MTL - Into Unscientific-Chapter 365 The layout of the **** king

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  Chapter 365 Layout of the King of Gods

   "What have I been doing lately?"

  Xu Yun's side.

  Zhang Heguang raised his eyebrows, spread his hands helplessly, and sighed:

   "What else can I fmd do in such a broken place?"

   "Turn on the computer in the morning, get a glass of water, read documents, type codes, and get scolded by the instructor."

   "Then eat at noon, play with cats, take a nap, watch dramas, turn on the computer in the afternoon, get a glass of water, read literature, type codes, and continue to be scolded by the instructor."


  Looking at Zhang Heguang, who was full of thoughts, a trace of sympathy suddenly appeared on Xu Yun's face.

  Speaking of the four words astrophysics, most people must have such a picture in their minds:

  Under the vast and deep dark blue background, a huge planet is shining brightly, and several other smaller stars are turning around.

  The tails of those stars dragged light white trails, forming a rotating vortex with the central planet

But in fact.

  Astrophysics is a major that involves a large number of mathematical formulas.

  Most of them read the literature and push the formula almost every day, and then make a cup of wolfberry tea to lament life

Of course.

  For doctoral students like Zhang Heguang, during the time of hard work, they also participate in some other large and small projects.

  So after complaining, Zhang Heguang still had a bitter face, and counted with his fingers:

   "In addition to the literature, the University of Science and Technology recently subcontracted part of the sky survey data analysis, and this job fell on me. I can see that I am almost red-shifted."

   "There are also some projects of LAMOST and HXMT, as well as research on black hole models, X-ray binary star systems, etc. Anyway, it is very boring."

  Xu Yun nodded thoughtfully.

  Then he quickly glanced at Zhang Heguang, and found that the other party's attention was not on him, so he pretended to be curious and asked:

   "X-ray binary star system? Lao Zhang, I remember that there was a report before that our solar system may also be a binary star system. Is there a star in the far side of the solar system? Is there any progress now?"

   "What progress can there be?"

  Zhang Heguang snorted disdainfully, and spread his hands:

   "It's just some marketing accounts taking the rhythm. Nemesis star is as cool as Wu Zhi at the moment."

   "You can search on NASA and you will know that the last project team to explore the Nemesis star was disbanded last year due to lack of funds. The project mentor is now playing guitar and singing on tiktok every day-this is true."

  Xu Yun: ".?"

   Good guy.

  A question I asked casually, is the follow-up content so exciting?

   I don’t know if Xu Yun’s words aroused his interest, so Zhang Heguang continued to add:

   "However, compared with the illusory second star in the solar system, the current research on the ninth planet is quite hot."

  Xu Yun was taken aback for a moment, and asked quickly after recovering:

"How to say?"

  Zhang Heguang thought for a while, reached into his trouser pocket, and took out his cell phone.

   After a few fiddles, he swiped out a page and handed it to Xu Yun:

   "Here, it's still Mike Brown, the Pluto killer. They recently discovered another asteroid with an abnormal orbit."

   "And the deflection trajectory of this asteroid is higher than the original six examples. It is difficult to explain it by pure chance, so the probability of the ninth planet is raised immediately."

  Xu Yun took the phone with a delicate mood, and looked at it seriously.

as predicted.

  As Zhang Heguang said, Mike Brown’s team, which has been on the Kuiper belt celestial body for several years, announced the discovery of an asteroid orbital anomaly.

   Mentioned earlier.

  Currently the most critical evidence supporting the existence of the ninth planet is the trajectory of the six stars, Sedna, 2004VN112, 2007TG422, 2010GB174, 2012VP113, and 2013RFS98.

  The orbits of these six asteroids have certain similarities, for example, the direction of perihelion tends to gather in a certain direction, etc. Finally, a common gravitational source can be deduced.

   But this is just pure data analysis, there are some other theories to explain this situation.

   So this topic has always been very controversial.

   The result was unexpected.

   Mike Brown, the killer of Pluto, actually discovered a new asteroid.

Of course.

  This asteroid still cannot be regarded as substantive evidence, it can only be said that it makes the ninth planet more likely in mathematical calculations.

   Then Xu Yun handed the phone back to Zhang Heguang, remained silent for a moment, and asked:

   "Old Zhang, when was this discovery announced?"

  Zhang Heguang took the phone, put it back into his trouser pocket after the screen was off, and recalled:

   "It's been a while, maybe three or four months?"

