MTL - I’m Against the World-Chapter 1 The dog blood's life experience is only first and then rising, really fat intestines look good...

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Qin Yilan was sitting on the head of the bed, clutching her aching chest, and a short, fat, bald doctor asked the patient in the next bed warmly, "How is today? Is the pain still bad? Can you? Can you eat?"

The thick quilt on the hospital bed was flat, and if it wasn't for a head with a cotton hat resting on the pillow, it was almost impossible to see that there was a person lying under the quilt.

"It hurts a lot." The dry and thin patient's voice was not much louder than a mosquito, and the doctor had to take another step forward and bend down slightly to hear it clearly.

"The pain will be lighter after the injection." The patient breathed softly, and with a bit of begging, stretched out his blue-veined hand from the quilt: "Doctor, can you give me another injection? ?"

The look on the doctor's face was very embarrassing: "This highly addictive injection is strictly controlled by the hospital, and I have prescribed the maximum dose allowed by the regulations. You must be in severe pain. , I'll give you two more oral painkillers, okay?"


The doctor's face showed an unbearable look, he held the patient's dry hand like chicken feet: "I will go to the hospital to apply again, and I will give it to you if I can."

After dealing with this patient who kept begging, the doctor turned around and read Qin Yilan's name with the ward round book, and gently explained to her: "From tomorrow onwards, we will do the next course of chemotherapy, and chemotherapy will After you finish, your body will feel a little uncomfortable. You should pay more attention to rest and diet. Eat more blood and protein supplements. Do you still have nutritional powder? Would you like to open two more cans for you?"

Qin Yilan nodded and whispered thanks.

The twenty-nine bed at the door is a woman over fifty years old. She is in a good mood and greets the doctors and nurses one by one. The doctor praises her with a smile: "Hey, you are right Well, a good attitude is conducive to treatment, keep it up."

The woman nodded repeatedly: "I listen to the doctor. If you can cure me once, you can cure me a second time."

The night shift doctor completed the ward round and exited the ward with a few nurses. Qin Yilan released her hand covering her chest, her palm was sticky, and the exudate from her chest made her sick Clothes got wet.

Slowly indented into the quilt to form a ball, Qin Yilan gritted her teeth and restrained herself for a long time, and finally let out a painful whimper, in the dead of night in the ward, this suppressed cry She was full of anger and resentment.

Qin Yilan was not called Qin Yilan before, first she was called little bastard, and later she was called Qiao Meili.

Little bastard, her father is a big bastard, a standard street gangster, who fights, drinks, drinks and dances every day. At the age of seventeen, her mother's belly was enlarged. She is still in junior high school. My mother is probably a brain-dead, her belly is bulging and she doesn't know she is pregnant. She almost gave birth to a little **** in the classroom.

A good day to smoke, drink, dance and burn your head.

Little bastard, her grandparents don’t like her, because the little **** is a girl who was born before marriage by a street gangster. Although their son is also a street gangster, it doesn’t stop them Look down on the little bastard's mother.

These two old men and women don't like it, they rely on beating and scolding the little **** to get angry, and by the way, the **** who scolds her for being rude, the waistband is too loose, she will have **** with men at a young age, and have children out of wedlock Shameless to die, and predicted that the little **** will grow up to be like her mother, and she must be a female gangster.

The little **** grew up under the scolding and beatings of her grandparents. It was not until she was six years old when she was supposed to go to elementary school that she got her own hukou and the new name Qiao Meimei under the interference of the street office. , her pair of gangsters who had broken up and changed a few partners long ago were forced to get back together and get married.

This pair of gangsters did not leave after being forced to get married. They rented a small house and took Qiao Meimei to live a normal family life. The gangsters got a small car from somewhere. Pickup became a mobile vendor and started selling fruit. The female gangster found a job selling clothes in the mall with her good looks. The family of three looked a bit like it.

However, the good times didn't last long. The male gangster who made a few money selling fruit started to hook up with other women. The female gangster got into a fight with the male gangster and got divorced The daughter disappeared immediately, the gangsters started to go to the streets again, Qiao Meimei became a poor little girl who was left alone, and fell into the hands of her grandparents again.

