MTL - I’m Always the Villain-Chapter 88 Over-the-top red superstar 19

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"Happy Terminal" is a reality TV variety show.

It has been held six times so far, and each session will require five pairs of lovers, covering three generations of the old, middle and young.

As an old variety show, "Happy Terminal" has been done for six years before and after, and it has long lost its previous popularity. Now it is only supported by the popularity of previous seasons.

In the fifth season, the popularity has even dropped to freezing point. Now the variety shows are very convoluted. In order to survive in the cracks, the show team has to rely on the gossip, tearing, and showing affection of these guests.

From the curiosity in the first season to the habituation in the fifth season, the audience has long stopped caring about how the stars show affection.

A show is an embarrassing show, and there are not a few couples who have already finished showing off their love and then divorced and broke up.

The sixth season of "Happy Terminal" was originally the last season. If the ratings of this season still do not improve, the TV station has decided to shut down this variety show.

In the last episode, the director of "Happy Terminal" also seems to have read it. This year, she doesn't want to think about getting attention through ugly tearing like in previous years. This year, she wants this variety show to return to its original beauty.

The original intention of her starting this show was to show the audience the beautiful love in the entertainment industry, so that the public can get candy and believe in the existence of love at the same time.

But it backfired.

In order to maintain the popularity of the show, she could only drink poison to quench her thirst. A beautiful love has turned into a daily chicken-and-egg fight. No matter how successful an artist is, they are emotionally embarrassed.

Inviting Sang Jiuchi was a desperate step for her. The reason why she invited Sang Jiuchi was because she followed Sang Jiuchi's Weibo.

Sang Jiuchi's maintenance of her lover on Weibo and in the adventure game gave her great confidence in the pair of Sang Jiuchi. And now Sang Jiuchi and his mysterious lover have their own heat.

The chief director greeted the guests who arrived at the show one after another. When she saw Yun Yi leading his girlfriend Huo Ling into the venue, she couldn't help but cast a sympathetic look at Yun Yi.

She has also heard of the broken things in Yun Yi's family. The queen of the Yun family empire died tragically and the prince was disabled. The strongest junior took his son to the throne and drove the prince away to successfully usurp the throne.

Now that Yun Yi has the support of the Yun family, he will no longer do anything to serve others, and he has also found a daughter of the Huo family who is well-matched outside the circle as his girlfriend.

I don't know if Huo Ling knows about Yun Yi's mess.

The director didn't like him at all because of his **** things, and he didn't plan to ask Yun Yi to participate in the show.

But the requirement of the Son of Heaven's Chosen Sang Jiuchi to participate in the show is very simple, that is, Yun Yi must participate.

When she later learned about Sang Jiuchi's real husband through Zhou Su's mouth, she finally understood Sang Jiuchi's persistence.

Excitement flashed in the director's beautiful apricot eyes. Although sweet love is beautiful, revenge and abuse of scum or something, just think about it.

Yun Yi doesn't seem to know who Sang Jiuchi's legal marriage is.

Director Yang and Yunyi Huo Ling said hello.

Huo Ling is the eldest miss of the Huo family. She is 22 years old this year. She is just a senior this year and is in the internship period. Although this is the first time the little girl has faced so many cameras, her movements and expressions are not much restrained, her chin is slightly raised, and she is very confident.

On the contrary, Yun Yi, who often faces the camera, seems a little cramped.

He looked around vigilantly, making sure that no paparazzi were following him before relaxing.

Since the end of the Adventure Game show, he has been targeted by the paparazzi.

Huo Lingluo greeted Director Yang generously, just after Yun Yi finally made sure that there were no paparazzi around, and planned to take Huo Ling into the villa, a car came slowly.

The content of "Happy Terminal" is mainly to show the daily relationship between couples. The program team will arrange five couples to live in the same villa.

Generally speaking, married couples will arrange cohabitation, and unmarried couples will ask in advance, if they can arrange to live together, if not, they will share a room.