  Xu Yun's eyes flashed with thought when he heard the words.

   At this time, less than two months have passed since I returned to reality, which means that the discovery of Mike Brown's team should have nothing to do with the halo mission.

   It was just due to professional barriers that Xu Yun hadn't noticed this information before.

  That seems like a pure coincidence

   On the other side, Zhang Heguang's voice still came slowly:

   "So in the past few months, many laboratories at home and abroad have re-studied this topic."

   "For example, across the sea, there are three project teams under NASA, and five from ESA. Counting various observatories and universities, the number should not be too small."

   "There are probably six or seven project teams in the country. Of course, the number seems to be large, but in fact the approved funds are relatively limited-after all, it is just a probability."

  Xu Yun nodded in understanding.

   This is a well-understood situation—because there are so many astronomical phenomena in the universe.

  In the vast sky, there are countless examples more amazing than the orbital deviation of an asteroid.

  Such as the mutation of Tabby's Star, Jupiter's Great Red Spot, the Peaks of Eternal Light, etc., all of them are mysterious and shocking sights.

  The anomaly of a certain star may be able to write a very good paper, but if you want to get a high amount of scientific research funding, the possibility is very low.

   Then Xu Yun was silent for a moment, and continued to pretend to be nonchalant by asking a question:

   "Tsk tsk, the ninth planet in the solar system, Lao Zhang, have you got any results from your laboratory?"

   Although the Department of Astronomy of the University of Science and Technology of China is not well-known in the school, it is well-known in the industry.

  For example, Zijinshan Observatory, its graduate department has been assigned to the University of Science and Technology, and half of the domestic astronomical institutions are related to the University of Science and Technology.

   Therefore, Xu Yun’s question sounds quite normal to Zhang Heguang—it is uncertain internationally, but if there is any domestic institution that is most likely to produce results on the ninth planet, then HKUST is obviously the best answer:

   "Not yet, two phases of images have just been sent from LAMOST, and the results of the part that have been released so far are not very optimistic."

  Xu Yun was slightly taken aback:


   "What's wrong?"

  Seeing Xu Yun's expression, Zhang Heguang quickly looked him up and down:

   "If you dare to spray LAMOST, don't blame me for beating you."

  Xu Yun quickly waved his hand:

   "No, no, I just haven't heard of LAMOST for a long time, don't think too much."

  Speaking of Huaxia’s well-known telescopes, a word may pop up in most people’s minds:

  Guizhou Tianyan.

   That is, the 500-meter-caliber radio telescope FAST.

  But besides FAST, Huaxia also has several well-known telescopes.

  For example, the 25-meter-aperture radio telescope in Shanghai,

  Purple Mountain Observatory Qinghai Delingha 13.7-meter comprehensive aperture millimeter-wave radio telescope,

as well as

  Large area area multi-object fiber optic spectroscopic telescope with mixed reputation and reputation, LAMOST.

  LAMOST was established in 1997, started construction in 2001, and passed the national acceptance in June 2009.

  In April 2010, it was named "Guo Shoujing Telescope", and in September 2012, it launched a formal sky survey.

  It is a major scientific and technological infrastructure with extremely high investment in our country. However, after operation, it exposed a big problem:

  She did not achieve the stated goal in effect, and the survey outside the galaxy, that is, the outer part of the Milky Way, almost completely failed.

  Because extragalactic galaxies are much dimmer than stars, the LAMOST design magnitude is 20.5, but the actual survey magnitude of LAMOST can only reach 18th magnitude. As mentioned earlier, the magnitude is very special, the lower it is, the brighter it is.

   You should know.

   Galaxies brighter than magnitude 17.7 have been completely observed by SDSS.

   That is to say, the new stars discovered by LAMOST are at most between 17.7-18.0.

   As of June 2017.

  LAMOST has actually observed more than 3 million extragalactic objects, but in the end only obtained effective spectra of 150,000 galaxies and 50,000 quasars, only 2% of the original spectrum of tens of millions of extragalactic objects.

  So in terms of the established goal, it is relatively failed.

But on the other hand.

   There are mixed reputations and reputations, but what about reputations?

   That is, although LAMOST has stretched its hips in galaxies outside the galaxy, the effect in Hanoi has reached the top in the world.

   Well, not only top-notch, but top-notch.

  LAMOST is comparable to other stellar surveys in the world, such as the apogee in the fourth phase of SDSS, in terms of Milky Way science.

