MTL - Infinite Throne-Chapter 1162 Virtual world "Phantom"

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   Chapter 1162 The virtual world "Phantom Light"

   Acting at night may be a human talent, and anyone can learn without a teacher.

  The area is comparable to that of a superpower's "mine". The defense is tight, and it can be called an impregnable wall, but there is no omnic, and it will notice a bead rolling along the gap.

   The so-called mines,

   is a neat grid.

  In each grid, a survival pod is firmly placed.

   In each survival pod, there is a human lying quietly.

After the    life-saving capsule, the power supply, drainage pipes, and nutrient channels are connected, and everything is available.

  Irin was in front of the survival capsule, checking the functions of the survival capsule and taking a panoramic view of it.

  In the survival cabin, men, women and children of all ages are available. After simply checking in the fringe area for a week, combined with the files that Alice's sister transmitted to him, Yi Rin quickly understood the operation mode of the "mine".

  There are two kinds of "human beings" in the world.

  Excellent people: managers.

   Inferior: Biobatteries.

   "Biobattery" is an "inferior human being" born in a petri dish through cloning technology and gene-directed editing technology. Their existence, their life, the only meaning is to act as a "biological battery" in the "mine".

  When they were born in the "battery factory", they were "completely packaged" in containers and transported here through the assembly line.

In the life-sustaining capsule, they grow up, they are input with corresponding memory and knowledge, and they will be equipped with neural junctions to access the virtual world that runs through 24 regions of the huge universe - "Phantom Light", as "Phantom Light". people” are born, live, work, marry, have children, and even die.

   As a "human", the whole life is arranged in this way, and the coffin is finalized.

   They will spend their entire lives in the survival capsule, and the scenery they can see is the "virtual world" they can see when they open their eyes.

   They do not know the truth of the world, let alone the cruelty of fate, and the true meaning of their existence.

   For them, the virtual world "Phantom Light" is the only real world they live in.

  Densely packed "biological batteries" filled the entire mine. Yi Rin was silent and simply counted the number of biological batteries.

Calculated according to the average area of ​​each "bio-battery" of about 4 square meters, remove the space between the life-support pod and the life-support pod, and then remove the passage for "maintenance type", "combat type" omnic, and Upper, middle and lower three-layer structure.

   In the Morningstar Mine alone, if there are people living in every cabin, there will be nearly 10 billion people here.


   Ten billion people.

  What if you add other mines, or even “biobatteries” in other areas?

  Irin tried to understand such a huge number.

   And "manager" is different from "biobattery".

The    manager is what Irin saw on the disc, the human slave who was in charge of serving Alice sister.

   They are humble, they are stubborn, they eat moldy bread and drink synthetic nutrient solution that tastes like motor oil, but this is still alive. Compared with the "inferior people", this kind of life can't be said to be better or worse, but at least they know the "reality" of the world, they are rooted in different positions, and do some things that omnics can't do with their own hands or are disdainful to do. thing.

   Or, the gene source of the cloned "biobattery" comes from the genes of this batch of native "managers".


  When Irin first arrived on this planet, she noticed a strange thing.

  If Nemesis really achieved "full control" of its universe, why are all omnics equipped with a certain level of weapons?

   Assuming that there are no hostile forces in this universe, the omnic race, what is the use of weapons?

  Existence is reasonable. Since "weapons" exist, it means that they are useful for weapons.

   Is it for the omnics to better rule the remaining "superior humans" in the small universe?

   This answer is still up for debate.

  Irin believes that this does not make sense.

   in the shadows.

  The blood beads that roll silently turn into a thumb-high minifigure.

   His face resembled that of Irin, holding his chin, his face was solemn, and he paced back and forth.

  Irin was evaluating the risk of sneaking into the virtual world with the link device of the life-saving capsule, and the configuration of the Nemesis universe, which he could not understand.

   He had witnessed the wreckage of the "biobattery" with his own eyes. In the survival cabin, the inferiors were thin, weak, and looked like they were malnourished. Obviously, no matter how well they lived in the virtual world "Phantom Light", in the real world, Nemesis just barely maintained their lives. Perhaps the cabin was filled with the worst nutrient solution.

   But this consumption, day and night, is also an unimaginably huge amount.

   Then here comes the problem.

  What did Nemesis keep so many humans for?

  Raise them, and create a virtual world for them to live in?

   Why is this?

   This matter, in Irin's view, is undoubtedly superfluous.

  Irin will not comment on Nemesis's behavior, how disgusting, how despicable it is. Yi Rin has long understood that the struggle between different races is always so cruel and unreasonable. In the eyes of God, under God, they are all ants, allowing life and death to perish without the slightest disturbance in their hearts.

