MTL - I’m Not Shouldering This Blame-Chapter 86 Join hands

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When there is no feeling, the two live together under one roof, and Jane is very satisfied with Li Fei, who knows the interest.

It’s different now, even if Li Fei only takes up the sofa, using netbooks to handle all kinds of affairs, when he is asleep, he is a potted plant. When he wakes up, there is still no pet, and Jane still feels very uncomfortable.

It’s not superfluous, but I don’t know where to put Li Fei.

——Because the subconscious mind accepts that Li Fei is his own possession and part of the family, this contradictory mentality will be there. If it is an unrelated passer, why bother to go sooner or later?

Jane never thought that he would like others. Li Fei was the "special existence" to break the barrier. Jane was busy thinking about the reasons for this exception. He didn't even think about "why is a man, same-sex". problem.

Even if you think about it, the answer is obvious. Li Fei can attract everyone's attention like a magnet. He is too good. This kind of charm Jane has never seen a second one. Even if it is not comparable, don't say gender.

Now this charm breaks the emotional barrier and forces Jane to face itself.

Li Fei confuses Jane Hua. "If you don't understand, you will follow the feeling." The meaning of the words makes Jane want to take this guy who is watching himself. He can't see the distance, but he sets the mind to think carefully and is difficult. It makes sense to find this.

He is not worried that Li Fei will leave!

Just like when the killing happened, his heart was filled with anger. The mushroom regards Li Fei as a reserve grain. Does this emotion also affect him? Under what circumstances will another person be regarded as his own possession?

Jane has already felt bad, but he still wants to struggle,

When Li Fei proposed to set a trap to catch the fish of the net, Jane felt that he seemed to split into two halves, one voice firmly opposed, and another voice agreed with the idea.

It is good for them to solve the killer of the Holy Gate organization as soon as possible.

Finally, Jane listened to the voice of reason.

The attacker died on the spot and threw two other people to the Red Dragon. After all, Li Fei actually mentioned that the coffee shop could just close the door, and those who wanted to ambush him would not choose this store, so that he would be ruined. Decor?

Just for this store? !

What kind of car is still open! Feel the northwest wind of the snow in the south!


"...has a cold?" Jane turned his head and gestured to the clothing store on the side of the road. "Go buy a down vest!"

Of course, Li Fei’s body is not so bad. It just comes out of the warm place and is blown by the cold wind for a few minutes.

"No need." Li Fei had an ability, his body quickly warmed, and by the cover of his clothes, he reached out and held Jane's hanging palm.


The cold fingers were suddenly wrapped in a warm palm-like hand, and the heat flow almost ran into the heart with the blood vessels.

Jianhua squatted and soon returned to God.

He tried to break free, and the result did not collapse. Jane was not without a solution. It was just an exaggeration to turn his face on the street and put his arm behind his back.

This warmth of warmth continues to disintegrate his will.

Huaicheng is a tourist city, and the bustling streets in the downtown area are very lively. Even if it is frozen now, it is no exception. When the streets were crowded, the two men held hands and not many people saw them, and they didn't even think about it.

A strange face, one who wears a thick and invisible appearance, passes by two people.

The store’s speakers kept playing promotional ads, and when they went far, Jane’s found that they were gone and didn’t finish it.

- Such a prosperous world is full of glimpses.

Li Fei closed his eyes, and everything around him was like a mirage. They were all unrelated and without physical shadows. They were surrounded by fog, black and white, and only the people around them were clear, and their expressions were subtle and vivid. He almost went to smooth out Jane's wrinkled eyebrows because he wanted to see other expressions on his face.

But in such an atmosphere, he does not want to say any words and do any extra moves.

Throwing all the sound behind them, they walked through the entire commercial street, did not slow down, and there was no scenery worth stopping for. From the crowded squares to the sparsely populated neighborhoods, there is only constant falling snow.

A Samoyed, who crossed the road, was screaming at the hair, and suddenly a scorpion fell to the feet of Jane.

Jane almost stepped on it.

This episode made him wake up and step back, staring at the white big dog.

Samoyed's nose twitched and his tail huddled behind him. It didn't understand why there was such a terrible breath on the road. When the head pressed it down, the whole dog was smashed, shaking his paws and groaning pitifully.

A panting young man caught up and dragged Samoyed away.

Li Fei looked down and found that Jane had already withdrawn his hand and inserted his palm into the jacket pocket, indicating that there was no second chance.

He regretted a sigh.

Jane's palm is not soft, the palm is rough, and there are fine roots and bones, just like Jane, not as deceptive as it is on the surface.

“How far is it from your home?”

"Several stops." Jane gave a vague answer.

If he wants to stay outside, he can take Li Fei around the road. The excuse is also ready-made. The driving route is not the same as the walking choice.

If you just do this, it will be exposed in the future.

"It’s almost late, why don’t we go to a restaurant and have a meal and go back?” Li Fei persuaded Jane.

Because this house is too small.

Last time, his feelings for Jane were not so strong, and he was too tired to sleep directly for two days. This time, it was still the sofa of Jianhua’s home. In just three days, Li Fei felt that his spirit was tested in a time when he was not on New Year’s Day.

Fortunately, the South does not heat, and the air conditioning in Jane's home is not strong.

The clothes are much worn, and you can't see the "beauty" and avoid the embarrassment.

However, the trouble is now, Jianhua softens the hesitant expression, and the action that is subconsciously recognized, like the oil poured on the firewood, is a bad fire, and will soon "explode".