   Has made outstanding contributions to the research of special stars, the weighing of the Milky Way, and dark matter in the solar field.

   So all along.

  The controversy about LAMOST has never dissipated.

  diss means that the universe is so vast, and the Milky Way is just a very small corner, at most it is the entrance of the house.

  To spend so much and not see beyond the door is an irrefutable failure.

Those who support it think that we originally wanted to shoot a rabbit, but the rabbit missed it and hit a pheasant. This is actually no different - the Milky Way is big enough for humans, and it is good to be able to study stars in the system of it?

  The Department of Astronomy of HKUST has contributed a lot to LAMOST, so for the students of the Department of Astronomy of HKUST, LAMOST naturally has its own filter.

  The topic returns to reality.

   Seeing that Xu Yun did not show any mocking expression, Zhang Heguang just nodded:

  “Although the effect of LAMOST in extragalactic galaxies is average, there are not many in the Milky Way that can surpass it even in the world.”

   "So if there is no accident, there will still be no new discoveries on the ninth planet in the short term."

   As he spoke, he suddenly thought of something, and half-jokingly said to Xu Yun:

   "How about Lao Xu, you can come to my group to help, there are tens of millions of photos to be analyzed."

  The "photograph" mentioned by Zhang Heguang is slightly different from the photo in the concept of reality. It is an observation record composed of wave bands.

  The science and technology in 2022 may be different from the wheat copy in 1850. In the copy, all observatories around the world can only collect 30,000 observation records in one year, but in 2022, it can achieve a nearly infinite magnitude.

   In 2022.

  The general astronomical telescope mode is as follows:

  Take a lot of photos, first remove the cosmic rays, then subtract the background, subtract the dark current, and remove the flat field to get a black and white photo of the band.

  Finally, the multi-band photos are given a false color and synthesized, and then you can see those photos that you see on the Internet.

  So don’t look at the information that Hubble only transmits 120G per week. In fact, it’s all band content, and the number after analysis is unimaginable—it’s just that most of them are useless.

  The task of Zhang and Guang is to screen moving celestial bodies through these pictures.

  For example, if the interval of photos is 20 minutes, then it is necessary to use an algorithm to screen whether there are planets in the photos that are displaced at a speed of XX arc seconds—because the stars do not move.

  The things that move are either asteroids, large planets in or outside the system, or comets, or .


  It's just that the scale of the universe is too large, and comets or meteorites often appear in the solar system.

   Therefore, even with supercomputer assistance, this kind of screening work is still very difficult.

  Beside the observation deck.

  Hearing what Zhang Heguang said, Xu Yun was taken aback again.

   Then he looked at Zhang Heguang seriously for a few seconds, and confirmed:

   "Old Zhang, are you kidding me?—Let me tell you, my buddies are really interested in this matter."

   "Are you kidding, this is not a high-secret research."

  Zhang Heguang rolled his eyes at him and explained:

   "This job is to use computer computing power to analyze pictures. Although our department is small, we undertake a lot of projects, so there is not much computing power left for me."

   "Like last week, can you believe it when I only got 5,000 cores?"

   "If you are willing to help, forget it later, today is too late, do it tomorrow, and I will add you to the group tomorrow."

   "To tell you the truth, I have borrowed the computers of several of my juniors. Ahem, I have offered to help."

   "High and Low is just an analysis program, and it is open source to the outside world. Just go to the website of the Academy of Sciences and download it. Let alone you who are engaged in physics, anyone who is engaged in geography can participate."

  Looking at the swearing Zhang Heguang, the expression on Xu Yun's face was still calm, but his mood was slightly subtle.

  This counts.

  When you want to sleep, someone sent Maple Love?

To know.

  Today he seems to be leading a team to visit the observatory, but the actual purpose is to inquire about the news of the King of God.

   According to Xu Yun's original plan.

  If the research on the ninth planet in the solar system is relatively slow in the current astronomical community, then everything has to be considered in the long run.

  But if its popularity is moderate in the near future, then you can find an opportunity to intervene.

   The result was unexpected.

  Because of Mike Brown's new discovery, this research direction has regained heat, and even the University of Science and Technology has participated in it.

   In this way.

  The hidden color on Xu Yun's body reached the highest level at once.

   Therefore, in just a few seconds, Xu Yun had a decision in his heart.

   He looked at Zhang Heguang and said seriously:

   "Son, take Dad with you."


   I'm exhausted, can I ask for a monthly ticket to support me, I'm really tired.

  (end of this chapter)

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