MTL - I’m Not Shouldering This Blame-Chapter 85 pen name

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The street where the coffee shop is located is very remote, the smoke is gone, and the stench of the sewers is coming out. . The people who heard the sound of the ring slammed their noses and wondered if it was an explosion caused by a gas leak.

Ten minutes later, the police car and the municipal maintenance engineering vehicle roared and carefully checked the danger.

The manhole cover was flew to the side, and the blood and water mixed in the sludge could not be distinguished. Some pieces of clothing caused the police's suspicion. I wanted to check it and felt strange resistance in the well.

When the Red Dragon team members arrived, they received a revolver wrapped in black cloth from the front desk of the coffee shop, as well as laptops and other items. They put on energy-exploring glasses, saw the hyphae, and stuffed the mushrooms in the cave.

Struggling into the sewers and discovering the wreckage of the suicide attackers.

According to the traces left by the scene, the Red Dragon quickly concluded that at least ten layers of mushrooms were wrapped in the attacker and the mushroom ball "jumped into" the well.

The power of this explosive medicine all gave the attackers "enjoyment".

The Red Dragon team members who stepped on the mud to check the situation looked around and changed their face: "Notify Zhang Major, the situation is not good."

Huaicheng does not have mushrooms all over the place, but the urban sewer pipe network is hard to say. The mushrooms reflected in the special glasses have no end, and the whole body is shimmering and shimmering, and a cluster of clusters spread.

Hyphae is the product of abilities, a special energy crystallization. When the "swallowing" feature is not triggered, whether it is blood or sludge, it only floats on the surface of the mycelium, and it cannot be absorbed.

The thermal detector indicates that there is a situation not far away.

The Red Dragon team member unscrewed the flashlight and walked out of the pipe for more than 20 meters. He found two people who were dragged into the well by the hyphae. They struggled, but the whole body only had the nose and eyes exposed, and the shape and the mummy. almost.

The stench in the sewers burned two people to die.

"There is a live!" The Red Dragon team member wearing a mask is very excited.

This time, the tooth is hidden. The medicine is useless!

There are no more empty mouths, and there are two living Sanmen organization killers. University Lu can leisurely negotiate with US intelligence agencies. Because the Jack in the hands of the Red Dragon, strictly speaking, he did not violate China's laws, forcibly detaining him does not conform to the procedure, and it is obvious that the negotiations will not prevail.

The Red Dragon team found a canvas bag and stuffed the "mycelium mummies" into it. After the street was completely blocked, the people were hoisted and thrown into the military vehicle and headed for the Haicheng Military Region.

In the evening, the photos of the two people captured by the mushroom were identified by the head of the cleaning service company. It was confirmed that they were mixed into the Xingtian entertainment, the camera that was pretending to be a sneak shot, and the person who was on the chandelier.

"According to the director of the cleaning service company, there were three suspicious people he had contacted. In addition to the two guys who came to clean the chandeliers on the same day, there was also a fake reporter, who gave him 100,000 cash to make a deposit. ”

Major Zhang calmed his face and looked through the trial records.

Two people who were **** by mushrooms had no entry records at all and were suspected of smuggling.

The appearance is Asian, but the skin is slightly black, short stature, similar to Southeast Asians.

"Now the suspect is the dead -"

"Impossible!" Zhang Yaojin interrupted the words of his subordinates.

If the dead is a fake reporter, the number is right, but the body has been blown up and nothing can be recognized. Only the dna record can be extracted into the system.

"The Holy Gate organization is so mysterious. To carry out such a big operation, there must be a leader in China. The current discovery of the Holy Gate organization killer is exposed and death. Is such a person like a commander?"

Even if it is a terrorist organization composed of religious fanatics, the leader is also very reluctant to die.

"The major suspects that reporter?"

Zhang Yaojin frowned deeply and asked: "The poison in their mouth, did the test analysis result come out?"

"It is a neurotoxin that should be extracted from animals and is initially suspected to be snake venom."

"What is the appearance of the reporter who said in the confession?"

"About one meter seven, the height of the 30-year-old looks ordinary, has no obvious characteristics, but it is definitely Chinese. It is also like a reporter in a line. As for the reporter's card, because of such violations of the law, The person refused to provide it, and the head of the cleaning company was not suspicious."

Zhang Yaojin immediately ordered: "I will immediately send people to check the reporters of all newspapers and magazines in Haicheng!"

“Major, what is our scope of investigation? Only age and gender?”

"You can't be old, this kind of daily contact with the entertainment circle, it is easy to make your own youth and old age! The scope of investigation is the Xingtian Entertainment New Year's Eve in the venue, and in the last few days, it has received other The reporters who went to the border city for interviews, if they could not find it, expanded the scope to the reporter who took photos at the entrance of Xingtian Entertainment Company before the incident."


A Red Dragon team member left in a hurry, the new order was conveyed, and someone came over to report it after twenty minutes.

"Xingtian Entertainment provided an important clue. One reporter in the venue had a forced photo after the lights were extinguished. The camera just pointed at Li Fei's position. It is helpful. The striker determined the target's major suspicion, please Instruct whether to arrest!"

"People are still in Haicheng?"


"No hurry, monitor first! A person who directs action, not so stupid, take the initiative to make suspicious behavior! Investigate this reporter's colleague, or..."

“Reporting the major, the investigation found a major suspect! A reporter from this newspaper took the task of interviewing the National Song and Dance School in Ganzhou, Northwest China a few months ago, but yesterday he suddenly set off early!”

It’s hard to understand that the New Year’s Day holiday is full of traffic and it’s running out now.