Li Fei was concerned about Jane's reaction. He had hoped to drag this change, because he didn't want to provoke Jane and didn't want to scare people away, but now he feels that he can't wait.

"Where do you want to go?"

“There is a nice Italian restaurant nearby.”

“This is a holiday. Can I have a position without an appointment?” Jane did not wait for Li Fei to answer, and soon asked, “The price of this restaurant is also very good for its praise? You can’t reveal your identity, you have to have a separate private room. I remember that the separate rooms in the upscale restaurant are beautifully furnished and have a minimum spending amount."


"I thought you understood that you were semi-employed." Jane added the last sentence.

Wherever it takes money, take Heiyuan, it is a bottomless pit like the name.

China's largest versatile organization? The most mysterious force in the original work? These names are all in the future. First, building an organization requires money and a lot of money.

There is no substance, and strength alone cannot cover the hearts of the people.

Don't say that Li Fei can't make money for the time being. Even if he shoots four movies a year, the department has more than one billion box office, which is not enough for him to fill out.

"Are you worried about my finances? Don't think too much, I just need to come up with the original part, as for the rest... If an organization only consumes money, no interest, what does it do? Do charities?"

"I don't understand." Jane doubts.

Money will not fall from the sky, and the door to investing and doing business will not be used in the real world, which will soon be chaotic or even war. Is it necessary to find the Red Dragon to abandon the world protection fee and earn the national money?

Certainly not! The state’s acquiescence to the existence of the Black Belt is already a big concession.

He raised a question, Li Fei smiled and said: "Black Belt can't extort the country, but it can help the country to extort others!"


"The Holy Gate organization is very good, but the United States is far away."

Li Fei sighed long and seemed to be sorry that he couldn’t directly find the other person’s trouble.

"They have carefully planned for many years and already have the underworld background of the Americas." Jane seriously reminded.

The gangs in the Americas are different from the triads in China. The drug organizations in Mexico are mad at buying arms, driving submarines and fighting the government. Every year, countless people die on the land.

The book readers can't be so exaggerated, but the "blessed" environment is "excellent" than China. This is a reflection on the opposition.

"Under normal circumstances, I really can't directly go to the holy door, but I have an idea." Li Fei reached out for the snow that Jane Huakai opened on his shoulders, and then pointed to himself. "Are you not surprised? The latest information of Red Dragon, the waiter has been lurking for more than a year in Xingtian Entertainment. Although he can have limited scope in the company's activities, it is difficult to meet me, but since the organization of the Holy Gate has this ability, why not abandon the world. Before the advent, arrange a sniper?"

Jane contemptuously despised Li Fei.

Can someone actually use such a relaxed tone to analyze other people's stupidity and have a better way to assassinate themselves?

But... "You are right, this is not reasonable." Jane silently spurned his reason in his heart.

His tangled and complicated expression changes made Li Fei feel happy. Think about the difference between Jane, who was first known, and the people in front of him.

Nothing is more fulfilling than the one who is interested in it.

Huaicheng has developed very fast, but urban planning is not very good. In order to copy a short road, they walked into the alley.

There is a leeward wind in the alley, and there are high-rise buildings in front. The various walls of the illegal extensions make this road twist, and the melting snow makes the road muddy and no one walks.

Because of such sensational things, Jane had to get close to Li Fei and his arms were close to each other's shoulders. This was a very intimate move, but the winter clothes were too much to wear.

"I have something to tell you..."

When he heard Li Fei’s voice blurred, Jane was still subconsciously closer. As a result, the shoulders were heavy, and the whole person was trapped between Li Fei's arms, and behind him was exactly the v-angle formed by the two walls.

When Li Fei didn't know when, he solved the scarf that covered his face, and now he hangs loosely on the sides of his neck.

He fixedly looked at Jane.

What Jane felt before, wanted to avoid it, and suddenly heard a low and mellow voice on his ear: "From the moment you played for me as a substitute for Uganda, I was attracted to you."


Is this a fight?

When Jane was shocked, the eyes were dark and the lips were already warm.

With the familiar atmosphere, Jane can easily break away from Li Fei’s arm and open the door, but he does not.

As light as a feather touches the temptation, it quickly becomes odorous, and the tip of the tongue slides between the lips and teeth. Li Fei does not have excessive entanglement and plunder to make it difficult for Jianhua to accept.

Unfamiliar "intrusion", lingering on the upper edge of the tooth root, when the warm cockroaches inadvertently touched the captain, Jane could not help but shake, then he wanted to make a sound, the intruder had been wrapped around Lived with him, carefully figured out.

The zipper on the neckline of the coat opened and the cold wind poured in.

It is very cold and very hot.

The author has something to say: Oh, sweet words are slightly exaggerated, saying that it was also attractive at the time, but it was just an introduction, no love.

The real thing starts with our story. Li Fei just said what Jane wanted to hear...


Li Fei has no secrets to chase people. His secrets are probably like peacocks. Just stepping over and opening a screen (no), show your charm and advantages.

Because it was good enough, I was immediately noticed.

Because it is good enough, it will attract the target immediately.

I look good, I look better than all the peacocks you have seen. I think you look good, you want to see my beautiful feathers for a lifetime, I tell you a secret, actually I want to see you for a long time → _→over, get to the hand.

The secret of chasing people that can be used by the gods


a veto sentence that is useless

Li Fei: "From the time you played the general, I was attracted to you."

small theater:

Jianhua: "A fight."

General Wu [deep face]: I have to think about it, what kind of pot is this?

Author: Probably matchmaker pot