In order to increase the variety of viewing experience between couples, the program team will also issue tasks, such as five couples traveling together today, badminton doubles, preparing dinner and other activities.

The starting point of their variety show is in this villa, the guests can choose to come by themselves, or they can choose to be picked up by the show team.

Obviously, the last group of guests who came slowly chose to come by themselves.

A low-key and luxurious business car slowly parked outside the villa. The moment he saw the car, Yun Yi was stunned.

This car seems to be Yun Yan's car.

Thinking of Yun Yan, Yun Yi couldn't help shaking.

Although Yun Yan was disabled, his fear of Yun Yan never diminished.

Before the age of 21, he was a blind illegitimate child, hiding in his mother's arms and not seeing his father a few times a year.

Later, he watched TV to find out that his father turned out to be the president of the aloof Yun Group. He is also his father's child, but Yun Yan can stand by his father's side in an upright manner, attracting much attention, but he can only be a shadow that cannot be seen.

Yun Yan was born with everything, and he could only rely on the most shameless means in exchange for resources.

Until Yunyan and his mother got into a car accident and his mother died, Yunyan lost both legs.

A family does not need to be disabled to inherit. Finally, my father brought my mother and myself back to the Yun family, and my mother became the rightful mistress of the Yun family, and myself became the successor of the Yun family.

It was the first time he saw Yun Yan. At first, he looked down at the lone eagle with broken wings like a high-ranking and indomitable hunter, but the next second, the lone eagle raised his fierce falcon eyes.

He was taken aback.

The next second, Yun Yan, who was sitting in a wheelchair, stood up with one hand supporting the wheelchair handle, and the other hand grabbed his collar and dragged him down, making him kneel in front of the wheelchair.

Under Yun Yan's powerful aura and killing intent, he could only be like a wolves, crawling in front of the lion and begging for mercy.

Yun Yan was sitting in a wheelchair, holding his hair up and looking at himself. He didn't speak, but Yun Yi understood what the other party meant.

Yun Yan is saying: Beast, you are also worthy of looking down on me.

Yun Yi sat there stupidly, not even knowing when Yun Yan left.

That was the only time he met Yun Yan, and since then Yun Yan moved out of the Yun family. Although it was only a few minutes' meeting, it left a deep psychological shadow on Yun Yi.

He vaguely remembered that Yunyan was riding in such a car.

But he really didn't know what the license plate was.

So when he saw the car parked in front of the villa, Yun Yi froze subconsciously.

Director Yang's eyes already flashed with the light of watching a play, she secretly gave the follower a wink, and the follower immediately pointed the camera at Yun Yi's face, not letting go of his expression.

The co-pilot turned on, Yun Yi held his breath, and saw a man slowly walk down from the co-pilot.

1.7 meters tall, with black eyes, decent facial features, and a black suit that is not high-end.

It looks very similar to Sang Jiuchi's husband who was picked up at that time. It seems that this is Sang Jiuchi's husband.

The tense nerves slowly let go, Yun Yan showed a happy smile on his stiff face, took two steps forward and extended his hand, and said modestly and politely: "Hello, you are Sang Jiuchi's husband, it's a pleasure to meet you. Good luck meeting."

The man was obviously stunned for a moment, but he still stretched out his hand and shook Yun Yi back, "Hello, nice to meet you, but I don't..."

Before the power-assisting words were finished, the electric rear door of the car slowly opened under the remote control.

At this time, Yun Yi and his assistant were standing beside the car and could not see the scene behind the car.

If Yun Yi looked back at the expressions of other workers, he would definitely find something wrong, but he didn't. At this moment, all his attention was on the little man in front of him. He suffered from Sang Jiuchi's loss in the adventure game, and before he came, he was determined to give them a slap in the face.

How Sang Jiuchi treated him in the last game, in this game he will retaliate.

