MTL - Immortal Emperor: Reborn in the Mixed City-Chapter 5408 If the water boundary

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The fifth thousand four hundred and eighth chapter if the water boundary

If the water boundary.

The region is, as its name suggests, humid.

After the boundary-piercing boat completely flew into this boundary, Su Yan slowly walked up to the air vent at the top.

He could clearly feel that there was a strong water vapor in this realm.

As soon as he reached out and grabbed it, Su Yan could feel that there were a lot of water droplets in the palm of his hand, and the moisture in the air was frighteningly thick!

The divine essence on the body surface turned slightly, drying the wet clothes again.

Su Yan looked around and saw that there was not a single piece of land in the hundreds of miles of area, it was all sea water.

As expected of the Ruoshui realm!

Most of the entire realm is water.

As the Boundary-breaking Boat slowly moved forward, fishing boats began to appear below.

These fishing boats are constantly throwing something into the water.


The streamer burst out, and the terrifying dragon beast was drilling out.

Many of these dragon beasts are powerful in the realm of transformation.

At this time, these dragon beasts are being slaughtered frantically.

The blood water has dyed the water's surface blood red.

The fishy smell floated up from the water, and it could be smelled even thousands of miles away.

"Your Majesty, there is a problem with this boundary!"

Obsidian Great Elder Divine Mind glanced around, his face extremely solemn.

"I can feel that this realm has been secretly controlled by someone at this time, and the strength of the person who shoots is definitely not easy!"

Su Yan nodded calmly, he could feel that the water vapor in Fang Ruoshui's realm had now become a plaything for outsiders.

This person, at least the powerhouse who controls the avenue of water!

It seems that the arrival of this group of people has all fallen into the eyes of the other party.

I don't know how powerful this strong man is.

The area of ​​the Tibetan Blue Continent is only 80,000 miles.

On the land, there are four major kingdoms, eight major sects, and the rest of the small forces emerge one after another.

At this time, the leaders of these powerful forces have gathered together at this time.

The lords are high above, and the heads of the sects are sitting below.

The headed man was wearing cool clothes at this time, ignoring his exposed body, and his face was full of gentle smiles.

"Everyone, today is a good time for us to make a big move together. Now God will return to us. If the water realm occupies the right time and place, we should be able to become a dominant force!"

"In order to welcome the return of our Water Orchid God, I suggest that I will sweep the three surrounding areas together."

"What do you guys think?"'

Wearing a golden crown on his head, the burly man who stood up was the famous Emperor of the Crazy Dragon Empire on the mainland.

As he opened his mouth, there were immediately three openings in the sect below to support him.

The man Manchester United looked expectantly at Shui Lan Shen Jiang, his eyes full of longing.

God will take action, and he will be able to sweep the surrounding realm powerhouses!

As long as the surrounding realm powerhouses can be cleaned up, the Shuilan realm can completely gain a firm foothold and become the overlord!

Once he becomes the overlord, the power and strength of the entire Tibetan Blue Continent will increase dramatically.

How powerful is this!

"Sweeping the surrounding realm?"

Divine General Shuilan frowned, looking at the emperor below, the divine light flashed in his eyes.

"You are too arrogant. If you want to sweep the surrounding realm, do you think you can do it with your strength?"

Emperor Kuanglong raised his brows, how could he hold his breath now that the majesty of the emperor over the years was being provoked.

But this one is not an outsider, but a divine general!

He is a genius carefully cultivated in the southern Tibetan continent.

"Don't be unhappy, the reason why I remind you is to make you feel better. There are more than 20 gods who will come this time. Do you think there will be no better than me?"

"I heard that the top ten monsters have already appeared, saying that they want to find the junior with the treasure of the gods and take away the opportunity, but I know the inside story will never be so simple."

"The other party is preparing to take the opportunity to integrate the lower realm. Once the integration is completed, I am afraid that the Bingding realm will merge into one!"

He let out a breath of foul breath, and the corners of Shui Lan Shen Jiang's mouth rose.

"You don't know yet, there is a divine general in the realm around us. If I am not wrong, the one who descends is one of the top ten divine generals, Xingyan!"

Everyone's faces froze instantly.

Xingyan, this is a legend, a genius who has cultivated for tens of thousands of years and stepped into the gods, and after entering the B-level realm, he has even upgraded his cultivation to the late stage of the gods within ten thousand years.

Now, this terrifying powerhouse has returned, and he is now in the C-level realm?

The body trembled, and everyone looked at the Shuilan God General in unison.

"He pursued you back then, will he attack you now when he comes back?"

The emperor of the Kaiyu Empire couldn't help but speak.

Everyone was worried for a while.

God General Shui Orchid was the one who rejected Xingyan, a terrifying powerhouse. If the other party still has a soft spot for God General Shui Orchid, he might cause huge trouble.

"Why, are you scared now?"

Shui Lan Shen Jiang looked at everyone with pity, his eyes were full of sneer.

"Do you still want to tie me up and give it to Xinghuo?"

The voice of Shuilan God General was deafening, causing everyone to bow their heads in unison.

Now, she is a **** general, a powerful person in the later stage of the **** general. Although she can't beat the spark in the outside world, she is 100% sure to repel that **** in the Ruoshui realm!

"Don't dare!"

A group of people bowed their heads.

The Shui Lan Shen Jiang was silent for a moment, and she slowly pointed behind her.

The dark golden stars lit up, and the dark golden light illuminated Shuilan Shenjiang's slender body like a fairy.

But she knew in her heart that this group of people did not dare, they were obviously too daring!

As long as they are given a chance, they will definitely try their best to give themselves to Xingyan.

Just want to be attached to the strong, this is the mentality of the people in the C-level realm and the D-level realm after entering the B-level realm.


The powerhouses in the B-level realm will only watch from the sidelines, and will not agree to have too much contact with this group of practitioners who go to the lower realm.

The reason why she, the **** general of Shui Lan, was able to walk all the way to the teacher's seat, was all because of her own talent in the water element.

Especially on the road of water, she can now be called the ruler of the entire Ruoshui realm.

With just one thought, the entire Ruoshui Realm can be brought back into view.

Suddenly, the brows of the Shuilan gods jumped wildly.

A world-breaking boat slowly entered the realm. In the world-breaking boat, there were several powerful breaths permeating the air. From these breaths, there was a sense of horror.

But this feeling came and went quickly.

Shui Lan Shen Jiang narrowed his eyes, this time it seemed that some great character appeared.

Could it be a private visit by a powerhouse in the B-level realm?

"All cheer me up, there is a strong person here!"