MTL - Immortal Emperor: Reborn in the Mixed City-Chapter 5410 arrival

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The fifth thousand four hundred and tenth chapter is coming


In the broken world boat, the elder Obsidian glanced at the sect of his old friend and looked at the sky.

"Your Majesty, it seems that we don't need to make enemies this time to get the Ruoshui Realm."

Touching his beard, the elder Obsidian's face was full of contentment.

"Why, there are many fierce beasts in this realm, and the strong must also gather like clouds. How can we easily control the Ruoshui realm?"

Lu Qingshan's face was full of confusion.

The piercing boat also slowly stopped, and the formations on the surface were lit up one after another.

Above, Zhao Qingshan's voice sounded.

"Disciples, follow the old man to preside over the sword formation!"

A sword light soared into the sky and flew out of the realm.

Above the sword light, there is a great cultivator who has reached the level of a **** general with Yuanshen fluctuations.

"Is this the strength of the old friend's sect? It seems that the sect's background that can cultivate the primordial spirit and generals is not as simple as I thought!"

With emotion, the elder Obsidian glanced at the sky.

All the practitioners of the Lin Feng Sword Sect turned into swords in the sky at this time.

This approach is really eye-opening.

Su Yan looked at the sky calmly.

A monk turned into a sword?

Although these methods are miraculous, they are just tricks that have been played badly in the fairy world.

Although it is the lower realm of the gods, it is the realm of the gods after all. Could it be that there are other magical means hidden in it?

Right now.

Above the sky, God General Soul Cultivator has broken through the realm, and the sword behind him is aimed at the front and beheaded fiercely.

The pitch-black sword light suddenly rushed forward, and the solid power of the realm slammed into the opponent's weapon with a crisp sound.

The dark golden light suddenly illuminated one side.

"God General Soul Cultivator dares to be presumptuous in front of me, courting death!"

The fire was blazing into the sky, and a fist slammed down.

The soul cultivator in the realm of God was instantly smashed on the surface of the realm with a punch.

Soul repair fell.

The world throbbed.

The long sword also quickly disintegrated.


A mouthful of blood spurted out, and Zhao Qingshan looked at the sky in horror.

What kind of monster is this, why is its strength so terrifying!

"Fellow Daoist Obsidian, I'm afraid you have to leave today, otherwise this person will enter our realm and the consequences will be unimaginable."

"This person must have the peak strength of the **** general in the later stage!"

"I can already clearly feel that there is a hint of divine opportunity in him."

"Xingyan came to the door, I am afraid that I am the **** general of the water realm, and the water orchid **** will be the opportunity for him to enter the realm of the gods."

Zhao Qingshan was extremely anxious.

He couldn't bear to watch his friend die because of his own sake.

"God will be in the peak realm in the later stage?"

Elder Obsidian smiled.

"Today, with me waiting to come, he is the grasshopper of the autumn queen."

"Look at it!"

The Great Elder chuckled again and again, and a stream of light shot into the sky behind him.

In front of everyone, the bean sprout-like shattering boat began to light up quickly.

Zhao Qingshan's heart was shaking, what did he see?

A full 100,000 formations were lit up in an instant, and the entire world-shattering boat was indestructible at this time. Even if he personally took action, he could not break the superimposed defensive power of these formations.

Is this the reliance of an old friend?

It's a pity that the Lin Fengjian faction has offended Xingyan today, and will definitely be exterminated in the future. It is better to entrust one or two of the sect disciples while the old friend is still there...

If the core of the water boundary.

Shui Lan's face changed constantly.

To go, or not to go?

Xinghuo is a domineering person and has no scruples in doing things.

If you don't make a move, you will definitely enter the realm and destroy it, and even if you win, you will be criticized.

Resistance, without the blessing of power outside the realm, will definitely fail.

What should I do?

Shui Lan's face changed wildly.

Just then, a meteor fell.

I can't help it!

"Damn, Xingyan, I'm going to let you die!"

A long sword broke through the sky and directly hit the meteor.

Meteor debris continued to fall into the sea, and an island appeared in an instant.

The Water Orchid God suddenly turned his inexhaustible body into rays of light and rushed out of the realm.

In the realm, Shuiguang Taotian flew towards the area where the Shuilan God General was located.

"You are so brave!"

Above the void, Xingyan stood out of thin air, and a dark red long sword in his hand began to bloom with a **** luster.

"Today, the old man will show you the consequences of not agreeing to the old man for many years."

"God will have supernatural powers, and the flames will fill the world!"

As Xingyan's voice fell, the sky and the ground were enveloped in flames.

Xingyan indifferently looked at the Shuilan divine general opposite him, his eyes full of disdain.

"Do you really think the old man is greedy for your body?"

"You don't even think about how talented the old man is. He needs to be jealous of your body. What kind of woman the old man has not tasted, even the sovereign's wife back then."

"The reason why I came to you today is because a Illuminating Pill has appeared in your body. As long as I can get this subsidiary product of Illuminating Skill, I will become the first of the younger generation to step into the realm of the gods. people!"

Xingyan's voice fell, and Shui Lan's face was red.

"court death!"

The figure is like a big wave, Shui Lan swept forward fiercely.

The sword light was like a wave in an instant.

The Star Fire God General stretched out his hand with an indifferent expression and pinched the sword edge.

"Have you felt it, the painful feeling of powerlessness has finally spread to you now."

"The pain of the old man for many years can finally let you feel it."

"Enjoy, the humiliation of the old man over the years can finally make you feel, and the fire is extinguished!"

The magical power converges, aiming at the water orchid and sweeping.

"how exciting."

"How can there be no audience for such a wonderful battle, you continue to perform, I want to see more."

Sitting down excitedly, Su Yan's eyes swept across the surface of Star Flame God's body.

"Interesting, you are still wearing second-grade divine weapon armor all over your body. It seems that you are not as strong as you said."

"Ignorance junior, court death!"

Xingyan turned his head, seeing Su Yan's comments and comments, the fire burst into the sky.

"Divine skill, start a prairie!"

The fire light slowly flew towards Su Yan.

No matter how Su Yan avoided, he did not completely avoid it.

Su Yan looked at the flames calmly, the treasured saber around his waist slowly unsheathed.

"One knife!"

"Divine skill, behead God!"

The knife light suddenly lit up, and then the flame was instantly extinguished.

God General Shui Lan was also stunned, staring blankly at the great change in front of him.

"how can that be!"

"It actually cut the flames in half!"

"This is the inextinguishable fire of the **** general realm, you..."

God General Shui Lan was confused. Isn't this young man the descendant of the Great Elder Obsidian? Why is his strength so terrifying?

Even in the low-level realm, he extinguished the flame of the god-general realm.

"Why, are you surprised, your moves are too weak, and you are not my opponent of swordsmanship at all, let it go, or I'm afraid you will force me to make a second move."

"If I make a second move, I'm afraid you will be finished!"

"Interesting, this is the first time I've been threatened. I, Xingyan, would like to experience it."