"Ganzhou goes north again, it is Xinjiang..." Zhang Yaojin's face changed. "I will immediately inform the Red Dragon branch over there. There is a high-speed toll gate at the railway station and it must be intercepted!"


The snow is getting bigger and the wind is cold.

Because of the fear of the tires slipping, Jane opened the car very slowly, and his face did not look good.

"When you bring your laptop, the computer has not yet entered the screensaver. I have browsed the history of the webpage. These people are still cautious, except for the traces of today, everything else has been cleared."

Jane listened in silence, because his English was not good, and he didn’t understand the pages he saw.

Li Fei handed over a few pieces of information and took it to him. From the time he got on the bus, Jane had been waiting for Li Fei to explain. As a result, Li Fei only spoke at the third intersection.

"No one is tracking." Li Fei confirmed this.

"There are many buildings in the city. Some people stand on the high buildings in the distance and use telescopes to monitor this side. You can't see them either." Jane said coldly.

Li Fei smiled slightly: "You don't have to worry about this, I can feel that anyone is watching me."

Always look at Li Fei’s Jane through the rearview mirror: "..."

When he got on the bus, Li Fei had to take the position of the co-pilot. Jane directly locked the car door. The reason was magnificent. The front glass window was transparent and not safe enough.

Li Fei did not provoke Jane’s intentions. When he saw it, he sighed and said: "But usually, this ability has no warning effect, because there are too many people watching me."


Although it is the truth, it sounds a bit itchy.

"Don't wear thermal underwear and sweaters, clothes add a few layers. If you can't stop the bullets, thick clothes can come in handy." Jane said with a blank expression, he doesn't believe that wearing a ball, there are people who can See the true face of Li Fei.

Winter is a good season for disguising travel.

They came to the coffee shop in order to set a trap for the killer hook of the Holy Gate organization.

Although the store was not publicly funded by Li Fei, Li Fei did not think about concealing this point. Someone took a photo of Li Fei at the door of the coffee shop a year ago.

Since the other side has been lurking for a long time, Huaicheng is in the vicinity of Haicheng, where it is suitable for the rabbits.

After this incident, the coffee shop just closed down, and the assassin did not think that Li Fei would return here.

"After all, the decoration of this shop is also a lot of painstaking work, it is a pity!" Li Fei said to himself.

"When the powers of various countries break out of war, closing the door will not stop the damage. You pray that it is lucky enough!"

Li Fei heard the dissatisfaction in Jianhua's tone. After thinking about it for a reason, he immediately referred the topic back to the business: "There is not much information in the computer, a domestic email address, and a foreign account. The account is registered. In a foreign forum, it seems that it has nothing to do with the organization of the Holy Land. The content of the forum is rugby matches, as well as the weather conditions in various continents of the United States."

"and so?"

"Maybe it's a scorpion, there is a password in it, but in the absence of a password book comparison, we took useless and handed it to Red Dragon!" Li Fei said easily, "The problem is the domain name of the forum, laniakea."


"The Red Dragon didn't tell you the author's name for this book?"

A sudden brake told Li Fei that the answer is no.

"This is not particularly important information." Li Fei quickly changed his mouth.

Jane looked at the slow moving traffic ahead, decisively hit the steering wheel and drove the car into the underground parking lot of a chain supermarket.

"Notify the Red Dragon, let them take the backup car key to pick up the car!" Jane indicated that Li Fei walked home with himself. "For safety, this car is looking for a car borrowed from the Red Dragon, since it has appeared at the door of the coffee shop. Just don't drive back."

"..." clearly said, no one is monitoring.

Be cautious first, this is not wrong!

Li Fei walked out of the parking lot. He estimated that there would be about five kilometers from Jianhua’s home. If you walked... Oh, it’s good to follow the road.

It would be better if it were not the winter in the south.

The cold and cold wind blew on the face, and despite the scarf covering half of the face, Li Fei still wanted to use the ability to warm.

More trouble than cold, of course, is Jane’s mood -

"Nania Kia is the author of the novel "Abandoner", the pen name is laniakea, I have checked the word, the meaning is very interesting."

Jane is next to him, waiting to hear the following.

He is easily attracted by Li Fei, and the other party reveals the secret and talks about the things that can make Jane put down his distracting thoughts and involuntarily follow Li Fei's topic.

"The earth belongs to the solar system, the solar system belongs to the Milky Way, what does the Milky Way belong to?"


"The Milky Way belongs to the laniakea super-galaxies. The place where we stand, the range in which we can live for a lifetime, will not exceed the space represented by the name laniakea. Isn't it very interesting?"

"Opening this is a story about American heroic novels. It is a science fiction novel that is barely marginal. The sci-fi authors use this pen name to be nothing unusual." Jane does not agree with Li Fei's words. This is just a coincidence, no need. Contact yourself to sigh the fate.

"Not angry?"


Jane turned his head and accelerated his pace.

The author has something to say: laniakea, Hawaiian, meaning endless paradise

Outcast, abandoned, exiled...

"outcast", so you know, this is just a small trick that I play, no practical meaning ╯▽╰(╯▽╰)╭


The observed universe is like a capillary map (feeding), anyway, it is a fibrous divergent structure. The laniakea superclusters are one of the segments.

The official translation of laniakea seems to be Rania Kea.

But I seem to see a translated Chinese name called Blue Sky, or Lan Tian? (I don't know right or wrong)

Ok, tomorrow I will change the pen name to Lantian Guest (what ghost), referred to as Lantian, and write it more convenient than the current name.