The twists and turns of life made Qiao Meimei sensible earlier than other children. Her gangster parents each have a powerful temper that can break out conflicts with others at any time. In order to avoid disturbing adults and attracting beatings and scoldings, she knows how to pretend to be a little sheep, but her docile shell is still an explosive gangster.

After the old man Qiao found fault with a stainless steel clothes pole and beat her hard, Qiao Meili ran to the police station with terrible scars and sued the old man Qiao child abuse.

The term "abuse crime" was seen by Qiao Meimei from the book corner of the school. The scars all over her body fully proved the fact that the old man Qiao abused her.

Old man Qiao scolded her and her mother, Mrs. Qiao scolded her and her mother, and her father also came back to scold her, and by the way she also called her mother.

Joe Meili didn't care about these insults, and only reiterated firmly to the uniformed people surrounding her: "He abused me, he wanted to kill me, he beat me to death."

Old man Qiao was sentenced to seven months in prison, Qiao Meimei was very disappointed, and old man Qiao said to her resentfully: "You are a wolf-hearted thing, if I knew that killing you would only be sentenced to seven years, I I should have killed you directly!"

The whole court was shocked by the words of the old man Qiao, Qiao Meimei publicly stated to these people: "I won't go back to their house, I won't be their child anymore, I'm afraid of being attacked by him kill."

In view of the undisguised malice of Qiao old man, the court did not dare to put Qin Yilan back in Qiao's house.

The parents of the female gangster have long since severed their relationship with the gangster, and they are resolutely unwilling to accept this burden. Qiao Mei is still a pitiful little girl who no one wants.

She was not qualified to go to the orphanage, community service staff spent a lot of effort, and finally contacted a family who was willing to adopt her.

The new home is very good, both adoptive parents wear glasses, speak politely and never shout swear words, and do not have a large area of ​​flower arm tattoos, with her gangster parents and Qiao old man Qiao old lady is a completely different kind.

The adoptive parents treated her very gently, the little girl who was beaten and scolded by the old man Qiao liked this kind of gentleness, liked this new home, liked her adoptive parents and adopted mothers, she made a future for herself Life plan - study hard and grow up to be the general manager of a shopping mall.

She met the general manager several times when her mother was selling clothes in the mall. Qiao Meimei felt that the general manager was the most powerful person she had ever met, no one.

Every time the general manager visits the mall, everyone will bow and say hello to him. The gangster mother said that the general manager can be so awesome because he studied in the best university.

Qiao Meimei made up her mind that she must go to the best university to study, so that she can be as good as the general manager, and can earn a lot of money to spend for her adoptive parents, killing two birds with one stone.

Qiao Meimei likes her adoptive parents, her adoptive parents also like her, and her adoptive father especially likes her, often holding her in his arms and touching her body. The adoptive father would murmur to himself excitedly while touching her: "Daddy's little darling, Daddy's careful liver, Daddy loves you."

Although these caresses made Qiao Meimei very uncomfortable, but her adoptive father called her a good little baby while touching her. No one has ever treated her so gently, and Qiao Meimei is not easy to refuse.

, Do you love Daddy? If you love Daddy, come over and give Daddy a kiss."

Joe Meili knew what that thing was called and what it was used for. Her gangster parents never knew how to avoid her when they were having fun in the rental house. She glanced in disgust and did not hesitate to Refused the adoptive father's request: "I don't!"

Qiao Meimei's **** never taught Qiao Meimei how to protect herself, but when her mother was unhappy, she would yell at her motherfucker: "Draft mother, if it wasn't for your son of a **** When I was young and ignorant, I tricked me into bed, could I **** be dropped out of school? If I hadn't been pregnant by you, my mother would be a college student now."

From the swear words of the motherfucker, Qiao Meimei has extracted two useful information. First, sleeping with a man will result in being expelled from school. Second, being married to a man will get pregnant.

Qiao Meili likes to go to school, especially the "little book corner" at the back of the classroom. This kind of love is even more than the adoptive parents who have just met, even for the books in the book corner. She also didn't want to be dropped out of school, and she didn't even want to get pregnant and have a baby and then become a gangster like her mother.

"Disobedient children are not likable." The adoptive father grabbed Qiao Meimei and pushed her down on the bed to suppress her. He gasped with excitement, trying to put that ugly thing on Qiao Mei Beautiful between legs.