MTL - Interstellar Favorite Superstar-v2 Chapter 93 I talked to Damenji!

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With Eddie's journey, it is particularly lively.

He enthusiastically shared with Su Tan the test materials he collected and sorted out, and the exercise library of previous years. The generous and enthusiastic look was completely different from the awkward and imaginative image that Su Tan first knew.

It's all because--

"I want to see the teriyaki meat greatly!" Sitting in the Starship Restaurant, Eddie was excited and excited about Sutan while eating a table full of food.

Su Tan simply didn't know what to answer. He bent his lips with a smile and echoed, "Yes."

Obviously, Eddie's excitement doesn't stop there. He couldn't help but be excited, and excitedly posted a live broadcast post on the Stars Novels website forum. The title of the post is simple and rude, directly:

"I'm going to talk to Da Nian !!!"

But it was this simple and straightforward post title that caught the attention of countless people in an instant.

"Landlord: Ruotian. I'm on my way to meet DaDa, I'm excited. If I'm lucky, I can be a classmate with DaDa in four years [proud]."

Although the content of the post is ambiguous, the netizens of the superb forums still figure out the parties with very little information.

"1L: Wouldn't it be the author I thought so much? If so, I'm also a fan of him!"

"2L: Brother, come and come, for a secret code, h?"

"3L: Can't understand, please decode."

"4L: Hahahahahaha, a reminder from the recent Weibo that there is a great need to take the admissions exam."

"5L: misty grass! I'm also a big fan! Excited! I want to go and watch!"

"6L: Wait for the landlord to follow up the live broadcast. Say, landlord, can you recognize the meat treasure?"

"Lord: Don't worry! I can find a big one 10 meters away with smell! Absolutely no problem!"


Eddie patted his chest with confidence.

The number of applicants for the literary admissions test was large. Due to the challenges of "brushing braised pork every day" and "every thousand sails" on Weibo, time has brought countless topics, and it is no less fierce than ordinary small draft games.

Literary examinations, admission shortcuts, direct access to prestigious schools ...

The rewards and temptations of various examinations have also firmly attracted the attention of many current university students. And there is no threshold setting for literary examinations, which makes countless people eager to try.

Maybe ... I'm hiding my talent for writing talents?

Suddenly, the literature competition was extremely popular.

When Sutan, Hayden and Eddy arrived at the Imperial Capital, the spacecraft saw bustling passengers, dragging large suitcases, and coming from many different star fields.

Among the various travelers, there were many students who looked at the tens of millions of student parties in the past, with full confidence, accompanied by family or classmates, flexing their muscles and preparing for the toughest college application season in March every year.

Tall and sturdy Eddie carried the huge suitcase effortlessly, killing a **** path among the crowd.

He shuttled back and forth to the exit of the Star Connection Port, put down his luggage, and asked Su Tan with a carefree attitude: "Which hotel do you order? I've settled at the nearest hotel in the test room, will we go together?"

Sutan was excited: "Walk!"

The big cousin aside, holding the teenager's back collar rather helplessly, dragged him back.

"Exam tomorrow. At this time the rooms must have been booked out. I have already discussed with my brother and will take you home first."

After hearing this, Su Tan wanted to follow the crowd of test takers vigorously, and was forced to stop him.

"Okay." He stood next to Hayden nicely, waving his hands with regret and said goodbye to Eddie.

But Eddie, who was a big head, walked two or three steps and suddenly felt the taste. "Hey, no, where's your brother?"

In Guilia, the small town is not big, and the two know the truth. Eddie is no longer familiar with the Su family. The original Su family was two robots, Suning and Suntan. Where did a big brother emerge?

Suddenly, Eddie dragged his suitcase back quickly, only to find that the two tall and short figures had disappeared in the crowded crowd.

Eddie's gaze was exhausted to find a pass among the countless people, and eventually he had to give up, dragging his suitcase and hurried to the imperial bus that just happened to be, and squeezed into the one towards the hotel.

The exam for the next day is about to begin.

Literary admissions examinations are located in a separate annex building of the Board of Education building.

Get up in Sutan in the morning, and run out of breakfast with the elder brother Gu Qin. The fresh Kingdu special lobster is full of delicious, accompanied by soft and delicious egg rolls, refreshing and fresh chicken salad, slap big crispy and delicious berry small Pie, a large pot of freshly squeezed fruit juice with flesh particles, makes Sutan eat very pleasantly and feel good.

Full, naturally energetic.

In order to send him to the examination room, Gu Qin deliberately pushed off all the work at hand, took off the pale green military uniform, replaced it with low-key casual clothes, and personally took him to the Board of Education building.

