monk's neck, and he didn't even bother to lift his eyes when he saw the white-tu.

"It's nothing serious, you don't have to worry about it." The monk said gently.

Bai Tu blinked, and when she turned her head, she saw Hu Luo behind her. A blush appeared on the woman's delicate cheeks at some point, making her look more and more delicate.

She didn't even dare to lift her head, her eyes wandered, she just whispered "Good morning, Master Jinxue", and left quickly.

Lang Qi who was standing behind frowned.

The door on the other side opened with a "squeak". Xuanjizi Pepper walked out of the room, and looked at the people standing in the corridor with some doubts, "Morning...?"

He felt that at the same time, Lang Qi and the white cat lying on Tan Jinxue's shoulders cast very uncomfortable gazes at him.

— A mix of ferocity, contempt and disgust, as if the famous Xuanjizi is some disgusting dirty thing.

Carrot lowered her head even lower.

Lang Qi said: "If there is a next time, I will cut off your tail."

Pepper frowned. The key to the cultivation of the fox family is the tail. The deeper the cultivation, the more fox tails there will be, and the more fluffy and beautiful the hair will be. The same fox that threatens to cut off his tail is tantamount to the worst provocation.

He rested his hand lightly on the jade pen around his waist, his eyes turned cold, "Brother Lang, what do you mean by this?"

He thought he hadn't done anything evil, so why did he provoke Lang Qi's expression?

Lang Qi didn't answer, seeing the jade pen in Pepper's hand, he was ready to attack immediately.

Tan Jinxue interrupted the two, "Ah Qi, don't be reckless." He turned to Pepper and said, "Brother Hu, there was probably some misunderstanding about what happened last night, please don't blame me."

Pepper was suspicious in his heart, so he had no choice but to respond flatly. Lang Qi has always been reticent, but he never lied. Judging from his attitude towards himself, what really happened last night, and listening to what Jinxue said, I'm afraid it's not a good thing.

The monk is generous, and because of this, he must have done something excessive on his side.

But he stayed in the room last night!

How smart Pepper is, he understood it in an instant. With sharp eyes, he looked at the "sister" opposite.

Sure enough, Hu Luo shuddered at the sight of her elder brother, and she rubbed herself behind Baitu thinking she was indiscernible, trying to hide herself.

Pepper showed a gentle smile again, "I'm sorry, everyone go have breakfast first, I have something to talk to my sister."

Everyone went downstairs, Baitu was still confused, but the brilliance of gossip flashed in his eyes. She was about to get close to Master Xue to ask what happened, when she saw Zong Zi, who had been lying on Tan Jinxue's shoulders and closed her eyes to rest, suddenly opened her eyes.

A strange light flashed in the cat's pupils, and the tip of its tail flicked lightly.

Bai Tu suddenly felt a little shivering.

In the room.

"What's going on?" Pepper asked coldly.

He stared closely at Hu Luo, and just by his dodging appearance, he knew that there must be something to hide.

Hu Luo knew she couldn't escape, and was afraid of her brother's tricks, so she could only "account" what happened last night.

His brother's face turned green with anger.

"Self, recommendation, pillow, seat?!"

Pepper laughed angrily, "Just because of that rabbit spirit's words, you turned back into your original form and ran into the room of the celestial being?! What do you expect? To become the little furry pet of the celestial being?!"

Hu Luo said aggrievedly: "I have fallen in love with him. Brother, he is the most beautiful person I have ever seen! I, my face is not beautiful enough, but he must like my body!" He blushed suddenly, and Twitching: "Last night, last night he touched my tail! I bet he wants to touch me a second time... I, I want him to touch me again..."

Pepper's complexion looked like he was about to explode at any moment.

"Shut up!" Xuanjizi, who had always been personable, finally shouted angrily: "It's fine to pretend to be a woman, how can you be so self-deprecating!"

Hu Luo's temper has also come up. Although he likes women's clothing, and usually pretends to be a lady, but in his heart he is still Qingqiu's second young master, a standard male fox.

"I like him, of course I am willing! Not only do I want to sleep in the same bed with him, I also want to be with him for the rest of my life, and be happy with him every day!"

He raised his eyebrows, and looked directly at Pepper, "Pepper, I know you like him too, do you dare to say what I said?"

After Hu Luo finished speaking, she stood up and walked past her brother.

Pepper was alone, standing in the middle of the room, his seven orifices were filled with smoke, but he couldn't say a word.

Hu Luo boosted her own morale, came downstairs, and sat down next to Tan Jinxue, showing a gentle smile to the monk, "Master Jinxue."

Bai Tu couldn't help shaking the goosebumps on his arms.

After a while, Pepper stepped down from upstairs, with a slight apology on his face, and before he could speak, he heard a "poof", and the handsome and handsome man turned into a huge white giant in the next instant. fox!

Nine big white fluffy tails stick out from behind him.

