MTL - Interstellar Spell Carder-Chapter 18 virtual arena

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"No, I will not agree to this matter, even if Eliza has agreed, it is impossible, if you have really considered this issue thoroughly, I believe you will definitely stand On my side," Adrian's attitude became very firm, and his voice became more serious, "As for the game, I will seriously consider it, this game is not necessary for me, if I can't find it The right partner, I will consider giving up this competition directly, yes, this is my attitude, and please convey it to my mother in a suitable way."

After another two minutes, Adrian finally hung up the communication, turned around and said to He Yishu, "I'm sorry, I made you wait for a long time because of my personal affairs."

He Yishu smiled and shook his head: "It's not yet eight o'clock, I'm early."

I think we can consider going into a virtual arena and try to play against other real opponents.”

After finishing speaking, Adrian added thoughtfully: "The spell cards can be provided by me, you only need to complete the work of the spell card assistant."

He Yishu has learned about the virtual arena before. The virtual arena is designed for mecha battles. A group of mecha warriors and spell card masters is formed to fight against other opponents.

This is a very realistic and safe arena. Almost all mecha warriors in the entire interstellar empire will choose here to improve their mecha control level and temper their mecha combat strength.

The virtual arena is divided into a personal training area and a mecha vs. war zone. In the personal training area, the mecha warriors can conduct independent training without the spell card master, and the spell card master can also choose not to choose the machine. Armored warriors exercise their ability to use spell cards alone, but if they want to enter the mecha vs. war zone, they must have their own companions.

The companion mentioned here can be a long-term fixed combat partner, or a temporary combination that makes up for each other in the short term. Or Spell Card Supporter.

He Yishu's mental strength is there, Adrian is willing to take him to the virtual arena, which is already a very good friend.

After all, with Adrian's mecha combat ability, if you open your mouth, there will be countless spell card masters swarming to be his exclusive spell card master, and a level like He Yishu , I am afraid I can only stand aside.

He Yishu tilted his head and thought for a while, and suddenly realized that from the first time the two met to the present, whether it was a ride or this part-time job, it was Adrian who was always helping him , and he himself did not give the other party anything in return.

In this way, I am indeed a very unqualified party in this relationship.

"Adrian, I have started to learn how to make intermediate level spell cards now," He Yishu said while taking out the two previously made spell cards from his bag, "This is These are the two spell cards I made today, I don't need them now, I will give them to you if you need them."

Adrian took a step and politely took the spell card: "Thank you, but since these are the spell cards you made with effort, I can't get them without any effort, I want to pay for these two spell cards, is that okay?"

He Yishu raised his eyes and looked at Adrian who had a serious expression. He felt more and more that this guy in front of him was handsome, tall and straight, calm and rigorous but kind-hearted. He couldn't help feeling that even if he kept helping this person make spell cards for free, without paying a cent, he would still accept it.

"Adrian, do you think we are friends now?" Probably because the thought in his heart was too strong, He Yishu had directly brought Adrian into his own circle.

Adrian nodded without hesitation: "Of course."

As his own person, He Yishu became more straightforward when he spoke: "So as a friend, isn't it a very common thing for me to give you the spell card I made? Do you? I know what you just said was well-intentioned, but it would seem that the relationship between us has been pulled away, can you understand what I mean?"

Adrian was silent for a while, holding two spell cards and nodded: "You are right, since we are friends, I really shouldn't care so much, thank you for giving me these two A spell card, I will definitely use them at the most appropriate time."

"In this case, the person who finally used these two spell cards may be me." He Yishu laughed and joked.

"It seems reasonable to say that, after all, you are my partner." Adrian will also smile.

But this smile only lasted until he put the two spell cards into the card detector one after another, looking at the data displayed on the spell card detector, Adrian's expression has become very serious .

As expected, one achieved a C+ level, and the next one achieved a C-.

For a time, even Adrian, who had seen countless spell cards, didn't know what to show at all. This was the first time he had seen such a strange spell card.

Immediately, he began to seriously think about the reasons for the appearance of these two spell cards. From the perspective of the test results, the most abnormal data were the rune completion and the level of mental power injection.

Adrian pondered for a moment, and then his eyes fell directly on the rune.

From the perspective of the pattern, the lines of these runes are indeed quite different from the standard lines, but if you look carefully, you will find that there is still an inevitable connection between them. The overall connection method has hardly changed, but many specific lines have become different.

For example, some "S" shaped textures have been changed to "l" textures, and some surrounding areas have also been stretched into simple textures.

After researching for a while, Adrian asked: "How did you do the modification of these runes?"

Seeing that Adrian was able to pinpoint the key point, He Yishu glanced at him approvingly, and then gave a very awkward answer: "Guess."

"..." Adrian's eyes twitched twice, looking at He Yishu with a smile, he couldn't help reaching out and rubbing his head, "I really shouldn't ask this Question, but I still want to remind you that if the existence of these two spell cards is not a coincidence, you must act cautiously and think carefully before doing anything."

Adrian's actions made He Yishu feel that he was being groomed, but his words made He Yishu's attitude become serious: "If this is my true level, I will Did you cause any trouble?"

Adrian stared at He Yishu with deep eyes, and after a while, he said, "If this is indeed your true level, and at the same time it is the highest level, it should not bring you any substantial benefits for the time being. Trouble, it just gets some people's attention."

He Yishu understood the deep meaning of Adrian's words. If the highest level of spell cards he can make is only B+, then even if his situation is special, it will not cause any uproar, after all, B level Spell cards are not uncommon.

But if He Yishu can make A-rank, or even S-rank spell cards, the situation will be very different.

"What if I can do better?" He Yishu asked half-jokingly.

The two looked at each other for a while before Adrian said solemnly: "Then you need a shelter, such as me."

When he heard the first half of the sentence, He Yishu really began to think about this issue, but when he heard the last word, his expression couldn't hold back: "Okay, then I will rely on you."

Adrian tapped He Yi's head twice again: "I will protect you well."

He Yishu only thought that Adrian was joking with himself, and grabbed his hand from his head: "Didn't you just say that you were going to the virtual arena today? It's already 8:05 separated."

"Let's go." Adrian took He Yishu's wrist and took him to his lounge.

The layout of Adrian's lounge is very simple, there is only a large bed for resting, a table for placing items, and a virtual cabin.

Adrian asked He Yishu: "A lot of spell cards will be used in the mecha battle later. I have some spell cards here, do you need to choose?"

He Yishu waved his hand and refused with a smile: "No need, I also made some spell cards before, which should just be useful."

"If you need it, you can tell me at any time," Adrian nodded and helped He Yishu open the simulator that came with the side of the virtual cabin, "Put the required spell cards on the Here, it can be used directly in the virtual arena later.”

The virtual arena has a simulation function. The spell cards made in reality can be directly used in the virtual arena by putting them into the simulator. will also become a waste card.

He Yishu thought about it and put the thick stack of spell cards he made into the simulator.

"You can lie in now." Adrian didn't say much, just opened the virtual cabin, took off his jacket, and greeted He Yishu.

He Yishu took a look at the only virtual cabin in the lounge. Although the space inside is very large, the space inside is completely connected, so He Yishu asked uncertainly: "We Do you want to lie down together?"