Isn't Sang Jiuchi gentleman and considerate? Then now he is extremely considerate and gentle towards his husband.

The first one showed his generosity; the second one, he gave Sang Jiuchi's husband a disgrace and let him know where the gap between them was.

Yun Yi showed his life-long acting skills and was unmoved by the open car door. He held the assistant's hand with a smile, "You are an amateur, you can come and ask me if you don't understand something during the process of participating in this show, and I'm willing to answer it for you. Sang Jiuchi said before that you don't quite understand. If you like to be watched, don’t be afraid, just pretend the camera doesn’t exist. If you really can’t ignore the camera, you can come to me, and I may be able to enlighten you.”

Huo Ling frowned. She looked at the open carriage, and at Yun Yi, who was approaching as if no one else was around, her face felt ashamed.

"Yun Yi!" Huo Ling didn't dare to get too angry in front of the camera, but shouted at Yun Yi all the way, "Hold me, my feet are uncomfortable."

Hearing Huo Ling's voice, Yun Yi seemed to remember that he had a partner.

With a smile, he retracted his hand, patted the assistant on the shoulder like a senior, gave the other an encouraging look, and then turned to look at Huo Ling, "Okay, I'll come here."

Yun Yi walked forward, and the people in the carriage were also walking down.

At almost the same level, Yun Yi walked out from the side of the carriage, and Sang Jiuchi got off the carriage.

Seeing Sang Jiuchi, a very complicated look flashed in Yun Yi's eyes.

He is a little bit complaining about Sang Jiuchi now. If Sang Jiuchi didn't perform so well in the last game, he would never have been scolded like that.

But that's what he deserves, and Sang Jiuchi is still the white moonlight in his youth.

Even if he complained about Sang Jiuchi, he couldn't completely hate him.

When meeting with Sang Jiuchi, Yun Yi secretly observed Sang Jiuchi, and his eyes flashed with surprise.

No matter how long it has been, he is still so charming when he sees Sang Jiuchi again. No, he is more charming now than ever. Although Sang Jiuchi, who was with him before, was charming, it looked like a clay sculpture placed in the window frame. Now Sang Jiuchi is like a smart bird, wearing colorful feathers, just standing there can steal the attention of others.

Yun Yi secretly glanced at Sang Jiuchi and couldn't hold back, then glanced at him again.

Just when Yun Yi was about to pretend not to see Sang Jiuchi and pass him by, a low voice called him coldly.

"Yun Yi."

The voice was cold and infiltrating, as if it came out of the deep sea five kilometers below, just hearing two words, Yun Yi's body couldn't stop shaking.

Yun Yi froze and stood there dumbfounded, not even having the courage to look back.

Huo Ling couldn't stand it anymore, she stepped forward in three steps and took two strides, took Yun Yi's arm and forced him to turn towards the place where the voice came from, "Hello, Big Brother Yun."

The Huo family and the Yun family have always been on good terms, and of course Huo Ling knew Yun Yan.

Because of Huo Ling's name, Yun Yi could no longer ignore the demon in front of him that made his heart skip a beat. He swallowed and smiled stiffly, "Brother."

Yun Yan controlled the wheelchair and slowly got out of the car, Sang Jiuchi stood behind Yun Yan, and the assistant stood beside Yun Yan.

Yun Yi glanced back and forth on the three of them, and gradually suppressed the fear in his heart.

Judging from the respectful attitude of Sang Jiuchi's "husband" towards Yun Yan, Sang Jiuchi's husband should be Yun Yan's subordinate.

After a long time, Sang Jiuchi actually married the subordinate of his defeated general.

A trace of contempt flashed across his eyes, Yun Yi didn't intend to see the increased coldness in Yun Yan's eyes, and his body trembled uncontrollably.

