MTL - Internet 2010-Chapter 371 black payment

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Upstairs Dream Valley to pay.

Fang Yuling's assistant walked into her office, "Mr. Fang, this is the report from the technical department, and it's all you want. This last one is the list of the big merchants with abnormal settlements recently."

Fang Yuling nodded slightly, then took the report.

This is a third-party payment, and the profit point is quite similar to what a bank does. One is to charge handling fees in the transaction, and the other is to do some compliant finance through the accumulated funds.

When ordinary people swipe bank cards for transactions, merchants in different scenarios have to pay different procedures. In WeChat payment, the personal collection code does not charge a handling fee, but it involves other types of scenarios, which is to charge a handling fee. Just like the developers of Menggu Cloud use WeChat Pay to pay, after the order is settled, Menggu Cloud will pay the previous fee to Menggu Cloud.

Recently, the promotion of WeChat payment in Dream Valley has been very strong. As more and more merchants are connected to WeChat Pay, the more payment behaviors and the greater the transaction flow, the more profits WeChat Pay can get.

Among the different access account types of WeChat, the Menggu payment team recently joined a "big merchant" settlement system.

Menggu pays these "big merchants" a lower handling fee, and after integrating WeChat Pay, they charge higher handling fees to the next-level access users.

If there are many lower-level small merchants connected to this, then this "big merchant" is equivalent to making a "fourth-party payment". It can also be regarded as a living method for companies that have not obtained a license. Dream Valley Payment, if you want to make a transaction, you have to open one eye and close one eye. If the fine is imposed, it will be the "big merchant" that is more severe.

Here, there are many payment manufacturers who originally worked as payment POS machines. They got access to the "big merchants" of Menggu Payment, and then turned the whole solution into a WeChat code scanning machine. Every offline merchant buys such a machine, and the settlement is to go to the account of this "big merchant" first, and finally arrive at the Menggu payment system. What is the machine business, what you earn is the difference in this fee. When the volume of goods distributed is large, the flow of water is large, and it is not too much to say that it is a daily gold.

Fang Yuling remembered that it had only been two months, and there were already many manufacturers of this type of machine in the market. Many of them cooperated with the various branches promoted by Dream Valley to sell these machines. Although it looks a bit awkward, it seems that Dream Valley Promotion as a subsidiary has not forgotten to make extra money. However, the overall situation can't be affected, and there may be a promotion effect. As long as there is no corruption, she can't really care about this kind of thing.

Fang Yuling opened the last report and said that it was the abnormality in this "big business".

In fact, in a strict sense, this type of integrated merchants will make another settlement below, and the original practice is not justified. It's a one-off thing.

A sensible partner, this order goes through the Menggu payment system once, and the settlement and settlement accounts are clearly laid out, so the general supervision department will not take this matter too seriously.

Can you let the ignorant, the total number can't be wrong, how to settle accounts can be settled, but who is the money that this big merchant collects? How much are the fee points? If some data are given and combined, the articles that can be played will be more tricky.

For example, this "fourth-party payment" code suddenly appeared on gambling and **** platforms? That means, but there are more.

If it is said that this ignorant charge tm these illegal platforms clearing fees, ten points? I'm afraid there are still people willing to take it. But the settlement fee paid by WeChat to big merchants is only around 1,000 yuan.

哽噺蹓帽奇奇 Novel 蛧|w~w~

10 million in and out of gambling capital a day, 10 points of handling fee is a million profit. This is a black payment merchant, and it is also very profitable.

Of course, Fang Yuling knew that as far as the problem merchants that Menggu Payment had identified, the ten-point statement was a bit exaggerated. After all, there is capital, and daring businessmen are all over the country, and the competition in this industry is not small.

Dream Valley Pay, it also took a lot of effort to establish various monitoring and recording systems. In less than half a year since Quick Payment was launched, Menggu Payment has already reported many merchants to the relevant departments.

If it is said that Menggu Payment is taking small profits but quick turnover, what these black payment players do is to make huge profits.

The problem is always there, Fang Yuling stopped thinking about it after reading the report. What about the market? That's it. Many black payments still make it clear that they invest money in the promotion of Qiandu's page to generate traffic. If they connect to one or two domestic and foreign platforms, they can simply live happily for a year and a half. For thousands of years, when this table has stopped, it means that it has stopped. East and West are like that.

If you think about it a little bit, Menggu payment will not have any loss. But how to grasp this, it also has to be managed by manpower. The assistant has already given the matter to other colleagues to report the case, so Fang Yuling doesn't need to overdo it.

She made an internal call, "Hello, Zhang Gong, come to my office."

Fang Yuling was looking for an important technical director of Menggu Payment.

After a while, Zhang Gong entered Fang Yuling's Yuling said directly, "WeChat has made a request, saying that due to the increase in offline payment behavior recently, dream Gu Payment needs to expand the entire system. Are you dealing with the relevant requirements now?"

Old Zhang nodded slightly, "Well, Mr. Fang, it's already being dealt with. This is mainly a problem of communication environment and conditions. Many WeChat payment users use the 2 network for payment, and the process of returning data takes up a lot of channel resources. , which will affect the load of the entire system to a certain extent.”

Fang Yuling asked, "Is it easy to cause safety problems?"

After listening, Lao Zhang shook his head and said, "So far, no such situation has been found, and relevant user feedback has not been received."

Fang Yuling, "mm... OK. In this way, I remember that during the Spring Festival, Mengguyun provided a batch of short-term machines for our entire red envelope activity. Can some of these come down now? According to your statement, This expansion is still necessary.”

Lao Zhang was a little embarrassed, "Boss Fang, in fact, there were no other product lines in the early stage of Guangnan, so it was only then that we were able to provide support for the red envelope activities paid by WeChat and Menggu. As for now, that has already been done. It is a radish and a pit, and all the land that should be occupied is occupied.

According to the meaning of Menggu Cloud staff, the fastest is to wait for the middle of the year, and the second phase of the Guangnan Data Center will be launched one after another in the middle of the year. By then the situation will be relieved. "

Fang Yuling laughed after hearing this, this startup company...

"The situation will ease by then." She was about to hear the cocoon anyway.

Is this Dream Valley? It's developing too fast everywhere, and there are places where it can't keep up. The "big business" is the biggest one she has encountered.

What a wild beast.

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