MTL - I’m Really a Superstar-Chapter 1686 [Dian Hou's illness? 】

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A few days later.




Zhang Ye wrapped tightly and returned home quietly.

When he got off the plane, the car from his studio came to pick him up, and when he got on the car, Zhang Ye gave him a string of addresses that Ning Lan gave him to the driver. Without even returning home, he went straight to that address. There was still a stall on the road. I bought a drawer of Xiaolongbao, two fried dough sticks, and a bowl of tofu nao. He was also hungry after making a plane overnight. He ate it hungrily, and praised it with anger. It smells good, it's still delicious from the motherland. It's a pity that the time is tight and I didn't eat the fried liver, so Zhang Ye decided that he would have to cook the fried liver before returning to the United States.

after an hour.

The car has arrived.

I looked at my watch, it was just after eight o'clock in the morning.

The guard stopped the car to prevent strangers from entering.

"Who are you looking for?" the guard said hard.

Zhang Ye got out of the car, "I'm looking for Zhang Yuanqi."

The guard was taken aback, and said vigilantly: "Reporter?"

Zhang Ye said, "Friends."

The guard looked at him, lowered his head and picked up the phone to make a call, "Hey, I am the community guard, someone is looking for Sister Zhang--" Then he looked up and asked, "What do you call?"

Zhang Ye said, "Zhang Ye."

The guard shook his feet and almost fell there, "Huh?"

Zhang Ye took off his sunglasses.

The guard hurriedly said to the phone: "It's really Teacher Zhang Ye!"

After a while, a girl wandered out of the villa area, pulling her head while she was walking, "Really? Where is it?"

The doorman beckoned.

The girl was also happy at the sight, "Oh! It's really Teacher Zhang!"

Zhang Ye smiled and said, "Is Old Zhang at home?"

The girl said: "I'm here."

Zhang Ye looked at her, "Are you?"

Ma Fei said: "I am her cousin, my name is Ma Fei."

Zhang Ye exclaimed, "Good name, refreshing!"

Maffey: "...Aren't you making a movie in Hollywood? Why did you return home? I didn't see it in the news?"

Zhang Ye smiled and said, "He came back stealthily, there is something to do with Lao Zhang."

Maffey didn't ask much, "You come in with me."

The entrance of a villa.

Ma Fei opened the door and brought Zhang Ye into the room.

Ma Fei said loudly: "Sister, your friend is here."

The TV in the living room is on. From Zhang Ye’s perspective, a woman can be seen watching TV on the sofa with Erlang’s legs tilted, but only the back can be seen. With Zhang Ye’s familiarity with Zhang Yuanqi, of course, I know that this person is her. It was still Zhang Ye seeing Laozhang again after four years. There was no news of Zhang Yuanqi since he was in jail. After he came out, he knew that Lao Zhang had long since retired from the entertainment circle and had never had a chance to meet him.

Four years in a flash.

Time flies so fast.

Zhang Ye smiled and said, "Sister Zhang, it's been a long time since I saw you."

The woman on the sofa didn't turn her head, "Sit down and pour water by yourself."

Ma Fei rolled her eyes, "I'll do it, Teacher Zhang, don't mind, my sister has always had this temper, you may not know."

Zhang Ye smiled and said, "Can I not know?"

After Zhang Ye returned, he had listened to others and read the news of the year. Zhang Yuanqi was exposed because of his hidden temperament and personality. At that time, there were many people who blacked him, saying that she was the same person before. The latter one has turned from fans to black, and the media is also adding fuel to the fire, so much so that many of Zhang Jie’s friends did not interact with her at that time. Things really made a lot of noise that year. It can be said that the whole country. The entertainment industry has suffered a major earthquake. Zhang Ye was not surprised by this incident, because he might be the only person in the entertainment industry who knew Lao Zhang's temper before the incident was exposed.

Ma Fei was startled, "You knew it before?"

Zhang Ye said, "Does she still drink every day?"

Ma Fei said: "What are you drinking, your body will no longer work."

Zhang Ye said, "Sick?"

Ma Fei said, "Isn't it?"

Zhang Yuanqi said: "If you talk too much, pour your water."

"All right, you talk about you." Ma Fei hummed away.

