MTL - Immortal Emperor: Reborn in the Mixed City-Chapter 5598 Snipe and clam fight

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Chapter 5598: Snipe and Clam Fight

Such grotesque phenomena opened Su Yan's eyes, and at the same time, he also noticed that the shadow theory circulating in God's Domain seemed to be correct in general, but there were still some things that were not introduced in the shadow.

For example, Su Yan can also feel that many gods are being pulled towards the shadows under the distortion of the light. It seems that something is really passing in the gods. As the light leads to the abyss of shadows, that feeling makes Su Yan walk In the passage, I always feel a kind of desolation,

"My lord, be careful, the road ahead will be close to the abyss, and the forces of the two parties will undergo the most fundamental transformation and collision here. Walking through it will be a difficult journey."

And Ade was followed by five people, the young ancient **** reminded Su Yan.

In fact, right now, it seemed that the five people were covered with something suppressed. Su Yan could feel that they were very uncomfortable, but it was strange to say that Su Yan didn't feel anything.

This may be related to his special state. At this time, he does not say that the body is in the incarnation of the one-dimensional Tao, and the divine power and the abyss have also obtained a strange balance on him.


But Su Yan still nodded, responding to Ade's kind reminder.

Soon, Su Yan came to the junction area that Adeshi mentioned. It can be seen that the light and shadow are twisted and transformed upside down here, and everything is covered with a layer of grayness and grotesque. Inexplicably twisting.

As for the pressure that Ade said, Su Yan also felt some, but it was not so absolute, but his footsteps were slightly heavy.

But looking at the five people behind him, it was obvious that their eyes were protruding at this moment, their teeth were gritted and their veins were showing, and they looked extremely embarrassed and persistent.


Su Yan was speechless, but finally couldn't help but say something.

"You... feel so weak."

The five of them immediately looked up at Su Yan, feeling like crying, but it shouldn't be, why they were all suppressed by the channel, but the boss seemed to have nothing wrong!

What kind of monster is this that you can't even see in the abyss? Is the gap between people so big!

"My lord, you can go slowly, and wait for your loyal servant."

In the end, Ade could only lower his head and say with shame on his face.

Therefore, this journey was indeed taken for a long time under the procrastination of the five people.

During the process, Su Yan also understood the reason why this gap is not very hidden to the abyss, but there are few creatures coming over.

Because watching them walk is not only strenuous, but also life-threatening.

In this abyss passage, the oppression in it is completely destructive. If you can't hold it, your whole body and soul will be crushed to powder, and it has nothing to do with the realm. It is completely stronger than your strength. It was a narrow escape.

If it wasn't for Su Yan's helping hand, any one of the five would have already encountered a life-and-death crisis.

Of course, there are other reasons why the abyss can't come, but this pressure has undoubtedly restricted the scattered abyss species.

The sound of sea waves gradually came from the end of the passage, and finally Su Yan stepped out of the abyss passage, and what he saw was a dark and deep sea!

The boundless sea is dark and deep, without wind, but it is always ups and downs and surging with unknown forces, it seems to be full of mystery and depressing the unknown.

Subconsciously, Su Yan narrowed his eyes slightly, thinking of the huge eyes in the deep sea.

But simply, the scene couldn't be so coincidental, Su Yan didn't see the terrifying existence that was suspected of surpassing the Supreme for the first time.

However, at the next moment, a sudden movement erupted in the distance from Youhai, which also made Su Yan's complexion change, and then became strange.

What a coincidence, although he didn't see the terrifying existence that surpassed the supreme being, he encountered two ancient gods fighting each other as soon as he appeared on the stage?

This is Supreme, not radish and cabbage. Is the living environment in the abyss already this bad?

"grown ups."

At this time, Ade and the five of them also came out of the abyss passage in embarrassment, and they were surprised when they sensed the fluctuations in the distance.

"Hey, ancient gods fighting? This is not a good thing. The crazy ancient gods who appear here may attack us together."

But having said that, there was not much fear on Ade's face, on the contrary, it was quite interesting.

"My lord, do you want to go over and have a look? Maybe you can catch a leak. If you are a weak person in this situation, it goes without saying, hurry up and **** off! But your strength and realm are very confusing, my lord. Maybe you can get a snipe Clams are fighting each other, making the two ancient gods completely ignore you, and you are fighting to the death, and you have devoured them all in one fell swoop!"

The wildness that belongs to the abyss is still deeply rooted in Ade's heart. At this time, he still thinks about devouring the ancient gods to crazily improve his strength.

Su Yan smiled and was noncommittal. Just as he was about to say something, the vast and terrifying battle waves in the distance hit directly, and rushed towards Su Yan and the other six, appearing in front of him!


An ancient **** questioned slightly, its figure was like a prawn standing in the deep sea, with a striking pair of giant pincers and twelve giant feet, but compared with the prawn, it was also extremely abstract.

His whole body was entangled with rotten seaweed that covered his eyeballs, and his bloated figure also distorted countless huge sarcoma, with bony coral growing on it, and countless howling mouths scattered around.

The shrimp-shaped ancient **** noticed the existence of Su Yan, but as Ade said, he didn't care at all. He turned his head and continued to fight the other huge ancient god!

Between the two, the huge body tore apart the deep sea, churning countless sea waters, and the huge bodies belonging to the ancient gods were constantly colliding. The violent scene with the blood and flesh splashing, has a primitive sense of shock.

At the same time, Su Yan also saw the authority of the ancient **** for the first time!

The shrimp-shaped ancient god, whose flesh and blood were constantly peeled off during the battle, but the next moment, the beaten flesh and blood still existed, and the more he fought, the more courageous he became.

At the same time, the sea was churning, and the endless power of the abyss was transmitted along with the sea water, continuously supplementing the consumption of the shrimp-shaped ancient god, so that his battles were always kept at the peak. The ancient gods, seem born to live forever and restore!

If you guessed correctly, this is the so-called authority.

On the other end, the huge ancient god, with a disc-like body, stared at the shrimp-shaped ancient **** with countless eyes. Even without colliding with the body, the shrimp-shaped ancient god's body was constantly peeling off flesh and blood. A kind of sluggishness appeared, making the movements of the shrimp-shaped ancient **** stiff and stiff, and he obviously possessed some kind of right to wither and perish!