This shocking change was beyond everyone's expectations. The waiter who was walking towards the table with the dishes let out a shrill scream, dropped the plate in his hand, turned around and ran behind the counter. Seeing this scene, the few guests in the lobby pushed each other and left the inn one after another.

Cultivators in this world represent absolute power. Legend has it that demon cultivators don't say right or wrong. As long as they are interested, it is not uncommon for them to kill mortals. The fox that suddenly appeared has a lot of mana, and it already has nine tails!

That is the ancestor of the fox! Who can afford it? !

The waiter pouted and hid his head in the counter, trembling.

Tan Jinxue was also taken aback, this fox is very similar to the one that inexplicably got into his bed last night, but it is bigger, and it is almost as tall as a person when squatting there, behind it is not Nanao, but Jiu tail.

Pepper stood frozen in the middle of the inn lobby.

It has been 1,800 years, since he cultivated the human form, he has never changed back to a fox. For demon cultivators, the prototypes are more or less extremely secretive, even somewhat shameful, and are rarely shown in front of people. Like his "sister", who can turn into a fox to slap someone's tail just to make her sweetheart smile, she is the only one among the few, and the leader among the weird ones.

He is Qingqiu Xuanji, familiar with ancient and modern times, famous all over the world, has traveled all over the mountains and rivers, and always prides himself on his identity, not to mention showing his original form, even if he has never seen a single fox fur.

However, until now, he had no choice but to hold on to his majesty, scanning the crowd present, trying to find the instigator.

Jinxue... He has no cultivation, is bright and bright, and has an open mind. He will not want to make a fool of him, so he will be ruled out;

Baitu... Although she has a bad taste, she has no ability, absolutely incapable of imposing a restraint on her appearance without being discovered and eliminated by herself;

Hu Luo... Just had an argument, but my biological brother should know his taboo against turning into his original form, so he won't touch his bad luck like this, so let's rule it out;

Lang Qi... He disdains these tricks, if he wants to embarrass himself, he should do it directly and get rid of it.

Then there is...

The white-haired dumpling laid down in the monk's arms in a leisurely manner, lazily looking at everything in front of him, with the tip of its tail dangling down, hooking the monk's arm from time to time.

The fox's golden brown eyes narrowed.

- it's you!

The huge nine-tailed white fox moved surprisingly fast, and with a flash of white shadow, it had already rushed towards Zong Zi in Tan Jinxue's arms!

There was no time to react, and everyone watched helplessly as the white kitten was about to die under the fox's mouth.

The next moment, a tiger roared!

Baimao Tuanzi jumped out of Tan Jinxue's arms at some point, grew up instantly, and turned into a fierce tiger! The monk was gently pushed by the white tiger and sent to the corner of the inn lobby.

Pepper stopped in his tracks.

He looked warily at the white tiger in front of him whose figure almost completely blocked the sunlight outside.

"How long have you lived?" The white fox's nine tails moved without wind, with extraordinary momentum. But Pepper's voice was very calm, even with a hint of cautious probing.

The white tiger was lying in front of the fox, with a lazy posture but hidden murderous intentions. His blue eyes stared coldly at the white fox for a moment, and said in a flat and mocking tone: "As long as the world exists, I will live as long as possible."

Hu Luo sat at the table blankly, muttering in his mouth: "He has the power to open up the world, and he lives the same life as the stars and mountains..." After he finished speaking, he suddenly shivered.

The innocent woman disappeared, replaced by a trembling seven-tailed white fox, who timidly took two steps towards the nine-tailed fox and the white tiger, " was me who was in the master's room last night."

"If you want to kill me, kill me, it has nothing to do with my brother!"

Only then did Baitu come back to his senses, sure enough, there was a reason why everyone was in a weird mood today!

She stepped forward to have a look, and saw that the seven tails of carrot were white and fluffy, and the one without hair was particularly conspicuous.

Lang Qi also saw it, and silently nodded, accepting Hu Luo's words.

Tan Jinxue stood up, Zong Zi saw her coming, as if he knew what the monk was going to do, he lowered his body and lay down on the ground. Only then did the monk barely reach the bottom of the white tiger's neck. He stretched out his hand and patted the big cat gently, "Hu Luo doesn't mean anything malicious, so stop making trouble."

Zong Zi took another look at the seven-tailed fox, which was trembling rhythmically, and Hu Luo couldn't help shrinking back again because of the warning in the beast's pupils.

"I just admire Master Jinxue, I can't help it..." Hu Luo whispered.

Pepper's tail twitched him shut.

Hu Luo was turned over by his brother, but quickly got up again. Bai Tu next to him blinked hard, and said in disbelief: "Sister Hu... are you a male fox?!"

The author has something to say: kebabs today! The meat skewers are super large, sizzling and oily, add more chili and cumin after brushing the sauce hehehe

Too bad I'm full after eating three skewers