MTL - Interstellar Spell Carder-Chapter 21 sold out

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Adrien's head was shocked, and he felt some uncontrollable fluctuations in his emotions. After a while, he took a deep breath and said calmly, "I will do the application for the store. , but the store's information is still up to you to determine."

Adrian immediately turned on his optical brain, and while calling up the information, he asked: "There are two types of virtual stores, one exists in the form of a virtual version, only the name of the store can be seen, and The information of the goods sold, but cannot be checked in the store. Another kind of store is similar to the real one, which can be checked in the store, but needs someone to take care of it and receive it.”

He Yishu made a choice without hesitation: "The first one is much more convenient."

"The name of the store?" Adrian asked.

He Yishu thought about it carefully, and asked embarrassingly: "Can the name be handwritten by myself? The name I think of may not be found in the existing language system."

"You can write by hand." Adrian put the light brain directly in front of He Yishu.

He Yishu wrote three Chinese characters on the brain, which is his own name. He actually thought of a more lofty name before, but there are too many lofty words in Chinese. After much deliberation, I didn't make up my mind, and in the end, I simply used my own name.

Anyway, people here don't know Chinese characters, so no matter what name they choose, they will look very tall.

After entering the name of the store, He Yishu filled in the next few options, and then he was stumped by one option: "Do you provide physical services? What does this mean?"

Adrian immediately gave a detailed explanation: "Our store sells spell cards. Although the real spell cards can be used directly on the virtual network through the simulator, the reverse is true. This is not true, so the spell cards generally purchased in virtual stores can only be used in virtual arenas and cannot be brought into reality. But if we are willing to provide physical services, customers can purchase them in virtual stores. We Ships in the real world, so customers can buy real-world items directly online.”

"In this case, I think physical services can be launched, what do you think?" He Yishu expressed his thoughts and asked Adrian's opinion at the same time.

"It is not troublesome to mail items, and the use of spell cards is also common in reality, I agree with your choice." Adrian reached out and checked this option.

After that, the imagination is not difficult, and the two spent a few minutes to open the virtual store, but they still need to slowly supplement the information of various spell cards in the store.

He Yishu looked at his existing spell cards, put several types of spell cards already made into the virtual shop, and finally opened several types of custom spell cards.

[Our shop is limited to undertake the production of various types of C-level spell cards, and the effect level can reach A- and below. 】

[Our shop is limited to undertake the production of various types of D-level spell cards, and the effect level can reach B- and below. 】

[Our shop is limited to undertake the production of various types of E-level spell cards, and the effect level can reach C- and below. 】

[Our shop is limited to undertake the production of various types of F-level spell cards, and the effect level can reach D- and below. 】

After getting the information about these spell cards, He Yishu closed his brain with satisfaction, completely ignoring what kind of bloodshed this shop would cause on the virtual network.

In the beginning, there was not much discussion about this strange shop on the virtual Internet. Only one person made a post like a joke, saying that he might suddenly become illiterate, and even a shop selling charms I don't even know the name of the store on the card, so I attached a picture of the store's name.

At the same time, the landlord did not forget to complain about the spell cards placed in this shop, saying that he had never seen anyone who could undertake various types of spell cards with effects higher than the level of the spell cards. .

Afterwards, a few people clicked on the post like a joke, glanced at the picture of the main building, and then said that they might also be illiterate and could not understand the characters on the picture at all.

Some people also said that this store may be someone who is playing pranks, and at a glance, they know that it cannot be true, and by the way, they also condemned this irresponsible behavior.

At the same time, the discussion area has become more and more skeptical about the previous twenty games, and the discussion has become more and more intense, and even the virtual arena has to sit back and watch.

In order to clarify this matter, the virtual arena first sent a letter to He Yishu and Adrian, first introduced the general situation, and then expressed the hope that the two would agree to the The information of the spell cards used in those games will be announced, and accordingly, the virtual arena will also give the two some financial compensation for this.

He Yishu was still a little confused when he received this letter. When he went to the discussion area of ​​the virtual network, he found that there were dozens of posts discussing this matter. His expression suddenly changed to crying.

But immediately, He Yishu touched his chin and showed a meaningful smile. It seems that his previous plan was still very successful.

Because he was in class, He Yishu could not discuss this matter with Adrian face-to-face, so he could only send him a consultation message, and the other party quickly replied: [Your decision, I will support it for free . 】

Seeing this reply, He Yishu squinted his eyes with joy. After expressing his gratitude to his patron, He Yishu immediately replied to the virtual arena. He readily agreed to the virtual arena. , but requires the virtual arena to keep the spell card pattern secret.

In other words, you can publish the specific detection information of this spell card, but you cannot tell them what this spell card looks like and how it was drawn.

He Yishu also expects to make money with this. Of course, the most critical core technology cannot be announced so quickly.

In less than a minute, he received a reply from the virtual arena and a transfer notice. The virtual arena agreed to his request and transferred 10,000 credits to him as a compensation this time.

He Yishu suddenly had the illusion that he was rich, and he wanted to go to the discussion area to watch the excitement, but heard the professor in front of the class calling his name, He Yishu had to turn off the light Brain, stand up and answer the question.

On the virtual network, the virtual arena not only made an announcement on the matter on its own site, but also published a post in the discussion area using its official account, which detailed the complaints that were previously complained about. The usage of spell cards in those 20 games, and repeatedly emphasized that the data of those previous games were indeed normal, and there were no violations.

As soon as this post appeared, it immediately attracted the attention of countless passers-by, because the row of spell card data given in the post almost blinded their eyes!

A D-rank spell card has reached the effect of C+ or even B-, and the quality is even more excellent!

A C-level spell card can also achieve the effect of A-, are you sure this is not a joke? !

Cards are often only refined when high-level spell cards with superb skills are produced, and the probability of appearing is very slim, so they are very precious.

But! Yes! now! exist!

Someone used a full 69 such spell cards in a row in twenty primary mode competitive games, this is simply a sin!

You dare to do such a maddening thing, do you dare to stand up and tell us how you got so many precious spell cards!

With these data, everyone's attention has shifted from cheating incidents to worshiping bigwigs, and almost everyone is asking the same questions.

Who is using these spell cards? Who made these spell cards? Please stand up, big man!

Just when everyone was scratching their heads about this matter, someone finally mentioned a new opening in the post, and they didn't even know the name, and they were regarded as a joke shop.

Netizen 1: Let me ask, do you think this shop can really make such spell cards?

Netizen 2: Although it looks very unreliable, why do I faintly see a little hidden depth?

Netizen 3: The more I talk about it, the more I think it is very possible, so should I go to the next order to see the situation?

Netizen 4: What the hell! You guys are so crazy, I just went to place an order and it turned out to be sold out! !

Netizen 5: It’s a risk, but fortunately I was smart enough to grab a C-level custom spell card, although the price is three times more expensive than the normal C-level spell card, but if the effect is really good Getting an A- is quite a bargain.

Netizen 6: Beautiful, I bought three D-level spell cards with C+ effect, they are in stock, hehehe...

Netizen 7: I don’t know if it’s true or not, but you guys are directly happy, maybe it’s all a lie! Hum ╭(╯^╰)╮!

Netizen 8: Don’t install it upstairs, you didn’t get the spell card, right? _(:зゝ∠)_

Netizen 9: QAQ Although what you said is the truth, can you please not expose me so quickly, huh huh...

He Yishu didn't know much about the excitement of virtual online, but as the deputy store manager of the store, he received a stack of orders from the virtual store.

In just one morning, all the spell cards in the store, including the custom ones, were all sold out. One hop.