MTL - Infinite Clone: ​​I Am Invincible In Devouring Starry Sky-Chapter 290 Stop analyzing, the more you analyze, the more afraid you will be

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In a vast void.

Two huge void projections appeared.

One is a giant silver snake, and the other is a crustacean beast.

They are the two universe powerhouses of the Yaozu.

Meng Yaozu and Zhen Yaozu.

The two figures were silent in the lonely starry sky.

Not long after, an elliptical black ball phantom appeared, which was the Father God of the Machine Race.

"Zhen Yaozu, Meng Yaozu, you've already come? Where's the Zerg Queen?"

Zhen Yaozu snorted coldly: "I have to wait for her every time, women are ink marks."

"Zhen Yaozu, it's not a good habit to speak ill of people behind their backs!"

With a gentle and charming voice, a slim figure also appeared in the void.

The Zerg Queen has arrived.

The Zerg Queen's appearance doesn't match the Zerg's reputation for being vicious, cold-blooded, and cunning.

She seems to have all the good words integrated.

Even those extremely charming Zerg mother queens paled in front of her.

Father God of the Mechanical Clan smiled and said: "Queen, Zhenyaozu is not wrong, you really like to be late."

"That's really sorry, I apologize to you, I'm sorry."

The Zerg Queen's charm is released, full of charm.

It's a pity that no one present was immersed in it.

Meng Yaozu said coldly: "Okay, let's get down to business, what about the Green Bee Organization?"

"No matter how you look at it, it looks like a conspiracy, but we have no evidence."

"The hateful thing is that it is really the young elite of our race who are causing trouble."

The father **** of the mechanical clan also said helplessly: "I have checked everything, and the identities of these young strong men are all right, they are just a group of hot-blooded idiots, which made us fall into a passive position."

"The bee swarm organization is attacking like a wave, and we can't resist it at all."

"Empress, what do you think?"

The Zerg Queen said softly: "I'm just curious about one thing. Don't you think the power of the Hive Alliance is a bit too strong? Not to mention our three races, even all the forces in the entire primordial universe can't make a profit. .”

Zhen Yaozu deeply agrees: "Not only that, I went to the Cosmic Sea a while ago and found that the Green Bee Organization is also very arrogant in the Cosmic Sea. Those guys in the first round of the universe are so crazy. Seeing that the end is approaching, the first round The universe is a group of lunatics who are not afraid of anyone, but they dare not easily provoke the Green Hornet Alliance."

"You should also know how strong the universe is in the first reincarnation. Only the God-eye clan among them has seven universe powerhouses, and they all have powerhouses and treasures!"

The father **** of the mechanical race said: "They are so powerful, they shouldn't be afraid of the green bee organization, they probably just haven't figured out the strength of the green bee organization."

"After all, the number of masters of the universe in the first cycle of the universe is just over 400, and the Green Hornet organization has at least 3,000 masters in the universe. Some forces suspect that they have tens of thousands of masters of the universe."

The father **** of the mechanical clan was a little angry: "Thousands, tens of thousands? The masters of the universe organized by the green bee have frightened them, but we know that is not the case at all.

In the previous Great War, the major ethnic groups in the original universe united and attacked from 10081 vortex passages. The Green Bee Organization stationed a large number of masters of the universe outside each passage, adding up to at least hundreds of thousands!

What is the concept of the Lord of Hundreds of Thousands of Universes? There are only 17 masters of the universe in our mechanical race plus the subordinate races. Now two of them have been killed by the green bee organization, and there are 15 left. "

The Zerg Queen sighed faintly: "Our Zerg has even fewer Masters of the Universe, there are only nine in total, and now there are only seven left."

Meng Yaozu and Zhen Yaozu didn't speak, they lost even more, including four masters of the universe.

It's all heartache.

