MTL - I’m Not Shouldering This Blame-Chapter 141 trend

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A fist hits the rock wall and the passage immediately shakes.

There are constantly mushrooms falling from the top of the cave, dripping all over, then blasting, pulling out a lot of hyphae, and blinking the entire passage, like a cobweb.

耿阗 This hand is very skilled, and the experience of mushroom breeding in the Black Sea for so many months is not white.

The chased abilities were furious and shot.

After the bullet was stuck by the hyphae, it slowed down. When the fly came to the back, the "field" of the a-level abilities played a certain barrier role, and the hand was neat, and several places rolled on the ground and went to the safe area.

The mushroom that "receives" the bullet is very dissatisfied, and the impact breaks up part of the shape of the cap. After rapid recovery, the hyphae rushed over.

The abilities who thought the devil began to fight back screamed in a panic.

These words Li Fei can't understand a word. He watched the end of the passage with vigilance. The magic eye quickly distinguished the strength of these people and found that they were all ghosts. No one was above c.

Li Fei turned to swearing. He didn't doubt the identity of this sudden person. It was also relying on this pair of eyes. Even the special a-level in the original book, the Korean abilities who can change the appearance of anyone, also do Less than even the body's power simulation is vivid.

"Are you worried about the guns in their hands?" Li Fei couldn't think of the reasons why these ordinary abilities were chasing away.

This dungeon can be called a maze. Many of the stone houses that are cut out are exactly the same. The steps are left and right, and the doors and windows of each area are opposite. It is a patio-like pattern. People who have a bad sense of direction can't tell the difference between the southeast and the northwest after two turns, and they don't even know if the road under their feet has passed.

This kind of terrain is very suitable for hidden ambushes.

He is a professional bodyguard. It is not difficult for him to take a gun with an empty hand. It is not a problem to solve a hundred or eighty people by slowly making a guerrilla.

"There are other people here." He gasped and smeared, wiped the mud on his face, and looked dignified. "There was also a riot in other places. I almost went with an a-level ice actor. Face up."

Saying that I looked around, my expression was fortunate. "Fortunately, Lin Xiao had to forward other people's travel diaries in the circle of friends all day, otherwise I don't even know where I am."

"..." Li Fei, who felt a shot in himself.

The film emperor is too busy to work, and there is time to read all the friends circle that Lin’s assistant has sent to read it again.

“Is there a lot of a-level abilities in the dungeon?” Li Fei frowned.

He has figured out the rules. If there is no a level here, it is "pull".

He quickly said his own experience. He was so embarrassed that he was tossing in the world of giant spiders. Where he appeared today, the shock on the face of the older soil abilities was not false. It should be the first "uninvited guest" he met.

Li Fei remembered that Johnson mentioned the American fire abilities and set the "source" to two.

——In fact, the person recruited by Jennifer is the red scorpion. The person I met on the way is actually attracted by the red scorpion. The red scorpion has just been compared with a level a, and there is no random hands, but it is traced with suspicion. .

"It will be chaotic soon!"

The red scorpion is hidden in its own space, observing the outside situation through a transparent barrier, and silently grinning.

He got a perfect hunting way! You don't need to look for prey, just look for a place to guard, and soon there will be a world crack to send a strong a-level abilities.

There is no shortage of prey, he is inevitably picky.

Between the a and the Icelandic a level, the red scorpion did not hesitate to choose the latter - the squat type, of course, can not match the "aesthetic" score of the European and American people in the eyes of the red scorpion.

As for the earth abilities who are too old to have a bone, the red scorpion is too lazy to look at it.

"If you can't go through the giant spider world and fall to other places, then there will be more and more a-class abilities in the dungeon!" Jane found that he was coming, and immediately stuffed people into a room full of mushrooms.

I still don't understand, Li Fei has already warned seriously: "Other a level comes over, if you encounter a red scorpion, you can't see him at all."

The hyphae can break the hidden properties of the red scorpion in the first place.

I succumbed to the mushroom bush.

"Right, is this?"

He still positioned himself as Li Fei's bodyguard, and he was very wary of people who were close to Li Fei. After he found Johnson, he was quite surprised. With his understanding of Li Fei, he is not so kind, will take in some poor children or something - donations in the real world to help orphans are no problem, in the abandonment of the world, goodwill is not enough to divide into 800. Not to mention the dangers of following a high-level actor, I am afraid that it is not a rescue.

Johnson was very sensitive to a sturdy cockroach, and he quickly retracted his head.

"The roadside is awkward." Li Fei said faintly.


Can this be awkward? No, why are you jealous?

His gaze slipped from Li Fei to Jianhua, and he knew that the relationship between the two men could not help but think of the traditional Chinese problem of endowment.

Not right! Why are you looking for a foreign boy? Language communication has obstacles.

