MTL - I’m Really a Superstar-Chapter 1614 [The embassy is coming! 】

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The live broadcast stopped and the awards were over.

Everyone has got up and left the seat. Several Nobel Prize winners of this year are naturally the focus of the whole audience. Many friends and peers congratulate each other, and reporters are the same. In previous years, the awards ceremony was scattered, and the media reporters from all over the world would surround the Nobel Prize winners and would like to get a first interview after the award. However, today's atmosphere is somewhat subtle. When the live footage is closed, all media reporters are moving!

"Zhang Yu teacher!"

"Teacher Zhang!"

"I am British TV!"

"I am a reporter for American TV!"

"I am the Canadian media!"

"Please accept the interview!"

“Can you delay two minutes?”

Countless people look at Zhang Wei around, they just blinked their eyes, and the media in various countries have surrounded Zhang Wei!

Economics award winner?

The winner of the physics award?

The winner of the mathematics award?

There is not a reporter in the past!

Almost all the reporters were crazy and took the microphone and ran towards the camera. Several foreign reporters couldn’t squeeze in, and even squatted there, kneeling on the ground and stuffing the microphone from the heap. That scene, that squad, don't mention it.

Xiao Wang was flattered.

Hazzi is busy: "One by one, one by one!"

Zhang Wei kept smiling and stood patiently waiting for them to ask questions.

This is an opportunity to be able to go to national media TV stations. It is also an opportunity to win international fame. For the star of Zhang Wei, this opportunity is very rare. He certainly will not refuse.

A Spanish female reporter asked: "Have you ever thought about taking the Nobel Peace Prize?"

It may be too urgent to say that she used Spanish directly. After she reacted, she quickly wanted to translate it again in English.

As a result, Zhang Wei directly answered her in Spanish. "Really, I didn't think about it. This award is really unexpected."

The Spanish female reporter looked wrong. "You, can you speak Spanish?"

Zhang Xiao smiled and said, "It will be a little."

The Spanish female reporter said: "Is there a version of "Gone with the Wind" in Spanish?"

Zhang Xiao smiled and said: "It will be."

A German journalist over there was also busy: "Is your winning speeches on the spot?"

"Yes." Zhang Wei actually said in German: "I said, I really didn't think of this award, so I said something I thought of myself, and I feel it."

German reporters are also dumbfounded!

German you too?

The reporters around me also heard it one by one!

Can you speak the language of so many countries? You are too professional!




Zhang Wei is a reporter for all countries.

Until the end, a Chinese reporter had spent a lot of effort to squeeze in and hurriedly said: "Mr. Zhang, I am CCTV! I am CCTV!"

Zhang Yan smiled and said: "You said."

The Chinese reporter hurriedly said: "First of all, congratulations to you first, and won the first Nobel Prize for China. But when the awards were just announced, I saw many people in the world questioned that you are a grassroots and worthy of the Nobel Prize. It is said that many people are more qualified than you to win this award. In previous years, this award was also taken by leaders of various countries. The identity, status, and level are all very different from you. What do you think?"

Xiao Wang looked at Zhang Wei.

Haqiqi also looked dignified, this question is not easy to answer.

But who knows that Zhang Wei is smiling, said: "I agree with this point of view."

At this moment, he remembered a famous quote from Guo Degang.

The Chinese reporter said: "Ah?"

Zhang Xiao smiled. "I am a grassroots."

The Chinese reporter subconsciously said: "Oh, is it?"

Zhang slammed his fingers and said: "What is grassroots? Ginseng, Ganoderma lucidum, Cordyceps sinensis."


Ganoderma lucidum?

Every time he said one, the next person fainted!

Are you **** that is the grassroots?

What you said are more expensive than gold!

Zhang Yan sighed: "It's all these things that can't be on the table. We can't compare the fragrant buds in the sheds of the people's sheds, oh yeah, Chinese cabbage." He said with a thumbs up, "There are many people." green!"

Chinese reporters sprayed!

Xiao Wang: "..."

Haqiqi: "..."

They both laughed and laughed.

Meeting foreign journalists may also be a problem of language restrictions. Zhang Wei said it is good. However, when I met a Chinese reporter, Zhang Wei’s mouth was not serious. The language of his country, Zhang Wei, had already used the peak, and the monks did not have dirty words.

The interview is over.

Reporters from all over the world have gained a lot.

At this time, Zhang Hao’s friends have also come over!

Anna is excited: "Zhang, congratulations!"

Zhang Hao reached out and hugged her. "Thank you Professor Anna."

Anthony laughed. "You can be famous this time!"

Professor Hans laughed and said: "Zhang, are you going to treat you?"

"Okay." Zhang Yan smiled and said: "I will treat you in a while, I have to come!"

Suddenly, Hazizi’s face changed slightly, “Zhang Dao!”

Zhang Wei looked at her.

I saw Haziqi facing the outside Nunu mouth.

Several British policemen came.

Bangalore, beside them, was pointing at the direction of Zhang Wei with anger, saying something, and not knowing when he would call the police.

The scene was quiet!

Many people have looked at it here.

The British police chief headed: "Is it Zhang Hao?"

Zhang Wei has not spoken yet.

Bangalore is loud: "It's him!"

Anthony took the first two steps. "What are you doing?"

The British police said: "We are looking for Zhang Wei to understand some situations, please let me go."

Zhang Hao pulled La Anthony and said: "Nothing, I will handle it."

Suddenly, a large number of people came in outside.

At first glance, the seven or eight people were all Chinese. Everyone was wearing a suit. It was a formal one, and many people at the scene were stunned.

Headed by the Chinese humanity: "Wait a minute!"

The British police turned back, "Well?"

The Chinese headed directly issued the certificate. "We are the Chinese Embassy. Professor Zhang Wei is a special visa person, so you can't take him away. If anything, you can talk to me."


The embassy is coming?

Bangalore is black!

Anthony was relieved.

Felicia is also relieved.

They know that if there is an embassy, ​​this matter should be solved soon.

Zhang Wei and Haqi Qi did not expect to surprise the Chinese embassy in the United Kingdom. This treatment is not available to anyone!

The people at the Chinese Embassy are very tough.

The British police also had to ask the superiors, this is not an event they can handle.

Ten minutes later.

The communication between the two parties is completed.

The people at the embassy told Zhang Weidao: "Professor Zhang, you can go."

Zhang Wei asked: "Is this all right?"

The person at the embassy said: "You should go back to the hotel to rest first. We will come to communicate with them after the follow-up. If you have finished the settlement, you can return to China. We will arrange the tickets. This is what Ambassador Lin has deliberately made, so that you are good. Rest, other things don't matter."

Zhang Wei thanked: "I am in trouble for you."

The man at the embassy smiled. "You know it, don't be so impulsive next time."

In fact, before Zhang Hao came to the UK, the Chinese military had greeted the people at the Chinese Embassy in the UK through official channels. They must ensure that Zhang Wei’s safety in the UK is guaranteed. If something goes wrong, he will do whatever it takes. Zhang Wei sent back to China. The people in the embassy are of course aware of what Zhang Wei means to China. That is the top three people in China’s list of key protection scientists, not to mention a person who has won the Nobel Peace Prize trophy for China. Can be an accident, but Zhang Hao can't go wrong!

So they are coming.

I took Zhang Hao directly.

Many people are stunned when they see it!