   As for Nemesis, it happened to stand in the way of Irene, and the two became enemies. It was such a simple hostile relationship. You die and I live, you don't end up dying.

   "Perhaps, in the virtual world of illusion, it is a breakthrough to conquer "Nemesis". "

Green is taking care of his body now, and Nemesis may be busy rushing to the lower level of the source sea to search for the traces of the Nightmare Knight's family. Even though Nemesis is likely to have no time to take care of his small universe, Irene is here at this moment. The opponent's territory, to put it nicely, means going deep into the enemy's rear, or to say it badly, it means throwing himself into the net.

   One wrong move and you will lose the whole game.

   "Blood Man" turned a few times between the pods.

   On the way, we passed a few omnic patrols whose model was a new product.

   They patrolled the route and followed the principle of "no blind spots". Yi Rin observed it for about an hour, but couldn't find a safe blind spot, so he could only give up.

  Irin wanted to "turn enemies into friends" with them, but I had my heart on the bright moon, but the bright moon illuminates the ditch. In short, Yilin did not find a chance to safely "infect" them.

  The difference between humans and omnics is that humans make mistakes, machines don't.

  Unless Irin comes hard.

Returning to the residence with blood beading openly and openly, Yi Rin pretended that he had just been "fully charged", and pulled it out from the port with a grin and "boom", and then stood on standby, pretending to be a "beautiful brother". .

   These days, although Irin is on the bright side, the progress is not great. However, after having a deep understanding of the structure of the "Alice type", Yi Rin felt that he had a deeper understanding of the authority of the "Omnic", so he took advantage of being "peeped" and entered the hub, and continued to improve and integrate parts. Omnic" throne of authority.

  "Infinite" means that there is no end, no destination, and this will be a long process. Of course, Yiren is not in a hurry. At present, as long as he can get Nemesis to lie down within the rules, he will have the time to gradually fill up with the protection of Green's wings.


   The haze and light pollution in the sky confuse night and day.

   Ten hours later.


  Irin stepped off the shelf, and the footsteps of Alice's high-end shock-absorbing module could be heard outside the door.

   "There are two breakthroughs at present."

   "One, superior human."

   "Second, the virtual world... illusion."


   The door opened.

   Sister Alice walked into the room with a pot of covered "food".

Do not.

   are three breaches.

  Irin silently corrected her thoughts from three seconds ago in her heart.

   The third breakthrough is "Alice-101".

   "Morning, sister."

  Irin simulated the mechanical pronunciation and said hello to her sister.

   "Come on, brother... Let's do daily maintenance together."

   I don’t know if I’ve been here for a long time.

  Irin thought Alice's bare armor was very beautiful.

  The elder sister walked up to the younger brother.

  Open the shiny alloy semi-circle cover, which contains clean water, a small high-pressure spray gun, a white towel, and of course oil and lubricant.


  Irin took a big step back when she saw the lubricant.

  You are wrong.

   "Wait. How about I do it myself?"

  Irin asked tentatively.

   "Brother, you don't have to see outsiders. They say that in a private space, taking care of each other is the best way to cultivate intimacy."

  Alice spoke meticulously in a steady tone, but she didn't seem to notice the peachy glow in her eyes.


   If you really want Alice to take care of it, it will be revealed.

   After all, Yi Rin is not a real omnipotent life, under his armor plate is a "blood incarnation".

   "Huh? My dear sister, your visor seems to be stained. I'll wipe it for you."

  Irin suddenly pointed at Alice's flushed face.


  Alice's visor turned red and steamed. In this way, she seems to activate the heating element under the visor, simulating the "shy" behavior of a human.

  Irin touched it.


   The tiny tentacles nimbly penetrated into the gap of Sister Alice at the place where the two touched.

   A small pulse is released, and Alice crashes again.

  Irin was helpless and could only fine-tune the definition of "intimacy" in Alice's concept once again.

   He checked it for a while, and sure enough, Alice didn't know what data she had downloaded, so she came up with a weird definition of "intimacy" given by Irin.

For example, "My battle-scarred titanium fingers gently lift your lid and stroke your inner lining. With the help of lubricating fluid, you connect me, I connect you, you Turn my screws, I'll put your oil on, and we're like humans, in this advanced way, feeling each other's pain and structure" . . . and so on.

   Never thought of it.

   In the omnic group, there are actually masters who write literature on pain.

  It hurts too much.

  Sister Alice, what kind of information are you browsing!

  Irin felt that since he started, he was obliged to set things right for his sister... No, set things right.

   After a simple modification.

  Irin fine-tuned the concept of "mutual" into "one-sided".

