MTL - Inheriting a Desolate Star-Chapter 70 070

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The starship stopped in the huge starry sky, and the planet that was once covered with a layer of gray was devoured by the black hole without leaving any traces. The front is empty, scanning and detecting again and again, but there is no news of "life".

Ning Buyi listened to the flat and waveless mechanical electronic sound, his frown never relaxed.

"When are we going back?" Chris looked at Ning Buyi and asked.

After a long time, Ning Buyi said: "Wait a little longer."

"What if she doesn't come back?" Chris didn't want to say anything depressing, but she had to admit that it was a possibility. Such a powerful ability will inevitably be restricted, and Hua Zhuoyu may wither in the "price". She glanced at Hill, and after getting the "Life Droplet", she no longer cared about other things, not even her younger sister. Chris, who was used to the word "stupid sister", was a little uncomfortable hearing this. Of course, she will not take the initiative to talk to Hill, so the only living people in the starship are Ning Yi.

Ning Buyi raised her eyes suddenly, an unusually bright light flashed across her eyes.

"No." Her tone was firm, not to convince Chris, but to convince herself.

Even if the time gate for waiting is one second, it is still a long time. What's more, this is not an ordinary "return". The panic, loneliness, anxiety and other emotions deep in my heart are like entangled vines, climbing along the limbs. Half an hour later, Ning Buyi heard a "boom", her eyelids twitched, she suddenly turned around and left the cab, but quickly walked towards the warehouse where the sound came out.

After pushing open the door of the warehouse, the bright lights immediately illuminated the surroundings. Xiaofeng Jiu squatted on Hua Zhuoyu's body, obviously extremely tired. Ning Buyi glanced at Hua Zhuoyu, and gradually heaved a sigh of relief. The "price" was the same as last time, but the excessive "dark pollution" was not a problem for her.

Hua Zhuoyu fell asleep, his consciousness was like a flat boat, sinking and floating in the water waves. The pain spread in her body, as if her limbs were about to be torn apart, her nerves were tense, and she was on the verge of going crazy. But soon, a trickle of energy calmed her restlessness, gradually dissolving the destructive thoughts, and she fell into a peaceful dream.

In the temple not long ago.

The "heart of life" in the "resuscitation device" will be activated soon, but it was born for purification in the past, and now the device invaded by monsters has changed its nature invisibly, making it a A kinetic device. The **** corpses that had not been digested by the monster were quickly shrouded in black shadows, and amidst the sound of chewing and chewing, the protruding flesh and blood slowly raised its "head".

When the "sequence array" exploded, the monster felt that its body and nerves had been invaded by some extremely powerful force, and a large amount of flesh and blood was shattered and annihilated in the terrifying energy. It wailed involuntarily, and the dark pollution that spread outward more intense! The "sequence array" blew up the "recovery device" and penetrated into the monster's core, but it couldn't completely destroy the dark pollution. This polluted advanced civilization planet has already died in the pollution, and her plan was to destroy the entire planet from the very beginning.

Of course, Hua Zhuoyu didn't want to be annihilated like her predecessors in the past.

Xiaofengjiu's space gate teleportation ability is not stable, but it is easy to transfer from this destroyed planet to the starship. When activating the ability, she noticed the engulfment of dark pollution. This time the "price" was greater than before. If it wasn't for the "Elpis" on her body, I am afraid that the one who was sent back by then would be an already crazy man. of people.

She was forced into a coma, but before that, she discovered half a mask that could not be destroyed even by "black hole devouring".

"Mask!" Hua Zhuoyu suddenly woke up from the dream, and when she turned her head, she saw Ning Buyi who was sitting on the side peeling bananas.

Not far away, Xiao Fengjiu was also holding an apple, and she seemed to have regained her energy.

"Are you awake?" Ning Buyi walked towards the head of the bed, her eyes fixed on Hua Zhuoyu's body for an instant. Usually she was the one who waited for her to wake up, but this time their identities were reversed. The sleepy person's mind is muddled, but the waiting person is a kind of painful torment.