Huo Ling couldn't stand his appearance of hating iron but not steel, so he could not wait to kick him. She didn't like Yun Yi in the first place, and she fell in love with him only because of the commercial marriage between the two. Another reason is that I have a crush on Yun Yi's genes. Although Yun Yi is stupid, he looks pretty good. If he has his genes, he will definitely be able to give birth to a beautiful baby.

She also never thought that she would spend a lifetime with Yun Yi, she had already thought about it, she would divorce when she became pregnant, and even save the lawsuit over the ownership of the child.

Huo Ling knew about the Yun family's affairs. Her relationship with Yun Yan was not good, but not bad. Seeing that Yun Yi couldn't make a name for herself, she had to say, "Big Brother Yun, why are you here?"

Yun Yan was originally her most ideal marriage partner, but unfortunately the other party was completely indifferent to her show of affection, and chose Yun Yi as the second best choice.

Yun Yan smiled faintly, his eyes kept staring at Yun Yi, and his hands naturally stretched out to the back.

Sang Jiuchi held Yun Yan's hand naturally, then bent down and wrapped his arms around Yun Yan's neck from behind.

Under the shocked gazes of Yun Yi and Huo Ling, Yun Yan held Sang Jiuchi's arm with his other hand, "Of course I came here to participate in the show."

Huo Ling quickly put away her shocked eyes, her eyes swept back and forth between Yun Yan and Sang Jiuchi, and suddenly realized, "So, you are Sang Jiuchi's mysterious husband who is strenuously defending, wonderful!"

While she was talking, she didn't forget to glance at Yun Yi, her eyes narrowed.

I thought it was a mediocre variety show that was forced to open, but I can still watch the show!


Yun Yi: "…"

Huo Ling finally fixed his gaze on Sang Jiuchi, showing the happiest smile today: "Hello, sister-in-law."

Hearing the word "sister-in-law", Yun Yi was simply a mask of pain.

Who said that coming to this show can crush Sang Jiuchi and regain the dignity of a man? !

Economic man, you apologize to me with death!

I'm not filming this show, I'm going back!

After Huo Ling finished shouting, he poked Yun Yi next to him with his finger, "This is our sister-in-law, why don't you scream?"

After she said this, the smile on her face grew even bigger.

Under the camera, Yun Yi completely lost his expression management at this moment, and he didn't even know what his expression was at this time.

The assistant has come out of the sweet circle of the two with interest.

Yun Yi looked at the two people who clearly couldn't hold other people in front of him, his face was burning with pain, and his heart was burning hot.

Under Huo Ling's urging again, Yun Yi gritted his teeth and shouted, "Sister-in-law."

After shouting, my scalp went numb.

Sang Jiuchi also raised a smile, "Good."

Yun Yi was even more uncomfortable.

Grass, the chest is jammed.

Yun Yan stretched out his hand towards Yun Yi, "I heard it in the car just now, thank you for being so involved with me. I'm an amateur, and I'm really not used to being exposed to the camera. I think you should be picking up the slack. Take good care of your brother while you're down—"

Yun Yan paused and continued, "With sister-in-law?"

Yun Yi pursed his lips and said nothing.

For help, the ex-boyfriend who was kicked by himself turned into his sister-in-law, what should I do?

Just now, Yun Yi, who was still fighting against his assistant with a fierce desire to fight, was stunned the moment he saw Yun Yan.

Yun Yi is a person who is weak when he is strong, and strong when he is weak. Under Yun Yan's gaze, he could only lean forward obediently, forcing himself to shake his hand.

After holding it for only a second, Yun Yi quickly retracted his hand like a frightened mouse.

The assistant was here to help carry the luggage. Yun Yan felt distressed for Sang Jiuchi and did not let Sang Jiuchi do heavy work. Of course, the manual work of carrying luggage was handed over to the assistant.

It was only now that Yun Yi realized what a huge oolong he had committed.

That day, he was also ordered by Yun Yan as Sang Jiuchi's moving assistant.

Yun Yi did not recover from the shock until the group walked into this palace-like villa.