   In other words, Alice's acceptance of Irin's maintenance is an expression of "intimacy", and Yilin's initiative to maintain Alice is also an expression of "intimacy".

  Although this doesn't make sense from the emotional logic, but it seems to work normally, that's fine, it doesn't matter whether it goes well or not, as long as it works.

   In this way, Irin no longer has to risk Alice and Nemesis noticing something strange, and she can openly remove Alice's armor plate.

  I often walk by the stream, how can I not get wet.

  Alice stood with her back to Irin, her hands spread flat.

  Irin dismantled the surface armor for Alice sister, dipped a towel with water, and wiped off the dirt that didn't actually exist.

When    was almost dismantled, Alice noticed that something was wrong: "Brother, why are you so skilled?"

   "I specially downloaded the maintenance manual for the 'Alice type' on the terminal, and in the simulation module, I tried to disassemble the mass-produced type 'Alice'. "

   Sister Alice exclaimed: "Brother, you are really working hard. But..." She turned her voice, and a faint electric sound sounded, reminding: "In the future, no other "Alice type" can be dismantled. "


   "No why, I don't like it."

   Sister Alice did not know why, but she still tried her best to express her preferences.

  Irin twisted the towel with one hand, and began to count the fingers with the other hand: "Then "Quintina type", "Marin type", "Angelina type", can you take it apart? "

   He carefully probed his sister's bottom line and tugged.

   woo woo woo…

  Alice's exhaust port was blowing smoke.

   She was silent.

  I don't know how to answer.

   After a while, she calculated the answer, shook her head and said, "No. You are the good brother of "Alice-101", you can only express 'intimacy' to your sister. "

  Irin thought for a while.

   I wanted to continue tampering and adding oil and vinegar.

   But this kind of behavior, like the butterfly effect, may become more and more outrageous, and finally get out of hand. In short, Alice will be played bad.

   As for what Alice said, he went to dismantle other models of omnics. If Alice didn’t know, then wouldn’t it be a problem?

  Thinking like this, Irin gave up her plan to continue to revise the "noun explanation" of the word "intimacy".

  Clean, lubricate, rinse, drain, steam, wipe, oil.

   After a set of maintenance procedures came down, Yilin was careful, inside and out, step by step.

The    service attitude made Sister Alice very satisfied.

  The armor is shining brightly, and the appearance has skyrocketed.

The reason why   Irin took so long was not because of poor craftsmanship or lack of proficiency, but during this process, Irin had a piece of information about sister Alice.

   These sets of information were interspersed in some daily conversations, which made Sister Alice satisfied. Except for the questions that obviously violated the red line, they knew all the answers.

  Irin then knew that Alice-101, as the head of the Morningstar Mine, not only maintained the operation of the mine outside, but also had a special interface to enter the virtual world "Phantom Light". This is also part of the work of "Alice-101".

   However, Yi Rin did not dare to ask about the specific details of the content. He felt that it should be "high voltage line" or "keyword search". Once asked, it is likely to make Alice-101 more vigilant.

   "Sister, you guys... Didi, don't we have a 'name' besides the 'model and code'?"

"Name?" At this moment, Irene has assembled Alice's armor plate. She is moving her limbs, feeling the difference between before and after maintenance. Hearing this, Alice-101 asked: "Only humans have names, and we , only the noble 'model'."

   In her cognition, human names are more like the names of lower-level creatures, higher-level beings, and can be distinguished from each other by a string of signals, and there is no need to use the low-level work of "taking names".


  Irin thought about it, but didn't force it.

  After completing the "daily maintenance" in Yilin's room, Alice twisted her waist with satisfaction and walked away with standard steps. Before she left, she did not forget to remind: "Don't enter the mine."

   "Okay, I'm obedient."


  Sister touched her brother's iron head to express her approval.

   When my sister left, she said that she was going to work next, which would take 12 hours and 36 minutes.

   Such precise timekeeping probably means Yilin's "private time".

  Irin took note.

  Omnic Life has another advantage, it disdains to lie.

   In other words, in the dictionary of the omnic race, there is no behavioral logic of "lie".

  One is one, two is two.

   In fact, if it wasn't for Yiren now entering the universe as an "enemy", he might be able to become good friends with this lovely race.


   Watching Alice's back leaving, Irin didn't move.

   After an hour, Yi Rin did the same thing, separated a tiny blood drop, turned into "Little Yi Rin", and sneaked into the interior of the Morning Star Mine again.

   This time, Irin intends to sneak into the world of "phantom light" and witness the "virtual world" created by Nemesis, the omnipotent god.

   (end of this chapter)