MTL - I’m an Olympic Superstar-v2 Chapter 624 National attention

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Huaxia is a magical country with one-fifth of the world's population. Whatever happens to any celebrity can never escape the hearts and minds of domestic people.

From national events to species flooding, there will be people interested in Huaxia.

Especially for the flooding of species, Chinese netizens always like to use it for three months, and give us three months to feed you into endangered species!

Xiao Ran, an NBA superstar, the No. 1 well-known superstar, has countless honors. When he signed up for the New York University Games shooting game, Huaxia also caused a lot of sensation.

JAY team training room.

Wu Xiaofan is broadcasting live. As a member of the top LPL team, Wu Xiaofan's live broadcast is very popular.

When Wu Xiaofan got five kills with the policewoman, he shouted excitedly.

"Brothers! See not! My policewoman is not very powerful! Hum! I still skinned with me in the early stages of the road, and continue skinning now!"

Then, Wu Xiaofan switched the computer desktop to the live broadcast page, and wanted to watch the audience wave 6666.

However, when Wu Xiaofan saw the barrage, the whole person was dumb.

There are a lot of people talking on the barrage, and as many as the barrage has covered the entire live broadcast room.

"My God! Xiao Ran is going to participate in the shooting competition of the New York University Games?"

"The rumors stop at the wise, I think, this must be because Xiao Ran hadn't heard anything for half a month, so someone forged the news for attention."

"Shooting competition? Xiao Ran also unlocked this skill?"

"The ghost knows whether it is true or not, but I think this news should not be false. After all, news suddenly appeared on the Internet, and then it spread. If it was false, there must have been a lot of media to rumor it, but Now, the entire Internet is full of news of Xiao Ran participating in the shooting event of the New York University Games. No one came out to rumor it. "

"This product is really versatile. The NBA won the championship, and now he is going to participate in the shooting project. What else is he not going to do!"

"Participating and participating, I felt that Xiao Ran was just going for fun, after all, I had not heard of Xiao Ran having such talent before."

Looking at the barrage, Wu Xiaofan's eyes widened, and he reacted instantly, shouting at the people in the training room.

"I'm going! Then brother will unlock new items again!"

Li Tianyi took off the headset and said, "What new project?"

"Shooting items."

Gao Jihao next to him opened his mouth, not anxious.

"Go to your sister! You already knew!"

Wu Xiaofan rolled his eyes frantically at Gao Jihao. He thought he was the first to know it. As a result, Gao Jihao already knew about it.

Gao Jihao smiled: "What's weird about this is that there are news of brothers participating in shooting projects all over the Internet now, just open a portal and you can see it."

"Still this?"

Then, the members of the JAY team began to find relevant news on the Internet.


At the same time, the mother at home was muttering with his dad.

"Old man, you said that the NBA game is over. When will my son come back?"

The dad on the side brushed Weibo with his mobile phone and said, "Come back? Wait a few days, at least not these days."

My mother froze and quickly asked: "Huh? What do you mean by this, do you know something?"

"Well," Dad sighed, "I've said it, so you don't have to read more about the news. Now it is estimated that the whole country knows about our son."

"I'm busy! How can I have time to go online, besides, how tired it is to stare at such a small screen, by the way, what happened to our son."

Dad handed his mobile phone to his mother and said, "No, oh, my son, I'm going to New York University to participate in a shooting project. I'll tell you, this will definitely follow me! How accurate I was when I was a slingshot. One stone and one bird! "

"Ah? The shooting project? The one who shot the gun?"

"Yes, Xu Haifeng knows?"

The mother wondered, "My son still has this ability?"

Dad proudly said, "That's right. You can't just follow everything. If my son shoots well, it must be with me!"

My mother was unwilling, and said to my father, "That's what I do! Don't forget that when I hit you, you throw your slippers on your face!"


Dad said silently: "Can I say this without telling you how shameful it is?"

This time, my mother's turn was proud: "Well, who do you say to my son!"

Dad sighed and said, "It's up to you, it's up to you!"

Inside the Office of the President of Capital Sports University.

Mo Yu sat quietly at his desk, flipping through the news on the Internet at will.

The attention of others is on Xiao Ran, only she is the concern of New York University!

Why did Xiao Ran go to New York University to participate in athletes? If there is no reason for Feng Ping, she won't believe it!

Perhaps the nature of a woman is like this, and she has to pay special attention to other women around her boyfriend, so Mo Yuning's focus has become Feng Ping.

Why didn't I see her last time I went to Miguo?


this is a problem.

In short, Xiao Ran participated in the shooting competition and became the most popular news in China for a while!

If it is another athlete, no matter what they participate in, the attention will not be so high.

But Xiao Ran is different. There are too many items across this list!

The first is e-sports, won the Olympic champion, and then transformed to participate in the marathon!

As a result, this product directly broke the world record in the marathon and became the first person in the marathon. At the Rio Olympics, China won a gold medal in the event on the last day of the Olympic Games!

Then, this product transformed to short track speed skating, and after less than half a year, it directly won the Triple Crown of the Winter Olympics!

This is not the commentary ~ ~ After short track skating, Xiao Ran went to participate in the swimming event again.

This time, Xiao Ran has become famous in the world completely, winning all the gold medals in swimming events at the World Championships, breaking world records one after another, and still a substantial refresh, no chance for later people to continue to break!

When everyone thought that Xiao Ran would not be proficient in other projects, this product returned from the World Championship and became a member of the CBA high-tech team directly!

Then, Xiao Ran's basketball journey began.

In the regular season of the CBA, Xiao Ran led the high-tech team to a record of winning the regular season!

Therefore, Xiao Ran was selected into the national team to help the Huaxia basketball team reach the finals at the Olympics.

After the Olympic Games, he went to the NBA to lead the Nets last penultimate team last season, not only broke into the playoffs, but also won the championship!

All have straddled so many projects, the ghost knows if Xiao Ran also has such a strong ability in shooting projects! Chapter 624 National Concerns