The driver who drove the car was silent and refined. Unlike the ordinary Gu family, he obviously replaced his guard.

Before leaving, Hayden hurried to get in. He squeezed into Gu's car, sat next to Su Tan, raised his eyes and hung a necklace around Su Tan's neck.

Su Tan looked down puzzledly, and saw a necklace around his neck. The pendant was a silver-gray metal plate embossed with intricate patterns. I didn't know what material it was made of. The tentacles were warm and not cold. The complicated patterns above are intertwined, looking low-key and beautiful.

"What is this?" He asked curiously.

Seeing Hayden's eyebrows raised slightly, Shu Lang laughed jokingly: "Dog tags."

Su Tan: ... want to hit someone.

Gu Qin, on the other hand, heard Yan Yan's careful look, and met Hayden with a deep understanding.

Su Tan looked at the silver-grey black dog tag and endured it for a while. He finally did not remove it from his neck. He arrived at the entrance of the examination room with this inconvenient necklace and got out of the car.

He stopped the elder brother and Hayden from sending themselves in, stood downstairs of the Board of Education Examination Building, smiled and waved with the two, and watched the car leave calmly.

Unexpectedly, as soon as I turned around, I saw Eddie not far away.

Eddie's gaze stuck tightly to the streamlined low-key luxurious sports car, watching the car silently resemble a cheetah into the traffic, and then drove away.

Right now, he was frightened, his expression was full of astonishment, and he looked at Sutan inconceivably. "Limited luxury cars!"

The companion who lived on the small planet in the country changed his appearance and took a limited-edition sports car to take the exam, which shocked Eddie's mind to a blank space, as if there were scattered pictures flashing quickly, but he couldn't catch his thoughts and idea.

Eddie was startled, only to feel that his heart was full of surprise, as if the other side that Su Tan had never shown before him slowly showed a corner.

As he tightened his eyebrows and clutched the flashing thoughts, he saw Su Tan walking around his neck with ease. "Come, prepare for the exam!"

Eddie was stomped by the opponent, and silently remembered the authorship of Su Tan's best-selling story "Unlucky Amy" and immediately found a reasonable explanation for himself.

However, Su Tan's trip is particularly low-key. Except for the knowledge of the Su family, Quanguilia did not know that he came to Diduxing to take a literary admissions test, so he was relaxed, free of burden, and did not cause too much. Attention.

He stood in line to enter the building, checked his identity information from the entrance of the examination room, and collected the seat number of the examination.

Eddie hurriedly rushed over to take a look, and found that the two happened to be next to each other, so they were relieved.

Turning his head, Eddie shook his head all over the field, struggling to find the beloved figure, but the crowd of candidates was more than he expected, and he couldn't find anything for a while.

"I don't know where it is?" Eddie was sad.

Su Tan answered silently in his heart-raising his hand, here.

"Should I stand up and roar so that I can see my presence?" Eddie suddenly stood up, suddenly dragged by those around him.

Su Tan: ... stop your stupid behavior [laughing and crying]!

Eddie gritted his teeth again and said, "That arrogant and provocative‘ Qianfandu ’on Weibo, do n’t know where it is?”

Hearing this sentence, Su Tan lightly sunned, and looked up curiously, looking around.

Presumably, the other party will not miss this rare exam opportunity, and will definitely try it. I just do n’t know who is here?

While the time before the test starts, some of the lively candidates around are familiar with each other and chatting together, and there are others who are dedicated to reading through the notes and trying to memorize each other.

Sutan sat in his seat leisurely and waited for the test, but Eddie was hurrying to hold the light brain and quickly continued to broadcast in the Star Forum post.

"1438L: This is the landlord who is in the examination room. There are too many people, at least a thousand, and no great QAQ was found."

"1439L: Whoops, who said,‘ I can find a big place when I smell ten meters away? '”

Eddie suddenly felt the pain in his face.

He held his head down and tried to rejuvenate his emotions. He usually helped out of the field: "1440L: Has anyone seen a large amount of braised pork? Ask for tips."

For a while, there were many opinions in the post.

"Every day I brush braised meat" Weibo has never posted a picture of myself, so netizens on the forum can only guess and analyze from rumors.

"1441L: Rouda is the young master of Gu's family. Although no photos have been made public, it is estimated that like Gu's family, they inherit black hair and black eyes."

Seeing this message, Eddie quickly looked up at the countless candidates at the scene. Although the black hair was scarce, three or five people could still be seen in the crowd.

And the most recent one--

Eddie's eyes fell on Su Tan.

