MTL - Internet 2010-Chapter 14 Build a grass team

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On the morning of March 16th.

When Lu Zhou returned to the house last night, he fought all night, constantly filling in some program logic of the advertising alliance.

It was not until early in the morning that Song Wenhui called Lu Zhou to go to Phaeton to sign a contract, and Lu Zhou got up and rode his bicycle to Phaeton.

The main content of the contract is that Phaeton will invest in Dream Valley with the right to use ten servers for one year and hold 5% of the shares.

Lu Zhou, who was a little lethargic, also carefully read the corresponding clauses of the contract, and the contract was very satisfactory. There was no accident, and Lu Zhou signed it directly.

After several contacts, Lu Zhou thought Song Wenhui was a long-term boss at first, but now he thinks he is a good partner.

Lu Zhou listed, "Have vision, have achievements, dare to gamble, be kind and informal... If Menggu has server requirements, it can be completely handed over to Phaeton. If the cloud computing technology in my hands can be used in the future, It would be even more perfect to have Phaeton under his command."

Lu Zhou thought so in his heart, but it was not easy to realize. After all, Phaeton is a company with nearly 30 million in server assets.

Immediately afterwards, Lu Zhou came to Zhuyuan 305, but when he arrived at the door, he was surprised. He saw that 305 was full of people, and there were about twenty people.

Fang Qiang noticed Lu Zhou, and hurried to Lu Zhou, "Brother Lu, good morning. These are the sophomores and juniors who were interested under my call yesterday. They want to come and take a look first."

"Hello, senior!"

Looking at so many people, Lu Zhou also sighed, it seems that choosing to start a business in Yixian is a good choice.

As a leading university in Guangnan itself, Yat Sen has a solid foundation for most of the students in the School of Computer Science. After a period of training, they can quickly start working.

Compared with some experienced programmers who have worked for two or three years, although it takes time to train interns, the advantage is that they are all blank sheets of paper, their minds are more simple than social people, and they are more motivated and eager to learn.

Of course, the cost of employment is also much lower.

Lu Zhou cleared his throat and coughed, and the students in 305 quickly quieted down, waiting for Lu Zhou to speak.

"Hello fellow students, I'm Lu Zhou from the 2008 computer class. It's a pleasure to meet you all."

On the side, some juniors were about to applaud, but Lu Zhou pressed down and said, "For the specific situation, your senior Fang must have introduced it to you. We need four interns at the moment, so it is bound to be There needs to be an interview screening process.”

"Don't be discouraged if you don't pass. The interview screening here is not good or bad, it's just a question of suitability. First of all, the most basic thing is to be able to complete the program independently, and those with ACM experience are excellent. Students who can do it can leave first.”

After listening to Lu Zhou's words, the surrounding juniors rustled for a while, and then quieted down, which surprised Lu Zhou.

Fang Qiang, on the other hand, looked embarrassed, leaned over and said something in Lu Zhou's ear, "Brother Lu, these little brothers are basically candidates for the ACM team, or former team members."

Lu Zhou was also embarrassed, but he gave Fang Qiang a shudder, causing some laughter around him.

But he was in a good mood right away. The apprentices Fang Qiang found were all treasures.

Not to mention Yat Sen University's results in the ACM competition, just being able to become a member of the School of Computer Science means that he passed the on-campus selection during his freshman year and sophomore year.

So, Lu Zhou changed his rhetoric and made a joke, "Cough, I just didn't understand the situation, which made all the juniors laugh. If the ACM team members can't complete the big homework, then the other students will probably cry."

All the apprentices also smiled and felt that Lu Zhou was a lot more cordial.

"So, although Dream Valley only needs four interns at the moment, this can't be changed, but if you need to continue to expand enrollment in the future, we will give priority to the students who were not selected this time. I will make a question later and select the best candidates. Wait a moment, and if you need to go back to the dormitory to prepare, you can come back after fifteen minutes."

Lu Zhou called Fang Qiang, and after thinking for a while, he asked Fang Qiang to go down and print it out.

After fifteen minutes, everyone had a question in their hands.

The title is consistent with the program of the advertising alliance to be done next, and it is part of the business logic of the program.

Luzhou selected the CPI (Pay Per App Install) advertising model in the advertising network as the application scenario.

The students who need to answer the questions should answer a few key points. One is the business logic of advertisers placing CPI advertisements in the advertiser's background, then the SDK logic that the developer accesses, and finally the data format of the SDK callback.

In fact, Lu Zhou chose open-ended questions, which can be answered in the form of text charts and other forms, and what Lu Zhou wanted to see was to examine how they used dialectical analysis in areas they had never understood before. get the answer.

The essence of programming is also here. Language and technology are only means. As long as the thinking can keep up, there will always be means to achieve it.

Immediately after, half an hour later, Fang Qiang collected twenty answers.

Lu Zhou approved it one by one, and each answer had its own uniqueness, which made it very difficult for him to give up.

But after all, Menggu can't raise so many people right now, he can only make a difficult choice, "Okay, I have read your answer sheet, and there are candidates. But before the announcement, let me explain this to you first. Dao question. Of course, this is not the only answer, it is for reference only.”

Lu Zhou went on to say, "First of all, in terms of the logic of advertiser access, most of the students have answered the point. Advertisers' advertising involves functional logic such as access payment, background management of installation packages and advertising materials. This point It is not only a common practice in the industry, but also the logic of most customer management backends. The students who selected the answer have designed the table structure of the database together, and then clarified the data in several subsequent modules in the developer module. Links in modules."

"As for the developer's SDK logic, some students who have been exposed to Android development take advantage of it. But in essence, whether it is the SDK or the data that is called back, it is the traditional CS client and Server communication model. The integrated SDK collects the user's mobile phone information of the developer's application, and then returns the actual installation status to the server. Therefore, it is not the key to whether you have contacted Android or not. The key is to examine the students' flexible application of the client-server communication model. ."

Then, Lu Zhou cleared his throat again, "Finally, to my surprise, two students also mentioned a very important point, which is the actual intention and scene outside the test questions. For the final return to the server They proposed that they could analyze the data to judge whether the advertiser's advertisement is suitable for the developer from the conditions such as region, mobile phone model and even age. From this point, they discussed that the SDK can integrate the advertising program module. change, and re-communicate under the decision of judging the results to replace more appropriate advertisements.”

"In simple terms, it is the application developed by developer A. If most of the users are young female users, we will give her advertisements for cosmetics and apparel applications; and if most of the applications developed by developer B are young single male users, we will give him advertisements. Ads for chatting apps..."

Hahaha, the surrounding apprentices are also happy, but it is true.

And Lu Zhou's introductory explanation has also given many people a lot of understanding of the whole topic, and they can't help but sigh that the gap between themselves and the seniors is not small. After all, writing programs in an ivory tower is one thing, while business is involved It's another story.

At the end of the explanation, Lu Zhou also announced the four selected candidates, while the rest Lu Zhou also promised to give priority to them for subsequent recruitment, and asked Fang Qiang to leave their phone numbers.

So far, in the morning, Lu Zhou also set up the grass stage team of Dream Valley.