"It's been a few days." Hua Zhuoyu met Ning Buyi's gaze, his eyes were like autumn water.

"Five days." Ning Buyi gestured with his left hand towards Hua Zhuoyu. After throwing the banana to Xiaofengjiu, Ning Buyi took out the nutrient and handed it to Hua Zhuoyu. Before the other party asked, she said, "The forbidden area of ​​myth has disappeared, but the dark pollution has not completely disappeared. But the source has been lost." After that, at least it doesn't grow anymore.

"We are now heading back."

Hua Zhuoyu listened quietly, and when Ning Buyi fell silent, he said: "I brought back half a golden mask, it cannot be destroyed."

Ning Buyi nodded: "I see, the dark pollution on it has been cleared." After a pause, she continued, "In legend, masks are a medium for priests to communicate with gods, and this planet happens to be a superior planet. High civilization. It's the mask of theocracy."

"Myth" is already a thing of the past. In the war between civilizations, no matter what it is, there is only one way to destroy it. But a holdover from "Age of Mythology," it deserves their attention. Hua Zhuoyu frowned, and said thoughtfully: "It cannot be destroyed. I am afraid that it became two halves before the Doomsday War. The remaining half of the mask is not in the forbidden area of ​​mythology, where will it be?"

Ning Buyi asked: "Are you worried that it will flow to the Tanlang galaxy?"

Hua Zhuoyu pursed his lips: "I don't rule out this possibility." The "theocracy mask" fell out of the monster's body, and the monster born on the god's corpse can even invade the "resuscitation device", so can it also be used? What about the half mask of theocracy that wandered somewhere? "Remember it first." Hua Zhuoyu said again.

Ning Buyi said "Mmm", she sat on the head of the bed. Nutrients restored Hua Zhuoyu's energy, but her cheeks were still as pale as paper. The long black hair was draped softly on the shoulders, and there was still hazyness in the eyes that had just woken up. Ning Buyi stretched out his hand towards Hua Zhuoyu's face, lightly wiped his fingertips on his lips, and quickly retracted. She met Hua Zhuoyu's clear eyes, cleared her throat, and wanted to say something, but the door disappeared suddenly when the words came to her lips. She said nothing, just looked at Hua Zhuoyu and smiled.

"The biggest threat hanging over our heads is resolved, and we will be much more comfortable in the future." Hua Zhuoyu took Ning Buyi's hand and gently rubbed her palm.

Ning Buyi finally remembered the important thing: "Without the threat of dark pollution, seeds can take root and germinate outside the mountains and sea stars." For her, the biggest gain of this trip is to unlock the seed trade. She alone does not have that much energy to spread plants all over the galaxy, and the circulation of seeds means that she can sit back and relax. But thinking of seeds, Ning Buyi remembered that pile of "eggs". After the "seed of life" that passed away was cultivated, I don't know what the state of the mountain and sea star is like.

Mountain starfish.

It has been more than a year since Ning Yi sailed far away. Under the control of Beidou, the base is running smoothly, but because of "careful budgeting", the number of Shan Haixing's products on the shelves of "Starlight" has been reduced by half, and only "Elpis Reagent" still maintains the previous output. But even so, the complaints on Starnet continued.

"I have been numbered for half a year, when will it be my turn?"

"Why do Shanhaixing have a monopoly? Can't technology be shared? Let other planets join in, and the production capacity can be increased several times?"

"Does the upstairs think it's a human problem? Raw materials. I think the researchers in our experimental bases are really as stupid as pigs. They have been there several times. Why haven't they cultivated plants yet?"

"I heard that the birth of plants is an extraordinary power, and this only appears in Shanhaixing. New news, the owner of Shanhaixing has been away for more than a year, and it seems to be going to the 'mythical forbidden zone'."

"She left, so what shall we do?"

Who knows who revealed the news of Ning Buyi's voyage, and there was an uproar on the star network. In their eyes, Ning Yi, as the only person who can breed plants, is the first protection object in the galaxy, no matter whether it is supernatural power or not! But she went to the cemetery where she never returned! The resentful people pointed the finger at the Daxia government, scolding them for not being able to retain talents, and sending them to die in the forbidden zone of mythology.