By convention, married couples are assigned together, and Sang Jiuchi and Yunyan are no exception. The assistant helped the two push their luggage into the bedroom, and Yun Yan explained the company's affairs to the assistant, and the assistant left.

Sang Jiuchi and Yunyan were the last couple to come to the villa. With the two of them moving in, the assembly on the first day came to an end.

Below are five couples' meet-and-chat sessions.

The biggest feature of this variety show is that it is casual, and sometimes a few people can sit and chat for a long time. The chats are all about celebrity anecdotes, and even some people will suddenly cue to some people's gossip.

It is this kind of blandness interspersed with small surprises from time to time, which can always arouse the interest of the audience.

The ingredients for the first day were prepared by the program team. Of course, the guests need to prepare the meals themselves. Of course, if you don’t want to cook, you can also order takeout.

This variety show will not confiscate the guests' mobile phones, nor will they limit their consumption. What the program group wants is to show the most daily life patterns of the stars, and shopping and surfing the Internet is also part of it.

In addition to Sang Jiuchi, Yunyan, Yun Yi and Huo Ling, among the five pairs of guests invited this time, there is also an old artist couple over 50 years old.

This couple are both engaged in show business. The two have been married for more than 20 years. Although there have been scandals during this period, there is no real hammer.

There is also a pair of singers and models. The singers are older and have released countless popular songs in the past. Now they are gradually retreating behind the scenes and rarely appear in front of the stage. His wife is young, and the two are typical old couples.

There is also a pair of siblings in love. The female star is a few years older than her husband, not too big. The two are a perfect match when they stand together.

Five couples, representatives of five different circles.

One pair is the representative of the long-lasting silver marriage, one is the representative of the old husband and the young wife, the other is the representative of the sister-in-law love, Sang Jiuchi is the representative of the newly married, and the remaining Yunyi Huoling is the representative of the passionate love period during the dating period. .

Each pair has its own characteristics.

The kitchen is very big, but there are only so many ingredients. After a few family discussions, it is decided that one family will be responsible for the daily meals.

Starting from the eldest, two seniors will cook today.

It's not that other people don't help privately. The process of cooking also shows the process of getting along between husband and wife. In a world of two people, it is really inconvenient for others to be light bulbs.

The two seniors were cooking, and the others sat in the hall chatting after finishing their things.

The entertainment industry is a very strange place, everyone may have never communicated with each other, but they all know each other.

This is the case with these five families. Because they are in different fields, they have never cooperated at all, but they all know each other.

The old husband and the young wife are the male singer Zhao Haisheng and the female Wang Lin. Everyone usually calls the male singer Zhao Ge and the female model Zhao Sisao.

The sister-in-law loves the pair. The elder sister is a TV star. After hitting the TV a few years ago, although she lost, she was famous. Because of her long time in the entertainment industry, everyone called her Sister Sun. As for the one who married her, she was famous. Not as good as Sister Sun, there are not many works, and the TV series are shot below the third or fourth line, which is called Zhang Zuo.

Sister Sun has always been at the forefront of eating melons in the entertainment industry. She took a few glances at Sang Jiuchi Yunyan and Yunyi Huo Ling, and finally said: "Jiuchi, have you received the medal given to you by country C? ?"

Sang Jiuchi was sitting next to Yunyan pinching his legs. He didn't stop when he heard this, but he quickly replied: "I received it a few days ago, and I left it at home."

Huo Ling also stared, she looked at Sang Jiuchi with great interest, her big eyes filled with admiration, "sister-in-law, do you know that I'm your fan?! I watch every episode of your store variety show, it's just a pity , you only appeared in three episodes. The third episode still appeared on the phone and didn't show your face at all. It's a pity, will you still participate in the second season?! I really want to see you deciphering the case, the process is really cool already."

Yun Yi secretly dragged Huo Ling's clothes beside him.

Before he appeared on the show, he told the show team about his taboo topics, and told other guests through the show team not to cue his own taboo topics when talking.

