MTL - In Different World with Naruto System-Chapter 265 Great St. Stars

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The stepping wind used his speed beyond the ordinary people to directly cross the distance of more than two hundred meters under the eyes of all the guards in front of the palace gate and entered the palace.

And all of this fell into the eyes of Ren Tianyou. After the step wind entered the palace, Ren Tianyou followed closely and used Shenwei to enter it. He wanted to understand that the footsteps risked such a big light. What is the empire for?

After seeing the step wind entering the palace, it was a luxurious building that appeared in front of him. Gorgeous palaces, crystal clear ponds, pavilions on the pond, all bring a rich and beautiful feeling. Among them, from time to time there are some guards on the patrol, and people wearing palace clothes are walking around.

He did not care about all the steps in front of him. After entering the palace, he first found a safe place to hide his body shape, and then observed it and flew straight to the south.

Along the way, the step wind used his superb speed to avoid the guards of the team. This is not to say that the defense of this palace is too weak, but the pace of the pace is too fast.

If the speed of the step is maximized, the naked eye of the average person can't capture his figure. The footwinds may not have a reaction even if they walk in front of them.

The speed of the step can be described as the world, even if the pride of Ren Tianyou is not as good as the speed, so how can these people discover the winds of the wind?

I saw the hurricane all the way, and came to the building like a tower.

Hidden on top of a roof, the gaze quietly looked at the heavily guarded tower-shaped attic in the courtyard below.

I saw that the loft is almost fifteen meters high and is divided into nine floors. Each floor has a row of window windows. Outside the window is a tile-made eaves, standing on the eaves of each floor. There are seven or eight guards holding rifles.

There is a tall gate below, the door is locked tightly by a huge magic lock, and the Lord's side is guarded by countless guards.

Want to enter this pavilion. Not to mention the magic lock on this door, just under the eyes of almost a thousand guards, it is impossible to find out that the huge iron gate is opened into it.

In order to enter inside without being discovered, the only route is to enter from the nine-story window above, but this is also a super difficult thing, ordinary people have no way to do it.

However, the current step of the wind is an ordinary person. He obviously found out that there was only one way in front of him. He saw him standing on the roof and looking at the huge pavilion in front of him. He smiled lightly, and a blue light flashed on his body, and then the body flashed in place.

On a house not far away, Ren Tianyou stood there faintly watching the action of the wind in front of him, when the wind became a time when the blue light disappeared. He raised his head in an instant and looked up at the sky above.

I saw that in the vision of Ren Tianyou, the body of the step wind quickly rose to the ground and flew to a higher distance than the pavilion in front of him. He immediately flew forward, and the situation was not found in the situation that everyone did not find. At the top of the pavilion.

I saw the wind above the pavilion and stabilized the body, quickly squatted, and then looked down under the hidden sample. I saw the six guards standing in a corner guarding the window less than two meters behind them.

The footwind saw that all the guards’ eyes were facing outwards, and they did not hesitate. The body immediately turned over and slid silently on the beam below. Then push open the window and roll straight into it.

On the outside, Ren Tianyou looked at the stepping wind that entered the inside, and his brow was slightly wrinkled. "This guy is painstaking and brave enough to come here, not to steal the things inside."

This place is obviously a look. Being heavily guarded, and the construction style of this building is not suitable for people to live in, it should be something like the treasure house of this royal family.

"No matter what, let's go and see it." Ren Tianyou shook his head, no longer guessing wildly, and the body disappeared in the same place with the spiral shape space ripple from the right eye.

And enter the footsteps inside the pavilion. At this time, my face was bitter. I saw him standing on the beam above the room, with a sad face, a slight sigh, "The bonnet of the bright temple. This thought is really dense enough, even the arrangement of the Great St. Stars, if not me I also left a thought, and almost the way of your guys."

I saw the attic below, except for the empty space and the mysterious charms portrayed on the walls, there was nothing, and just below the attic, there were some high platforms, some above the high platform, some grooves, concave Inside the trough, there is a beautiful wooden box.

However, the loft at this time is empty, and the naked eye does not see any problems, but it hides the deadly murder.

I saw a starlight in the eyes of the step at this time. In his vision, the empty loft suddenly appeared innumerable transparent light, covered the entire pavilion, without any rules. As if the spider is netting.

