MTL - I’m in Hollywood-Chapter 10 It’s also tricky to pick up

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Jennifer Aniston was standing absently on the side of the road waiting for the car, and she was not disappointed with this audition. Because she didn't have much hope, she graduated from the performing arts school last year, and she has appeared in several stage plays. Because of the chance, she heard the news about the film's solicitation of the actress, tried to cast her resume, and unexpectedly got the chance to audition.

Just about to wave a taxi, she heard someone calling her name behind her and turned to see the strange boy staring at herself in the audition room.

"Hello, you are the one..." Jennifer Aniston waved his subconscious and scored twice, only to find that he did not know the other's name.

Eric reached out and said, "Hello Aniston, hello, my name is Eric, Eric Williams."

Jennifer Aniston extended a small hand and politely revealed a smile: "Hello, Williams... sir."

Eric looked at Aniston's sweet smile from a close distance, slightly disappointed, holding Aniston's hand and even forgot to let go.

"Mr. Williams, you..." Aniston earned a little, earned the warmth of the big hand, a little embarrassed, and stunned Eric.

"Oh, sorry, call me Eric, Miss Aniston, can I call you Annie?" Eric retracted his hand and scratched his head, saying that he was not countless in his life. Traversing the flowers, how do you like a hairy kid now, it must be this body's hormones at work, um, certainly.

Aniston had a faint alert in his doubts: "Well, Eric, but we don't seem to know?"

Eric took up his thoughts and smiled. "I don't know now. All the friends are strangers at first. Anne, already noon, can I ask you to have lunch?"

"This is too abrupt, Eric, we only said a few words." Aniston refused.

"Then I will send you home." Eric retired.

"Amount... Ok." Aniston snorted and rejected the other party. Aniston, who had always been unwilling to reject others, subconsciously agreed. In fact, Eric has only used a small trick of communication. If you want to send a girl back home from the beginning, what to do after being rejected, you can't stalk it, it will only be counterproductive.

The two men went to Eric's car and asked for the address. Eric drove the car to the destination.

Aniston took the lead and asked, "Eric, are you a "returning to seventeen" staff?"

Eric held the steering wheel and nodded. "Yeah, I am the screenwriter of this movie, and the actor."

"Wow, that's too great. You should be as big as me. I am only playing a few characters in a few stage plays."

Eric smiled and said: "Your luck is good, yes, you just said that you are playing a stage play?"

"Oh, yeah." When it comes to things that interest him, Aniston suddenly opens his mouth and talks endlessly. Eric puts in a few words from time to time, making Aniston giggling.

A 19-year-old girl who has just entered the society for less than a year, how is the opponent of Eric who hides the uncle's soul in his bones. Under Erik's unobtrusive guidance, as the conversation progressed, Aniston gradually released his mind and even began to introduce his life in Los Angeles.

"Although I am very tired to work in a convenience store, I have to stand at least eight hours a day, but I feel that I am very fulfilled. I can go to some stage plays and participate in some auditions from time to time. I believe that even if I don't rely on me, Responsible father, I will be successful one day."

Although Eric knew that the previous Aniston was finally in the TV circle under the introduction of his father, it was already two years later in parallel time and space.

In memory, Jennifer Aniston of the past lives some resentment that her father abandoned her and her mother when she was a child. She refused her father's help for more than two years, and therefore spent more than two years in Hollywood. Finally, Aniston's father, John Aniston, took the initiative to ease the relationship between the father and the daughter, and let the reluctant Aniston accept his help. When he got the role of "Friends", Aniston was already twenty-five years old. In Hollywood, once the actress is over 30 years old, if the career is not improving, it will be difficult to have great development. I have to say that Aniston is still very lucky.

At this time, Eric heard Aniston’s words and encouraged: “I believe this too. When you auditioned, you performed very well. There are not many traces of the stage play, it seems natural. You know, when I first had a girl at the audition, the stage style of the show made me almost come in."

Referring to the audition just now, Aniston suddenly had some silence. After a while, he whispered: "Eric, Maggie's role has been fixed before I audition?"

"I have to say, Annie, your eyes are very sharp."

"I found that you are all absent-minded, maybe just walking around."

Eric did not bend around and said directly: "If nothing else, Maggie may be played by Drew Barrymore, who performed very well at the audition."

"Drew Barrymore, the cute little girl in ET? Counting, she should be 13 years old now, isn't Maggie going to college high school?"

Eric curiously said: "Why, Anne, don't you see Drew when you wait for the audition? She is already a big girl, though... um, it is only thirteen."