He filled out several taboo topics.

The first is everything in "Mystery Adventure Game", the second is his scandal, and the third is his relationship with Yun Yan.

As a result, at the beginning of today, all his taboos were violated.

"Mysterious Adventure Game" was not proposed, or the lover he brought was proposed first.

Yun Yi even thinks that he has committed Tai Sui this year, and he is unlucky.

Today is the first day, and he doesn't want to stay any longer, not to mention that there are still more than ten days of living together.

He has already suffered a loss in "Mystery Adventure Game", and this time he will not reveal his thoughts again.

Yun Yi sipped at the spring and saw that Huo Ling and Sang Jiuchi were chatting about the plot of the show group, and could not wait to find a hole to burrow into.

A few people chatted for a while, Sang Jiuchi looked at the time on the phone, and then glanced at Yunyan again.

I saw Yun Yan nodded at Sang Jiuchi, and then Sang Jiuchi smiled apologetically at everyone, "I'm sorry everyone, my husband and I are going to do leg rehabilitation next time, so leave for a while."

Yun Yi couldn't control his emotions for a while, and called out in a high voice: "Leg rehabilitation?! Are your legs better?"

As soon as these words came out, his heart immediately "squeaked".

The two areas that netizens talk about the most, one is the situation in the entertainment industry, and the other is the battle between giants. If these two are put together, it will be more perfect.

There are countless speculations and inferences about the Yun family on the Internet. Among them, the statement about his mother's junior third and his inappropriate name is the most acceptable to the public.

Originally, he became the heir because of Yunyan's leg injury, but now he cares so much about Yunyan's leg, which seems to confirm the saying on the Internet.


Yun Yi frowned, once Yun Yan's leg injury recovered, he might return strongly. He is simply a business novice, and he has no chance to fight back against a business bigwig like Yun Yan.

If Yun Yan wanted to take back everything he had, he would not be able to hold it back.

Sang Jiuchi just glanced at Yun Yi lightly, and walked into the bedroom without saying a word.

A minute later, Sang Jiuchi took out a folding crutch.

Holding up the folding crutches and handing them over to Yun Yan, Yun Yan proved everything to Yun Yi with his actions.

Yun Yan supported the crutches in one hand, and slowly stood up from the wheelchair with the help of Sang Jiuchi with the other hand.

He walked slowly, and though he moved like an old man staggering, it was obvious that he could indeed walk.

Sang Jiuchi's movements were very gentle, and his expression was very patient. The two of them just walked around the hall, supporting each other. The conversation between the two could be heard from time to time in the living room.

"Husband, you've gone much better than yesterday."

"Thanks to your usual massage, I never thought I'd get up one day."

"Good people have good rewards. Husband, you are lucky enough to have good looks. You can stand up even without me. Looking at you like this, maybe you won't be able to use crutches tomorrow."

"The doctor also said that I can try to throw away the aids in a few days."

The two walked in the hall as if no one else was there, and the sweet conversation touched the hearts of everyone in the living room.

The first one who couldn't stand it was Mrs. Zhao. Mrs. Zhao shrank into Brother Zhao's arms and said, "Husband."

Zhang Zuo couldn't take it anymore, he put his body slightly close to Sister Sun, and the two shoulders were close to each other, Zhang Zuo put his head on Sister Sun's shoulder instantly, with a bit of complaint in his tone, "We haven't seen each other for a long time. Sitting together so leisurely today?"

Sister Sun is famous for her hard work. This family is obviously a strong woman and a weak man. An apology flashed in Sister Sun's eyes, and she also rested her forehead on Zhang Zuo, "That's why we came to participate in this show, Zhang Zuo. , To be honest, I work every day, spend less time with you, and forget about the feeling of falling in love with you."

On the first day, everyone is generally a little cautious. Just like just now, although they sat and chatted together, they each took their own restraint and face.

