MTL - Immortal Emperor: Reborn in the Mixed City-Chapter 5409 Water Orchid God

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Chapter 5409: Water Orchid God

"Master Wuyou, let your sect begin to accept the broken world boat."

"Let your disciples inquire about their intentions, you know what I mean!"

The voice of the Shuilan **** general just fell.

A group of chiefs immediately began to take out their own seals and give orders.

Followed by the orderly dissemination of orders.

The Dark Blue Continent has undergone tremendous changes.

Lin Feng Sword Sect.

Zhao Qingyun is sitting on the highest main peak.

The mountain peaks as high as 10,000 meters have now allowed him to look at the sky and the ground, and nothing can escape his discernment.

Since he gave up the position of Sect Master and achieved the status of Supreme Elder, he is now the top powerhouse of the entire Lin Feng Sword Sect.

Also the person with the most power.

Zhao Qingshan didn't care about the rights, and gave them all to the disciple Wuyouzi.

Today's Wuyouzi has infinite scenery, stirring up the situation on the mainland, and even stirring up the situation in the mainland belonging to the Lin Fengjian faction with his own strength.

Cultivators have all joined the Lin Feng Sword Sect, and those who have not joined the Lin Feng Sword Sect are also friends with the Lin Feng Sword Sect.

Today's Lin Feng Sword Sect can already be regarded as one of the top forces in the Tibetan Blue Continent.

All of this is thanks to Wuyouzi.

As for him.

Happy to relax now.

Finally, there is no need to think about the future of the sect.

Breathing in and concentrating, Zhao Qingshan is ready to enter the cultivation state again.


The deafening voice came from the high altitude in the distance, causing Zhao Qingshan to slowly open his eyes.

That is!

Boundary boat?

Although there is a huge deer written on it, it looks like a deer family that has recently gained a lot of fame, but after all, you have to be careful.

Such forces that can cross borders are extremely powerful.

"Who is coming!"

After blocking the enemy with a palm to the sky, Zhao Qingshan's face gradually turned gloomy.

"This is the area of ​​my Lin Feng Sword Sect, why don't you say hello to the master if you want to pass by?"

The voice conveys thousands of miles high in the sky, which is something that only the peak of the late stage of the gods can do.

Zhao Qingshan's face is full of pride, he only needs a chance to enter the realm of the gods!

At that time, the status of the sect will be greatly improved again.

"Old friend Qingshan hasn't seen you for many years, why can't you even sense my breath?"

After laughing twice, the vigorous peak of the god-changing realm spread out, and the obsidian elder fell down like a falcon.

Su Yan glanced down.

Among the Lin Feng Sword Sect below, gods are everywhere now, and even the god-quality pearls that other realms long for are almost becoming food here.

Not to mention the divine materials such as those divine shells, which have long been used by them to build buildings.

Now it seems that this world has a unique charm.

"Boss, look!"

"Should we go down? In the process of testing, I heard that a **** will come to this realm. I want to find out the details of the other party."

Although the strength of Fengshen Divine General is not the peak of Divine General, but the strength is not trivial, just one magical power makes everyone feel as if they are about to die.

If Su Yan shot and killed the opponent quickly, they probably wouldn't be able to last long.

"I'll go."

Su Yan restrained the fluctuation of his own vitality, and quickly flew behind the Great Elder Obsidian.

"Is this your junior?"

Zhao Qingshan glanced at Su Yan curiously, his face full of emotion.

"You have already cultivated at the peak of the God Transformation Realm at a young age, you are really young and promising!"

In front of Su Yan, Zhao Qingshan turned his hand and stretched out.

"Come on, this is your Uncle Zhao's gift to you. You should be the disciple and grandson of the Great Elder Obsidian. This glove is yours now."

The corner of Zhao Qingshan's mouth rose, his gloves were not simple, it was an artifact that his junior brother received when he went to the Tibetan Blue Continent.

But who let this be his friend's grandson!

"Fellow Daoist Zhao, you are too polite. Your Majesty... Bi Xuan, I told you about this. A friend of mine was a ruthless man who killed the Cangwu divine beast with one move."

"Do you know what kind of realm Cangwu is, that is the perfect realm of God Transformation Realm, and the two of us are only in the late stage of God Transformation Realm."

The elder Obsidian looked at Zhao Qingshan with a sigh.

"Fellow Daoist Zhao, I didn't expect you to hide in the Ruoshui Realm. It was so hard for me to find you."

"Hey, it's not because I used the sect artifact given by the master back then, which caused the sect to be unstable for ten years. After I returned to the sect, I was arrested and placed in charge."

With a bitter smile, Zhao Qingshan looked towards Po Jiezhou instead.

"Are you following the broken world boat to travel around?"

Elder Obsidian smiled and said nothing.

Su Yan's face was calm.

"We are here this time to have a good talk with the guardians of your realm!"


Zhao Qingshan's face changed slightly, he hurriedly stepped forward and stared at the two of them.

"What do you mean, you want to meet the overlord of our Ruoshui realm?"

"It hasn't been long since she returned, and you have arrived in our realm. Could it be that you are from Xingyan?"

A trace of fierce light flashed in Zhao Qingshan's eyes.

Su Yan shook his head.

"Xingyan, we don't know who this person is, but I know that as long as we can meet each other, we will be good allies."

"Since you're not from Xingguang, I urge you to leave quickly. This guy has been thinking about our Ruoshui Realm's Shuilan God General, and now he will attack our entire Ruoshui Realm after he arrives. I'm afraid he will be the first. Time to use us to threaten the water orchid **** general."

"With the temperament of a divine general, I will definitely agree to that bastard's rude conditions!"

Zhao Qingshan was angry.

Su Yan looked at Zhao Qingshan with a calm expression.

"You mean, Xingyan is also a divine general, and he is still a powerhouse from above?"

"What is your current cultivation base, Shuilan God General?"

"God will be in the late early stage!"

Zhao Qingshan smiled bitterly and glanced at the two of them.

"I just got an order from the sect master, saying that I would invite the broken world boat to come to our sect to make a deal, but I didn't expect it to be you!"

Shaking his head, Zhao Qingsha waved.

"Obsidian, let your ship come down, we will start trading, and then you must leave as soon as possible."

"Our **** general is also preparing for the battle against Xingyan. If you make her feel doubts, I'm afraid you will be attacked!"

"Even if my status is not easy now, there is no way for her to let you go."

The Great Elder Obsidian sighed, pulled Su Yan, turned around and left.

Lu Qingshan has also controlled the Boundary Breaking Boat to slowly land.

At this moment, a sun suddenly appeared outside the sky.

"Shui Lan, I know that you have returned to the Ruoshui Realm. If you agree to be with me, come out quickly, or don't blame me for using my magical powers to make your entire Ruoshui Realm suffer a drought!"

Loud voices spread throughout the realm.

"how dare you!"

The female voice is amazing!