It took Meng Yaozu a long time to say: "The Queen's suspicion is justified, this is not right, there should not be such a powerful force in our primordial universe, and some of them have broken the balance, have you communicated with the Ancestral God Sect, let them communicate with the original will of the primordial universe?" Let's communicate."

"It's useless!"

A gloomy light flickered on the father **** of the mechanical clan: "I asked a long time ago, and the reply from the Ancestral God Sect is very interesting. The original will of the original universe will not interfere with the normal operation of the universe. All the strongest in the universe are regarded as the masters of the original universe. Children, only when they reach the peak will they be suppressed by him."

After Meng Yaozu heard this, he was very disappointed and a little helpless.

"According to the history I know, not to mention our third reincarnation universe, even the first reincarnation universe, the second reincarnation universe, and even before that, dozens of reincarnation universe eras, there has never been such a terrible organization."

The Zerg Queen cleared her throat: "Actually, we have already started the investigation on the Green Bee Organization. I can guarantee that there was no such thing as Green Bee Organization in the primitive universe before 100,000 years ago."

"Many of the powerful members of the Green Bee Alliance are special beings, and many of them are new faces that we have never seen before. We can't find the experience of their rise, and we can't find traces of their lives, as if they were born out of thin air."

"It stands to reason that it shouldn't be like this. Every master of the universe is a genius that is rarely seen in hundreds of millions of years. His rise will definitely be witnessed by countless people, and there will definitely be other adventures and stories. But the Green Bee Alliance Many strong men cannot be found."

Zhen Yaozu was extremely violent.

"Don't analyze. The more I analyze, the more desperate I become. The Green Hornet Organization is our enemy. The key is what to do next!"

The Father God of the Mechanic Clan said, "If I had known that the Green Bee organization was so terrifying, I wouldn't have made enemies with them."

The four universe powerhouses sighed at the same time.

Sure enough, it is better not to analyze, the more you analyze, the more afraid you become.

They don't even care about the original will of the original universe, and they don't even dare to provoke the powerful first and second reincarnation universes of the universe sea.

How could they be opponents.

Meng Yaozu was a little worried: "We have contacted the Green Bee organization for a truce, but they haven't responded. They don't really want to destroy our race, do they?"

The father **** of the mechanical clan was silent for a while: "I think we should make plans Put all the resources of the clan, young elites, and children into the small universe, and do the worst. The plan is that we are powerless to return to heaven, so we can only wander in the sea of ​​space..."

At this moment, the Zerg Queen suddenly exclaimed: "No, the army of millions organized by the Green Bee suddenly surrounded the Imperial Capital of my Zerg, and they want to see me."

Meng Yaozu and Zhen Yaozu looked over at the same time: "Queen, you should enter the small universe and run quickly..."

"There is nowhere to go, I will meet them, you wait for my news."

The Zerg Queen's voice was a bit sad.

The graceful phantom slowly disappeared.

The imperial capital star in the hinterland of the Zerg race, a dark golden palace with a height of tens of billions of kilometers, is magnificent.

Countless beautiful empresses with enchanting figures surround it.

Outside the imperial capital.

The dense crowd is full of strong players from the Bee Swarm Alliance.

These Zerg empresses felt helpless, and the Zerg sea tactics they were proud of had no advantage in front of the Green Bee organization.

In the huge palace.

There are only the dignified Zerg queen and a high-spirited human man.

The human man is more than two meters tall and has a strong build.

He looked up at the eight-meter-tall Zerg Queen, frowned and said, "I don't like talking with my head raised."

The Zerg Queen gave a coquettish smile, and her size quickly shrank to about 1.7 meters.

Such a height still looks tall, but standing in front of the human race man, it seems a bit cuddly.

The eyes of the Zerg Queen's eyes were rippling, and she said softly: "Please forgive me for being rude, dare to ask your name?"

Lu Ge recklessly looked at the graceful figure and face of the Zerg Queen, and slowly revealed a smile: "I am a poisonous lady, and I have been admiring my wife for a long time."