Don't talk about Lin assistant, even if you are a professional bodyguard, English is better than Li Fei.

"It’s awkward." Jane decided to tell the truth to him, so that he could fully understand the seriousness of the situation. "His name is Johnson Brown."

When I heard the pronunciation of my name, the teenager came out with a half head from behind the wall.


What happened when he was not there?

The sweaty bodyguard looks tight: "Your three s grades are here. If Dr. Mad suddenly appears, we must be prepared! Right, he disappeared with you, and later..."

"He may have broken into pieces."


It’s a bit dizzy, instinctively suspecting that it’s not a few days, but a few years.

Li Fei actually conquered the protagonist, and also killed the madman who had headaches? I can't help but admire Li Fei from my heart, and I can do it!

"Don't, I didn't do anything, everything is a coincidence." Li Fei didn't want to see 耿阗 miscalculate his strength, they still have a hard fight.

"The red scorpion is very embarrassing. If he is not called by you, he will not show up easily..."

It’s enough to say that “calling” is awkward.

"Into the space abilities of the space, only the strong destruction of this road can go." Jane looked at Li Fei, I feel that Johnson has no problem, s level can use force to forcefully reverse the adverse situation, but 耿阗Not necessarily.

"Maybe killing the red scorpion is not difficult, but I don't want to see someone hurt for this kind of dregs, or even lose their lives." Jane said that the tone of the words is quite a kind of command.

Li Fei not only did not put forward a half-point of opinion, but also listened carefully, and there was a strong sense of violation in his heart.

"The hyphae can't continue to expand. It has already touched the nerves of the abilities here, causing panic. If the number of mushrooms continues to increase, they will abandon their suspicions, put down their contradictions, and unite to deal with us."

Jane does not want to be a "public enemy of humanity" at all.

This kind of villain who pulls hatred, the head is somewhat problematic.

"All a-level abilities come to the dungeon, this is our chance!" Li Fei also said, "The bookmakers established the holy door organization, and the red scorpion stole the entire organization, even if he did not fully control it, now the hand The forces in the world are not too small. A class-a power person, even if he does nothing, will naturally gather a force around him. In the future, they will represent the country and represent the interests of different classes..."

Some people, like Johnson, are young and bloody, fighting for justice in their hearts.

Most people are not so simple. The global versatile war is behind the interests of all parties.

Many abilities are ordinary people. Even if they have the power, they are still ordinary people. How can they play politicians?

A large part of the complex situation of abandoning the world in the future comes from the power of the real world.

"Now we have a great opportunity."

He was shocked and thrilled. He thought that Li Fei would say that he had taken the opportunity to kill more a-level abilities and killed them in the Kabadusia Plateau.

"In addition to the original a level in this dungeon, everyone else is alone, there is no helper, no power, even the readers around them can't keep up with the books..." Li Fei thinks the situation is interesting now. Extremely, this is the time to test the IQ and ability of the abilities.

Jane thought for a moment and said, "They will form an alliance."

"Yes, that's it!" Li Fei agreed. "The battle will kill and then join forces to confront the strong enemies in their eyes. They will not be guilty until the enemy has died."

Sorrowful face said: "This strong enemy is us?"

Piles of mushrooms occupy the channel, even if you want to hide in the dark, sit on the mountain and watch the tiger fight, and you can't do it if you are a devourer!

"The shock of the s-level abilities is big, and they will not miss such a good opportunity. We are also the ones who have lost the protection of the ‘Black Belt.’” Li Fei smiled.

Grinning, what is the black belt, is an incompetent mushroom breeding team.

"When they feel that they have enough power and wait for a good opportunity... For example, the cannibals are attracted by the s-level abilities and come to attack."

"Do we have to deal with the a-level ally and the monsters at the same time?"

"This is not the case in the original?" Li Fei asked.


"At least for now, they have serious mistakes in estimating the strength here."

"I?" I doubt very much about what it is for myself.

" Johnson."

The teenager heard his name again and stared at everyone.

"He is very disguised, and most people can't guess his identity." Li Fei's fair evaluation.

"How did you encounter it?" I couldn't help but ask, the double s-level savior, the future national treasure of the US abilities, is the goal of all parties' forces. As a result, Jane throws people in the mushroom bush?

"Accurately, it's not that we want to lick it, it's the mushroom that we dragged it."

"This is also... well, I understand."

I remembered that I had been tied to the door of Jianhua’s house by the mushroom, and he was hungry.

The author has something to say: Tell the story of the separation

Jianhua: This is the savior we have found.

耿阗: lying trough?

Li Fei: Dr. Mad has blown up into pieces.

Hey: ... [I feel like I missed a billion]


Jianhua: Actually, it’s not our initiative. It’s the mushroom tied back.

Johnson: (⊙o⊙)

Hey: ... yes, this is a mushroom.