He glanced suspiciously at Su Tan, seeing the other party calmly preparing for the exam, it took a long time to turn his eyes, and quickly glanced at a dark young man who was laughing arrogantly with his friends.

"1442L: By the way, the meat is eighteen years old! I have heard his live broadcast and it is a clean and clear young voice!"

Eddie couldn't help raising his ears and trying to get closer, like hearing the man's voice from the noisy test room scene.

Sure enough, with effort, only a few words were faintly introduced into his ears, with the words "starry" and "examination" faintly mixed, which made Eddie's heart hold up tightly.

Looking at the post again, the rest of the message is scattered and there is not much valuable news.

"1443L: A secret reminder, Gu Han, the mysterious young master Gu Han who had recovered and disappeared in the past, once reported that there were photos in it. Didn't both say that the two were twins? They should look very similar. The landlord can go and search for Gu Han. "

"1444L: Upstairs, I searched, those news and photos have long been blocked and deleted."

"1445L: At this time, you can only help @ 烟 泪."

Instead, Eddie quietly raised his ears, paying careful attention to the smiling and cheerful black-haired teenager there, but he did not find that he was passing by a large bag of professional books and information materials, and his face was tightly arrogant and thin. young people.

There was a traffic jam on the "Qianfanjin" road, and I was almost late, and my mood was already very bad.

Unexpectedly, at the entrance of the Board of Education building, he nearly ran into a candidate who rushed in, almost bumping into his figure, and his mood was suddenly extremely extreme.

Until he successfully entered the examination room, the loud and noisy examination room atmosphere suddenly struck him, and the noise of the noise made him have a headache. Many young and adolescent faces were full of excited and ambitious confidence, like this. Examinations are just like gadgets for practicing hands, so easy.

Where is he like? Sacrifice countless days and nights to prepare for the whole three years, but many universities apply to the sea, this exam is already his last chance.

"Thousands of sails" passed by an examinee's desk, and he happened to see a young man with dark hair and black eyes raised his eyes and looked at himself, his eyes were calm and calm, completely different from the pride of the students around him.

Suddenly, he tightened his eyebrows, sitting on the seat a few steps away, holding a large stack of information.

There are still a few minutes before you leave the exam. If you hurry up, you can read one more article, but at this time, "Qian Fan Ju" is holding the open book, and the clear words are in sight, but you can read all Don't go in.

His eyes were always involuntarily floating on the dark-haired boy next to him.

Looking at the other person's head, holding the light brain and not knowing what to do, the smile on the white cheek was particularly bright.

At the beginning of the time, "Thousands of Fans" could not help but subconsciously picked up the light brain, logged in to their own Weibo, I saw-

"Brushed braised meat every day: Come on!"

Suddenly, his face changed suddenly, even more uncomfortable than being severely stabbed in person, and his mood was extremely complicated and embarrassing at the moment.

It was not until the test bell rang, that he suddenly returned to the world in a hurry, handed in the information books on the reminder of the examiner, and turned on the computer dedicated to the exam in his seat.

Each candidate will answer directly on the computer in front of him and submit the examination paper separately. This is not only easy to modify, but also eliminates the possibility that examiners can recognize candidates who are familiar with the font, and guarantees fairness and justice.

Time starts minute by minute.

"Qianfan exhausted" took a deep breath, no time wasted, quickly opened the examination paper, and saw a simple proposition appearing directly in front of himself.

"Title: Love."

The genre is not limited, the number of words is unlimited, and the format is not limited.

Almost at the moment when they saw the test questions, the candidates in the test room took a sip of air-conditioner, and made a soft cry.

No one had expected before the exam that this time the admissions test would directly use "love" as the theme, which was obviously beyond everyone's expectations.

Even Su Tan couldn't help but whispered in his heart, and then suddenly laughed at this broad proposition, and acutely realized that the subject was bad.

This topic is too broad and too ambitious. Whether it is writing family, friendship, or love, it is very difficult for all candidates to control. If you don't write well, it can easily become a primary school student composition such as "my favorite person" or "my dear mother".

And from the previous examination materials, Su Tan clearly understood that the admissions examination is by no means just measuring the writing of an examinee, but also wants to see the examinee's ideology and depth through the examination article.

In short, if there is only a beautiful writing with a lot of rhetoric, I am afraid it will not impress the examiners.

Thinking of this, Su Tan looked at the concise and concise "love" word on the screen and fell into deep thought.

Suddenly, there was a slightly heavy object between his neck and he couldn't help lowering his head to see the slightly heavy nameplate that had just been hung in the morning.