It's just that this topic didn't last too long, a new news ignited the star network, and the popularity was comparable to the appearance of the "Elpis Reagent" in the past! In a low-level construct named "Dark Light", someone actually planted plants! According to that person, after snapping up watermelons on the Xingguang platform not long ago, he didn't want to dispose of the seeds after eating them, but planted them in flower pots. He just tried it casually, but he didn't expect it to "germinate"! Fearing that the audience would not believe it, he showed the flower pot with sprouts in all directions.

After he came out, topics related to "seed germination" sprung up like mushrooms after the rain, some of them were just for rubbing the topic, while some people actually cultivated plants. Not all seeds germinate, only in the last few days. But this also caused Interstellar to fall into a carnival, and people flocked to the Starlight platform to buy plants like crazy. If they can be cultivated successfully, at this stage, they will definitely be able to sell for a sky-high price, just like the first lucky one.

"There are seeds sprouting beyond Shanhaixing, Master and the others have succeeded." In the base, Beidou stopped patrolling, but called Xiong Xun, Feng Yi and the others together for a meeting. In Ning Buyi's plan, Shan Haixing will sell "seeds" at this time. However, this is different from selling fruits and vegetables and other products, and requires a certain threshold.

"Our beast star has hardworking gardeners, can we apply for a batch?" Feng Yi's eyes lit up when he heard this.

"There must be. My lord has settled this matter with His Royal Highness Fengyi." Xiong Xun said with a determined face, and he stretched out his hand to straighten his tie, full of complacency. He, Xiong Xun, the most unbeatable little brother of the Bear Clan, is now the most successful member of the Bear Clan.

"You can apply at Germinal Base." Most of the seats are representatives of beast stars. As for the human race in Daxia, currently only Lu Zhiwei is sitting. She knocked on the table and said with a gentle smile, "As for the others, they can be distributed as pioneer benefits."

After more than a year, there were only three hundred and sixty-five pioneers who went to the base. When those who could not suffer from the base applied to return, Shan Haixing did not stop them, but let them leave. It is human nature for them to give up their original intentions.

Aurora City residential area.

Although all infrastructures are open, compared to a city of a million people, this city of a thousand people looks cold and empty. And this is an "isolated island" standing on the boundless land. Most of the students who came here with ambition at the beginning were worn out by this environment and struggled. They grew up in the bustling, and they are used to the hustle and bustle.

After a busy day, Liu Heng returned to the house with his companions. In terms of food and lodging, Shan Haixing is extremely generous. Not to mention a house, he also provides fruits and vegetables that cannot be snapped up on the Xingguang platform every day. But even so, Liu Heng felt a little tired. If Shan Haixing was not willing to support her hobby - woodcarving, she might have left like everyone else.

After returning home, Liu Heng immediately logged into the star network.

Just at this time, Xue Min threw a request for communication, and Liu Heng connected directly without thinking carefully.

Xue Min asked: "Are you still in Shanhaixing?"

Liu Heng nodded, she caught a glimpse of Xue Min's twinkling eyes, frowned, and suddenly remembered the reason for the last "unhappy parting". Xue Min was her roommate, the first group of people who applied to leave Shanhaixing. When she left, she was full of ambitions. One was proud that she had taken the "Elpis Reagent" that others couldn't get, and the other was that she naturally enjoyed the fruits and vegetables that she couldn't afford in the past. But even if such benefits were in front of her, she gave up first. Maybe she thought she could ask her old acquaintance who stayed in Shanhaixing to help her buy fruits and vegetables. At first, Liu Heng and the others did this, but later on, Liu Heng got bored.

Xue Min: "I heard that the planet master is gone?

Liu Heng's attitude was a little cold: "I don't know."

Xue Min smiled, and persuaded her self-righteously: "I think it's better to leave quickly, your family is not short of money, so giving away a house should not be able to bribe you, right? As for fruits and vegetables, your family does not lack this kind of access, stay here What are you planning? Do you think Shanhaixing can really develop? The city over there is being built, but there are no residents."

