MTL - Internet 2010-Chapter 385 Overlooker

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At work the next day, Lu Zhou just arrived at the company and passed by Cheng Xuyuan's office.

Cheng Xuyuan had never set up his own office before, and he stayed with WeChat employees during his daily work, which was convenient when doing development. Also much less than before.

Lu Zhou looked at the door and saw that there was an additional assistant in the office, who was recruited very quickly.

"Mr. Cheng, this is a plan made by Wei Toutiao overseas. Chen Gong said that you need to decide." The assistant happened to be talking to Cheng Xuyuan.

Cheng Xuyuan said, "Let's put things here first. I'll have a short meeting with them in the afternoon. You can also communicate with someone outside Menggu Yunhai. Wei Toutiao overseas needs to be tested in advance. You can ask their manager for an application for Chen Gong."

The assistant nodded when he heard it, and went out of the office to do what Cheng Xuyuan ordered.

When Lu Zhou saw it, he also said, "This style is becoming more and more personal."

Cheng Xuyuan smiled for no reason after hearing it, "What's the matter, you didn't look like a human before?"

Lu Zhou sat on the chair opposite Cheng Xuyuan, and he smiled, "Before, it was like a hard-working peasant."

Lu Zhou took the document that Cheng Xuyuan put on the table, and opened it, but it was a surprise.

The documents are not company copy, just some reading material. It seems that Cheng Xuyuan's learning path has not stopped.

Lu Zhou smiled and said, "Why, did you find something from Boss Yao to make up your body?"

Inside, it's all about theoretical computer science, and it's quite old. There are so many papers by Academician Yao Qizhi.

Cheng Xuyuan said with a wry smile, "I don't sit outside, and I don't spend much time writing code every day. It's not a review of some theoretical things, it's a reinforcement."

Lu Zhou just read it while listening.

A few years ago, Academician Yao had returned to China, and now he is also teaching in Huaqing. Therefore, the computer experiment class established by Huaqing is often called "Yao Class" by the outside world.

Lu Zhou said, "When we were still in school, we also came up with something from the boss and discussed it."

Lu Zhou asked with a vague memory. After all, it was too long.

Cheng Xuyuan nodded and said, "I don't know if it's a discussion. I'm young and I don't understand, so I can say why it's not possible with a scripture?"

Lu Zhou smiled, "That's true."

In cryptography, computational complexity, and quantum computing, academician Yao's academic achievements are mostly groundbreaking. Several achievements in the 1980s are an important part of modern cryptography, and the concept of "communication complexity" proposed is still a hot research field two decades later. In the 1990s, important researches such as quantum Turing machine model and quantum cryptography were thrown out at random.

Cheng Xuyuan said, "I will be born a few years later, so I can't rush to get a Yao class?"

Lu Zhou smiled and said, "It's like you can't figure it out right now? Besides, you can't pass the real test, so it's better to dream less."

What Lu Zhou said was actually true. Although Cheng Xuyuan participated in the work as an undergraduate, and he did not read books for a few years, but he did a lot of engineering, and it took a lot of time to really think about the theory. perhaps.

And this is also because of the influence of the existence of Seven Star Laboratory. Although the scale of Seven Stars is not large at present, the research directions it is involved in can be said to be varied. Lu Zhou has been following up and studying, Cheng Xuyuan is, Fang Qiang is, and Wen Xuwei is also. Otherwise, sometimes the theory of achievement is there, and engineers who don't understand it can still engineer it?

For them, understanding something is probably an absolute necessity, otherwise they will not be able to communicate with the researchers of Seven Stars, and the results will not be transformed. Lu Zhou looked at it almost in a mess, and all the researches related to Seven Stars were scratching the surface. As for the rest of the people, they are more likely to learn what the company needs, including some team members in the company.

Lu Zhou said, "When I went to Qixing, I heard a Cao Wencong talk about quantum annealing. I can't even tell what the **** the people in the lab are doing now."

Cheng Xuyuan said indifferently, "At least I'm still interested and can spend some extra time to understand. However, it is said that quantum computing belongs to the series of lifetimes."

Lu Zhou shook his head slightly, "I don't know."

At least he hasn't seen it yet.

The future he knows is still the world of classical computers, and all kinds of genius ideas and theories have not come into reality.

A few years ago, the research of HKUST opened the door to the application of quantum communication. In the future, Huaxia's research in the field of quantum communication will also come to the forefront of the world.

However, just as people believed fifty years ago that human beings could control "controllable nuclear fusion" fifty years ago, today, everyone is still looking to the future.

Lu Zhoudao, "Some algorithm matters may not require a real quantum computer. At least the research is meaningful and helpful to the research in the field of artificial intelligence, I think."

Cheng Xuyuan shrugged slightly after hearing this, "I don't know much about this. Things in this part of the laboratory are very scattered, and many of them are just the process of internal ideas and discussions. Not sure if they can be applied to artificial intelligence."

"By the way, BetaGo, are you planning to learn from IBM Deep Blue before, want to make a Go program and play against people?"

Lu Zhou nodded, "Let's try it out, there should be some people doing similar work in the world. I think Since longan already exists, then follow the hardware upgrade and do it at the same time. A huge system of artificial intelligence, this should be a good topic."

Cheng Xuyuan, "Emm... I'm also paying attention to the research related to Seven Stars and BetaGo. But are you sure that Litchi Technology's capabilities are enough to support the creation of AI acceleration hardware?"

Lu Zhou smiled, "It shouldn't be now, it's just the beginning. If possible, more than one billion will be invested in Litchi Technology in the next two or three years."

Cheng Xuyuan didn't show any expression after listening to it. He had previously consulted the information of Seven Stars, and he also learned about what Lizhi Technology was going to do. In this chip field, one billion has been invested in two or three years. It sounds like a lot of money, but it may not be obvious if you really want to make a splash.

Cheng Xuyuan said, "I don't think it's necessary to worry for now. At present, although some systems of WeChat also use AI, it is difficult to mention the improvement in revenue or profit."

Lu Zhou shook his head directly. He understood what Cheng Xuyuan meant. What he said was nothing more than limited AI capabilities at present. If the financial pressure is too great, it should be postponed for a while.

"That's it. Playing Go seems useless. However, sometimes the accounts have to be confused. If I say that AI is an important technology application in the future, you should have no reason to object."

Cheng Xuyuan, "That's true."



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