The silver-gray tag was engraved with complicated and beautiful patterns, which seemed to contain ancient history, which caused Su Tan to bend the corners of his lips. In a moment, he remembered the appearance of his big cousin hanging on his neck.

The light of the eyes is deep and gentle, the eyebrows are stretched, and the corners of the lips are slightly raised, but the handsome face has a ridiculous smile, which makes people want to pounce on them.

If you are not in a hurry to take the exam, Su Tan must ask the big cousin, what does "dog tag" mean, is there anyone who looks down on this?

Su Tan lowered her lip corner, couldn't help raising it slightly, her eyes staring at the test questions sinked slightly, and suddenly an idea came up.

It is ideological, profound, and connotative, and at the same time it can attract the attention of the reviewing examiner, which is exactly what he has in mind.

Su Tan was calm and calm. After thinking for a moment, he calmly opened the answer sheet of the examination paper and began to write methodically.

The fingertips hit the computer keyboard lightly, and they gave out a nice, pleasant, and rhythmic soft sound, which slightly aroused the contemplation of several people around them, and they gave Sutan a startled look in surprise, never expecting that he was so fast You have the idea.

And "Qianfandu", who was sitting not far from the back row, suddenly awakened, looked up, and stared straight at the straight figure of the dark-haired young boy, his fingers curled up uncontrollably.

He doesn't know how the other party thinks so fast, but at the moment, he has no ideas at all, a large number of difficult and profound professional books, countless complicated and cluttered ideas, and the best article routines that are not prepared for the slightest use. The ground blocked his mind.

At this time, he realized that his thoughts were extremely barren. Except for those taught in the books, he could never think of any new content.


For this exam, he has sacrificed his favorite pastimes and hobbies. Where can he still have the energy and time to consider these?

"Qianfanjin" was cold, his fingers were clenched, and the sounds of typing on the keyboard all around began to begin, and he could no longer sit still for a minute and a second.

He had to bite his head and reluctantly began to answer the question. When I put my finger on the keyboard, my mind seemed to be blank, like a test paper.

“Qianfandu” struggled hard, and tried to fill in the professional materials that he had read and memorized into an article template that had been prepared in advance. Regardless of sorting, he tried his best to remember what he could. Everything is stuffed inside.

I do n’t know how long after that, a bell rang, the test page on the computer suddenly jumped, and was forced to enter the system submission page. The heart of “Qianfandu” suddenly trembled, and the tightly curled fingers did not know when it was shaking. stand up.

His heart was as cold as the bottom of the valley, and it was like a drowning fish was salvaged by someone, and he found that his back was completely wet with cold sweat.

It wasn't until he was sitting upright in the seat for several minutes that he finally recovered his ears and mind, and the noisy and hot noises around him slowly entered his ears.

"Crying, this test is really hard to write!"

"So did I. I never thought that this year's exam would be so abnormal, such a broad and grand proposition. There was no way but to pull out my grandfather who had been dead for more than ten years and walk around for a while. Sun Qingshen's touching notes. "

"Great. The poem I wrote, it feels like it's over."

"Don't be discouraged. This is the preliminary round. The general judges are more forgiving. There are rematches and finals later, that is the real Shura field."

"I've heard that braised pork is also coming today. I don't know where?"

"Maybe it's that! Walk around, ask him to sign it!"

Listening to these loud and noisy laughter, "Qianfandu" hung his head down, his face sinking like water.

The pressure of the exam, the unsatisfactory composition, and his arrogant ambition to provoke "broiled meat" on the Internet, and countless complex and embarrassing emotions intertwined, almost destroying his reason.

He got up with a sullen expression on his face, took back his stack of thick books and test materials, and walked outward.

At this time, Eddie hurriedly chased after a dark-haired young man. Unexpectedly, when he turned to the front, he realized that his eyes were blue.

It cannot be big.

Upon recognizing this, Eddie couldn't help but feel a little embarrassed, watching the other person being blocked by himself, hurriedly letting go, ready to apologize.

Unexpectedly, the other party was also very magnanimous, crying with laughter: "It's okay, buddy, you are the 35th person who misidentified me today. I am not braised pork."

He patted Eddie on the shoulder of a big man, and his temper was very refreshing. He glanced at Su Tan, who followed him, and raised his eyebrows and teased: "Look, the person behind you is more like braised pork.

Eddie glanced back and immediately subconsciously refuted, "Impossible!"

Seeing the crowd around the crowd, Eddie gave a cough, he was afraid of the crowd, and tried to lower the voice, proudly and proudly introduced: "That's my classmate. It's bigger than meat."

——Light of Rose.