Aniston was embarrassed to say: "That, I am working with my colleagues last night for the audition today. I have been on duty until 12 o'clock, so I came late."

"Nothing, actually, I don't know if I want to tell you..."

Aniston looked up and curiously asked, "What is it?"

"After you left, they all saw me... like you."

Aniston suddenly grew up with a small mouth, and some accidental Eric's direct, became a gentle way: "Ran...and then?"

"James, the producer of this film, said to me, people, Hainan, some good girls, once they missed, will be difficult to meet, so encourage me to chase them out. Also say if I do, I will give you a The role, create more opportunities for us to get along." Eric sold James at a loss, and secretly said sorry to James Brooks, saying that it is not easy to bubble a girl.

"Ah, that, I... I, I..." In the face of Eric's words, Aniston looked a little confused, and at the same time, his heart was so sweet.

Eric saw Aniston's panic and quickly said, "No, you don't need any burden, Anne. We are friends now. Isn't it? It is normal for friends to help each other. In fact, there is nothing in that role." It’s just one of the three friends of Maggie, a few minutes of play. But if you accept it, you can provide a qualification for your participation in the audition. I believe that this movie will definitely achieve good results."

"Thank you, Eric, I really don't know what to say."

The car traveled for more than ten minutes. After arriving at a residential area in Burbank, Aniston pointed to the road at the front: "Eric, I am here, parking there."

The car stopped at a narrow alleyway, and the two men silently silenced for a few seconds. Aniston didn't have to get off the bus. Eric certainly wouldn't be stupid enough to let Aniston get off. Sitting quietly for a little while, the atmosphere in the carriage gradually became a little embarrassing.

Finally, Aniston braved the courage to say: "Or, I invite you to have lunch, Eric, there is a small restaurant in front, I often dine there."

Eric retorted: "How can I do that, Anne, it’s not a decent thing to let the girl treat, but of course I pay the bill. Let's go, you guide."


Aniston finally accepted the role. In the next movie preparation period, two people talked on the phone almost every day, and the content of the chat was very scattered. For example, some people in the convenience store where Anne worked to steal things, because of snooze in the morning. Almost late, I found a few small strong things in my closet.

From time to time, Eric said some trivial things in his life, while comforting the loneliness of the girl who is in a foreign land. Although Aniston is in contact with many people, there are not many friends who can make friends, Eric in a short time. Inside, it has become the sustenance of her heart. Eric knows that as long as he confesses, Aniston will definitely promise to be his girlfriend, because the girl has occasionally spoiled him on the phone.

However, Eric did not rush to do so. He did not want Aniston to have any bad association between the movie character and his girlfriend. Therefore, at least until the end of the "return to seventeen-year-old" filming, anyway, this little girl in this state, in any case, can not escape his own hand. So Eric only needs to wait for everything to become a success.

During this period, another thing was also eye-catching. It was the publication of Jurassic Park. After signing with Michael Klaus for more than half a month, he finally got the sample book of Jurassic Park. It is a huge tyrannosaurus chasing a sprinting off-road vehicle, quite a sci-fi idea. This inspiration comes from the movie "Jurassic Park" in memory. Michael Klaus feels great. Ancient dinosaurs are associated with modern off-road vehicles. Just the cover gives the reader a huge suspense.

Eric deliberately asked for one more and gave it to Aniston. These days, Eric has unknowingly branded a gentle and considerate good boyfriend in Aniston's heart. This is a huge killing power for Aniston who lacks fatherhood from childhood.

After receiving Jurassic Park, Aniston, who was very admired by Eric’s playwright and performance talent, suddenly had some little worship in her eyes. Of course, she also laid a talent for Eric in her heart. label.


The preparations for "returning to the age of seventeen" are still under intense progress. During this period, Eric participated in several preparatory work for the crew and also met other actors in the crew. The role of Mike’s son, the crew did not Choosing Brad Pitt, of course, did not choose the thin boy named Black Quinn, but another slightly stronger 18-year-old boy.

For this, Eric did not complain, because he later met Aniston, because of some position problems, Eric did not like the past when he abandoned Aniston's Pittton. Even Eric is very embarrassed to think that he will become a big director in the future. Is it possible for the superstars and Julie to join the superstars in their movies to make soy sauce, um, Aniston is the protagonist, absolutely!

Everything went smoothly. On August 16, 1988, after Eric reborn, the first film carrying the ideals of the past and the present was officially launched.
