MTL - Internet 2010-Chapter 346 Root of all evil

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In the office, Cheng Xuyuan kept shaking his head.

He said to Chen Dongzhuo, who was beside him, "If the user is happy, you just keep him happy. How to make the user happy? According to the previous practice of Wei Toutiao, it's just right to keep adding 'like' content to him."

Chen Dongzhuo frowned, "I know the truth, so the current situation of excavating this so-called 'same person' method is really unsatisfactory. It doesn't work. Are you sure you will continue to push it?"

Cheng Xuyuan smiled, this "similar person" is a new idea that Wei Toutiao found in the follow-up product development.

It is also simple to do.

"No leaf in the world is the same."

Although some philosophers say so, but for Wei Toutiao, this is obviously not a thing.

In the data mining of "Doujinren", the reading preferences and habits of a certain Weitoutiao user will be thrown into massive data for comparison. Among tens of millions of people, is it difficult to find a user whose data similarity is greater than 80% with yours? If it is difficult, what about 50%?

Since you and him have a certain degree of similarity in data, it's easy to do Wei Toutiao: the higher the similarity, the more you can pass what you've seen to another person, and what the other person has seen will be pushed back to you.

In addition to being based on its own historical data, it is also based on some data of "similars" similar to yours. This recommendation seems to make some sense.

"Wow, you're watching a **** drama! I also like it very much. I recommend you to watch a yyy drama. It's similar to this one, and it's also very good-looking..."

Probably, there are such scenes in life. The micro headline is to simulate the mutual recommendation between two data bodies.

Cheng Xuyuan pursed his lips and said, "It may be that the amount of data mining is not in place. First adjust the weight of the new strategy and reduce the amount of push in this part."

As for other things, Cheng Xuyuan doesn't have much to blame. There are also some businesses in Wei Toutiao that are "boarding" in the Seven Star Laboratory, what else can it do!

Wei Toutiao wants to speed up, the content is there, the data is there, but the computing power of mining is not enough, which becomes a constraint.

Chen Dongzhuo sighed quietly, "Oh, okay."

In the end, Wei Toutiao is still a "little brother". Mengguyun's priority to ensure supply is the highest than WeChat, followed by Mengguang. What orange peach is shouting every day, this micro headline is just screaming, and Mengguyun really can't squeeze the supply.

Seeing this, Cheng Xuyuan was about to give another order when Wen Xuwei rushed over in a hurry.

He said to Cheng Xuyuan, "The first phase of the Guangnan data center will be in place soon. You can arrange it, give a migration list and plan, and we will start the deployment of Menggu Cloud tomorrow."

Cheng Xuyuan thought for a moment, "Then let's arrange the marginal business first. It's going to work again in a hurry, but I'm worried that something will go wrong."

Wen Xu said with a big grin, "What's wrong with TM. What about power supply, network, and heat dissipation, the tests that should be tested have been completed early."

Cheng Xuyuan squinted at Wen Xuwei, this dead fat man is very demonic, but he "deceived" him a few times. On one weekend, he was fooled and dragged a few WeChat engineers over, but he didn't realize that he stayed in the computer room for two days.

Cheng Xuyuan raised his head and said, "Chen Gong. You are familiar with the data modules of WeChat before, or you can go with Lao Wen to arrange the migration of some non-critical parts of WeChat, or let Lao Wen give it to you first. Fill up Wei Toutiao's computing resources."

Chen Dongzhuo was overjoyed when he heard it, this was a solution to the urgent need of Wei Toutiao!

He said, "Yes, but yes, is it the needs of WeChat?"

Wen Xuwei didn't care which one came first. He smiled and said, "Old Cheng says it's alright. It's going to be done in a few days."

After all, he didn't care about 3721, he took Chen Dongzhuo directly and went out.

And Cheng Xuyuan was also "kind", and called two more people to help in the past.

Wen Xuwei took the lead, and after leaving the building, he drove people to the data center in a car.

The road is quite long. First, I took the expressway in the city. As I walked, the road became extraordinarily desolate. When he got somewhere, Wen Xuwei turned a corner and drove straight into a dirt road.

Chen Dongzhuo, "...Wen Gong, is this going to the data center?"

Wen Xuwei glanced at the rearview mirror, "Oh, we'll be there soon. This park was just planned, we were the first one, and the conditions were naturally a bit poor. And we had to build a section of the road connecting the road to the park ourselves. It can't be done in such a short time."

A few minutes later, Wen Xuwei parked his car in front of a certain building.

Chen Dongzhuo followed and walked over. He could see the construction around him, but he didn't know whether it was the second phase of the repair or the office area.

Seeing this, Wen Xuwei pointed, "That's the power area, it's basically completed, otherwise we wouldn't be able to come over and do it ahead of time. That building is still the first phase, and it will take another two months. As for the office area, I'll leave it to you for the time being. Don't think about it, at least it will be built with the second phase next year."

Several people walked into the building together, and the scene inside the building surprised Chen Dongzhuo.

The wall is flat enough, but no matter what, it's really not much different from the rough.

Wen Xuwei explained, "The first floor is reserved for reception, on-duty and monitoring, and there is no plan to decorate it for the time being. The first floor has been The line network racks have everything. It's just a matter of migrating the machine."

Chen Dongzhuo smiled awkwardly when he heard it, and the local birds don't say shit, and the construction of the interior is not arranged according to the standard of comfortable work for people, but according to the standard of the fastest machine on the machine.

Chen Dongzhuo said, "It's really a dream valley style. Born a monkey."


The following week, thanks to the partial launch of the Guangnan data center, Wei Toutiao received unprecedented infrastructure support.

It is reflected in the data that the indicators of the entire recommendation mechanism have risen. Users stay longer!

This time, traditional Internet portals have begun to notice this "rising star" from Menggu, because in terms of new user additions, this Wei Toutiao is really a heavyweight star app.

But when most of the giants pondered carefully, they found that the realization of this micro headline is also a bit troublesome. In this way, it is imitation and learning, and the cost of R&D and transformation is there.

After all, when it comes to rivals, they are more willing to take the WeChat public account as a threat, because this function is backed by hundreds of millions of WeChat users, and there are a group of creators who are constantly producing articles.

However, when they look at it in the future, there is no so-called public account, but some headlines.

One day, this micro headline, dubbed "Shocking the World Ten Billions of Times in One Day", really shocked the world once and for all.

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