And all of this was broken by Sang Jiuchi and Yun Yan's unremarkable rehabilitation show love.

Love is really contagious, watching other people in close, if there is a lover around.

That's double contagion.

Yun Yi looked at Sang Jiuchi and Yunyan, then looked at the two couples hugging each other, turned his head stiffly to look at Huo Ling, and winked at each other.

Holling seemed to be interrupted.

Yun Yi had no choice but to take the initiative to lean over and reach out to hug Huo Ling's shoulder.

Huo Ling suddenly stood up, "I'll go to the bedroom to get something."

Saying that, he didn't care about Yun Yi, he walked back to his bedroom and closed the door with a "snap", leaving the embarrassed Yun Yi in the living room.

The doctor's recommended rehabilitation time is 2 hours a day. As the legs get better, the time is gradually increasing, from the original two hours to the current three or four hours.

However, these three or four hours are not completed at one time, but are divided into multiple times.

Yunyan had been walking for more than an hour before we came today. The two of them walked in the room for a while and then went out to the garden behind the villa.

Follow-up has always followed.

There are long cobblestone paths in the garden. Cobblestones can stimulate the skin of the footsteps, but it also increases the difficulty of walking for the recovering patients.

Yun Yan stumbled a bit when he first walked on it, as if he had experienced the scene a million times before, Sang Jiuchi immediately placed the other's arm on Yun Yan's waist, and instantly stabilized. the opponent's body shape.

Sang Jiuchi: "How do you feel when you see Yun Yi again?"

Yun Yan: "I don't feel anything, I have never regarded him as my opponent. What about you?"

Sang Jiuchi chuckled: "I don't feel anything either."

A gust of breeze blew past gently, rolling up some rose petals and swiping across Sang Jiuchi's forehead.

Beneath a petal, Sang Jiuchi fought with a smile, with only himself in his dazzling eyes.

Maybe it's because I'm going to live with Sang Jiuchi tonight, maybe it's because I saw Sang Jiuchi and Yun Yi meet with my own eyes today, and maybe it's because today's Sang Jiuchi is too charming.

Always Yun Yan felt that lava gurgled in his chest, burning his heart and burning his reason.

He even ignored the follow-up behind him, and blurted out a sentence: "Then how did you feel when you saw me for the first time?"

Sang Jiuchi's smile became even bigger, and his beautiful star eyes were gradually immersed in water, like a clear secluded spring, attracting Yun Yan to sink deep into it.

Yun Yan stood up to 1.92 meters, while Sang Jiuchi was only 1.8 meters. However, because Yun Yan was on crutches and his legs were not quite straight, the height difference between the two was not much different now.

Hearing Yun Yan's question, Sang Jiuchi slowly approached him, seeing that the two of them were about to kiss face to face, with Yun Yan's stunned expression, Sang Jiuchi slowly retreated. .

"For the first time, that's the feeling just now."

Yun Yan subconsciously covered his chest.

The heart was pounding inside, violently, powerfully, fiery.

Although Sang Jiuchi didn't say anything, Yun Yan understood.

He suddenly laughed, his face full of relief: "Let's go, go back."

Before coming here, he was apprehensive.

He speculated that Sang Jiuchi liked him, but that was just his own speculation, and it was an unverifiable speculation. He didn't know what Sang Jiuchi really wanted, let alone whether Sang Jiuchi would ignite the flame of love when he faced Yun Yi again.

No matter how free and easy she behaved from the beginning, his heart was always anxious and tormented.

He is a maniac in the mall, and he is always gambling with billions or even billions. But in the face of love, he can't afford to gamble, nor dare to gamble.

So he provoked Yun Yi, who he never looked down on, and waited for Yun Yi to call Sang Jiuchi "sister-in-law" like a cheetah swore his sovereignty.

From the moment he got out of the car, he observed Yun Yi secretly. Maybe Yun Yi hadn't noticed his regret, but he could see it.

