MTL - Interstellar Zerg Pet Marriage-Chapter 70

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Xi Ling is awake, but it is strange to find herself fixed on the bed, why ╮(╯▽╰)╭

It's not that Xi Ling has never been in a spaceship before, so he knows the basic layout, and just by looking at it, he knows that this should be Aubei's room. It's not big, but it has everything. Xi Ling released his mental power. It was still the living room outside, and Rafael was sitting. Xi Ling just wanted to make fun of him, who told him to break into my place and stay there.

Can this Xi Ling miss it? Immediately, he lifted the bandage with his mental strength, jumped up from the bed, and hurried out.

Raphael saw Xi Ling's expressionless face, and his heart twitched, did he know? It was impossible, so he put on a smile: "Congratulations, finally, hey, hey, I haven't finished speaking yet, come back, and you are not allowed to go out."

Ah, the automatic door can't be opened after it's closed, what's the matter? Rafael was stunned. Only Aubei and Xi Ling have the right to use this room. Rafael's authority was just obtained today. He protects and takes care of Xi Ling. After all, he is a civil servant. When the privilege was revoked, Rafael could only quickly contact the podium.

Because it was a honeymoon, everyone didn't wear military uniforms, each sat on their own chairs and operated sophisticated instruments.

Obey's original cold expression became a little helpless after receiving the notice, Xi Ling, Xi Ling, it's really dishonest.

Xi Ling couldn't get into the podium, so he knocked on the door, but no insect paid him any attention. Raphael, who was released by Aubert's remote operation, had already caught up, and opened the emergency measures on the wall. The chair pops out.

"Sit down, you won't be able to go in until there is no result," Raphael unfastened his seat belt and looked at Xi Ling.

Xi Lingfei was not happy and passed a sentence to Aubei.

So Aobe came out immediately, touched Xi Ling's soft black hair, took the stubborn male into his arms, lowered his head and rubbed: "Sorry, I didn't You are the flowers in the flower room, come in, don't think about it in the future."

This time, Xi Ling won the competition. His real purpose... just wanted to watch the live version of the interstellar blockbuster.

I go! I go! I go! !

There is a full screen in front of you, oh no, it is a transparent platform in all directions, attacks from all directions are like fireworks, the sound is very small, the spacecraft is not at all, stable Wait, the protective layer glitters like water waves, turning the attack into a painless work of art.

The gap is so big, why?

Obey spoke: "These aborigines should have never seen alien insects."

"They thought we were going to invade?" Xi Ling frowned, and made a joke: "Would you like to show them the picture of our marriage?"

Obey didn't understand and looked at Xi Ling waiting for the answer.

"I'm so **** off, let them send the prince over to have a kiss, or we'll invade and be beaten like this, it's too useless."

Obey: "…"

Other officers: "…"

These are all old bugs following Aubei, what should be said and what should not be said naturally, better than anyone else, seems to be fighting seriously, but in fact ears are pricked up. The prince's hero is mainly for the aboriginal people to give the prince out to do, marry and go home? What about our prince?


The places that have not been settled are the primitive royal family, the royal family, or various rulers. Only after being disabled and submissive will they become part of the insect empire. There are too many types of Zerg, and some fly to remote planets that have not opened up wasteland to occupy the land. Anyway, they live cautiously, there are no murders, no troubles, there are no rare metals on the planet, the area is small, etc., generally nothing. Even if the army is overwhelmed and sees a group of natives, they will turn a blind eye, unless it is not a Zerg or a beast or the like, then it can only be opened without discussion.

Xi Ling's face was full of anger, but her heart burst into laughter, so interesting, she looked at Aubei: "Why do you have an opinion, then tell me, why did they beat you? robbed their males before?"

Raphael quickly replied: "How is it possible! This place should have been discovered by some stupid family. With the new technology, we should have forgotten the origin and race of the past, so when we saw that we thought the sky was falling, we attacked hard.”

Obey sighed.

Xi Ling grabbed his wife's hand: "What happened? Don't tell me that the honeymoon place I chose at the beginning is here, I don't believe it."

Raphael replied again: "The planet I chose was very beautiful, it was full of green water and small islands and mountains. The prince had been preparing for a long time, but suddenly there was an infectious disease on it, and he needed to be banned. Xing Zhou purifies the air for a week, so we had to divert, and as a result... we encountered an assassination, and then..." He talked for a few thousand words.

So many fun things happened when I fell asleep! Xi Ling was not afraid, but was a little depressed.

"Forget it, let's just pretend we are playing aerial combat games, take me with you next time," Xi Ling said generously: "I said dear, I'm hungry, let's go to dinner~"

In front of familiar worms, you don't need to pretend to be an elephant, you can pet them as you please, who made Aobe my wife?╮(╯▽╰)╭

I will try my best to get him pregnant before I go home~~(≧▽≦)/~

Aubert's tip turned red and looked away: "It's fighting, you go back first."

"Is a beating a battle?" Xi Ling raised an eyebrow.

Obey explained: "The radiation wave has swept away, and the planet in front has a billion insect populations, I want it."

But the troops are small and cannot be transferred, so Aubei is negotiating with them, because the language barrier and various factors are a bit difficult.

Xi Ling pulled Aubei away: "Then we should eat first."