Zhang Ye walked over to the sofa, sat next to her, and stared at her for a long time, "Okay, it hasn't changed. You have lost a lot of weight?"

Zhang Yuanqi also looked at him, "You are fat."

Zhang Ye asked: "Retired?"

Zhang Yuanqi said lightly: "Leave early."

Zhang Ye smacked his lips and said, "Isn't it because the fans knew about your temper? What's the big deal? Even though you were scammed at the time, how many years have passed since? Now, many of your fans are waiting for you to come back, and your old friends are waiting for you to fight again."

Zhang Yuan said, "It's good to stay at my house."

Zhang Ye said: "Actually, I think it was good to expose you back then. I can just talk about my temper. If I have something, isn't it my temper? How many people have scolded me for so many years? You see me less Is there a piece of meat? Dude, isn't this also going to Hollywood? It's good for you, let yourself go, come back out of the world, and return to the entertainment circle with a brand-new attitude! "This product starts to pour chicken soup as soon as it passes.

Zhang Yuanqi probably also understood, "What the **** is going on?"

Zhang Ye coughed, "Didn't I just pick up a new animated movie? There is a voice-over character, so I can't find anyone anymore. Give me a hit."

Zhang Yuanqi didn't even think about it and said, "Don't go."

Zhang Ye sternly said: "How many years have been friends, are you bored?"

Zhang Yuanqi said: "You find someone else to try."

Zhang Ye said, "Do you think I didn't look for it? I searched it all over, and it was all inappropriate."

Zhang Yuanqi watched the TV and said, "I retired early, don't ask me for affairs of the world."

Zhang Ye pointed to the screen and said, "You still watch the entertainment news after you quit?"

"Can I read the news?" Zhang Yuanqi said.

Zhang Ye said: "The favor you owed me back then hasn't been repaid yet."

Zhang Yuanqi: "Forgot."

Zhang Ye said, "Hurry up and play one for me."

Zhang Yuanqi categorically said: "No performance."

Talk about film pay.

Talk about friendship.

Fill chicken soup.

Zhang Ye tried everything to no avail.

Old Zhang seemed to be determined.

Zhang Ye finally moved out his family's words, "We are both surnamed Zhang (Zhang). We were in the same family five hundred years ago. Are you embarrassed to watch my family dream of breaking Hollywood?"

Maffey heard it and almost vomited blood.

My son, your sister!

Both of you are surnamed ZHANG!

But is that a **** character?

Ma Fei walked over and said, "Teacher Zhang, don't make it difficult for my cousin. She really can't help you now. Didn't you see that my sister's face is not good? She is sick and has to go to the hospital for a while."

Zhang Ye asked: "What's the disease?"

Zhang Yuanqi suddenly coughed.

Zhang Ye disapproved, "Have you a cold? What kind of hospital do you go to, buddy, isn't this a ready-made doctor? I'll see a doctor. If it's cured, you will go to Hollywood with me tomorrow?"

Zhang Yuanqi didn't even look at him, "If you want to get a good cure, I will follow you today."

Zhang Ye slapped his thigh and laughed, "What you want is what you want." After that, he pointed to Ma Fei and said, "Sister, you heard me too, give me a testimony."

Ma Fei said silently: "Okay, I will testify to you, but you can't cure it."

Zhang Ye happily said, "You are arguing with me? Isn't this a little ill?" After speaking, he grabbed Zhang Yuanqi's arm and squeezed it pretendingly.

Zhang Yuanqi frowned, "What are you doing?"

Zhang Ye calmly said: "The pulse."

Zhang Yuanqi: "..."

Maffey: "Can you do it?"

Zhang Ye said, "Trust the doctor."

Zhang Ye didn't take it seriously, wasn't it just a cold and a cough?

Not long after, he turned his head and left without saying a word. After about half an hour, this man was holding two big steamed buns in his hand and he didn’t know which Chinese pharmacy grabbed the medicine and threw it to Ma Fei at will. Sister has cooked it, it's almost time to call me." When the time was almost over, Zhang Ye sent the people away, opened his game ring, took out a bottle of unknown liquid from the inventory, and poured it into the traditional Chinese medicine soup. .

The item is called [Healthy Spring Water].

The role is: to restore physical injuries.