Yun Yi's surprise when he saw Sang Jiuchi even stung himself.

But that "sister-in-law" forcefully drew a line between them, making Yun Yi realize that the man in front of him was not something he could imagine.

That's my Yunyan man, someone you don't even deserve to look at.

Sang Jiuchi helped Yun Yan back to the living room when the food had just been prepared, and everyone helped the two seniors to bring the food to the table.

These two 50+ old artists, the male is Yuan Hao and the female is Zhang Ya. Because they are two highly respected seniors in the entertainment industry, they are usually called "Mr. Yuan" and "Ms. Zhang" when they see them.

Teacher Zhang has a very gentle personality. She always has a gentle smile on her face that has been kissed by the years. When she saw that Yun Yan was able to leave, she exclaimed in surprise, "Hey, I can leave, when is this going to happen?"

Yun Yan, who had never talked much, said a lot today, instead of going to sit in a wheelchair, he sat at the dining table with a cane after washing his hands: "Not long after marrying Jiu Chi, he started to feel it, and he feels every day. Massage my back and rub my legs for an hour or two. Originally, I had no hope of standing up, and even the doctor told me that there was only a 1 in 100,000,000 chance of being able to stand up."

As he spoke, his eyes gradually settled on Sang Jiuchi.

Suddenly being praised by Yun Yan, Sang Jiuchi felt a little embarrassed.

He blushed and buried his head involuntarily.

Teacher Yuan couldn't help but give a thumbs up, "This is the power of love. It's a good thing to stand up. I believe you will get better and better in the future."

For the first time, Yun Yan showed a faint smile in front of everyone: "With your auspicious words, I will definitely stand up."

The other few had nothing to do with Yun Yan, so they were naturally blessings to Yun Yan, only Yun Yi, from the very beginning, sitting at the dining table was like sitting on pins and needles.

He couldn't stand the oppression of Yun Yan's aura, let alone the fact that Yun Yan could stand up immediately.

Huo Ling hadn't come out since he hid in the bedroom just now, and it was embarrassing to transfer him. His previous tricks in the entertainment industry didn't work here at all, as long as he was in front of Yun Yan, all his actions would be tied down.

In the face of all the pressure, Yun Yi actually thought of Sang Jiuchi.

When he was helpless as a child, he would always look at the posters of Sang Jiuchi for comfort.

Just like when he was looking for comfort and sustenance countless times when he was the most helpless, he subconsciously turned his attention to Sang Jiuchi.

At that glance, he found that Sang Jiuchi's eyes had been falling on Yun Yan.

Yun Yan and Sang Jiuchi looked at each other, you look at me, I look at you.

The two seemed to form a natural barrier that could not hold the third person at all.

Yun Yi suddenly felt a little uncomfortable, and Sang Jiuchi's eyes were clearly looking at him before.

He can never really love Yunyan, someone like Yunyan has no love at all, he is a devil, no one will love him.

How could Sang Jiuchi fall in love with this demon?

When did the two of them meet? He had never heard Sang Jiuchi mention Yunyan. Could it be that they knew each other in the half year when he left him in the cold?

But Sang Jiuchi's heart is very cold. It took him two years to chase him, and it only took half a year to complete the calculation. How could Sang Jiuchi be captured by this demon?

This is not the Sang Jiuchi he knew.

And why is it Yun Yan who has a grudge against him?

A thought suddenly flashed in Yun Yi's mind.

Sang Jiuchi and Yun Yan's marriage, will it be a deal from the beginning? Could it be that Sang Jiuchi was angry that he betrayed him, so he found his most hated brother and agreed to marry Yunyan?

He looked suspiciously at Sang Jiuchi and then at Yun Yan.

The next second, ecstasy takes over.

It must be like this, they are so affectionate because of performances, Sang Jiuchi is to anger himself.

Why do you think about being angry with yourself? Because I still love it.

Hate out of love.