MTL - I’m Really a Superstar-Chapter 1641 ["War Wolf 2" premiere (below)]

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The film is still going on.

At the beginning of the game, everyone caught the eyeballs. The theater was silent, and there was no more discussion. Everyone stared at them and wanted to see how the plot developed. I wanted to know the story of the cold front. The following plot has already aroused their strong interest.


On the screen.

The lens is reversed.

The demolition team demolished the houses.

Zhang Wei escorted his comrades ashes back home.

Zhang Hao shot.

Was expelled from military status.

go to jail.

The name of the special forces in the special forces of the wolf was also brought out.


The picture turns.


Yao Jiancai appeared.

"Everyone is Chinese, is that okay?"

"Hey, I started from 3 pm on the 14th of last month, it is not Chinese."

At the beginning of the gun battle, the civil strife broke out. The gun battles in the streets and supermarkets in Africa saw the following people tremble and nervous.

"What should we do now?"

"Chinese Embassy."

"Go to the embassy! They will take us! We are Chinese!"

"What do we do then?"

"Do they take us?"

“It’s hard to say, that’s our country.”

There was a lot of laughter in the theater.

Chinese people?

Are you now a Chinese?



Chinese warships are urgently evacuating overseas Chinese.

“There are forty-seven employees in the factory. What’s even more frightening is that there is also Dr. Chen from the aid group. He is the number one target of fear-terror-sub-sub.”

"From Lochino to Saint-Fran, it has been completely blocked. Without the permission of the United Nations, our combatants are forbidden to enter the war zone."

"This evacuation operation is of great importance. I must let all Chinese employees and Dr. Chen evacuate safely."

"Our personnel are prohibited from entering the war zone and must have a person to complete the task alone."

"I go."

"Stand up, what?"

"The former People's Liberation Army southeast military region special operations brigade wolf squadron, cold front!"



On the jeep.

"Parking! Parking!"

"Parking! I have to get off!"

The car stopped.

Sophia went on the door and left without a few steps. There were several lions in the picture who were eating a tiger's body. Sophia slid her hair and shrugged her shoulders. She turned her head in silence and slowly returned to the car and closed the door.

"The Marine Corps came to pick you up."


The theater people have already laughed.



African factory.

Small money is always on the scene.

"Have you seen it? Have you played this gun?"

"This wolf is that I used this gun."

"Men should play this, don't be afraid, I will take responsibility for your safety from now on."

Mercenaries attacked the factory.


"My legs, my leg is hurt!"

" are fine!"

Everyone in the theater is laughing.

But in the end, no one thought that the role of the small money went through a transformation from a boy to a man. When the role played by the small money was fiercely shot and killed by a majestic mercenary, the passage actually detonated the audience.

"Your mother didn't tell you that children don't want to play with guns?"


"Your mom didn't tell you not to bully the bear child!"

The audience underneath was amazed by the "wow"!



"Report, phone location locked!"

"Report, target lock!"

"Report, we get the superiors -"

"Open fire!!!!!!"

Shu Han's eyes are red!

Ning Lan is boiling!

Many people in the theater have fallen into tears!


"The front is the battle zone."

"We can't go."

All the muzzles are aimed at them.

All tanks are aiming at them.

"What about the flag?"

"it's here."


When Zhang Wei hangs a five-star red flag on his arm, when the car slowly sails to the battle zone, the entire theater is quiet!

"It's Chinese!"

"Stop shooting!"

"Stop shooting!"

"It's Chinese!"

National flag!

It is the Chinese flag!

Li Ke's tight fist!

Zhang Wei’s parents are in awesome mood!

Many stars have tears in their eyes!




They all came up at this moment!


At the end of the film is a Chinese passport.

Everyone watching the movie is a glimpse.


What does it mean?

At this time, on the back of the passport, there was a line of words.

Seeing this line of words, all the people watching the scene can not be their own, there seems to be a lot of emotions in the heart, all of which broke out at this moment!

"Citizen of the People's Republic

"When you are in danger overseas."

"do not give up."

"please remember."

"Behind you."

"There is a strong motherland."


one second.

Two seconds.

Three seconds.

Silence in the theater!

Suddenly, when the ending songs sounded, when the cast list slipped on the big screen, the entire theater exploded at this moment!

Zhang Wei’s mother stood up and said, “Good!!!”

Dad is also excited.

Li Ke got up and applauded!

Several directors around me slap their hands in amazement!

Ning Lan is applauding!

Zhang Xia raised her thumb!

Shu Han almost jumped up!

The whole audience stood up!

The whole audience sounded another piece of applause!

Half a minute!

One minute!

The applause has never stopped!

Hazi Qi shouted: "Great! This is great!"

Sophia cried!

Xiao Wang cried!

Jasper and a few American actors are still staring at the screen incredibly!

Yao Jiancai and Dong Shanshan and other actors in the cast also looked at each other with shock!

All the insiders and stars in the theater were shocked!

Even the actors of the "War Wolf 2" crew were shocked!

They really can't imagine what kind of domestic movie they saw today!

Although I haven’t said anything on the mouth, I have seen Zhang Wei before, everyone is congratulations and congratulations. Basically, they are all beautiful words. But they have no doubt in their hearts that it is definitely a fake, a layman, a pure outside the film circle. The layman suddenly wants to make a movie. Who can’t say a word? Many people are afraid that Zhang Wei’s new movie will make a difference. He is afraid that he will shoot according to variety and TV series, and that will definitely make a joke. But now, they found that they wanted more, Zhang Hao really is Zhang Wei, and sure enough, his mother is still the "king of the cross."






Special effects.



Impeccable from start to finish!

Seamless from the inside out!

He is really good!

He really understands!

He really will!

Is this Zhang Wei’s new movie?

Is this the "Wolf Wolf 2"?

Can a movie with no small meat be so good?

Can you make this 3D effect without a Hollywood team?

Can our domestic movies be made like this? ?

Media reporters, industry directors, and many stars, today, everyone who comes to the "War Wolf 2" premiere has a deep shock!