Liu Heng frowned even tighter. She interrupted Xue Min's chatter and asked, "What exactly do you want to say?"

Xue Min: "I'm going to work in 'Changhe' now, and the welfare there is much better than that of Shanhaixing, I—"

"Jingle Bell".

The doorbell cut off Xue Min's words, Liu Heng glanced at Xue Min, got up and opened the door. It was her and Xue Min's old classmates who came with a big bag in their hands.

"Are you chatting with Xue Min?" The old classmate lowered his eyelashes, hiding the coldness in his eyes.

Liu Heng sighed softly, shrugged at his old classmate from an angle that Xue Min could not see, and made a helpless expression. The old classmate understood, she raised her head and smiled at Liu Heng, cleared her throat, and raised her voice deliberately: "It's the seeds distributed by the base, this month's benefits."

Not to mention Xue Min, even Liu Heng's eyes widened: "Seed?"

The old classmate nodded, and said seriously: "Yes, the seeds!" She raised her hand and said, "I have to go to another place to deliver it, so let's go first."

Liu Heng gave a "hmm" and returned to the house with the seeds. Xue Min on the other end looked a little anxious, she had been watching the news a lot recently, so of course she knew about the "seeds sprouting". After hearing about this, she felt that it was necessary for her to leave. If plants appeared on other planets, Shanhaixing would have no advantage at all. Only now did she remember that the source of the seeds was Shanhaixing.

"Really? Can it grow?"

"I don't know how to farm." Liu Heng shrugged, "Send it back and let my parents toss."

No one cares about the relationship between Shanhaixing and Beastxing, but this group of students are all good at surfing the Internet, and they posted about Shanhaixing's benefits one after another. Those who left Shan Hai Xing early felt remorseful, and always said sour words of frustration. However, when they saw Liu Heng and the others under their Xingwei account, there were rich people who were willing to buy seeds at a high price, they couldn't even speak bitter words, and they only dared to complain secretly in their hearts. How did they leave?

Although the asking price is extremely high, the people who stay in Shanhaixing are all interesting and sensible. Although the "welfare" of free handling is mentioned, the Xingguang platform has not yet been listed for trading. How can they be ahead in private? Moreover, the value of this batch of seeds cannot be measured by money.

Under the "Mystery One" Xingwei account at the moment, fans are actively speaking below.

——No. 1, don’t pretend to be dead, send a message, when will the seeds be on the shelves?

— Give me a word, let me give up early.

—Has the planet master really left Shanhaixing?

—I’ll just say it straight, I want to be a pioneer, I want to immigrate, is that okay?

In the distant "Black Sea" - a barren construction star, a short man paced back and forth.

"I got the news that the person from the Star Court and the planet owner are not here. Some people want us to steal the seeds."

"The seeds have not been scattered yet. If they can be stolen, they will be able to monopolize this business."

"How could it be so easy? Previously, the demon phantom and the others were wiped out directly."

"The Alliance of Civilizations has been incorporated into the imperial government, and they are busy solving the shocks caused by the reform. Some chaebols are willing to invest in this mission." The short man's eyes flickered, and he grinned, "Besides, We still have the legacy left by the Demon Phantom Star Bandit."

"And this time it's not just our Star Thief Group joining." The person who answered the call clapped his hands and laughed, "Brothers, let's go!"

beast star.

Feng Yi in the meeting room had a serious face. On both sides of the long table, sat the representatives of the Dragon, Lion, Qilin, Xuanwu and other high-ranking tribes. Standing at the middle door was a young man who almost lost control of his tentacles when he got nervous.

"Wu Mo, are you ready?" Feng Yi said in a deep voice. This person was introduced by Xiong Xun. He said that the squid family is best at being a "water army", and that the leather bag companies are all over the galaxy. Among the beast stars, this group of quick-witted and greedy guys are the most suitable for disguising themselves as "plutocrats" and dealing with star thieves.

Wu Mo nodded heavily.

If he doesn't agree, he will probably be made into octopus **** on the boss's plate.

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