Sitting in the coach's living room, the two worms were eating while talking about the spaceship. It turned out that the shield was put by a sss-class female insect, and the spaceship itself also had a light cover, which would not be released unless it was absolutely necessary. So if you want to attack, you must defeat the sss female. Aubei continued, Xi Ling listened and his eyes lit up.

"Obey, our honeymoon is simply amazing, there are battles and conquest games, I like it very much, or let's go fight aliens, I haven't seen many of them. "

Obey put his arms around Xi Ling: "You, how come you look like a female."

"Don't like it?"

"I like it, I like it very much," Ao Bei wanted to kiss, and found that there was oil on his mouth, just about to find something to wipe, Xi Ling had already reached out.

"Aren't you afraid?" Aubei's voice was a little hoarse, Xi Ling said it lightly and was a little excited, but Aobe didn't believe that he really didn't care: "Follow me, this kind of thing will always happen in the future. It will happen, as small as a planetary war, as big as an interstellar war, you can only survive by fighting for your life, are you really not afraid?"

"What if I'm afraid? What if I'm not afraid? I'm in love with you, love at first sight, is there any other choice?"


"Obey, you are a prince, you are born with no choice, so do I. Let's work together for our future children."

Uh, so serious, obviously the topic is so serious, Aubei's eyes don't know what to look at.

Xi Ling picked up Aubello's pointed chin: "Dear, I want you."

"In... fighting!"

"It's obvious that you don't move and get beaten, so what are you talking about? You want the other party to be fearful, afraid, hopeless, and finally bow down, right? Come on baby, have some fun with digestion when you're full !"

"I'm not full..." Aobe escaped with a dark face.

"Above or below?"

Obey tilted his head slightly, not quite understanding, still looking at Xi Ling and other answers.

Full, but not full below."

Obey didn't say anything, waiting for the male to speak, he would know sooner or later, and there was still Aobey who was a prince.

Xi Ling picked up Aubei and walked to the bedroom, kissing fiercely/intensively, touching/touching/searching/searching, kissing/kissing/biting/biting his wife, and then separating his legs Expand/fill up, leave a strawberry all the way on the back with amazing curves, after three fingers withdraw, press on by yourself! So that Aobe didn't have any way out, Xi Ling just stuck to his blood-red ear and licked/licked carefully.

"The mouth below you is..."


Entered, the crusade, riding, and sowing are completed.

Several hours passed, and Aobe didn't go to the console, because Xi Ling promised, Aobe also wanted to see for himself how far Xi Ling could do it, to be a soldier without fighting , This is the class that Xi Ling taught him. The stories of different tactics and achievements are unheard of, all of which happened in the ancient times of Blue Star, such as besieging Wei and saving Zhao, empty city tactics, etc. Aubei listened with great interest!

One billion insect populations is not a small number. Xi Ling called up the interstellar map and found that there was no record here. It was really backward, so he clicked on the data screen returned by the sweeping wave, and there was a meteorite belt on the back of the planet. , very dangerous, instead of waiting for the other party to figure it out... it is impossible to figure it out at all, it is better to force it to be shocking.

After Xi Ling arrived at the console, he sat in the position of Aubei. This position is the highest and most comfortable, with a wide field of vision and a relaxed and happy mind. Expansion, everyone likes power, the taste is so wonderful, the power of life and death makes people lose their nature.

Tell the bugs of your command what you mean, and the three guys immediately discussed a plan.

Xi Ling's meaning is very simple, he can use the meteorite belt, but he doesn't know how to make the meteorite fall to the planet, and he doesn't know whether Aubei's spaceship can force the turbulent waves at a critical moment! Make sure the planet won't be in big trouble. Xi Ling is not a professional, but every bug here is a professional.

The plan came out, and Xi Ling raised the corner of his mouth happily.

As a result, the ion beam attacked, and the central area of ​​the meteorite belt exploded. Because of the angle, the falling rock fell to the planet at a very fast speed.

The small spaceships attacking all around stopped immediately, and after a while of confusion, they flew towards the meteorite belt.

There are more small spaceships flying on the planet, the attack power is average, but there are too many stones, and it is only a matter of time before they all fall.

Five hours, they only have that time, isn't it tangled? If we hand over the rights, everyone will die together. There are various voices on the planet, and in the end, there is no unity, but those in power have bowed their heads and need to negotiate conditions.

Xi Ling knows that this is a delaying strategy. When we solve the problem, they can go back on it, or find an opportunity to kill Aubei's spaceship.

At this time, the benefits of the Interstellar Treaty will be revealed. After signing the contract, the only way to go back is to destroy the planet. All the laws of the Insect Empire were sent over to let the other party see it. After all, submitting to Aobe does not mean that Aobe can do whatever he wants.

It was only five hours before Xi Ling got a big planet with a billion insect populations.

At this great moment to cheer up the hearts of the insects, something happened that made Xi Ling extremely depressed... The planet that just surrendered sent their prince╮(╯▽╰)╭

The local tyrant-like spaceship approached cautiously, sent a congratulatory message, asked to see the supreme commander, the intention to please is very obvious, and also sent a recent photo of the prince_(:3ゝ∠)_

And dear! Xi Ling was just joking, okay/(tot)/~~