MTL - Instructing the Archaeological Team, Was Actually Regarded As a Tomb Robber-Chapter 982 Candle Dragon Territory

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After one person and one beast experienced a life-and-death calamity, their relationship with each other became much closer. It is no longer like before, and there is still fear between each other.

Although Bai Ze still talked like that, he trusted Ye Cheng even more.

It can be said that without Ye Cheng, he would not have survived.

And after he died, he could still give half of the flowers to him, which even he admired.

"However, let's talk about it first. I want to eat your barbecue often. You have to get it for me. Otherwise, I won't accompany you hungry!" Bai Ze added!

"Okay, enough!" Ye Cheng smiled!

One man and one beast chatted and laughed, and embarked on the journey again. Of course, this was just the beginning for a while, and then the two fell into endless bickering, ridiculing each other, and tearing each other down.

However, with Bai Ze's company, Ye Cheng is not afraid of being alone. This guy is even better than Fatty Wang.

At the beginning, he was reserved and refrained from speaking human words, but now he is fine, and when he talks about it, it is really endless.

The mountain of corpses was in the east, so they changed direction directly and left the bitter cold place.

However, after walking for two days, I came to a strange place where black and white day and night were completely reversed.

It is clearly daytime outside, but there is eternal night there, the surrounding air is freezing, and the snow is falling heavily.

"Where is that place?" Ye Cheng asked curiously!

Bai Ze, on the other hand, was full of apprehension, and directly avoided a distance of dozens of miles.

"That is the territory of Zhulong, one of the top existences in this world, we still have to detour, this guy has a bad temper, if we provoke Zhulong, no one in this world will be able to save us! "Bai Ze looked apprehensive.

Even though he had to travel a lot, he still took the initiative to detour, for fear of encountering any intersection with Zhulong!

This is a performance that has never been seen in the face of other divine beasts, which shows how much Bai Ze is afraid of Zhulong.

"Candle Dragon's Territory!"

These few words made Ye Cheng's heart extremely complicated. You must know that the blood of the candle dragon flowed through his body, and he was followed by a living candle dragon.

Moreover, after hearing Bai Ze's words before, he was still very afraid of Zhulong.

Zhulong is very fond of his own blood, who knows what will happen if he knows that his blood is flowing in someone else's body.

Will it kill him directly?

So, it's better not to provoke!

"Hurry up, hurry up, let's take a detour!" Ye Cheng had seen Kunpeng's coercion with his own eyes, and Zhulong's combat power must be stronger than Kunpeng's.

For such a monster, it is safest to take a detour.

Bai Ze led Ye Cheng around the road, but for some reason, Ye Cheng always felt a little panicked, as if he was being watched by something.

His senses have always been very sensitive, especially after his strength has improved, his senses have become more sensitive.

At this moment, he was sure that there must be something staring at him, sending chills down his spine.

Not only him, but the sleeping Zhulong in his body also woke up. At this moment, Zhulong was very quiet and seemed to feel a strong sense of oppression.

Although he prided himself on being strong, just that feeling now made him dare not act rashly, for fear that it would lead to a catastrophe.

"Is this, the real Torch Dragon?" Torch Dragon was also trembling in his heart.

What the snake **** said to him before, he didn't realize anything, let alone thought that the candle dragon in this world was really as powerful as he said.

Ye Cheng looked at the position of Zhulong's territory, there was darkness, corresponding to the surrounding light, it was particularly obvious!

However, he vaguely saw two black bright moons in the darkness, hanging in mid-air, like two huge eyes, looking at him there.

"Damn it, Zhulong must have woken up!" Ye Cheng panicked.

Legend has it that when Zhulong opened his eyes, it was day, and when he closed his eyes, it was night. Now that it was night, Zhulong should have closed his eyes, so what he saw should not be eyes.

But just as he was thinking about it, he saw that the darkness gradually dissipated, and in just a moment, it turned into daylight!

Just now I was thinking that those two little moon-like things had better not be Zhulong's eyes, but now that it was dawn there, Ye Cheng was sure that they might really be Zhulong's eyes!

"Mom, you can't be so unlucky!" Ye Cheng muttered inwardly.

Bai Ze also said that his luck was against the sky, this **** luck was against the sky, it was clearly bad luck against the sky, and he was invincible.

Bai Ze also realized that the situation there was wrong, and began to mutter in his heart.

"Grandma, what's the matter, didn't Zhulong sleep for thousands of years, why did he wake up by such a coincidence, his uncle, he couldn't be afraid of something!"

Bai Ze muttered, but his legs picked up speed, thinking to get around here quickly, trying not to get into any trouble!

At this moment, he was also panicking in his heart, and wanted to take Ye Cheng out of here quickly, absolutely not to provoke that existence.

Otherwise, no one can really save them this time.

However, in Ye Cheng's heart, the feeling of being stared at became more and more intense. At this moment, the blood in his body seemed to start to burn slowly.

The whole body began to become hot.

The heart also began to beat wildly, and the blood was getting faster and faster, as if every drop of blood felt a call at this moment, excited, shouting, and excited.

This feeling is beyond words, even Ye Cheng himself was confused, he found that now he can't control his body.

Every drop of his blood seemed to no longer belong to him.

Not only him, but the Candle Dragon in his body felt the same way.

The power that belonged to him was completely uncontrollable, the blood in his body seemed to be summoned, a coercion from the soul made him start to tremble from the bottom of his heart.

It was horrible, something he had never felt in his long life.

Bai Ze, who was running, also stopped suddenly, with a terrified expression on his face!

"Damn, what's going on, I can't move anymore!" Bai Ze yelled in horror.

At this not only Ye Cheng can't move anymore, he can't move either, each person and beast seem to be controlled by a mysterious force, no matter how hard they struggle, it's all futile!

This is terrible, they don't even know what happened, let alone where this power comes from.

After Bai Ze was reborn, he felt that he had become stronger and invincible, but now in front of this power, he felt that the little power he had increased was just equivalent to a child's age, and it was not worth it at all. Mention.

"Boy, how are you? Can you still move?" Bai Ze asked anxiously!

Ye Cheng said: "I can't, and it feels so hot, the blood in my body seems to be burning!"

"Burning, what's going on, how could the blood burn!" Bai Ze was a little confused.

However, the current situation in Yecheng is like this.

(end of this chapter)