MTL - Immortal Emperor: Reborn in the Mixed City-Chapter 5597 dark side

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Chapter 5597 The Dark Side

If this kind of contract is spread and placed in the abyss, even the crazy ancient **** will wake up with a smile when he hears about it.

The young ancient **** thought sadly, but when he saw Su Yan watching him, he naturally couldn't hide anymore, he came out of the sarcoma, and manifested the young figure again, but it was blurred a lot, respectfully said.

"My lord, you are loyal to God, Ade is greeting you."


After finishing speaking, Ade unconsciously let out a snort, with a puzzled expression, but also joy.

That is, it seems that his madness is gone, at least he is sober a lot!

"So it turns out that the slave gods even took the initiative to sign the contract with the ancient gods, because after the contract is signed, they can be influenced by the spirit of the contract owner and suppress their own madness."

As an ancient god, Ade instantly understood the key.

Seeing this, Su Yan nodded slightly. A sober younger brother of the ancient **** is obviously more useful than a half-crazy one.

"It seems that I want to congratulate you. It seems that you have improved a lot. Take me to the passage you escaped from, and tell me by the way, what is hidden in the inheritance of the ancient gods you left during your lifetime."

"Yes, my lord, please go this way."

Ade respectfully guided Su Yan, leading him to a hidden place under the body of the ancient god.

As for Shenyi and the others, after the body of the ancient **** was shattered and Su Yan almost swallowed the entire body of the ancient god, the cover of the natural abyss no longer existed, and they easily escaped.

The four of them also respectfully followed behind Su Yan, looking at Ade, with inconceivable shock and disbelief in their eyes, what happened? Wasn't this ancient **** hostile to his own divine master? How could he be subdued in the blink of an eye!

Ever since they were able to escape from the shroud of the abyss, Shenyi and the others felt that all the miracles they could feel in this life had been experienced today.

What kind of strength and background does this "ancient god" that I happen to submit to have, not only broke through the devouring of the ancient **** who was regarded as insurvivable in the abyss, but also bound a real ancient **** with a contract? , turning it into a slave, it's simply...unimaginable anywhere!

And the ancient **** Ade didn't care about the eyes of these little ants, he only talked to Su Yan,

"My lord, the characteristics of the abyss that you have transformed look different from what I thought, so I am relieved. It seems that you have not been polluted, but it is best not to take it lightly, because you have taken the ancient gods after all. The blood transformation involves a huge problem!"

"When my consciousness left the inheritance of the ancient gods, I really didn't want to do anything. There is no conspiracy trap in it, but by devouring the ancient gods and then inheriting their uniqueness, there is an existence that even my consciousness did not imagine. The huge loophole I have seen is the uniqueness of the ancient gods, not only their authority, but also their madness!"

"Each ancient **** is unique, which constitutes their own, and the same is true of their madness, which is an integral part of them and cannot be separated at all. Therefore, after the consciousness of the ancient **** swallowed the flesh and blood of the ancient god, the rotten ancient **** Insanity and pollution have already been inherited by the consciousness during life."

"As he gets closer to the original ancient god, this kind of madness and pollution will also accumulate to the original level, until the original ancient **** is completely crazy, and his consciousness will be completely crazy when he was alive."

"This is really the only inheritance, all, the only inheritance that leaves nothing behind!"

"So, you have also transformed the blood of the ancient gods. It is best to pay attention to and worry about this problem. In fact, taking the path of God's Domain is weak, but it is very good."

Ade is talking, but also has some emotions.

"It is indeed the land of hope where the abyss was born. For the darkness of the abyss, although it is weak there, it is calm. If you go to the supreme by yourself, you will only have a strong will and will not be polluted by the abyss."

"So in fact, the ancient gods are also seeking the law of the realm of the gods. If you want to go to the abyss, be careful. The path of supremacy in the realm of the gods is actually very tempting to the ancient gods."

Ade was talking, and the few people descended all the way, had already stepped over the huge body of the ancient god, relied on the power of the abyss to pass through layers of "membranes", and finally landed on a place full of purple crystals, with countless eyeballs attached to it. Above it, a canyon that looks quiet and eerie.

"Here we are, this is the gap connecting God's Domain and the abyss. If you want to go to the abyss, my lord, you just need to cross it. However, there is a long distance and resistance inside, so it won't be smooth sailing."

Ade was standing in the canyon, leading Su Yan to a deep underground crack, and said respectfully.

Su Yan looked around, the power of the abyss here was obviously strong enough to touch a limit, various unique things of the abyss were born here, and the whispers of pure void could be heard, and the gap was even more of a pitch-black mist. There was so much fog that I couldn't see anything clearly.

"After the past, where will this lead to?"

Su Yan looked at the gap and asked calmly.

"It's hard to say. There is only one entrance connecting the two worlds, but the corresponding exit is not very fixed."

Ade is a respectful explanation.

Hearing this, Su Yan didn't hesitate, and immediately closed his eyes slightly, and the avatar of One Yuan Dao appeared, with a smile on his face, and also looked at the crack in the abyss.

"Then work hard for you, and come with me."

The other Su Yan said with a smile, and without any hesitation, he stepped into the crack!

Seeing this, Ade smiled wryly. He didn't expect that he would go back after finally escaping from the abyss. Although he didn't want to, he didn't dare to say anything.

After all, there was another Su Yan staring at the crack, he could only smile wryly, and jumped into the abyss together!

"Ancient God, then we will go too. Your other self needs someone to serve you, but God Five and the others will serve you well."

Seeing this, Shenyi and the other four bowed down devoutly, and immediately saw Su Yan nodding, and they also entered the crack of the abyss together.

The six people reunited in the crack, and Su Yan, who was standing at the mouth of the crack, shared the perspective from inside. The one who stayed outside and was in it saw the bizarre scenes in the crack.

The passage between the abyss and God's Domain does not look pure darkness like the outside, nor is it different from the void passage, there are countless lights and shadows flowing inside, not pure colors, but many scenes in the God's Domain that are happening one after another!

Here, he saw the broken Longevity God's Realm, even found the Holy Dynasty of the Empress Yin, and also found the Ferocious Beast God's Realm. It seemed that war had started again outside the two realms, and all the images of the heavens were projected here, mixed with a kind of extended The light in the sky is distorted and gradually leads to darkness. The abyss is indeed on the dark side of God's Domain!