"Sure enough, it is the extinction light from the Great St. Stars. This sacred bird in the temple is really yinful. This is a real trick. It seems that I have to be careful with you afterwards." When you are not sure, you will be yin." Looking at the light that the ordinary people can't see at all, the cold sweat on the head of the step wind, whispering.

Just like the hurricane said, if there is someone who dares to play the idea in this pavilion, after discovering that the bottom does not work, then the subconscious will choose to enter the attic from the upper window.

And when these people struggled into the attic after a lot of hard work, the vigilance will definitely relax. In addition, the extinction light emitted by this Great Light Star array does not have any color, but it is transparent. The average person can't see it in the naked eye, so most people will jump down and put on this extinction light. place.

To say that this extinction of light is something that all living creatures cannot touch. This extinction light contains the power of destruction that destroys all life. If a person once installed this extinction light, then the destructive power contained in the extinction light will instantly destroy your life and let you die instantly, even if you are a god. The master of the king has no use.

Although the extinction light is powerful, it is not so easy to arrange the Great St. Stars array that contains extinction light. This great light star battle array needs the crystallization of the power of the light cultivators of the three kings of the gods as the energy core, and then it can be arranged in the light of the crystallization of the nine pure gods of the pure gods. Star battle array.

And from the light of the Temple of Light to pay such a great price to arrange this St. Star Star array, you know that it is not easy to put it in the wooden box below the attic.

"Oh, your light temple is strong enough, but my footsteps are not weak. Although this great light star battle array is powerful, it still can't help me to speed the pace!" Observing the bottom through the blood of his own stars After extinction of the light, the smile of the stepless wind stood up from above the beam of the house.

I saw him waving his right hand, and countless pieces of white feathers of the same color as his clothes floated from the air, drifting slowly in the air, and scattered down.

I saw this white feather in the process of falling, and some seemed to have encountered something. The fluttering feathers were suddenly applied to it. When all the feathers stopped in the air, I saw it in the attic, and there were countless feathers. The composition of the thread.

Although this extinction light is powerful, it has another weakness, that is, it is only effective for the living body. The lifeless thing has no effect at all, so the step wind directly uses this feather to reveal the transparent extinction light in the air.

"This time, your extinction light is completely exposed in my eyes, and it is time for me to show my talents." Looking at the already big sacred light star, the step wind bends the palm of your hand, then the body Jump straight from the top and rush straight toward the bottom.

I saw that the step wind rushed through the first extinction light, less than thirty centimeters below his head, there was a blast of extinction light, only to see the step wind smile, a feather suddenly appeared under his feet, the toes of his right foot Lightly stepping on, the body suddenly jumped to the rear, only to see the stepping hands clasped the feet, wearing through the gap of the extinction light below, the right foot stepped on the wooden column near the wall, and immediately continued to rush down.

The closer the extinction light is to the bottom of the pavilion, the denser it is, but the distribution of this extinction light has been printed into his mind after being exposed with feathers. In his mind, he has automatically drawn a suitable one for himself. Great route.

As a killer, not only must the speed be fast, but also must have a head of calm analysis, and the king of the killer is a wave of fame.

After dividing the route, it is the speed of the stepless wind. Although the distribution of the extinction light is dense, even if the ordinary master knows the distribution of the extinction light, there is no way to pass it, but the step wind is different. .

I saw the body of the stepping wind traversing a gorgeous arc in the air, and the speed continued to fall downward.

It was only after three minutes, the stepping wind had passed through the extinction light that made everyone chilly, only to see that he was standing on the lowest platform at the moment.

Looking at the extinct light above the dense cloth, the smile of the stepless disappointment, "I want to stop my step by the big holy light star array, too naive, this day the Holy Law column belongs to me."

As he said, he bent down and prepared to take the beautiful wooden box on the groove in his foot.

But at this moment, a sound that was unexpected in the wind suddenly sounded in his ear. "I didn't expect to meet you here, the speed of the stars, I haven't seen it for a long time!"

"Who?" Hearing the sudden sound, the cold hair on the body of the stepped wind suddenly rose up, and the right hand pulled out the strange dagger that was not at the waist, and raised his head nervously.